
When I heard about George Fernandez, as visiting Indian defense secretary being strip searched by American airport authorities in DC and another place twice in 2002 and 2003, and I thought....nah...must be April fools.....then ex-President Kalam is ID frisked on an American airline on his way to India more recently.......then the same to Azim Premji apparently, the billionaire IT businessman who is also a celebrity in India......Aameer Khan strip searched too in Chicago 2002, the most creative of new wave Hindi movie actors and directors........and finally SRK questioned for 66 minutes about certain unknown matters.......SRK says 2 hours, and that his name had triggered the questioning for 2 hours........"Is you name Khan" ....."Yes"....."Where are you from"......."India".............2 hours of this?.........Do all Khans from around the world who visit the USA go through this for 2 hours?........................Muslim name of Central Asian origin that originates from Ghengiz Khan.............and is a very popular name for Muslim's in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
Could you imagine the Russian defense secretary being strip searched??? Or the Brazilian defense secretary?? Of course not..........there would be serious diplomatic repercussion; diplomatic expulsions....and so on. Brazil has already responded like with like.....reciprocity, "OK gringo you fingerprint our nationals visiting America, so we fingerprint your nationals visiting our country."
So the explanation?
Often this mistreatment against Indian public figures is explained in terms of 9/11 and the new "situation" in America.
But I do not accept this, since presumably all other senior government figures from around the world of 192 nations should also logically be treated the same way as Fernandez. But there isn't a deluge of stories around this happening to other Public officials in other countries.
Because of Islamic names.................George Fernandez an Islamic name? Azim Premji stands out as an Islamic name?
Could it be simple racism? Yes but again there are many brown people countries, great and small around the world, and one does not hear stories of ill-treatment at airports against such people.
So what is going on?
1. Cases of this kind does not appear to happen to senior officials, and public figures of other nations great and small........unique to Indian Public Figures ONLY......of obvious public status, usually involving men who are clearly near retirement stage...........Grey hair, frail in the case of some....old, .................we are not talking of 20 something, 30 something stooges/patsies of Western intelligence out to do harm to little defenseless ole America.
2. Could be a simple issue of racism......brown country....though one should add that the USA will become a brown country by 2050, and is already a considerable mutli-racial society (34% non-European). But it does not seem to happen to important public figures of other brown country peoples, the bigger nations or the smaller ones....so whats up?
3. Some sections of American society are envious of India's rising status within the global society both as a military power, and an economic power, and by doing such things it is an expression of their dislike, and frustration at the gradual rise to prominence of India as a significant nation in the world............equally significant that these things have been happening very recently as in the last few years, in parallel with the rise of India's profile in the world........
Explanation number 3 seems to be most likely.
Explanation number 3 seems to be most likely.
What to do:
1. Foreign secretary Kishna Menon should send a very strong letter to the State Department expressing India's concern about such events, and clarifies that such events should not be repeated in the future, EVER. The American ambassador to Delhi should be called to the foreign ministry, and the full list of public figures humiliated should be recounted to him, asking him to explain why such events take place only against Indian Public figures on American soil.
2. There should be greater liaison between the Indian Embassy in the USA, and the future prospective visits of VIP figures from India. In all cases a visiting VIP from India should be met at the airport by a significant officer from the Indian embassy DC, or where practical consul officials..........they do not need to meet directly with the Indian VIP, but such a person should be in the vicinity of the airport. Such an embassy/consulate person should be at the airport in advance before the VIP arrives, and makes relevant contact with airport authorities in the USA, and inform them that such and such VIP is arriving by such an such airline.
3. There has been talk of "reciprocity" by some Indian officials but that would be silly, and counter productive. The USA is a complicated country with various power group elites......a few like India and see that there are pragmatic practical reasons to have good relations with the country, hence the recent warm up of relations. But some do not like India, hence the silly antics against the likes of George Fernandez, ex-President Abdul Kalam and more recently the Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan.
This animosity by sections of American elite can be alternatively expressed via covert/overt help to Pakistan, India's perennial nuisance failed neighbor....controlled by America......."netaji and babuji you can stop wasting your breath directing complaints against Pakistani public figures, most are puppets of the USA.......Pakistan military...ISI"; $23 billion overall aid package promised under the Obama regime, and military assistance which invariably end up targeting India.
According to some sources the American embassy in Islamabad is a military base right next to the Presidential palace, parliament and other sensitive Pakistani establishments....containing 800 staff, the second biggest after Bagdad, and will be increased to 1,100??........that they are building a huge new compound next to the Presidential Palace, at $500 million...can it be verified?.......That Kiyani has taken over foreign policy, and Zardari focuses on looting..20% by now. And in Afghanistan, the type of regime America runs there, mostly criminals into narcotics.
The thing is Netaji/Babuji from a holistic perspective it is not about getting all worked up with the operations of the LeT, Huj, ....names which no doubt all Indians are familiar with,...... but pondering over what precisely is the fundamental nature of the Pakistani state and its REAL power structure, which allow such extremist illegal entities to come into India and do harm, and who exactly runs such a failed state in the final analysis.
My assertin is that America runs Pakistan, and especially the Pakistan military and ISI. Once this is grasped then a different approach can be formulated by India in relation to Pakistan.....because it looks very silly the site of Indian politicians prennially complaining to the Pakistanis to do this that and the other; the Pakistani promising to do this that and the other...........but in reality never really changing their ways........in such a scenario it makes India look pathetic, ineffective and sorry......rather in the way Indian Public figures are humiliated when they rather hopefully visit America.
My assertin is that America runs Pakistan, and especially the Pakistan military and ISI. Once this is grasped then a different approach can be formulated by India in relation to Pakistan.....because it looks very silly the site of Indian politicians prennially complaining to the Pakistanis to do this that and the other; the Pakistani promising to do this that and the other...........but in reality never really changing their ways........in such a scenario it makes India look pathetic, ineffective and sorry......rather in the way Indian Public figures are humiliated when they rather hopefully visit America.
........and China, investing heavily in the country, including providing it with strategic help, such that the country is now the greatest industrial power in the world..........500 million ton steel production, and 3500 billion kWT electric generation, and the second largest economic power measured by PPP.....at around $10,000 billion economy, just behind the USA $14,000 billion. Finally, providing various incentives and concessions to Chinese firms (MFN status) to export to the USA, usually at the expense of USA firms--------such economic Hari-Kiri by America can only be described in terms of ideological dogmatism, which trumps plain simple village common sense. Which elite groups are we talking about? Neo-liberals belonging to the American "left" Rockefeller's, Brzezinski, Clinton's.....and so forth........Plus groups of Jews around New York see Communism as an extension, and progression of the Jewish religion......Communism is "their" creation.
........and China, investing heavily in the country, including providing it with strategic help, such that the country is now the greatest industrial power in the world..........500 million ton steel production, and 3500 billion kWT electric generation, and the second largest economic power measured by PPP.....at around $10,000 billion economy, just behind the USA $14,000 billion. Finally, providing various incentives and concessions to Chinese firms (MFN status) to export to the USA, usually at the expense of USA firms--------such economic Hari-Kiri by America can only be described in terms of ideological dogmatism, which trumps plain simple village common sense. Which elite groups are we talking about? Neo-liberals belonging to the American "left" Rockefeller's, Brzezinski, Clinton's.....and so forth........Plus groups of Jews around New York see Communism as an extension, and progression of the Jewish religion......Communism is "their" creation.
So thats why International Jewish finance and investments are pouring into North Korea, Cuba and Vietnam???!!!!! Pure ideological dogma is not the only factor influencing International Jewish finance, but is a major factor directed by their percieved private tribal needs. That is why Israel is a major conduit for sensitive American military technology into China......which then inadvertantly go to North Korea, Pakistan and Iran............nobody said any ideology, especially Jewish ones had to make sense......but its there, and it exists. One should know about it, without the benefit of reading its details emanating from the State Department.
International Jewish finance, and Capital also operate in the real world of commerce and competition sometimes, though through their control of finance in certain key countries (USA/UK/Switzerland/France?Germany?/Holland?) they tend to promote themselves more then other gentile businesses...........but in not investing in Cuba, or North Korea, or Vietnam they also have to take into account, political, and economic considerations before they invest in that Socialist country enmasse, in line with their ideological/tribal beliefs.
Friendship/love is a strange thing, and it can be variously expressed by individials or groups of people towards their object of affection........sometimes taking an antagonistic approach to the percieved enemy of the original object of affection. Though of course from a historical perspective and in many other respects India and China have been at peace with each other for thousands of years.........it is only with the introduction of dogmatic Jewish Communism, that China has adopted a negative policy towards India since the 1960's.....into the present, via Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar.
Friendship/love is a strange thing, and it can be variously expressed by individials or groups of people towards their object of affection........sometimes taking an antagonistic approach to the percieved enemy of the original object of affection. Though of course from a historical perspective and in many other respects India and China have been at peace with each other for thousands of years.........it is only with the introduction of dogmatic Jewish Communism, that China has adopted a negative policy towards India since the 1960's.....into the present, via Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar.
India has not fully scummbed to any Jewish ideology, like China. Though India did toy with Socialism, and is a parliamentary democracy which is not an Indian ideology....(Anglo-Saxon model from England) and most of its laws are inherited from the British. But never the less for all the foreign ideological imports of India in all spheres of life, India through its unique "Indian" Independence movement under Gandhi and his philosophy, and its present day style of politics still manages to an extent maintain an Indian face in the philosophical base of its national character........that cannot be said for China, where Marx, Lenin, Stalin's names are chanted by the masses in equal adulation to Mao Tse Tung.
We do not know what the role of Qui Ja boards, sacred numbers and private soothsayers play in all this.....to be sure when you have enjoyed privilege over generations and amassed billions of $ mostly illegal, then it is not impossible to enter into a bubble of fantasy and strange ideological worlds, which logically do not favor your own country, but to you seems so logical.
Therefore when Clinton talks about making India to a "great power" and enters India via Mumbai, be on full state alert )
India should diplomatically and pragmatically reach out to those who are Indophiles in the USA, and ignore and avoid the obvious baiting games of those who do not like India. That such things should happen to Indians who have a penchant and love of visiting the USA should be a sobering and enlightening thought.