Mar 6, 2023

President TRUMP will be nominated as the Presidential candidate for the REPUBLICANS in 2024.





There is a deep widespread feeling amongst the 80% of the GOP members that the Donald was deprived of a legitimate 2nd term. This is not a FOX NEWS talking point, but how the rank and file feel, based on a conspiracy theory which has not been proven in court.

Remember the REVOLUTIONARY WAR was initiated by a minority of white men (1-2% actually took up arms.....15--40 years old), of English background who 'felt' that the mighty British Empire was oppressive in the area of taxation and unresponsive to their economic needs

They definitely were not fighting for Jeffersonian Democracy. There was a nomination suggestion after independence to make general Washington the first king of America...King George!

The British Empire on the other hand felt that the colonials should pay their fair share of the costs of fighting the French.

The 'Boston massacre' was initiated by a DRUNK colonial baiting a British soldier doing his sentry duty.

Given the money trail, Ron DeSantis is an Israeli bot, and one is quite sure the Americans did not fight an eight-year revolutionary WAR only to be replaced by ISRAELI COLONIAL RULE.

If you are running against the Donald in the primaries, your best pitch should be as VP.

As VP you promote your good work in your state and Washington. This is what I have achieved.

In the primaries, you display your political skills by ATTACKING THE DEMOCRATS, and President Biden.

You run in the primaries because you want to promote your future prospects as President in 2028, and 2032. 

Attacking President Trump on a national platform risks blowback from the grassroots. The MAGA are mean vicious vindictive people.

On the other hand, if you don't attack the Donald on a national platform than you are just another version of the MAGA crowd, and thus it is pointless selecting you as Presidential nominee for the GOP.

What they should have done at FOX news, 'The following commentary by TUCKER CARLSON does not necessarily represent the actual views held dear by FOX corporation, but we like to invite a variety of opinions to showcase their worldview on our bimbo channel'