Aug 5, 2022

Russia strengthens air-defence in Ukraine, and ups its Drone game capability.





In anticipation of a Ukrainian airforce, sponsored by NATO, Russia is upping its AA capability specifically targeting Ukie drones.

Russia is reaching out to stalwart neighbours for Drones

Finally, the VAST economy of Russia is gearing up to build 'Stalin's emergency war production factories' In Siberia to meet the needs of the military in Ukraine.

Drones will become a bigger feature of the war, from the Russian perspective with an emphasis on precision and quality, as displayed by American drones as they went about killing civilians in Afghanistan/Pakistan (98%) from 2005-2021.

Russia does not have this experience.

The UK




are the primary foreign powers in CONTROL of Ukraine's security forces.

It is defacto a puppet state of NATO

Its leaders take orders from NATO

NATO trains all the key military personnel.

America brought the NAZI regime to power, 2014. The Nazi party is the only party that is not banned in Ukraine, currently.