
Those who are sufficiently informed about South Asian history should know that it is the British who created the Muslim League in 1905, using their favored puppets in the Bengal Muslim aristocracy, to challenge the Congress Party in India (The same reason why Pakistan was created as a state by the British....using their agent Jinnah). Also one should know that the British backed the Wahabi House of Saud into power, against the interests of the much more moderate Hashemites. If we keep these two clear facts in mind, then we should have no problems in understanding why the British created the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt in the early part of the last century, the grand daddy of al-Qaeda, and of many other real and imaginary Islamic movements in the Greater Middle East and the world.

With Islamic fundamentalists Western powers with imperialist pretensions, like the UK can use them to:
1) Destabilize Muslim countries.
2) Have simple minded uneducated idiots running a country, and therefore more easily manipulated, and thus destroy any development and modernization programs within that country.
3) Provide the rational for attacking a Muslim country (ALL MUSLIM COUNTRIES UNDER FUNDAMENTALIST RULE HAVE EITHER BEEN INVADED {Somalia, Afghanistan}, OR ARE BEING THREATENED WITH INVASION{Iran, Hamas Gaza, and to a lessor extent Hezbollah Lebanon}.....................so a simple lesson to learn for all Muslim countries which wish to avoid Western neo-colonial intervention, then must fight the Islamic fundamentalism within your country if they want to avoid Western neo-colonial "liberation" by the likes of the USA, and UK.

Iraq is after all run by Islamic parties under American "liberation". Before the invasion it was run by secular Socialists. So we know what type of governments they prefer, under occupation.
What other uses do Islamic fundamentalists have besides their colorful appearance and rhetoric for the Western neo-colonialists? In the case of Egypt, and the Islamic Brotherhood as in the case with India and the British creation of the Muslim League, the British used the Islamic Brotherhood to challenge the secular modernist NATIONALIST movement in Egypt which wanted complete independence from Britain and its domination of the country. So the British very generously funded the building of the first Mosque to be run by the Islamic Brotherhood.....and they went into their religious rants, attracting mainly poor misguided young men.........and you shout Sharia law, and sharia law and sharia law...with Islamic Kalifaat, Kalifaat and Kalifaat..........but this is all illusionary nonsense, to divert from the real task of nation building under a nationalist modernist secular banner. There is no such thing as modern progressive Islamic republic, the two are contradiction in terms. The Kalifaat dream is illusionary, since it can never be achieved in the real world. Pragmatically the best policy to really improve your country is nationalism under a modernist banner.
And so we have in Swat a puppet of Western Intelligence coming out with the usual nonsense of Sharia law for the whole of Pakistan.........and a call for Qalifaat( Taliban want Sharia in all Pakistan)..........written by Western intelligence, and guided by their Pakistani military minders.

Busharaf the Deobandi is off to Saudi, and then London to thank them. And the rest of Pakistan which in free fair elections in 2008 voted for non-Fundamentalist parties overwhelmingly MUST get ready for invasion and occupation by the British and USA "Liberation forces". The Pakistan military have sold the nation out again in the process of flying the Pakistani flag and portraying themselves as solid nationalists.
The Fall of the Shah
The fifth column of Islamic fundamentalism
Hamas Son of Israel
al-Qaeda, the global Renamo
Fake al-Qaeda
GWOT over 100 years
al-Qaeda tool of the West
Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington
The Great Game
Bernard Lewis