
Could Pakistan be taken over by hardline Islamic fundamentalists (Deobandi), and then get control of Pakistan's nuclear bomb's there after? Whilst the current Pakistan civilian/military authorities understand to a certain extent the norms of international law, the hardline Islamic fundamentalists are not constrained by such niceties.
This is the basic narrative of certain sections of the American security community; Certain sections of Israeli security community, and some Pakistani commentators............
(i) The American security commentators usually anonymously sourced through the New York Times and Washington Post, state such things because they want to expand the stale static war on terror into a new arena, because if the American military are bogged down in Iraq, and Afghanistan their original narrative formulated in the PNAC 2000 loses momentum. By attacking Pakistan, and later invading the country that fake narrative is deemed to be "energized".....a perception is created that "progress" is being made, and the military are being put to good use. For their Israeli masters the Americans can then also secure the Pakistani nukes, and bring under control yet another Muslim country, and "liberate it".

(ii) For the Pakistanis there are multiple confusing contradictory reasons for pushing the Islamic fundamentalist agenda in Pakistan. For one major group of the all powerful military currently in power (Kiyani, Suja Pasha), by giving space to Islamic fundamentalists (800,000 Pakistan military backed by 300,000 paramilitary surrendering to 3,000 lightly armed Taliban in Swat, on all the Taliban terms and some more....), this is an avenue through which the Pakistan military can destabilize the civilian government and for them a ticket back into power.

For a smaller group of the Pakistani military centered around Busharaf and Hamid Gul, the Islamic fundamentalists ascendancy is a natural ideological development of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan inherited from Zia ul Haq, where Sharia law is enforced in the entire country, and irregular Jihad is waged mainly against India (apparently both these ultra hardball Deobandi Islamic nationalist generals have absolutely no problems with America/Israel ............if you can source all the photo ops of them saluting the two countries, hugging, shaking hands, kissing and saluting of course.....into 2009).
The final group in Pakistan which is propagating the Islamic ascendancy myth is the present Pakistani government under Zardari. It is probable that Zardari in power for only a few months so far has little or no say over security matters in Pakistan and therefore his main focus would be to make as much money as he could whilst the going was good (HE OFFERS ABSOLUTELY NO POLITICAL AGENDAS FOR RUNNING PAKISTAN......NO programs, nothing, no real governance). His primary motivation is himself and to make serious money and then put it in foreign tax haven accounts, the standard practice of much of South Asia's corrupt elite so lets not be too harsh on the man. In order to get more cash inflows he is milking the threat of Islamic ascendancy in Pakistan to gain more aid money. “Help us to help yourselves”. He did suggest an American financed Marshal plan for saving Pakistan amounting to $30 billion but probably the Americans understand precisely what type of SAVINGS Zardari was talking about, as they do with the $7.6 billion American economic aid and the $5.28 billion international pledge. Lets see if Zardari has progressed to Mr. 20%, he has already made $2.5 billion from the above aid pledges.....
(iii) The Indian's want to propagate the Islamic ascendancy in Pakistan because for some of them it is chance to get closer to America............."I like you, you like me, we friends yaar"; to be clearly accepted as the regional power in South Asia by America, and by a few possibly to get even with Pakistan through joint ops against Pakistan.
The Pakistan military are thus playing a dangerous brinkmanship game, creating such negative narratives against Pakistan whilst fully cooperating with the USA's covert agenda's which in the long run harm Pakistan clearly. It is Pakistan which can lose a lot in such a scenario eventually. As a neighbor India can also lose.