
Comrade Genrikh Yagoda
Criticism, conversation between individuals and reflective thinking are the foundations and bedrock of civilization. The obvious unstated truths, which most of us understand.
When governments legislate against this basic right, under the guise of political correctness...........it invariably constitutes a threat to the basic advancement of civilization; that simple.
A particular cabal wish to advance their interests, and they require an unquestioning public to follow their policies without question, without arguments, without reflection, without criticism or any intervening conversation between individuals.
Hurry, hurry hurry, shut your mouth and follow the orders..............indeed this must be the organizational ethos of most Mafia groups around the world, operating within a highly inflexible Pyramid, North African power structure.
But let us compare this modern standard with past leaders in history who ran regimes or otherwise which most people agreed were incorruptible and wholesome.
How would George Washington deal with somebody if they accused him of being a traitor to the King, and a criminal rebel................depending on who said it, and how it was said, and when it was said, and where it was said.............he might well laugh and shrug it off.........or grimace, and make an appropriate terse retort..............or choose to totally ignore it and not dignify it, if uttered by a nonentity, which has no connection to reality and the truth.
And if somebody accused Gandhi in person of being a coolie demagogue; a half naked fakir..........I could well imagine him smile gently, and try and engage the person who made such a remark. Why would somebody say such a thing?
For the great and the good such slanders and criticisms are like water off a ducks back.....there is conceivably no basis for such things so why take them seriously?.................Why give them additional credit by over reacting against them?
For a certified hardcore criminal, whether as an individual or within a cabal the opposite is true. Any and all criticism, unfair and the balanced ones must be made illegal....the full weight of the law must be applied.....nobody must criticize them.....they are above the law.
This is exactly what happened in the Soviet Union after October 1918, when the Bolsheviks took over. One of the very first acts they passed was to make criticism of Jews a crime....................you could be sent to the gulag..............or you could simply be executed.
Well we may get some answers by reflecting and taking a critical look at Soviet history.
1. We know many people died when the Russian Czarist empire came under Soviet rule....according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn as many as 60 million people may have perished between 1918--1991. The emergency rule of the early years; forced collectivization; Holmidor in the Ukraine.......and the great purges of the 1930's ........and so on.....and so on.
2. We know from Jewish sources that a high percentage of the Soviet Communist apparatus were run by Jews, professing to be secular Communists with often Russified Slavic names....and that possibly Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev may themselves had Jewish lineage.
3. We know that not one Synagogue was destroyed in the Soviet Union, but many churches and some mosques were destroyed, whilst under Bolshevik atheist rule.
4. We know that nearly ALL the victims of the Soviet penal system were non-Jewish.........most were innocent people who had been caught up in the evil brutal Bolshevik system of the Soviet Union.
5. We know the Soviet Union had an international agenda to spread their ideology to ALL parts of the world, once it was consolidated in the Soviet Union, through force of arms where necessary.
6. We know that the Soviet Jewish experiment was funded by Banks based in New York, a core of the leadership led by Trotsky based and nurtured in New York, sailed from there to start the Soviet revolution in 1917.
7. We know Jewish financial houses in New York played a pivotal role in the strategic industrialization of the Soviet Union.......making it the second greatest industrial power after America. We know that this close relationship continued into the so called hoax of the "Cold war".
8. We know that the Cuban missile Crisis took place in 1962, where purportedly the two super powers came close to a nuclear war.
The ordinary Soviets were denied their fundamental right to question their leaders, and policies....................and the end result was 73 years of dire misery and phenomenal mistakes by the Soviet Union....in all spheres of life.........if a problem was uncovered whether in the political, economic or strategic sphere it was hushed up, lest the "weaknesses" of the Soviet Socialist paradise be exposed to the Capitalist West to ridicule.
And so as the security is tightened in the USA, and UK under a Jewish agenda driven philosophy and strategy, people living in those two Great countries must be aware; they must be alert......for history can repeat itself....where in 2005, not that far away in the near past the head of the KGB/FSB, Yevgeny Primakov (Jewish), and the head of the East German Stasi, Markus Wolf (retired to Israel)...............came to the USA to advise the Homeland Security Department how to operate more effectively.
Stalin's Jews:"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"