Jun 12, 2010

It is clearer, thank you Jew banker puppet comradratski Putin.

There is nothing wrong with being gay, though one can question the motivations of desiring to kiss small boys navels sexually in public or in private.

We must not take offense over comments, by well intentioned strangers with no clear linkages with Mother Russia, which thus confirms in large part the truth of the gossip added to a fake piece of news. If however the fake piece of news in fact does contain supreme truth and highlights, THE ACTUAL REALITY, with the addition of what Putin should have done long before (sort of parody)..............then it makes him look like a complete idiot.

There is nothing wrong in being an idiot. Blessed are the idiots, devoid of malice, mischief and ill will.

But if you are the leader of 141 million people under attack from Jewish International bankers continuously, and you are the leader of a nation which has suffered so much, with the possible loss of 60 million deaths between 1918--1991 within the former Soviet Union, AND the Jewish International bankers are setting up the USA against Russia covertly and overtly through installation of missiles on Russia's neighbors.............then being an idiot is not going to help, is it?

Then you should cash in your chips as Jewish Banker Front-man, and fuck off to Israel, London or Noo Yawk, just like all the other looter Jews from Russia.

The Mullahs of Iran smell badly, they are after all puppets installed by The USA/UK/France/Israel implementing a Bilderberg initiative from the 1970's..........."Arc of Crisis" "Operation Cyclone" "Operation Greenbelt" Brzezinski/George Ball/Kissinger/last but by no means least Bernard Lewis; whose ultimate target was/is the Soviet Union and now Russia. These plans are not mere "Protocols" gossip, or conspiracy theory, but have been in the public domain for a good few decades.

An average non-Jewish KGB officer worth about a ruble could easily figure this fact out.

The Soviet Union has gone, but Russia still remains.

In the perverse inexplicable world where national survival is all important, the smelly mullahs of Iran are thus an important line of defense for Russia from being ultimately surrounded by hostile American backed aggressive multiple Georgia like nations on Russia's Southern belt. It was never about loving smelly mullah Iran. Iran is worth investing in and selling at profitable rates sophisticated SAMs, as a proxy defense against the ultimate direct attack on Russia itself in the future, where Russia's population declines to 120 million, and Jewish banker fronts like Putin have done their REAL work.

But Putin has finally outed himself with his true agenda, under the direction of the International Jewish bankers, which is working against Russia itself. The blatant slur but truth before led him to expose his true nature.


Russia Reverses on S-300 Missile Sale to Iran

Kremlin Now Says Sanctions Do Ban Defensive Missiles

by Jason Ditz at antiwar.com

Less than 24 hours after the Russian Foreign Ministry insisted that the long-delayed sale of the S-300 missile defense system to Iran was still on track and that the UN Security council sanctions did not apply to the defensive missiles.

Today, Russia has reversed that position entirely, and the Kremlin says that the sanctions actually do forbid the sale. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin insists that the sale has been frozen.

Russia initially signed the pact to deliver the missiles in 2007, and over the past several years has maintained that the sale was still on track, though they never delivered any part of the system.

Iran was keen to buy the missiles, the backbone of Russia’s air defense, as a hedge against the oft-threatened Israeli attack against them. Israel repeatedly dispatched officials to Russia regarding the possible delivery, on differing occasions pleading with Russia or threatening them over the possible delivery.

With the S-300’s delivery now permanently on hold, and the US already moving forward with threats for more sanctions against Iran, the Iranian government will likely attempt to develop other defensive or retaliatory measures in the event that the attack eventually does happen.
