Jul 7, 2022

The gas and oil sanctions against Russia is WRONG, as a way of punishing the Putin junta specifically





It's not working.

In fact, Russia is earning more NOW, 8th July, than it did in February. times DOUBLE, very difficult to say with the Opiac Russian petrochemical industry. But definitely a lot more.....and a lot of it in ASIA. The Russian economy is pivoting to ASIA.

Meanwhile Gas and INFLATION are at a record high........AS A CONSEQUENCE of the sanctions regime against Russia, ENFORCED LOYALLY ESPECIALLY IN NATO EUROPE, AND OFCOURSE THE USA.

This strategy harms the electoral chances of the US government, with a landslide defeat, in November and beyond and WILL SEE THE COLLAPSE WITH BANANA REPUBLIC RIOTS OF SEVERAL EUROPEAN NATO NATIONS, APPROACHING WINTER 2022.  

If the good American public is told to suck it up for the greater good of Ukraine or the Rothschilds 'LIBERAL INTERNATIONAL ORDER' or Globalism, this will not cut the dijon mustard.

Most ordinary salt-of-the-earth people don't buy or get esoteric higher-order ideology.