
Perhaps Mike is being too harsh on Barry Soetero, who through is rather murky and colourful life in Kenya and other places has in many ways achieved the ultimate American dream.
When all things are considered Barry must be very happy, content and grateful to the Jewish bankers who put him into power, and who also groomed him over 30 years......putting him in the way of privilege and opportunity. So why should he ditch all that and complain now over a few peace activists who died at the hands of his very own masters?
Politics is one of those professions that attracts the least amount of principle and conscience........and should Barry through sheer chance discover his conscience and principle, then there are of course people like Ram Emmanuel et al, the Mega MOSSAD in Capitol Hill whose duty is to guide, silk tongued front man Barry Soetero, the consummate puppet of the Jew Wall Street Bankers with his TRUE CALLING.
Personally it is no surprise to me that most Western Capitals in government have remained silent over this latest Israeli outrage. Though the Governments in Germany, France and the UK never lose a lot of airtime criticizing Iran and North Korea for far far far less.
Erdogan abe .......................is also being a politician in his own way. If his governments actions which might be perceived as anti-Israel can be interpreted as being the action of principle, courage and conscience then kudos to his government. His actions are populist, and in such actions he is moving towards and closer to the real Turkish people, who ordinarily have enormous sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians, naturally.
In the last election he won 48% of the votes, and if he plays his cards right, in the next election his AKP party should win a solid strong majority.....perhaps up to 60%, as long as he continues to be pragmatic with key domestic issues, as he has been, and does not lose himself in the illusions and distractions of foreign affairs.
But there is also rumors that he is in fact yet another Jew Banker puppet. The Modern Turkish Republic since Kemal Ataturk has been run by Doenme crypto-Jews, as with America since 1901 and Teddy Roosevelt.
So why on earth would such a party as the AKP come to power without Jewish approval both from within Turkey and without, first.
Turkey still has multiple security and economic linkages with Israel.......we are not talking little decorative meaningless treaties. We are talking about two nations with deep ties at multiple levels to this day. Doenme Turkey was the first "Muslim" country to recognize Israel.
In my year in Istanbul the ibni Istanbul police/MIT gave me a tough time whilst I attempted to teach there.........just fucking teach, often on a par with the Neanderthal German BND who were stomping about in that city. Erdogan was PM at that time, and I was his honored guest. Erdogan has also been detected playing Jew code games...what for Erdogan abe? .....For whose benefit? with whom do you truly wish to show your solidarity?
International Jew Bankers?
Whoever Erdogan Abe truly is, one hopes Turkey does not inadvertently clash with Schizoid Israel......Israel's illegality must be called forth and dealt with constructively, and effectively, but conflict with Israel is not what Turkey needs.
Turkey needs to develop REAL security linkages with both Syria and Iran, in addition to the existing economic cooperation. Joint military exercises, and training exchanges......this is inevitable and natural given Israel's long term plans in this
Turkey needs to withdrew from the criminal NATO/USA occupation of Afghanistan which is causing as much if not greater suffering for the Afghan people as is the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.........the outrageous incident of the Israeli hijack of peace aid ships in International waters happens every other week in Afghanistan at a different level, except the international media is not in a position to cover it.
Now I appreciate MIT plays an important role in transporting the Afghan narcotics via Turkey into Kosovo and then into Europe, for the International Jewish banker criminals, but for Erdogan the Turkish nationalist, having an important state entity such as MIT operating and undertaking work for international criminal interests first and foremost does not bode well for himself and his country. One often hears of comical stories of MIT and Turkish police fighting each other for control of the Turkish narcotics market...........this high level criminalization of Turkish society cannot be good for the country.
If Erdogan Abe is serious about doing good honest work, then let us see him withdraw Turkish troops from Afghanistan, rather than have the noble Turkish military with its fine historical record operating as mere drug peddler donkeys (as is the real function of many of the multi-national military forces in Afghanistan), for International Jewish Bankers. Turkey should end its illegal occupation of Afghanistan.
Obama is a pussy!
By Mike Rivero at What Really Happened.
Obama should have been the one to cancel tomorrow's meeting.
If Obama were a real man of principles, (George Washington), like Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, or John Kennedy, he would stop being such a pussy with Israel and sever all diplomatic relations with Israel for so misusing the military equipment the US gave them.
(sorry to tell you as if you already didn't know today's American "PRESIDENTS" are often loser characters who snort cocaine, invite underage boys for sex at the Whitehouse, and does blow jobs with Jew whores in the Whitehouse........precisely the type of weak amoral creatures the Jew boy needs to shove through his global agenda's......finally since Teddy Roosevelt many American Presidents have been crypto-Jews, so there is also the issue of tribal loyalty.......FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Obama?? on his mothers side?)
Setting aside the recent revelation that Israel attempted to sell a nuclear weapon to South Africa, which means ALL US aid to Israel is illegal, the military aid granted to Israel is specifically to be used for defense. Attacking a humanitarian aid convoy in international waters is not defense; it is piracy. Netenyahu has made the US an accessory to this crime because the US supplied the weapons and equipment used to kill the peace activists.
The longer limp-dick Obama wimps out and "studies the situation" the more obvious it becomes that Israel is indeed blackmailing the United States government with 9-11 to enslave our nation.
Obama is a pussy!
If Obama were a real man of principles, (George Washington), like Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, or John Kennedy, he would stop being such a pussy with Israel and sever all diplomatic relations with Israel for so misusing the military equipment the US gave them.
(sorry to tell you as if you already didn't know today's American "PRESIDENTS" are often loser characters who snort cocaine, invite underage boys for sex at the Whitehouse, and does blow jobs with Jew whores in the Whitehouse........precisely the type of weak amoral creatures the Jew boy needs to shove through his global agenda's......finally since Teddy Roosevelt many American Presidents have been crypto-Jews, so there is also the issue of tribal loyalty.......FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, Obama?? on his mothers side?)
Setting aside the recent revelation that Israel attempted to sell a nuclear weapon to South Africa, which means ALL US aid to Israel is illegal, the military aid granted to Israel is specifically to be used for defense. Attacking a humanitarian aid convoy in international waters is not defense; it is piracy. Netenyahu has made the US an accessory to this crime because the US supplied the weapons and equipment used to kill the peace activists.
The longer limp-dick Obama wimps out and "studies the situation" the more obvious it becomes that Israel is indeed blackmailing the United States government with 9-11 to enslave our nation.
Obama is a pussy!