The President of the USA is the most powerful person in the world, who can do ANYTHING in the USA through executive action.
If he doesn't it means the President lacks the confidence to make key strategic decisions about the economy. He does not believe in himself......even though cognitive reality says something is wrong.
It also means the President has surrounded himself with LONDON ROTHSCHILD GLOBALIST advisers who merely proscribe medieval leeches to draw the blood out of the ordinary people.
The theory being when Plebians suffer they must suffer some more.
ALSO, in a CAPITALIST system, the rich get richer as they have greater economic power during the economic depression (the president alarmingly informed a JEWISH DNC HOST {SYMBOLICALLY REPRESENTING THE Rothschilds for his first live interview, WHILST SITTING AT A LOWER ELEVATION LOOKING UP AT THE the Jewish dnc comdeian} that the economy was booming 23 minutes of porky pig speak. Which is a fake assertion).
The rich in America are far better placed to take advantage of the economy, that is why the USA is the only country in the world with a regular boom-bust cycle since the 19th century (Only in the USA).
Statistics are strange, and yet we see Turkey at the top with GDP growth of 13%. Turkiye has been good to the Rothschilds of London, waging Jihad against Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and most significantly SYRIA.......LEADING TO THE DEATH OF 1,000,000 MUSLIMS MOSTLY..using 'al-Qaeda' and ISIS...As fifth column destabilisation tools nominally for the USA Empire and the so-called Arab Spring but in reality a shit show for the Rothchilds of London. Deonme Erdogan visited London and thanked the Rothschilds recently.
At another level, the Rothschilds of London have been promoting through TURKEY, PAN-TURANISM...Altai Uighur Turkic Mongol people. There isn't a deep love by the Rothschilds for the Altai people, but a misguided theory that such people are a race enemy and challenge to IRANIC PEOPLE stretching from Hungary and Eastern Europe to Siberia, Xinjiang and Central Asia (former domains of Iranian people now occupied by Altai people)
Especially Jacob Rothschilds has an unfounded INFERIORITY COMPLEX with Iranic PEOPLE.
The UK where the Rothschilds live, is performing very poorly economically and at many other levels---troops marching on the streets and gulag state on the make--and a deliberate public school inept bafoooon elevated to leadership who obviously cannot resolve Rothschild policies imposed on the hapless UK state even if he wanted to.