1. Saudi Arabia is a medieval head chopping monarchy run by the Saudi family, after whom the country is named. The Saudi family are originally Iraqi Jews from Basra, who were robber bandits in the Jeddah area some 200 years ago, until the British were impressed by their 'fighting' prowess and helped them consolidate the land of what we know today is Saudi Arabia in the early part of the 20th century.
2. However it is the USA since the 1930's who developed the country's vast oil resources, making it the second richest Muslim country ($1.8 trillion PPP GDP), and the second largest oil exporter, after Russia. The Saudis park trillions of dollars of their money in Jewish Western banks, including USA banks, and buy billions of $ worth of arms from the USA.
3. Saudi Arabia is important for the USA for another reason.....it funds money to Islamic terrorist groups through its many charities, ON THE ORDERS AND DIRECTION OF THE USA, working with the USA, which bypasses Capital Hill Scrutiny (if it ever existed). al-Qaeda the mythical Saudi front group under Osama Bin Laden the Saudi, ISIS, al-Shahaab, al-Qaeda in Yemen, al-Qaeda in North Africa, the Taliban, the Afghan Mujaheddin in the 1980's dollar for dollar with the USA. Thus Saudi Arabia is a very key player in Greater Middle East USA covert games.....that is so beloved by the CIA, State Department and the Pentagon.....and others.
4. Saudi Arabia loves Israel....and sends Valentine gifts every so often, to inform them of the Saudi family's Jewish background...which is celebrated by destroying a high percentage of the historical archeology of Makkah and Medina. ......for the sake of Western style touristy TASTELESS upgrading. MORE curious is the total silence of the Muslim world to this fact. Dumb brown fucks!
Saudi Arabia for these reasons is UNTOUCHABLE. It can do no wrong.
American Presidents will continue bowing and kissing the hand of the Saudi Kings. No other Monarchy, nay not even the pure British Monarchy receive such deferential treatment.
As to 9/11, Saudi Arabia had NOTHING to do with this False Flag event.
Saudi Arabia, and its leading families have nothing to gain, and everything to lose by attacking the USA.
Yes 16 of the 19 alleged terrorists were Saudi nationals.....some are still alive in their home countries.
Yes the leader of the group was Osama Bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) the Saudi.
The list of the 19 terrorists were drawn up by Indian Intelligence, RAW, and accepted by the FBI........BIZARRE!
Arab terrorists didn't hijack any planes....but Pentagon cruise missiles and remotely controlled planes did play a part.
But Saudi Arabia's role if any, was its quiet acquiescence in the big lie that 19 young men residing in the USA hijacked 4 planes simultaneously, whilst the mutli-trillion dollar American security Leviathan slept.
9/11 was carried out by the right-wing Bush administration working with the Israeli Neo-cons, and their people in the Pentagon, USA 'Intelligence' and other groups to promote a more aggressive USA foreign policy, especially in the Greater Middle East.........Which would make a lot of USA men in the right place very rich...profiting from pain, war, destruction and xenophobia and a SECURITY STATE in the USA.
Saudi Arabia implicated in 9/11 is a Red Herring.
60 Minutes to Report on 28 Pages Said to Link 9/11, Saudi Arabia

The drive to declassify 28 pages from a congressional intelligence inquiry that detail specific indications of foreign government support of the 9/11 hijackers is about to be put under a powerful spotlight, as 60 Minutes will air a segment on the topic this Sunday, April 10 at 7 pm ET/PT.

According to the CBS News preview of the story, Steve Kroft interviewed former senator Bob Graham, former congressman and CIA director Porter Goss, former 9/11 Commission members Bob Kerrey and John Lehman, lawyers representing 9/11 family members suing Saudi Arabia and former congressman Tim Roemer, who served on both the inquiry that produced the 28 pages and the 9/11 Commission that followed that inquiry.

Report to Air on Eve of Obama Visit to Saudi Arabia
The high-profile 60 Minutes segment—which is positioned for high viewership as it follows coverage of the Masters Tournament—comes at a particularly sensitive time for the White House, as the president will visit Saudi Arabia on April 21. 9/11 family members say that, in 2009 and 2011, Obama assured them he would declassify the 28 pages, yet that promise has gone unfulfilled.
Congressman Thomas Massie described the experience of reading the pages as “shocking” and said, “I had to stop every couple pages and…try to rearrange my understanding of history. It challenges you to rethink everything.”
Congressmen Walter Jones, Stephen Lynch and Massie are leading an effort in the U.S. House of Representatives to declassify the 28 pages: Their House Resolution 14, which urges the president to declassify the material, has 41 cosponsors. A similar measure, Senate Bill 1471, was introduced by Senators Rand Paul and Ron Wyden and cosponsored by Kirsten Gillibrand.