Jul 9, 2024

186,000 DEAD IN GAZA GENOCIDE, according to a UK Lancet report





As we had always suspected the true cost of the Gaza Genocide and war crimes is believed to be much, much higher than we were led to believe.

The world may be distracted by the Biden circus and WILL HE WON'T HE, but in reality a real genocide is taking place with the aid and cooperation of the American Empire (68%)....and Nazi German weapons (30%). (Making up 98% of Israeli military equipment imports). Stuff that kills civilians.

Israel since the 1970's has been the primary proxy power of the USA Empire, doing its dirty work in AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA, ASIA, THE MIDDLE EAST and UKRAINE. We could be writing an entire encyclopedia about this dark event....starting with Israel's participation in toppling the American puppet Shah, Israel's best friend in the Middle East + cheap oil + Israeli weapons systems, with Libya, NATO and the USA...TO ITS TRAINING OF NEO-NAZI ENTITIES IN THE UKRAINE, Germany FDP, France, UK and the USA. The deal is these Nazis in the West give unwavering support to the Apartheid Nazi genocide by Israel in the Middle East, and the GLOBAL ZIONIST MOVEMENT SPONSORS THEM IN THEIR LOCAL BUSINESS (BIZZARE!!!). So ISRAEL needs Nazi support to justify its actions and existence. 2-3 million Israeli citizens, please emigrate to Europe and the USA.

Nazi Germany 1933-1945 was a Jewish banker Hegelian experiment, with the Jewish Bolshevik Soviet Union (How many Europeans can we kill, including our own)?

It is not the case that the RAMPANT USA Empire with Full Spectrum Dominance is naturally pro-Israel due to the presence of 9 million people of Jewish persuasion on its soil, or the power of the Zionist lobbies in Capital Hill, or the invisible hand of the Rothschilds of London. No, it is that Israel is a dirty little willing proxy ENABLER power of the American Empire. As we speak, there are American military servicemen in GAZA participating in the Genocide, as reciprocity.

Further (and take note real socialists--NOT CHAMPAGNE SOCIALISTS) Israel along with American state entities (wink wink)....HELP FAR-RIGHT PARTIES TO POWER AROUND THE WORLD. For the sake of self-preservation, continued public support and upholding international law such parties would do well to ensure ISRAEL follows international norms and is not given a special pass.

Lynching people is BJP policy.(2022)

Case in point INDIA. Non-aligned India was more pro-Soviet than actually neutral in the Cold War.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, and KGB slush funds for buying Indian politicians drying up the USA decided to step in. 

1. The first layer of attack was macro-economic, or IMF STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT PROGRAMS AND THE COLLAPSE OF THE RUPEE. Socialist economics was got rid of.

2. Psy-ops. The USA through the DUNLOP company funded a religious epic the MAHABHARATA (1988-1990), getting a MOOOOOSLIM WRITER TO CREATE THE EPIC Hindi/Urdu poet Rahi Masoom Raza. (In joke) which triggered a Hindu national psychosis, where the whole country would come to a standstill just to watch the trashy religious drama. Through state television Doordarshan.

The highlight of course being the Kurushetra battle. Aryan kings fighting each other somewhere in North India (Punjab) just like they did in the Urals Russia, and the Shintashta culture.

3. False Flag--A fascist Hindu mob organised by the RSS in 1992 destroyed a 16-century Mosque which was suspected of being built on top of a HINDU TEMPLE....quite a few of them in INDIA.

4. Finally, the most daring illegal action. The murder of Rajiv Gandhi in 1991, just as he was about to be re-elected in that year by LTTE terrorists. Israel/USA participated. Chennai/Madras is the center of USA intelligence activity in ASIA/SOUTH ASIA/INDIA. Allen Dulles the head of the CIA was an English teacher in Chennai in the 1920's. 

Gandhi killer Naturam Godse center of picture, and the RSS. The RSS was founded by the British Raj in the 1920's modelled on European fascism. Spent all their time fighting Indian Muslims, and the secular Congress Party right up to ''Independence''. Then they killed Gandhi, after ''Independence''. (1948). We call such people FILTH COLUMN, whether in Germany, Russia, UK, and USA as they wrap the flag around themselves, and speak out of their faggot arse using extremist REASONING and LANGUAGE. Netanyahu GODSE and his type DESTROY THEIR COUNTRY, NOT MAKE THEM GREAT AGAIN.--ALWAYS WITHOUT FAIL.

5. The serious whacky fringe loony tunes religious fascists BJP (The killers of Gandhi) , a front of the RSS, suddenly with American/Israeli guidance goes from 2 seats to 89...a mass movement national party, and second only to the ruling Socialist Congress.....which is in parallel in the process of becoming extinct under good time playboy Rahul Gandhi (who may well also be a CIA asset).

STU Seldowitz, the WASP looking Israeli. WITH a penchant for puuurfect English grammar working in the CIA/STATE DEPARTMENT. In the Obama administration taking care of the Palestinians, and then South ASIA (INDIA).

6. INDIA becomes ISRAEL'S best friend in ASIA, of course. As we speak INDIAN MERCENARIES are FIGHTING IN GAZA....with '''special''' Einsattsgruppen religious-based units of the Israel military which are not Orthodox Jewish, but highly motivated.

This is a cautionary tale for ALL left-wing, indeed centre parties in the world, and especially in THE USA EMPIRE. (Democrats)