I have never heard such an articulate HERO before in English.......WOW. FORMER INSIDER.
. . . .
Just a proviso pushback.....China should not be used to attribute fundamental structural problems with the ruling class of the USA.
Shouting China, China, China becomes a distraction and misdirection of where the real problems lie in the USA.
Nor should we expect and hope that the USA is/as the sole hyper-power which saves and leads the world.(one may have thought so naively many decades back living in the comfort and bossom of the UK, and definitely not NOW after Bush II Obummer with his cynical Cairo speech in 2009, followed in just 2 years by the CIA/State Department engineered Arab Spring)
Alternative duality of global power is important for many reasons one can talk about. China and Russia are important ALTERNATIVES' in the world that provide much needed 'BALANCE' to the world dynamic.
Imagine a world where there was no China or even Russia as alternatives to the USA hyperpower running amok in the 1990's and 2010's.
ANYWAY....... the best bits IMHO.
The country is toast after this ($2 trillion dollar bill for the bankers and failing corporations.)
This bi-partisan deal does not do enough for the common people (temporary token bread crumbs $500 billion for 320 million people)....but gives $4 trillion or more to the bankers and corporations, increasing corporate welfare Socialism to business, and preventing their ability to adapt naturally to business cycles of highs and lows in demand and thus cushioning failing businesses with failed corrupt CEO's from failing and NATURALLY going bankrupt.(because the 2 parties are run by for corporatists...with a corporatists billionaire President--they are taking care of their own, including the rotten ones at the expense of the average Joe, whilst pretedning to do something for the masses and sneakily hiding their slush fund giveaway under the cover of a national bailout for ALL)....CRIMINAL.
Widen income and inequality in the country......total give away to the richest 1000 in the country.
So the "stimulus" is a massive wealth upward redistribution scam with a few half measures that crushes the people.
The bill passed with the help of Bernie (Sanders)......with the cult of personality.
Bernie and Warren sold you out because they are cowards.
The whole thing is annoying and stupid(Stoller)
The reasons they used to pass the bailout bill is total BS.
It's a corporate coup because there is a whole of dirty slush funds in there.
Bernie is lazy, he doesn't deal with details.
They work for Wall Street and they don't even know it!!!!

Bernie is a fundamentally lazy and stupid politician.

Protecting their moral vanity.
Bernie is a liar and fraud, he wanted to Grandstand, cult of personality.

If you think Joe Biden is a decent guy then you have serious judgement issues....what Hunter Biden was doing WAS NOT OK.(In Ukraine).....Biden clearly sexually assaulted her. This is a monster. Cognitive decline.

As Truman told us the only people that get rich in government are crooks (Pelosi)

A lot of Democrats are mad because Donald Trump doesn't use the right salad fork. (their hatred for Trump is superficial...and therefore stand with him legislatively rather provide alternative positions and answers against him to the people)

10's of millions of Americans have craven immoral ideas in their head---Pelosi, Schumer are mirrors of the society and voters they represent.

Adult children of alcoholics (Americans)