Nov 18, 2009

Jews in Britain.

...Talking of corruption, the corruption of the British political system by Israel is investigated by British television.

The Jewish writer below takes a radicalized narrative approach to this extremely important problem, and tells it like it really is. Like me he discards polite words to describe what is an extremely serious situations. It is unpretentious. I do not come across this form of writing too often, so I have posted his article.

The problem for Britain ultimately relates to matters of national security, declarations of war, troop engagements, terrorism.........and much much more, and how they are conducted in the UK, so this topic is very important, very fundamental as to what type of British society will evolve into in the near future....more so if Britain were to become a total police state, because it serves Israel's underlying overall interests, based on actions of Israel within Britain covert or otherwise, with their British gentile underling lieutenants.

The Iraqi invasion of 2003 was done at Israel's behest; 9/11 was carried by Israel and their American lieutenants; "al-Qaeda" does not exist; 7/7 and all the terrorist acts since 2005 were carried out by Israel's lieutenants in British security.

His flaw is that he thinks Israel and its lobbying is the only and main problem.

He does not suggest extensively how the problem will be dealt with seriously beyond mere rhetoric.

How do you de-invent Zionism? Is Zionism the only problem? How do you deal with an ideology without dealing with the base of its people? How do you clearly with certainty separate the two? Does not the Jew prize secrecy, and surreptitious plotting?

As with America, the problem is not Israel ONLY. The problem lies with the Jews who live in those countries who actively work for Israel. In America's case the 8/9 million Jews, and more dangerously, because you do not know they are Jews, so you cannot connect the government policies to their tribal links, crypto-Jews who live in that great country, organized around 52 Jewish lobby groups, feverishly, without question lobbying for Israel.

Through their total control of the American media; American finance....ALL Federal Reserve Presidents must be Jews, ALL Federal Reserve board members must be Jews {Democracy??? Fair play representation??? "Fuck you goy, you ain't touching our fiat money printing machine"}; and the slow infiltration of American security.............and finally American politics, providing Presidents like Teddy Roosvelt, FD Roosevelt, Harry Soloman Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Baines Johnson, ALL crypto -Jews.....

In Britain officially there are 350,000 Jews. Unofficially the true figure is more likely to be nearer 1,000,000 . Because of Jewish social and business requirements, and the need to overcome identity and ethnic bias issues, more often than not they cover their real identity even in this modern day and age, and don't readily divulge it, beyond their intimate circle, except where they are present in significant numbers, and feel confident to unmask Israel, NY......or they are ultra-religiously inclined like Hassidic Jews etc.

They were expelled from England around 1300, allegedly because they were carrying out blood sacrfices on gentile children, and their usury practices had become unbearable. They use the blood of the sacrificed children to make special religious bread, which they subsequently eat at special religious ocassions.

The Jewish religion is a despicable North African Bongo Bongo religion, but unfortunately, unlike the teachings of Christ, Mohammed, Buddha........translated into ALL languages with very easy access, so that everybody can access the good wholesome message of good thoughts, good words and good deeds.........I challenge anybody to find authentic translated copies of the Torah/Talmud in English. For good reason you will not find copies readily available, because with Judaism we are talking about a truly evil religion, a dangerous religion, a profoundly anti-human religion.

After the English Civil war they are were unofficially allowed back into England by Oliver Cromwell. The Jews in Holland had funded his war machine. The Jew likes war........because it means goy blood sacrifice, and war can be very profitable. From their base in London they gradually expanded their influence in the country, eventually establishing the Bank of England (1694), and the funding of the East India Company (1708).

Continuous war by Britain in the 18th century, Jew funded empire, Master of the Opium trade...........then the mother of all evil Jews the Rothschild enter Britain from Germany in 1798.........Napoleonic wars........Rothschild dominate 19th century......protocols.....Jews in Britain, France, USA, Germany institute WW I....WWII......(work in progress)

So I would say the problem is not merely Zionism, or even Israel..........we do not need to be strategic experts to identify the evil nature of Israel. But the main problem is Jews who reside in Gentile countries which are powerful and significant in the world , like the USA, UK etc which have consequencies for the world, subequently.

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Britain must de-Zionise Itself Immediately

By Gilad Atzmon

November 17, 2009 "
Information Clearing House" -- On Monday the British TV broadcaster, Channel 4 screened Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby, a devastating expose of the Jewish lobby in the UK*. ‘We couldn’t find a conspiracy’ affirmed Peter Oborne the Daily Mail’s political commentator behind the film. He was right. After running the show for so many years, the Jewish lobby’s purchasing of British politicians and media presence is in the open.

The Guardian reported today that two years ago a controversial study by American academics Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer explored the influence of the Israel lobby over US foreign policy “but Britain's pro-Israel organisations have been subjected to far too less scrutiny.” This is indeed the case, and as Oborne disclosed, both British politicians and Zionist pressure groups enjoy it to the max.

In the film Sir Richard Dalton, a former ambassador to Libya and Iran, said: "I don't believe, and I don't think anybody else believes these contributions come with no strings attached." I would suggest that ‘strings attached’ is a very gentle way of putting it. ‘Chained to submission’ would be far closer to the truth.

Seemingly a British, consensus case against Zionism and Zionist infiltration is piling up.

The Jewish community is not happy at all. After so many years of setting the tone, bribing UK politicians and controlling the BBC they are used to being untouchable.

Labor MP Denis MacShane, who operates as the House of Common’s UK equivalent of the ‘anti defamation league’ told the Jerusalem Post "if there is a Jewish /Israel lobby here, it is not very effective, as Israel is almost treated as a pariah state in the media and has few friends in politics."

MacShane may be right; one cannot buy friendship with money. But according to Monday’s broadcast one can certainly buy British politician’s subservience for just a few shekels. According to the Guardian 50% of the Shadow Cabinet are now ‘friends of Israel’. In that context one common saying comes to mind. “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are”

I would assume that if there was any public respect left for the British Parliament, British political parties and the BBC, it should be gone by now. Just a few months ago Brits were devastated to find out about their MPs' personal expenses bills. Yesterday they learned about their leading politician’s affiliation with the darkest possible regime and ideology around. They also learned that their national broadcast corporation is influenced by Zionists pressure groups run from Jerusalem.

Mark Gardner from the Zionist ‘Community Security Trust’ is not happy either. He complained that Dispatches producers behaved as if they were investigating a “criminal gang rather than various Jewish community-linked organizations,"

Gardner is also correct. It is indeed tragic to admit that the Jewish lobby is far more worrying than a criminal gang. It is there to serve a murderous state with a devastating record of crimes against humanity. Thanks to the Jewish lobby, we are all complicit in the Zionist crime. Not only are those lobbyists heavily corrupted and removed from any ethical value system, they also corrupt everything they touch. They obviously contaminate every politician who is happy to take their shekels. Consequently they incriminate us all as a society.

Watching Cannel 4’s Dispatches yesterday I wondered to myself whether this is the ‘democracy’ some British politicians, such as David Miliband insist on spreading around. I also wonder whether this is the governing model that Jewish Chronicle writer Nick Cohen and the Israeli Hasbara committee author David Aaronovitch were trying to promote when they were supporting the invasion of Iraq back in 2003.

Political commentator Peter Oborne indeed fulfilled his promise. He told us almost everything we want to know about the lobby, “who they are, how they are funded, how they work and what influence they have, from the key groups to the wealthy individuals who help bankroll the lobbying.”

However, there is a single observation that must be added. People out there must never forget that Britain was taken into a war that cost more than a million Iraqi lives and at the time Lord Levy was the Number 1 Labour fund-raiser. Putting the two together: an illegal war that only serves Israeli interests and Sir Richard Dalton’s observation that Zionist ‘contribution’ comes with ‘strings attached’, leaves a very bitter taste. Due to its heavily corrupted politicians, Britain is now willingly serving the darkest possible racist national ideology and supporting a criminal terrorist state.

British politicians and media are caught in bed with too many Zionist wolfs. In order to reclaim sovereignty and dignity, Britain must de-Zionise itself immediately.