Gipsies originate from INDIA, even though Europeans 1000 years ago thought they came from Egypt.
They were looked down upon by the Europeans as stateless migrants, with strange habits, refusing to assimilate....crossing borders as and when they felt like it.
The Gypsies also did a lot of suggestive dancing, tarot card reading, cards playing in general, palm reading, and Crystal ball reading...AND SINGING/MUSIC PERFORMANCE ....and a lot of other things which were considered borderline witchcraft, satanic, heretic and un-Christian for the prudes of Medival Christiandom.
Ancient Persia brought them to Europe (My take), how they ended up in Europe 700-1,000 years back.
The Persian Emperors brought them from India as COURT entertainers/performers. From there they moved on to Europe.
They belong to a lower order caste in India, from Rajasthan, Sindh and Gujrat (Western India) and they still exist in India, to this day. They have a significant IMPACT on Indian society, but as with Europe they receive no recognition, but derision in pretty racist India, even today. I think Bhojpuri culture which dominates Hindi cinema is Gypsie in origin, and their caste name is....Doma.
"It's a tale of centuries of oppression and survival against the odds. A new study by Indian and Estonian geneticists suggests what historians have long argued – that Europe's Roma gypsies are descended from dalits or low caste 'untouchables' who left north-west India 1,000 years ago." University world news
And, what crime did the Gypsie commit in Europe? Their crime in India was to be Untouchables. Did they drive millions of Russian and Polish farmers into debt through usuary? Did they organise and fund German princelings into forever religious and succession wars in EUROPE? Did they ever attempt to control, influence and run governments in Europe, the world, and Myanmar/Singapore? Did they ever enter popular politics, with political and social agendas? Did they attempt to ever subvert and indoctrinate society with their peculiar North African belief systems? Did they introduce a genocidal political ideology that in Russia ALONE killed 60 million Soviet citizens?
Did they ever introduce bizarre economic policies of 90% service, 10% Industry, and the process of destroying the economy and high inflation 10.1%?
There is another kind of Indian which entered Europe. But we do not know which caste they belonged to as they left India in the wake of the last Ice Age receding from 9,000--6,000 BCE. As the last Ice Age receded, Indians moved into Central Asia first where 4,000-5,000-year-old Indian cities have been found, and then hard left into Russia and Europe.....we call these people Indo-Europeans.
9000-6000 BCE OUT OF INDIA.
After the last Ice Age, the Indian cities in Central Asia have passed the pages of history, and since 500 AD the region has been occupied by Turkic people and also as part of the state of China. (looking to purchase Ferghana cavalry horses, and secure the new Silk Road, against the Huns. Adopting their mode of war using horses.)
The primary factor influencing the Indo-Europeans to move out of India, and into INDIA, again; across Russia, the Steppe and Siberia was Climate Change, along with the chariots technology, and the domestication of horses, by the Botai and Ukrainian Yamnaya Culture circa 4,000-3500 BCE.

The do nothing post-colonial government of India is too busy to do anything for the Indian Gypsies and their pitiful plight.

The wheels of Ashoka, in the Roma Flag, are similar to the Indian Flag.
United States | 1,000,000 estimated with Romani ancestry[note 1][5][6] |
Brazil | 800,000 (0.4%)[7] |
Spain | 750,000–1,500,000 (1.9–3.7%)[8][9][10][11][12] |
Romania | 619,007[note 2]–1,850,000 (3.29–8.3%)[13][14][15] |
Turkey | 500,000–2,750,000 (3.8%)[9][16][17][18] |
France | 500,000–1,200,000[19][20] |
Bulgaria | 325,343[note 3]–750,000 (4.9–10.3%)[21][22] |
Hungary | 309,632[note 4]–870,000 (3.21–8.8%)[23][24] |
Argentina | 300,000[note 5][25][26] |
Czech Republic | 250,000[27][28] |
United Kingdom | 225,000 (0.4%)[29][9][30] |
Russia | 205,007[note 6]–825,000 (0.6%)[9] |
Serbia | 147,604[note 7]–600,000 (2.1–8.2%)[31][32][9] |
Italy | 120,000–180,000 (0.3%)[33][9] |
Greece | 111,000–300,000 (2.7%)[34][35] |
Germany | 105,000 (0.1%)[9][36] |
Slovakia | 105,738[note 8]–490,000 (2.1–9.0%)[37][38][39] |
Iran | 2,000–110,000[40][41] |
North Macedonia | 53,879[note 9]–197,000 (9.6%)[9][42] |
Sweden | 50,000–100,000[9][43] |
Ukraine | 47,587[note 10]–260,000 (0.6%)[9][44] |
Portugal | 40,000–52,000 (0.5%)[9][45] |
Austria | 40,000–50,000 (0.6%) |
Kosovo[a] | 36,000[note 11] (2%)[9][46] |
Netherlands | 32,000–40,000 (0.2%)[9] |
Poland | 17,049[note 6]–32,500 (0.1%)[9][47] |
Croatia | 16,975[note 6]–35,000 (0.8%)[9][48] |
Mexico | 15,850[49] |
Chile | 15,000–20,000[50] |
Moldova | 12,778[note 6]–107,100 (3.0%)[9][51] |
Finland | 10,000–12,000 est. (0.2%)[52] |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 8,864[note 6]–58,000 (1.5%)[9][53] |
Colombia | 2,649–8,000[25][54] |
Albania | 8,301[note 12][9][45][55] |
Belarus | 7,316[note 6]–47,500 (0.5%)[56] |
Latvia | 7,193[note 6]–12,500 (0.6%)[9] |
Canada | 5,255–80,000[57][58] |
Montenegro | 5,251[note 6]–20,000 (3.7%)[59] |
Czech Republic | 5,199[note 13]–40,370[note 14] (Romani speakers)–250,000 (1.9%)[60][61] |
Australia | 5,000–25,000[62] |
Slovenia | 3,246[9] |
Lithuania | 2,571[9] |
Denmark | 5,500[63] |
1. The main challenge facing Gypsies in India is caste racism. The main challenge facing Gypsies in the West is European religious-based racism. To get out of this vicious cycle, of many millennia, the Gypsies need to deed poll and change their names and identity as well as integrate with the local culture. The Gypsy fanaticism to cling to their Indian culture has meant genocidal hatred in Central Europe especially, along with the Jews. Once integration takes place, many a Gypsy has enjoyed global success in their natural genetic skills to entertain, and even in extreme cases political leadership in Brazil, and TURKEY. Clinging to their Indian heritage has not brought them any benefits.
2. The second challenge for Gypsies is getting rid of their Ghetto, victimhood mentality. Self-pity is the cheapest default mode when life throws you a lemon. From Sir Charles Chaplain MBE, OBE and Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, KMBC we learn that if you apply yourself through sheer hard work, you can achieve success. The greatest of Gypsies like David Essex, Bob Hoskins or Elvis NEVER wore their Gypsy heritage on their sleeve.
3. For Indo-Europeans from INDIA, the biggest challenge and enemy are themselves. We know from ancient archaeology that in the SHINTASTA CULTURE, in the summer after the harvest was in, huge unsustainable parties were held (a bit like INDIAN WEDDINGS)...and the villages and tribes would attack each other ( Hence, North Indians are different from South Indians)
We love Russia because that is where we were truly made, not the sub-tropical heat of North India. We love Russia, and the steppe, the air, the grass, the forest and TREES, the great lakes and rivers and everything else besides, despite the tragedy and the Globalist government, because that is where we were made.
Most of the tribes did not call themselves Aryan, but by our specific tribal ethnic name, so numerous. Iranian and Aryan terms are interchangeable. Only in Eran did the rulers Shahenshah's call the people Aryan, evidenced by ancient text spoken by the rulers..Xerxes and Darius. In India, it has a more quasi-religious meaning...to be a good man, almost a perfect man who is noble and devoid of human weaknesses and vices.
4. The second main challenge for Indo-Europeans is the Globalist Jews. They have their very peculiar set of beliefs which are satanic and anti-human, all humans not just Indo-Europeans, including fellow Jews...protocols using sacrificing 'Lessor brethren' (East European Jews).
Even though through inter-marriage, and migration out of the Semitic belt, many have dominant Indo-European genes.
The ALLURE of being special, different and better than everybody else is not a new phenomenon.
However, the Rothschilds have money, and power over governments and organisations.
The USA, since at least Saint Jimmy Carter, the USA's first truly awful Globalist President {foreign policy of the Rothschilds takes priority over domestic challenges)
The UK, for the last 200 years.
Germany for the last 400 years.
The political establishment and especially the spooks....media...and so on.
The Rothschilds disappear from the pages of history. Then humanity can move forward and deal with the primary challenges on earth objectively through the prism of reason and need....and human survival for everybody regardless of creed race gender and caste.
For the Satanic globalist human survival means, building Doomsday bunkers with seeds for themselves, and replacing humans with robots. There is no humanistic plan B for themselves. That's it!