Jan 27, 2008

The 21st Century and us.

A discussion with Eustace Mullins.

Some scientists have given humans a 50/50 chance of surviving this century leaving out the environmental holocaust factor and/or a stray asteroid hitting us (We had a near miss in December 2001)-------There are about half a dozen 'end of the world is neigh' theories circulating. They have always existed, and they are not new. But as we live in a more 'intense' period of time with instant news and the benefit of the Internet, then such things become/seem much more prevalent than ever before. If we are not optimistic beings then what else can we be? What then is the purpose of existence? Is this not the essence embodied in the youthful as a pose to the old?

Speaking of optimism Americans on the whole are optimistic people as you Mr. Mullins are in relation to a new America arising from the ashes of the old, which is one of the reasons it is such a successful nation. Optimistic people face challenges better than pessimists, but you of course knew that.

There are various 'happy' surveys done by many groups, and on the whole Americans do well, and come out as a generally happy and contented lot compared to a lot of other countries. That is good in certain instances, but bad if it is based on misguided self induced false illusions, and detached from what is really happening in the world. Of course the reality is that America will see some slightly unstable times ahead as a result of the recent poor management the country which America has been experiencing over the last couple of years.

My advice to Americans is avoid the mainstream media---------Doom and gloom merchants par excellence. Their job is to keep you preoccupied with the wrong issue; they of course have an agenda of their own; increase stress and fear over worthless issues, and not feel good about issues that perhaps all Americans should be really concerned about. They have been at it since the start of the Cold War. Mission----- To induce fear and feelings of helplessness in order to control. Switch them off from your life right now ! I am not suggesting cutting our selves off from 'civilisation' and setting ourselves up in a shack in the wilds, that is not productive. As humans we have things to offer to others-----we must live and interact with others.

"Naive hope takes myriad forms and from my perspective one example is the hope that impeachment of Cheney and Bush is even possible."

I am not sure this is practical or possible----the problem is the system that produces leaders like this, or it may simply be the 'natural' products of the wider society. As the saying goes, 'people get the leaders they deserve'. The greater challenge, and therefore far more difficult is to look at the system that produces leaders of this type, and that is not easy.

Pushing these seriously misguided, worthless individuals into a corner so that they do something silly is not productive. We really don't want the rehab clown, and his side kick being at the helm, if World War III starts. Let them pass quietly and quickly. It's only a few more months. Then making sure his clones like Hilary, Obama, Giuliani, McCain and Romney don't get into office with business as usual. Remember the country voted for change in November 2006, but didn't get it.

"Bush quietly advising Hillary Clinton, top Democrats how to keep Iraq war going" by Bill Sammon.


The thing to do is fix the system that produces leaders like this, and ask questions like whether all nations go through periods where they elect duds. The instant temporary feel good effect of going after these two, does not guarantee that couple of years later you might still end up with similar characters elected to those positions again.

If impeachment is likely to happen Bush will run to his sanctuary ranch in Paraguay, and Cheney to Israel.These two gentlemen are 'fronts' for bigger forces operating behind them, and by merely pointing at these two, you are being superficial in your political outlook.

You significantly omit the Democrats, thinking all the woes of the nation are the result of the present regime and I would describe that as false analysis. Just because Democrat leaders play saxophones and wear beads on their wrist does not make them 'better', it is just sly PR. The Democrats are no better, or should I say worse------they are complicit in the crimes, but with a smile as a pose to the grimace and macho hard talk of the present regime.

A lot of the problems America faces now internationally were laid by the Clinton regime (1993-2001)-------as I have said before, the present regime is the bit part player in a bigger play. The Democrats are the Israeli party of America---with the 'ah shucks gee smile, lets all hug and why can't we all get along'. In this light the Democrats don't benefit from impeachment, and aren't going to get involved.

That is why people like Kucinich talk, talk and talk about impeachment, until the actual timeline for it is run out. Its a facade and a sham to fool the crowd. Controlled opposition and so on.

" And I must add that Bush has not lost his "brain" with the departure of Rove. Who needs a brain when Darth Vader is the real man behind the curtain and has more political and economic power in the United States government than the average American can even imagine?"

Yes----but the man is human, and he hasn't got everything he wanted------there is some dynamic in the American government; 'ray of hope and light'. His power has steadily declined with the passage of 7 years in office, as more 'within' have become aware of the significant flaws in his ideas. They've had seven years to think about it! And have seen the results since----the real man at the helm lost his marbles quite a few years ago, even before he became Vice -President. One also hopes that there is courage among some of the serving senior commanders of the USA armed/security forces to see the folly of following orders which have no strategic military value for America, and will only lead to the deaths of many more Americans and others needlessly. Not to mention strategic disaster.


That the appropriate security/military/bureaucracy are well versed in the activities of the 'secret government' a.k.a emanating from Cheney's office, after 7 years in power to neutralise his silly acts which will prove a disaster for all in the long run. That such professional men, well versed in their field, are not out maneuvered into following orders which are patently illogical-----helped or otherwise by the American Zionist media, and OBL---always on cue at the right time media wise to 'help' matters in the USA.

" Another example of false hope is faith in the U.S. political system and the possibility that clean elections exist, not to mention the hope that one will even happen in 2008."

It is corrupt and most definitely not a model for the rest of the world, though we have the irony of American statesmen going to other countries to monitor elections, whereas I would like election monitors from outside countries to come to the country with clear access to the entire election system and monitor it well in advance, including the curious American electronic voting machines-----from Norway, Sweden, New Zealand.

Is America a Democracy? I'm not so sure. Only 37% of Americans vote generally in Presidential elections; Another 36% don't give a damn because it makes no difference to them. 22% aren't registered to vote because the system is too complex. 5% of potential voters are illegal aliens living, working and paying taxes in the country---------So the President is elected with slightly over 19% of the vote, from the full potential of voters 100%----------- this is a sham Democracy!

In relation to the two parties, what's the difference between them? It's musical chairs with the same person. The Presidential nominations of each party is usually fixed--------Hilary Clinton because she sucked up to Israel the most, and I think Mit Romney for the Republicans--------carefully monitor the GOP delegate numbers who turn up for debates and the actual votes cast.

"Other "hopes" include: the hope that the Democrats will finally find the courage to stand up to the Republicans. "

That will not happen as the Democrats sold themselves to the devil long time a ago-----it's not their spirit that is misplaced but their bed fellows, and where they get their funding.

Democratic election debates are reasonably representative with 'real' people being allowed to speak and hearing themselves out. Everybody feels good and reassured. Glib smiles and glad hand all around. I watched two summaries of their debates--- actually I liked it, as it talked about real issues that mattered. But! but! but! Once elected Bilderberg Hilary will be transformed into a glazed eyed Stepfordized zombie surrounded by a horde of mysterious Jewish adviser's sounding out the same old phrases as the previous regime-----Bush lite not. The Neocons are already quietly applauding her. A vote for Hilary Clinton, the 'Bilderberger Queen' is a vote for Bush and the continuation of the same policies. The Democratic party needs a revolution, a real revolution from the grass roots if they can organise it.

Eustace have you noticed the sheer volume of candidate debates on the MSM, all sound biting about the same old issues, giving the illusion of democracy, two parties with distinct set of policies, and real choice for the masses.


" that the economy will improve without the working and middle classes being eviscerated by a financial meltdown as catastrophic or worse than the Great Depression."

America is a first world country, and no first world country slides back into the Third World. It never happened, it never will. All first world nations only survive with a significant Middle Class------Your real fear subconsciously Mr. Mullins is that the Jew does to your country what the Jew did to the Soviet Union 1918-91, and Russia under Yeltsin 1991-1997. For that I have no answer, except that you should become more independent of society and alert as to what is going on. Read and be informed of the real issues. Organise peaceful groups to discuss the 'real' issues. Educate others.

But wait a moment. Isn't there a Comrade Commissar Mikhail Chertoff heading the NKVDU, with psychic feelings! He's a Jew? Of Russian origin! Looks vaguely like Lenin doesn't he?-----conscious of this he has shaved the goatee since; too close to reality. Is that supreme irony or dark Jew sarcasm? And what's that you said, that the Neocons origins are Trotskite; Permanent revolution and all that yakytiyak, or is it permanent 100 year wars against Islamo-Fascism! Just hold on there. Isn't that faintly Commie talk from Russia 100 years ago? All Jews, and a few gullible goy stringing along. And the new Attorney -General Muskausky. Enough Jews to start a New revolution.


So where are the gulags? Comrades rest assured they are under construction at various locations in the USA. Our first target will be the goy intelligentsia, and then the rest slumped in front of their TV's watching our trash entertainment. We have built up the biggest gulag system in the world here in the USA! We are building emergency units loyal to us which will be trained to round up all the useless goy. Once the emergency war is declared against yet another improbable Islamic foe (Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003, Somalia 2006, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt........ I guess it could take a hundred years). The real purpose of all this is the creation of Eretz Israel :


The fact that America will be bankrupted and destroyed along the way involved in such a long process is neither here or there for them. The fact that many good Americans must die in such a futile endeavour fighting for their mad dream is neither here or there for them. The final cruel irony is that this fantasy of creating an Israeli empire surrounded by little chopped up Muslim statelets, won't be realised, EVER. Why? Hezbollah Lebanon summer 2006, that's why, and the Iraqi resistance, and the Afghan resistance, and so on.

But the question is when will ordinary Americans and their political representatives realise that fighting Israel's wars are futile and worthless. How many more lives must be lost and how many more billions spent before that point is reached? The political leadership in America sadly will not accept the real truth, and the Senate and Congress will continue be filled by men and women of low quality and stature (All societies have such men and women). There will be NO hope from this section, and to continue to hope for real leadership from these people is a waste of time and is an insult to ones self dignity.

Along this painful process of self realisation in America there must be much pain and self reflection. The Jew in order to 'use' America for it's ends will attempt a directorship there, and ordinary Americans should be alerted to this.

They have plenty of experience from the Soviet Union, and guess what to fine tune the system, they have hired the services of Comrade Commissar Markus Wolfe of the former East German Stasi to advise them, and Comrade Commissar Valery Primakov (Jew) of the former KGB----I kid you not !


"that technology will solve the energy dilemma."

There is no energy dilemma, only that created by the Necon's to increase anxiety to get otherwise rational people to do what they normally would not do-----there is enough resources on the earth to last us well into the next century. On the global landmass, and the ocean seabed. 'Peak oil' is a Neocon theory dressed up as left-wing radical theory to push gullible statesmen (in the USA/UK) to grab the natural resources of the world, when in fact there is abundant evidence that the resources of the world are renewable and bountiful. I even haven't mentioned human ingenuity and what that will do for humanity in the future, and what it has already done. There is no need to bite our nails and grab everything in sight. There is enough, I guarantee you.


"That there will be a financial crisis soon":

The Jews running up to the last century engineered several financial crisis's in the USA, culminating in the 'Wall street crash' which was carried out by Jewish financiers. Think of it as bowling. You knock down all the pieces with one go, and then you pick up all the pins and place them where and how you want to by your own terms and rules. Such artificial financial crisis's each time reinforces Jewish power in America. Thus FDR was the first elected true Jewish backed President of America and Jewish, surrounded by Jews in key positions, just after the 'Great Depression'. Bill Clinton and Bush are further 'down the road' developments of this long process, because of their utter submissive behaviour towards Israel. Thus cycles of boom and busts are not inevitable but in fact are carefully orchestrated to enhance Jewish power in America.(China has experienced continued economic growth since 1949-----not one financial crisis, since I suppose not many Jewish speculators living there)


"Why does America, a superpower keep loosing wars, especially since 1945":

By 1945 America had 50% of the worlds GDP. Yet just a couple of years later it struggled to contain a rag tag poorly equipped Third World army of the Communist Chinese, as America didn't properly mobilise and invest enough men and resources to the war. The war lasted 3 years and ended inconclusively in 1953. Then the Vietnam war which lasted 10 years, costing 58,000 lives officially at least, and at a cost of $ 100 of billions of dollars. The American armed forces won every single military engagement with the Vietcong; Tet was a disaster for the VC, but of course you know that America lost the war. That means the military served America, but the government failed with the big picture, and people who runs the government in the USA? Now the Jew wants--------wait for it a 100 years war with you know who. This isn't rational state policy, this is Jew policy designed to weaken America.

"Why are we investing so heavily in Communist China?"

The Jew has weird theories and ideas-----Its a North African religion after all. Sacred brown calf's, sacred wells, Messiah's that never show up, but will one day, just keep your fingers crossed and continue with the donations; ancient (Jew Rabbi's and others) sooth Sayer's who prophesies strange events; any wonder why they are in the fiction business so heavily!................the most vile form of religious obscurantism you can imagine.

Now China is a Communist country, so simple logic would say Americans should not invest too heavily in that country, right? Communism is abhorrent, and it goes against the basic nature of humanity........ Even if China wasn't a Communist dictatorship, it is still a potential real rival to American power. But the Jew has other ideas. You see Communism was a Jewish religion invented by Rabbi Karl Marx, and so like a dead relative which is still deeply cherished as their own in countries where Communism is still practised. The Red Dragon also has strong symbolic meaning for some Jews.--------that's it---that's their logic. Destroy America militarily and economically to help China, but don't hold your breath for their mass immigration to that country, as the Jew loves Occidental society too much. But there is nothing wrong in destroying it, from within. A trully clever master race.

"Why since 1965 is America being flooded with immigrants?"

Others have written better about this issue than I, but in a nut shell it goes like this. Create racial chaos by flooding the country with immigrants. Then get the different groups to fight each other. Whilst they fight each other, and focus on each other, the Jew just tip toes into more power, whilst Jew divides and conquers, using the newly arrivals as tools against the older groups. Now America is a land of opportunity that is made up of immigrants, OK no problem, but not if immigrats are used as a tool to subvert America socially, economically, culturally for the perceived benefit of one group.

Also the repeat of the same piece in pictures----"What world famous men said about the Jews"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhDUfzEOX-w Part I.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoeOVpC0O0w&mode=related&search= Part II

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGWumOKHr6Q&mode=related&search= Part III

It seems the source of the problem is the Jews up bringing and their Talmudic 'religion' originating from North Africa, which states that they are the "Chosen people" and that they can do no wrong. Their religion elevates their earthly self to above everything else; it makes them think they are little Gods worshipping materialism and money. It is not a religion, but merely a DIY manual of 10 easy and greasy ways to take you and the tribe to the very top of society. There is no genius here.

Dismiss the 'liberal' Jew who states that he was not bought up on the teachings of the Torah and the Talmud---4,000 of tribal habit and indoctrination does not disappear over night. Their upbringing in turn creates a megalomaniac view of the self, and then the problems ensue, and over 79 countries covering 3000 years have expelled this North African tribe ------WHY?---Because they are all anti-Semitic right?-heaven forbid that anyone dare to question them except from the fringes, to the fringes. One does not dare to question God's people.

Whilst these Jew games were localised in the past and were a problems for the locals to deal with ----ie. Egyptians BC 1500, to the Russians AD 1900. The present Jewish problem is a global one where the earth and it's multiple other problems all converge. Humanity is challenged enough dealing with conventional global problems without the need to deal with the Jew "Ego".

  • Organise yourself in groups and discuss these issues.
    Inform others about these issues casually and carefully. These facts will be difficult for 'first timers' engrossed with Britney spears, TV, friends, cars and fashion----normal human behavior, but we live in certain times and as a First World nation with a high education level our reaction has to be better than third World farmers who have just found out, after, that they have been cheated by MNE's.
  • GWOT, permanent war empowers the Jews, and harms America obviously because it distracts the non-Jew continuously focused on external threats that are artificially created by them, whilst they are busy consolidating their power in America-----The Jew does not believe in live and let live, or co-existence, though such things may be used by them for political purposes.
  • That Americans should not become slaves to Jews.
  • Register with your political party as a member, the Republicans and Democrats, and make your voice heard, and make your vote count in the coming primaries . Be polite but assertive like most good Americans.
    Don't suffer from apathy, 'You have the power' so make it count.