Feb 26, 2012

Western destabilisation of Syria via three neighboring countries

It is good that the Russian Press is being objective, and is highlighting the crimes and injustice against the legitimate, and generally popular SECULAR Assad government in Syria, using the services of "al-CIA-duh".

In the old days during the era of the Soviet Union, the country would have decisively stood with Syria pouring arms and military personnel into the country. The Soviet Union would have stood firmly with a strategic partner of 50 years. But now Russia is run by weak leaders who are constantly surprised again and again and again (running for 14 years since the Serbia NATO attack? Or was it from the imposition of Yeltsin with his Washington economic advisers from 1991?) with the treachery of Washington.

These weak leaders in Moscow then make meaningless worthless speeches about how beastly and unfair Washington is.

Syria requires REAL significant help in its hour of peril and need. It doesn't need Russia to hold its hands whilst negotiations begin between the Assad government and non-"al-CIA-duh" opposition to the Damascus government. These peaceful elements based in Turkey aren't the real problem, and will not solve the problem of USA/NATO aggression against Syria (even if negotiations succeed).

The problem is the USA/NATO.........and the USA's grand designs for the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union.(The Neo-con "Project for a New American Century" 2000 aligning with Israel's geo-strategic objectives in the Greater Middle East, and the Neo-liberal objectives outlined in "the Grand Chessboard" of Brzezinski in Eurasia)

To put it simply for those who haven't got the picture yet, Syria's problems are linked to Iran, and which is linked to Central Asia, which is linked to Russia eventually.

It is welcomed that Putin is investing in $800 billion into defense over the next few years...and one hopes this is earnestly carried out. However it is also a good idea for the ultimate defense of Russia that the country invests substantial security resources into Syria as well.........think of it as investing and testing the new equipment and tactics in Republican Spain during 1936--39.

Syria requires SIGNIFICANT help securing its borders with Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon......and significant presence of Spetznaz's in Syria to fight side by side with the Syrian security forces......as well as bolstering its air defense.

We do not need to mention that if the USA/NATO succeed too easily in Syria, it will be an enormous blow to Russian security in its Southern flanks.....with the onward oxymoron march of "al-CIA-duh" and Washington's NGO funded Human Rights and Democracy into Russia.

FIGHT "al-CIA-duh" in Syria....NOW......send the Spetznaz in, help Syria secure its borders, bolster its air-defense beyond a few S-300 batteries. These help does not have to be publicized.


Russia’s secret service : Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey supply arms to Syrian opposition:

By Itar-Tass and information clearing house

Armed groups of Syria’s opposition from the rebel force known as the Syrian Liberation Army get more and more weapons from abroad, a source in Russia’s secret services told Itar-Tass on Friday.

“Huge batches of small arms and munitions for the Syrian Liberation Army’s troops are supplied from Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey, but unofficially, not through these countries’ governments,” the source said. “The supply list includes submachine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles and antitank grenade launchers.”

Russia’s military expert, Lieutenant General Leonid Sazhin told Itar-Tass that “the scenario that has already been developed and administered by the United States and their NATO allies, mainly by France, Britain and Turkey, as well as the monarchy regimes from the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, in particular Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, is being implemented in Syria.”

“This scenario was developed taking into account recent events in Libya, Egypt and other countries of the region with only one reservation – the lack of the UN Security Council resolution needed for the West. In fact, we see an unannounced military interference of some NATO member-states and countries of the region into Syria’s domestic affairs, who side with one of the conflicting parties – the armed opposition,” he said.

Sazhin noted that in addition to the Syrian National Council Syria’s refugees and army deserters in Turkey create a military structure - Supreme Revolutionary Council – led by Syrian army general Mustafa Ahmed al-Sheikh, who deserted to neighbouring Turkey.

“The main task of the Supreme Revolutionary Council is to coordinate actions of the armed opposition on the Syrian territory and to engage to its ranks new members both in Syria and beyond its borders to oust Bashar al-Assad exclusively through the use of force,” he said.

“As concerns weapons supplied to the troops of the Syrian Liberation Army, most of them were in service with the armed forces of former members of the Warsaw Treaty. After the countries joined NATO and re-equipped its troops with NATO’s samples, weapons were collected and piled up at storage facilities and depots, from where they are now taken and flow to Syria,” he said.

The expert did not rule out that some weapons can be fake Soviet weapon systems.