Feb 17, 2024

Arab and Muslim enablers of the genocide in Gaza.





For many nations, the USA appears on the surface to be the primary power which is enabling the genocide in Gaza. American weapons dominate the Israeli military arsenal. Or to put it another way, without American funding and weapons, the Israeli war machine would not be able to function. 

Further, Israel has to seek permission from the USA, before it launches ANY MILITARY action in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and other places. Israeli long-term military ops require spares and ammunition from the USA, for the USA weapons system. 

In 1982 Reagan ordered Israel to withdraw from Lebanon, after the destruction of Beirut and the Sabra and Shatila massacres. 

Another genocide
In December 1982, the United Nations General Assembly declared the Sabra and Shatila massacre an “'act of genocide”. The Phalange murdered pregnant women and ripped out their foetuses, according to witnesses and journalists.

The USA has and can take a moral stand in International relations.

Theoretically, the USA can stop the Gaza genocide instantly, rather than practise vile evil pedantic legalese with the Palestinians (over food, shelter and medicine).

President Biden hails from Ireland, with Irish ancestry running in his veins and specifically county Mayo. His ancestors had to flee Ireland during the so-called potato famine which took the lives of 1-2 million Irish people, and many more had to flee Ireland in search of food. The problem was exacerbated by bizarre Malthusian ideas of overpopulation, which elites in London believed had to be culled from time to time rather like wild boars, rats and foxes in the proverbial farm (it was not stated openly but implied--practised to a greater extent in INDIA, where 31 million died from starvation under colonial rule) . 

The arguments were spurious, to say the least as to why starving people should be denied food. One of the best ones was that giving STARVING IRISH FREE FOOD would interfere with laissez-faire and the workings of the classical free market of Adam Smith. Obviously, there was deep racism against the Irish, after 700 years of subjugation and exploitation. The population of Ireland dropped from 8.2 million in the 1840's to 3.2 million in 1901.

No European power came to the rescue, not even the French. One or two Ottoman Turkish supply ships got through, illegally.

Ireland suffered the Great Famine between 1845 and 1851 resulting in the loss of lives of around one million of the Irish population and causing another million to flee overseas. During the Famine, the Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecit provided 1.000 Pounds of financial aid to Ireland.

Furthermore, the Ottoman Empire sent ships carrying grain and food to the island. A common belief amongst the Irish people is that, the Ottoman ships departing Istanbul were not allowed to enter the Port of Dublin, and thus had to unload their cargo secretly at the Port of Drogheda, a town 70 km further north of Dublin. In remembrance of the aid, a plaque was unveiled on 2 May 1995 on the building which served as the City Hall of the period,

When Edward Blewitt (1795-1872) and his family left Ballina, Co Mayo 170 years ago during the Great Famine, their only thoughts were on survival and making a new life in America. The Blewitts were part of more than a million or so Irish men and women who undertake the voyage of emigration during the Famine period.

But Blewitt was no ordinary Famine emigrant. During the previous five years in which a million or so of their countrymen and women had died, he had contributed to the survival of thousands of people in the Ballina area by overseeing work on the public relief schemes. Though beneficial, this work was quickly lost to social memory. (Maynooth university Ireland)

As we speak American mercenary forces are embedded with the Israelis in Gaza.

Since the 1990s Israeli military forces have been embedded with American military forces around the world.

9/11 could not have happened without the close cooperation of the security forces of the 2 countries.

James Jesus Angleton, the cuckoo head of American intelligence in the 1950s compromised American security. He brought the two countries close together, without consulting the political leadership in America in the late 1950's, and the Eisenhower administration.

Israel cannot do covert ops in the USA, and the World without their help.

Mexican American snowflake, James Jesus Angleton. Responsible for the flooding of America with 11-25 million illegals amongst many other crimes in the USA, with Israeli participation.

In English, we say that the Israelis get their ''Dutch courage""" from the USA, and specifically its London Rothschilds Globalist worshipping Deep State.

What is also less well known, but I have alluded to over the years is racist apartheid genocidal enablers in the Middle East.

Let me give you examples from my rich direct experience and observation of this illegal malpractice. 

Many developing nations have struggled for freedom from their colonial masters, but in reality, especially with close cooperation, indoctrination and training of the security forces (strategically critical to controlling a country) by former colonial masters, and the USA defacto run the country and its politics. But it is not obvious on the surface.

Usually, always this has no good outcomes, as it is a relationship predicated on colonial history, subjugation, exploitation, racism, and in many cases genocide. But it is sold as a war against Communism, Socialism, radical Islam and whatever presses the local button of fear and insecurity.

Examples include Putin's Russia, after 1991. I apologise to all the developing nations who pin their hopes on Russia to protect them. This is the reality. He is the richest man on earth without any business background. He is president for life, despite being a disaster. He hails from the flawed compromised security apparatus of Russia. Under him, Russia is one of the most corrupt nations on earth. Finally, the most obvious indicator is that certain Americans promote him to the West, to make the mafia boss seem super smart, and doing the right thing jousting with the American Empire even though KGB personnel files tell us he was a MEDIOCRE asshole.......

Lee Harvey Oswald (Deep State Faggot...lived and worked in Russia for several years; marries a beautiful Russian lady Marina and most incredibly works in a top-secret Russian missile manufacturing plant before going back to the USA with an anti-American cover patsy for the USA Deep State)     

Edward Snowden (Deep state operative now has a Russian Passport, job, security protection and go-go pole dancers at his disposal with a level of lifestyle most FSB agents don't enjoy, not even Kim Philby..stuck in his Moscow apartment and allowed to rot with alcohol and kippers and just one woman gf)   Tucker Carlson (Deep State wanna be),   Scott Ritter (Deep State), Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Deep State and Trump Security advisor) 

Oliver Stone (Deep State movie director)

and most famously Donald Trump (Deep State and Globalist Rothschilds of London puppet FRONT....packed his first junta with generals, swamp creatures and Christian evangelicals praying for the second coming of Christ through WAH/ARMAGEDDON)..and Jew Stephan Miller Goebbels, and Hassidic Jew Deputy at large Jared Kushner, and Salome.

2 good reasons to hire this beautiful Arab lady, and it has nothing to do with law.

Preying on simple-minded patriotic Americans, with fake sound bites that resonated at their level of thinking, Bait and Switch, offering no real solutions but more divisive conflict. But making his buddies, the rich even richer through tax cuts and COVID-19 Cares Acts, again prioritising the rich over the plebs. ...with seamless cooperation with the DNC.

In the Middle East there are two types of Israeli genocide enablers:

1. Through no fault of their own, but through history these Middle East countries have become colonial puppets of the West, or they never broke off the shackles of colonialism.

Egypt, Jordan and Morrocco.

2. Middle Eastern countries with Jewish leadership. The leaders pretend to be Muslim but in fact are Jewish.

Ever wondered why Mullah Iran never attacks Israel openly or directly? Even though the Israelis often boast about killing Iranian generals in Syria (5) and Iraq (General Qasem Soliemani) terrorist ops inside Iran targeting security personnel, and scientists with MEK.

NATO Turkey, UAE and probably other Gulf GCC countries, and finally most significantly     Saudi Arabia       keepers of the two most holy places of Islam, run by Western-educated good-time playboys, with all their petro loot in Western banks, along with their investments.