SO......$9.5 BILLION is either blocked from the federal government or cut in medical spending ......but he goes on television 24/7 hero of the hour saying he needs 30,000 ventilators, something the federal government can't supply .......at least not immediately. Central emergency planning, production and supply takes time--these things come out of factories which his type in his city have shipped abroad (Wall Street).
What planet is our mafia spaghetti on?
Mar 30, 2020
Mar 29, 2020
End Game for The US Dollar -- The Central Banks Losing Confidence in The Dollar .
Another perspective from the USA, about the true global financial order (I'm not the messenger dear CIA, I'm only the copy paster)
Another perspective from the USA, about the true global financial order (I'm not the messenger dear CIA, I'm only the copy paster)
Mar 28, 2020
The $2 trillion bailout is the SAME AS the Bush Obummer TARP's for the too big to fail big banks in 2008 and 2009, under the cover of pennies for the plebs...and the PANDEMIC.
I have never heard such an articulate HERO before in English.......WOW. FORMER INSIDER.
. . . .
Just a proviso pushback.....China should not be used to attribute fundamental structural problems with the ruling class of the USA.
Shouting China, China, China becomes a distraction and misdirection of where the real problems lie in the USA.
Nor should we expect and hope that the USA is/as the sole hyper-power which saves and leads the world.(one may have thought so naively many decades back living in the comfort and bossom of the UK, and definitely not NOW after Bush II Obummer with his cynical Cairo speech in 2009, followed in just 2 years by the CIA/State Department engineered Arab Spring)
Alternative duality of global power is important for many reasons one can talk about. China and Russia are important ALTERNATIVES' in the world that provide much needed 'BALANCE' to the world dynamic.
Imagine a world where there was no China or even Russia as alternatives to the USA hyperpower running amok in the 1990's and 2010's.
ANYWAY....... the best bits IMHO.
The country is toast after this ($2 trillion dollar bill for the bankers and failing corporations.)
This bi-partisan deal does not do enough for the common people (temporary token bread crumbs $500 billion for 320 million people)....but gives $4 trillion or more to the bankers and corporations, increasing corporate welfare Socialism to business, and preventing their ability to adapt naturally to business cycles of highs and lows in demand and thus cushioning failing businesses with failed corrupt CEO's from failing and NATURALLY going bankrupt.(because the 2 parties are run by for corporatists...with a corporatists billionaire President--they are taking care of their own, including the rotten ones at the expense of the average Joe, whilst pretedning to do something for the masses and sneakily hiding their slush fund giveaway under the cover of a national bailout for ALL)....CRIMINAL.
Widen income and inequality in the country......total give away to the richest 1000 in the country.
So the "stimulus" is a massive wealth upward redistribution scam with a few half measures that crushes the people.
The bill passed with the help of Bernie (Sanders)......with the cult of personality.
Bernie and Warren sold you out because they are cowards.
The whole thing is annoying and stupid(Stoller)
The reasons they used to pass the bailout bill is total BS.
It's a corporate coup because there is a whole of dirty slush funds in there.
Bernie is lazy, he doesn't deal with details.
They work for Wall Street and they don't even know it!!!!

Bernie is a fundamentally lazy and stupid politician.

Protecting their moral vanity.
Bernie is a liar and fraud, he wanted to Grandstand, cult of personality.

If you think Joe Biden is a decent guy then you have serious judgement issues....what Hunter Biden was doing WAS NOT OK.(In Ukraine).....Biden clearly sexually assaulted her. This is a monster. Cognitive decline.

As Truman told us the only people that get rich in government are crooks (Pelosi)

A lot of Democrats are mad because Donald Trump doesn't use the right salad fork. (their hatred for Trump is superficial...and therefore stand with him legislatively rather provide alternative positions and answers against him to the people)

10's of millions of Americans have craven immoral ideas in their head---Pelosi, Schumer are mirrors of the society and voters they represent.

Adult children of alcoholics (Americans)

I have never heard such an articulate HERO before in English.......WOW. FORMER INSIDER.
. . . .
Just a proviso pushback.....China should not be used to attribute fundamental structural problems with the ruling class of the USA.
Shouting China, China, China becomes a distraction and misdirection of where the real problems lie in the USA.
Nor should we expect and hope that the USA is/as the sole hyper-power which saves and leads the world.(one may have thought so naively many decades back living in the comfort and bossom of the UK, and definitely not NOW after Bush II Obummer with his cynical Cairo speech in 2009, followed in just 2 years by the CIA/State Department engineered Arab Spring)
Alternative duality of global power is important for many reasons one can talk about. China and Russia are important ALTERNATIVES' in the world that provide much needed 'BALANCE' to the world dynamic.
Imagine a world where there was no China or even Russia as alternatives to the USA hyperpower running amok in the 1990's and 2010's.
ANYWAY....... the best bits IMHO.
The country is toast after this ($2 trillion dollar bill for the bankers and failing corporations.)
This bi-partisan deal does not do enough for the common people (temporary token bread crumbs $500 billion for 320 million people)....but gives $4 trillion or more to the bankers and corporations, increasing corporate welfare Socialism to business, and preventing their ability to adapt naturally to business cycles of highs and lows in demand and thus cushioning failing businesses with failed corrupt CEO's from failing and NATURALLY going bankrupt.(because the 2 parties are run by for corporatists...with a corporatists billionaire President--they are taking care of their own, including the rotten ones at the expense of the average Joe, whilst pretedning to do something for the masses and sneakily hiding their slush fund giveaway under the cover of a national bailout for ALL)....CRIMINAL.
Widen income and inequality in the country......total give away to the richest 1000 in the country.
So the "stimulus" is a massive wealth upward redistribution scam with a few half measures that crushes the people.
The bill passed with the help of Bernie (Sanders)......with the cult of personality.
Bernie and Warren sold you out because they are cowards.
The whole thing is annoying and stupid(Stoller)
The reasons they used to pass the bailout bill is total BS.
It's a corporate coup because there is a whole of dirty slush funds in there.
Bernie is lazy, he doesn't deal with details.
They work for Wall Street and they don't even know it!!!!

Bernie is a fundamentally lazy and stupid politician.

Protecting their moral vanity.
Bernie is a liar and fraud, he wanted to Grandstand, cult of personality.

If you think Joe Biden is a decent guy then you have serious judgement issues....what Hunter Biden was doing WAS NOT OK.(In Ukraine).....Biden clearly sexually assaulted her. This is a monster. Cognitive decline.

As Truman told us the only people that get rich in government are crooks (Pelosi)

A lot of Democrats are mad because Donald Trump doesn't use the right salad fork. (their hatred for Trump is superficial...and therefore stand with him legislatively rather provide alternative positions and answers against him to the people)

10's of millions of Americans have craven immoral ideas in their head---Pelosi, Schumer are mirrors of the society and voters they represent.

Adult children of alcoholics (Americans)

Mar 27, 2020
McCain's Wife complains about poor people eating cheese cake/apple pie for a measly 4 months of a Pandemic which may last, from official Pentagon sources for ....18 months.
. . .
The unemployment rate during the Great Depression of the 1930's (1929--1945)...was 24%, unofficially killing 7 million Americans.
The unemployment rate during this PANDEMIC which may or may not last 18 months could reach 30% at a higher super warp speed rate compared to the 1930's.
. . .
The unemployment rate during the Great Depression of the 1930's (1929--1945)...was 24%, unofficially killing 7 million Americans.
The unemployment rate during this PANDEMIC which may or may not last 18 months could reach 30% at a higher super warp speed rate compared to the 1930's.
Who is the HERO with balls who is going to Philibuster the $2 trillion FAKE bailout Bill of by for the Globalists and their $41 trillion off-shore loot from America?
Not Sheepdog Bernie?
Not Rand Paul?
Not Matt Gaetz?
Not Liz Warren?
Not Jim Jordan?
The peoples representatatives and senators by the people for the people.
Not Sheepdog Bernie?
Not Rand Paul?
Not Matt Gaetz?
Not Liz Warren?
Not Jim Jordan?
The peoples representatatives and senators by the people for the people.
Krystal Ball implores AOC to KILL corporate robbery bill
Mar 26, 2020
How to start a revolution
Let them eat cake attitude from government officers does not help.
Let go and forget Sheep Dog Bernie Kyle. Think of Plan B.
Let them eat cake attitude from government officers does not help.
Let go and forget Sheep Dog Bernie Kyle. Think of Plan B.
Mar 25, 2020
Mar 22, 2020
Mar 21, 2020
DNC 'DEMOCRAT' Nancy Pelosi does not want desperate Americans ...many of them Democrat voters....to get Emergency token stop gap funds from their government funds.
But she is OK with $2.2 trillion for the Wall Street banks, from a few days back, to deal with the same problem, ordinary Americans now face.$2.2 Trillion Pumped Into Banks Explained w/Dylan Ratigan
What an utterly cynical bitch!
I mean $2,000 in 2 payments isn't going to pay for the basic groceries of most American, let alone aleviate their suffering as this global challenge progresses for 18 months or more in the USA.
Its just a token amount offered by the government to communicate to the people that the USA government is not going to let them starve to death in their houses, under a national lockdown.
Its just a 'gesture' of support, and a downpayment with more substantial systemic aid to come once the full implications of the pandemic are realised.
But no! Multi-million Nancy with her Octegenarian snout in the trough of the Capital Hill gravy train isn't havin any of that.
When the bodies pile up because of your meanness, what you gonna do and say Nancy? "I was for it, before I vetoed it."
But she is OK with $2.2 trillion for the Wall Street banks, from a few days back, to deal with the same problem, ordinary Americans now face.
What an utterly cynical bitch!
I mean $2,000 in 2 payments isn't going to pay for the basic groceries of most American, let alone aleviate their suffering as this global challenge progresses for 18 months or more in the USA.
Its just a token amount offered by the government to communicate to the people that the USA government is not going to let them starve to death in their houses, under a national lockdown.
Its just a 'gesture' of support, and a downpayment with more substantial systemic aid to come once the full implications of the pandemic are realised.
But no! Multi-million Nancy with her Octegenarian snout in the trough of the Capital Hill gravy train isn't havin any of that.
When the bodies pile up because of your meanness, what you gonna do and say Nancy? "I was for it, before I vetoed it."

Mar 20, 2020
Tulsi endorses Sniff and Grope Hidin Bidin--I badly need some coffee
My innocent, naive illusion of the world is shattered.
Deep State Tulsi from the MIC, National Guard endorses Hidin Bidin.
. . .
COMMENT: Team Biden kicked her out of the debates and she endorses them. She has no sense of pride or honor....CUS SHE DESPERATELY WANTS TO BE VP...and sniff and grope is OK.
Scott: I don't care that she didn't endorse Bernie, if she actually believed in the message she was selling she should have NEVER endorsed Joe Biden. She endorsed the camp that smeared her as a Russian asset for a year. Watching the rats running onto a sinking ship is beyond bizarre. #NeverBiden
people are hurt. Warren hurt us Yang hurt us Tulsi hurt us Each and every "progressive" hurt us. Bernie knew it. #notmeUS
My innocent, naive illusion of the world is shattered.
Deep State Tulsi from the MIC, National Guard endorses Hidin Bidin.
. . .
COMMENT: Team Biden kicked her out of the debates and she endorses them. She has no sense of pride or honor....CUS SHE DESPERATELY WANTS TO BE VP...and sniff and grope is OK.
Scott: I don't care that she didn't endorse Bernie, if she actually believed in the message she was selling she should have NEVER endorsed Joe Biden. She endorsed the camp that smeared her as a Russian asset for a year. Watching the rats running onto a sinking ship is beyond bizarre. #NeverBiden
people are hurt. Warren hurt us Yang hurt us Tulsi hurt us Each and every "progressive" hurt us. Bernie knew it. #notmeUS
Mar 18, 2020
Ladies and gentleman of America I have been vindicated .....I was right all along. Donald Trumps Presidential address in January 2021
I told you so is unacceptable at this time. Its not what people want to hear.
In somber times like these, maybe its not a good idea to bragg.
Maybe the language can be more sophisticated and subtle.....and a 2nd term Presidential.(reassured and measured, rather than frantic and emphatic).
But the message must NOT be repeated on a election platform, but repeated, repeated, and repeated again, again and again until people are blue in the face about these key points, WHILST UNDERTAKING PRESIDENTIAL tours, duties and speeches.
"I'm not bragging, I'm not making fake empty election promises.....I've actually fulfilled them just like I said I would, against ALL the naysayers in the country"
1. 'Build that Wall'---you know folks I faced a lot of heat when I declared in my election rally call back in 2015 that I would build a wall in the Southern part of our great country.....people told me that it couldn't be done, because it would be too expensive and America didn't have that kind of money, IN THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. They said I was racist.
They said stopping MS13 gang members coming into our country was racist.
They said stopping illegal drugs from South America COMING into our country was racist.
They said stopping human trafficking coming into our country was racist.
They said stopping illegal aliens pouring in which undercut the jobs and wages of working Americans was racist!!!!!!
Can you believe these people??? What kind of a world these people live in?..DNC
I invited Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi to sit down with me at the Whitehouse several times to agree on a bi-partisan plan to build and complete the wall quickly. Instead they thought I was in a weak spot, and that is why I invited them. They agreed to give me a few cents for the Wall, but in return they wanted me to legalise all 11-25 million illegals ALREADY in the USA first, before they would authorise a dime. Then when I said no to such outrageous ideas they stormed out saying I was the one being unreasonable.
2. The estimates for the forever wars were $6 trillion since 2001, whilst others stated it was $8 trillion (with ongoing costs related to veterans and equipment depreciation and degradation and massive corruption--heroes in uniform can steal taxpayer money since they have earned that right).....covering 7 to 8 wars in several countries, with still more wars prayed for costing still more lives......after the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. All this on top of the fact that the Pentagon can't account for $ 8 trillion in unaudited accounts of money God knows which of the global tax havens the money was laundered, as part of the $41 trillion off shored from the American economy.
That is an awful lot of money to defend Americans, where the average American for 19 years now must go through unAmerican police state security and checks that verge on obedience control and Gestapo humiliation.
So how about forking out a couple trillion more to give directly to Americans citizens when they need protection NOW the most in their hour of need, when they face life threatening threats .......not as high as $8 trillion mind you like the forever wars against brown failed states, usually run by CIA puppets. Not the Pentagon $8 trillion which is unaudited amount lying somewhere in an off shore account slush fund. Not the $41 trillion siphoned off by criminal elements from the USA economy......just around $5 trillion, a luckly number is enough.
And of course $5 trillion can be promised to the people but not all of it spent Ms Pelosi. It is a political gesture of support that is simple and easily applied via the IRS. $1000 to every household a month immediately, be it an adult individual living by themselves, with a partner or married with children and all the other permutations of American family households. The key is the threshold--those that earn less than $60,000 a year per household qualify.
Those that earn more ..over $60,000 are means tested for savings, income, assets by the IRS records and given a monthly cheque accordingly. Those that are Upper Middle class and the infamous 1% get nothing--they can channel the $41 trillion in off shore accounts. The money for the next 18 months or in a lower time frame if the problem is overcome is rather like the German church food I ate provided free for the destitute on Sunday mornings---BASIC, SIMPLE, TASTELESS , but enough to survive paying for electricity, water, rent, groceries, and gas. It is wholly non-inflationary spending, a Christian charity act of mercy if it exists on Capital Hill.....and pragmatic. Cus we don't want American rioting for food especially the plebs and the lower orders.....or their bodies rotting in households alone in a society where the sense of community no longer exists (unlike the stone age)

These aren't Ayraaabs, but they could be poor Americans. Means testing these poor people is just mean. $1000 is a very modest amount which the richest country can afford. A simple phone call from the IRS to verify ID, Social security number and IRS details that have not changed---then the cheque in the post. No need to fill in a form, waste paper and time processing 100 million forms or jump through any other Pelosi hoooops. The $2.2 trillion to the banks first, a few weeks back did not have to...so why should salt of the earth Americans?

Otherwise America will be a joke country, at the UN.....which is not the worst thing that can happen with this problem, but with no American leadership of this problem but the display of sheer Capitalist meanness to its own people, and the world will be noted by all. Ms. Pelosi may not care, she is 85....but it appears many millenials and the younger generation do really care about their country.
An $8 trillion emergency fund to rebuild and protect America from the current global emergency. $5 trillion for all households direct cheques of $1000 a month to about households that cover 50% of the population...$4 trillion for businesses. ....$%^&***()))))managed by the federal reserve.
3. Odious Debt)(*&^%%%%%$#@!
4. Cancel ALL student debt...and bring in the progressives and Bernie bro's)(*&^
5. Free healthcare credits for 50% of the population means tested for the duration of the emergency of maybe 18 months....spring 2021 at least.))(*&^%$#
6. Close all immigration loop holes...anchor babies DACA etc under the pretext of the emergency situation()*&^%$#@
7. Bring the troops back home from Afghanistan, a third world country without proper medical infrastructure....into the safety and protection of the USA....earlier than April 2021.)(*&^%$#@
8. Bring the troops back home from Iraq and Syria, third nations without proper medical infrastructure...into the saftey and protection of the USA...as soon as the Deep State can be convinced that the troops welfare comes first, before Empire.)(*&^%$#@@@@@
9. Mass parons and release of prisoners, especially those commited for possession of soft drugs....bring down prison population to 500,000 from 2,300,000....
10. release Manaforte, Flynn and Stone along the process Presidential pardons.
11, Legalise soft drugs)))))%$#@ background.
12. Make available alcohol cheapers and easier..histort Russian winter.
13. Avoid marshal law...and troops in the streets.
14. The giant leviathan security state of $1.5 trillion with its massive logistics, expertise, transport, resources, engineering teams, medical units can be unleashed to REALLY help the state IN THE BACKGROUND---outside of big cities and towns....when it needed the most.
15. The current global pandemic is an opportunity to unite the country under one very popular leader....going from winning a second term with a 45% approval rating to maybe 80%. and That this current crisis is not experienced in terms of the grim repear, and gloom and doom...but a relatively happy ocassion where American ingenuity, flexibility and leadership helps average Americans aviod the worst of the Depression era where allegations are made that 7 million people died, and production came down to 50% of GDP ETC.)(*&^%$####@
16. If President Trump can enact these populist America first measures then his approval rating will compound to 80% and similar to FDR and the New Deal era of the Depression era.)(*&^%$#@! He will be elevated to the super League of American Presidents who served America and shaped the country during such critical times....Washington, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln and of course FDR......Leaders who trascended politics and partisanship....emphasis, 'Populist America first measures')(*&^%$
17. The proposal to get things back to normal in a few days time in April is tooo early. You get things back to normal when the situation stabilises, the emergency cvilian services have achieved success and there is clear evidence that the Pandemic is receding in America. That clearly is not the case presently ......and the civilian emergency services are struggling to cope with the problem, as it gets bigger and bigger.
18. The $2 trillion bailout for the American people is a sham cover to help the too big to fail banks and corporations--what happened to the proposal that if you get moneyfrom the federal government they have a right to part or fully own and run the business?
19. The Wall Street stock market needs to be closed for 2 good reasons and probably more.
20. Conspiracy theories
21. 100,000--240,000 dead Americans prediction.
30. Let us study and not do what was done after the Wall Street Crash 1929, and then to make matters worse follow fiscal and monetary policy akin to medival medical practises of putting leaches on bodies to draw out 'bad blood'....)(*&^%$#@!....so that it would take 16 years, a Great Presidency, a Military coup which failed in 1933, and a global war where the USA was untouched directly for the economy to recover.
We don't need 16 years this time around for the country to recover from this Pandemic......if the universe and the planets are in alignment then maybe just a year, and no more, with a government looking super cool sassy and forward thinking for and by the people.)(*&^%$#@
I told you so is unacceptable at this time. Its not what people want to hear.
In somber times like these, maybe its not a good idea to bragg.
Maybe the language can be more sophisticated and subtle.....and a 2nd term Presidential.(reassured and measured, rather than frantic and emphatic).
But the message must NOT be repeated on a election platform, but repeated, repeated, and repeated again, again and again until people are blue in the face about these key points, WHILST UNDERTAKING PRESIDENTIAL tours, duties and speeches.
"I'm not bragging, I'm not making fake empty election promises.....I've actually fulfilled them just like I said I would, against ALL the naysayers in the country"
1. 'Build that Wall'---you know folks I faced a lot of heat when I declared in my election rally call back in 2015 that I would build a wall in the Southern part of our great country.....people told me that it couldn't be done, because it would be too expensive and America didn't have that kind of money, IN THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. They said I was racist.
They said stopping MS13 gang members coming into our country was racist.
They said stopping illegal drugs from South America COMING into our country was racist.
They said stopping human trafficking coming into our country was racist.
They said stopping illegal aliens pouring in which undercut the jobs and wages of working Americans was racist!!!!!!
Can you believe these people??? What kind of a world these people live in?..DNC
I invited Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi to sit down with me at the Whitehouse several times to agree on a bi-partisan plan to build and complete the wall quickly. Instead they thought I was in a weak spot, and that is why I invited them. They agreed to give me a few cents for the Wall, but in return they wanted me to legalise all 11-25 million illegals ALREADY in the USA first, before they would authorise a dime. Then when I said no to such outrageous ideas they stormed out saying I was the one being unreasonable.
2. The estimates for the forever wars were $6 trillion since 2001, whilst others stated it was $8 trillion (with ongoing costs related to veterans and equipment depreciation and degradation and massive corruption--heroes in uniform can steal taxpayer money since they have earned that right).....covering 7 to 8 wars in several countries, with still more wars prayed for costing still more lives......after the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. All this on top of the fact that the Pentagon can't account for $ 8 trillion in unaudited accounts of money God knows which of the global tax havens the money was laundered, as part of the $41 trillion off shored from the American economy.
That is an awful lot of money to defend Americans, where the average American for 19 years now must go through unAmerican police state security and checks that verge on obedience control and Gestapo humiliation.
So how about forking out a couple trillion more to give directly to Americans citizens when they need protection NOW the most in their hour of need, when they face life threatening threats .......not as high as $8 trillion mind you like the forever wars against brown failed states, usually run by CIA puppets. Not the Pentagon $8 trillion which is unaudited amount lying somewhere in an off shore account slush fund. Not the $41 trillion siphoned off by criminal elements from the USA economy......just around $5 trillion, a luckly number is enough.
And of course $5 trillion can be promised to the people but not all of it spent Ms Pelosi. It is a political gesture of support that is simple and easily applied via the IRS. $1000 to every household a month immediately, be it an adult individual living by themselves, with a partner or married with children and all the other permutations of American family households. The key is the threshold--those that earn less than $60,000 a year per household qualify.
Those that earn more ..over $60,000 are means tested for savings, income, assets by the IRS records and given a monthly cheque accordingly. Those that are Upper Middle class and the infamous 1% get nothing--they can channel the $41 trillion in off shore accounts. The money for the next 18 months or in a lower time frame if the problem is overcome is rather like the German church food I ate provided free for the destitute on Sunday mornings---BASIC, SIMPLE, TASTELESS , but enough to survive paying for electricity, water, rent, groceries, and gas. It is wholly non-inflationary spending, a Christian charity act of mercy if it exists on Capital Hill.....and pragmatic. Cus we don't want American rioting for food especially the plebs and the lower orders.....or their bodies rotting in households alone in a society where the sense of community no longer exists (unlike the stone age)

These aren't Ayraaabs, but they could be poor Americans. Means testing these poor people is just mean. $1000 is a very modest amount which the richest country can afford. A simple phone call from the IRS to verify ID, Social security number and IRS details that have not changed---then the cheque in the post. No need to fill in a form, waste paper and time processing 100 million forms or jump through any other Pelosi hoooops. The $2.2 trillion to the banks first, a few weeks back did not have to...so why should salt of the earth Americans?
Otherwise America will be a joke country, at the UN.....which is not the worst thing that can happen with this problem, but with no American leadership of this problem but the display of sheer Capitalist meanness to its own people, and the world will be noted by all. Ms. Pelosi may not care, she is 85....but it appears many millenials and the younger generation do really care about their country.
An $8 trillion emergency fund to rebuild and protect America from the current global emergency. $5 trillion for all households direct cheques of $1000 a month to about households that cover 50% of the population...$4 trillion for businesses. ....$%^&***()))))managed by the federal reserve.
3. Odious Debt)(*&^%%%%%$#@!
4. Cancel ALL student debt...and bring in the progressives and Bernie bro's)(*&^
5. Free healthcare credits for 50% of the population means tested for the duration of the emergency of maybe 18 months....spring 2021 at least.))(*&^%$#
6. Close all immigration loop holes...anchor babies DACA etc under the pretext of the emergency situation()*&^%$#@
7. Bring the troops back home from Afghanistan, a third world country without proper medical infrastructure....into the safety and protection of the USA....earlier than April 2021.)(*&^%$#@
8. Bring the troops back home from Iraq and Syria, third nations without proper medical infrastructure...into the saftey and protection of the USA...as soon as the Deep State can be convinced that the troops welfare comes first, before Empire.)(*&^%$#@@@@@
9. Mass parons and release of prisoners, especially those commited for possession of soft drugs....bring down prison population to 500,000 from 2,300,000....
10. release Manaforte, Flynn and Stone along the process Presidential pardons.
11, Legalise soft drugs)))))%$#@ background.
12. Make available alcohol cheapers and easier..histort Russian winter.
13. Avoid marshal law...and troops in the streets.
14. The giant leviathan security state of $1.5 trillion with its massive logistics, expertise, transport, resources, engineering teams, medical units can be unleashed to REALLY help the state IN THE BACKGROUND---outside of big cities and towns....when it needed the most.
15. The current global pandemic is an opportunity to unite the country under one very popular leader....going from winning a second term with a 45% approval rating to maybe 80%. and That this current crisis is not experienced in terms of the grim repear, and gloom and doom...but a relatively happy ocassion where American ingenuity, flexibility and leadership helps average Americans aviod the worst of the Depression era where allegations are made that 7 million people died, and production came down to 50% of GDP ETC.)(*&^%$####@
16. If President Trump can enact these populist America first measures then his approval rating will compound to 80% and similar to FDR and the New Deal era of the Depression era.)(*&^%$#@! He will be elevated to the super League of American Presidents who served America and shaped the country during such critical times....Washington, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln and of course FDR......Leaders who trascended politics and partisanship....emphasis, 'Populist America first measures')(*&^%$
17. The proposal to get things back to normal in a few days time in April is tooo early. You get things back to normal when the situation stabilises, the emergency cvilian services have achieved success and there is clear evidence that the Pandemic is receding in America. That clearly is not the case presently ......and the civilian emergency services are struggling to cope with the problem, as it gets bigger and bigger.
18. The $2 trillion bailout for the American people is a sham cover to help the too big to fail banks and corporations--what happened to the proposal that if you get moneyfrom the federal government they have a right to part or fully own and run the business?
19. The Wall Street stock market needs to be closed for 2 good reasons and probably more.
20. Conspiracy theories
21. 100,000--240,000 dead Americans prediction.
30. Let us study and not do what was done after the Wall Street Crash 1929, and then to make matters worse follow fiscal and monetary policy akin to medival medical practises of putting leaches on bodies to draw out 'bad blood'....)(*&^%$#@!....so that it would take 16 years, a Great Presidency, a Military coup which failed in 1933, and a global war where the USA was untouched directly for the economy to recover.
We don't need 16 years this time around for the country to recover from this Pandemic......if the universe and the planets are in alignment then maybe just a year, and no more, with a government looking super cool sassy and forward thinking for and by the people.)(*&^%$#@
Mar 16, 2020
Hilary, Kamala or Warren for Joe's VP
Now all 3 ladies will have to accept Joes sniff and grope, to be VP.
Hilary already has experience of that, and she seemed to enjoy it as a Lesbian perv, but what about grandma Warren?

Its also given that Joe is a RACIST BASTARD, he won't sniff and grope blacks.. only White children and women.

What about Kamala? Well she is in a childless marriage to a Globalist Jew (like gay Narenda Modi, Teresa May, Angie Merkel) so in that kind of a 'special relationship', Joe's sniff and grope is absolutely fine...something to understand and accomodate, especially as a VP.
. . .

The real challenge is grandma Liz Warren, the so called forever Virtue signalling 'PROGRESSIVE' wannabe billionaire from the North East, Massachusettes where she came third in the primary of her home state. .......is she into groping like Thatcher 1979-1990? Can she accomodate Bidens sniff and grope?
Now all 3 ladies will have to accept Joes sniff and grope, to be VP.
Hilary already has experience of that, and she seemed to enjoy it as a Lesbian perv, but what about grandma Warren?

Its also given that Joe is a RACIST BASTARD, he won't sniff and grope blacks.. only White children and women.

What about Kamala? Well she is in a childless marriage to a Globalist Jew (like gay Narenda Modi, Teresa May, Angie Merkel) so in that kind of a 'special relationship', Joe's sniff and grope is absolutely fine...something to understand and accomodate, especially as a VP.
. . .
The real challenge is grandma Liz Warren, the so called forever Virtue signalling 'PROGRESSIVE' wannabe billionaire from the North East, Massachusettes where she came third in the primary of her home state. .......is she into groping like Thatcher 1979-1990? Can she accomodate Bidens sniff and grope?

The planet earth and humanity's existence on it
#CNN #News
No audience, no vaudeville, no theater...just straight talk around the issues that ordinary Americans want to hear, where the Sheep Dog came alive FINALLY.
This is Bernie's subject, amongst so many others, and he obviously has thought about it and believes in the gravity of the problem. Bernie was CLEARLY animated by it, and Joe's empty lies around it.
For Joe, and his $1.7 trillion plan over 10 years? Its a political gimmick.
Them problem is not the amount Joe quotes, the professional politician, but his ability again and again and again to lie, oh sorry change his mind about policies once in power. (Bait and switch)
Sanders on Biden climate change policy: Nowhere near enough
No audience, no vaudeville, no theater...just straight talk around the issues that ordinary Americans want to hear, where the Sheep Dog came alive FINALLY.
This is Bernie's subject, amongst so many others, and he obviously has thought about it and believes in the gravity of the problem. Bernie was CLEARLY animated by it, and Joe's empty lies around it.
For Joe, and his $1.7 trillion plan over 10 years? Its a political gimmick.
Them problem is not the amount Joe quotes, the professional politician, but his ability again and again and again to lie, oh sorry change his mind about policies once in power. (Bait and switch)
A small glimmer
#CNN #News
No audience, no vaudeville, no theater...just straight talk around the issues that ordinary Americans want to hear, where the Sheep Dog came alive FINALLY.
Joe was polished, but he lied about his record, and he made up lies about Bernie and his 9 SUPER-PAC's....as an implusive reaction by Joe to the Sheepdog stating the truth.
I did not see the whole debate, but was American foreign policy debated? When you are an EMPIRE with 1000 military bases and several ongoing wars and a $1.8 trillion SECURITY budget employing 5,000,000 people and 800,000 people with special security passes.....and 10,000 separate CIA stations in America, then you need to talk ......at least 30% of the debate time around complex foreign policy issues.
Because foreign policy effects the implementation, budgeting and success of domestic policy when you are an empire 800 pound elephant in the room---LBJ 'Great society experiment' and the Vietnam Wahh.
Was the corona virus issue debated .....which could potentially turn the USA society upside down? Did Sheepdog make the significant link emphatically between the NEED for single payer universal health care for all (as is the case in ALL developed nations) and the ability of the government to deal with this challenge centrally with strong direction and clear leadership, rather than rely on the humanistic good will of the PRIVATE SECTOR to save the country, and for once NOT think about profit margins and economic opportunity through peoples misery????
Joe Biden: What’s a revolution going to do?
No audience, no vaudeville, no theater...just straight talk around the issues that ordinary Americans want to hear, where the Sheep Dog came alive FINALLY.
Joe was polished, but he lied about his record, and he made up lies about Bernie and his 9 SUPER-PAC's....as an implusive reaction by Joe to the Sheepdog stating the truth.
I did not see the whole debate, but was American foreign policy debated? When you are an EMPIRE with 1000 military bases and several ongoing wars and a $1.8 trillion SECURITY budget employing 5,000,000 people and 800,000 people with special security passes.....and 10,000 separate CIA stations in America, then you need to talk ......at least 30% of the debate time around complex foreign policy issues.
Because foreign policy effects the implementation, budgeting and success of domestic policy when you are an empire 800 pound elephant in the room---LBJ 'Great society experiment' and the Vietnam Wahh.
Was the corona virus issue debated .....which could potentially turn the USA society upside down? Did Sheepdog make the significant link emphatically between the NEED for single payer universal health care for all (as is the case in ALL developed nations) and the ability of the government to deal with this challenge centrally with strong direction and clear leadership, rather than rely on the humanistic good will of the PRIVATE SECTOR to save the country, and for once NOT think about profit margins and economic opportunity through peoples misery????
Mar 15, 2020
Beautiful Russia
Bespite the massive corruption, the presence of Jews, Neo-liberal economic policies and sheer poverty where the average wage is just $450 and a middle class of just 15%......it is still a GREAT COUNTRY.
Bespite the massive corruption, the presence of Jews, Neo-liberal economic policies and sheer poverty where the average wage is just $450 and a middle class of just 15%......it is still a GREAT COUNTRY.
Sheep dog Bernie
When watching the next debate between Bernie and Biden, just keep saying Sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog.........then you will see that things are less confusing.
When watching the next debate between Bernie and Biden, just keep saying Sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog, sheep dog.........then you will see that things are less confusing.
Mar 14, 2020
Tulsi Gabbard
. . .
Support Tulsi: https://www.tulsi2020.com ---
I’m continuing to run for the same reason I originally began this race: to bring about a sea change in our longstanding foreign policy of carrying out regime change wars, end the new cold war & nuclear arms race, and invest the trillions wasted in such wars into the American people.
. . .
Support Tulsi: https://www.tulsi2020.com ---
I’m continuing to run for the same reason I originally began this race: to bring about a sea change in our longstanding foreign policy of carrying out regime change wars, end the new cold war & nuclear arms race, and invest the trillions wasted in such wars into the American people.
"If our ancestors wanted us to live in grey boxes they could've just surrendered to the Germans"
"If our ancestors wanted us to live in grey boxes they could've just surrendered to the Germans"

Mar 13, 2020
The Penny drops for Jake Tapper (Cry face).....if you are still working for CNN, then take the pills and go back to sheep
Controlled Opposition
The Deep State do it with ease outside America, so don't you think they can also do it in America???
The Deep State do it with ease outside America, so don't you think they can also do it in America???

Jew Sheep Dog Bernie Sanders does not want to win, he is in it so he can get help for his 4th private CAPITALIST accumulation property.

Bernie Sanders 4th property, and Capitalist accumulation after he gracefully bows out to Hidin Bidin. As an expert on the Deep State and spooks with direct personal experience, people often think spooks buy off people by giving them cash in suitcases, and then the Judas goat runs off to Switzerland or some off shore destination with the loot. NO, not in all cases.....in fact in many cases the Deep State buy people and their fealty by helping them purchase prime property at knock down rates, and easy credit from their banks....its a scam and a pay-off, but NOT ILLEGAL. Bernie our Socialist hero, may not wish to break the law in his Jew deceptive Pied Piper Sheep dog role.
Where is the passion and righteous rage Bernie for being betrayed twice by the DNC openly?
Where is the passion and righteous rage Bernie against the DNC for SPONSORING a deeply flawed walking disaster of a candidate who if elected to the Presidency will destroy America for good?
Bernie don't you care for your hard working not so rich supporters from whom you accumulate millions of $ of donations?
Bernie don't you care about America and its future?
Bernie don't you care about the world?
1984 and 88 the sheepdog candidate was Jesse Jackson.
The function of the sheepdog candidate is to give left activists and voters a reason, however illusory, to believe there's a place of influence for them inside the Democratic party, if and only if the eventual Democratic nominee can win in November.

Bernie Sanders 4th property, and Capitalist accumulation after he gracefully bows out to Hidin Bidin. As an expert on the Deep State and spooks with direct personal experience, people often think spooks buy off people by giving them cash in suitcases, and then the Judas goat runs off to Switzerland or some off shore destination with the loot. NO, not in all cases.....in fact in many cases the Deep State buy people and their fealty by helping them purchase prime property at knock down rates, and easy credit from their banks....its a scam and a pay-off, but NOT ILLEGAL. Bernie our Socialist hero, may not wish to break the law in his Jew deceptive Pied Piper Sheep dog role.
Where is the passion and righteous rage Bernie for being betrayed twice by the DNC openly?
Where is the passion and righteous rage Bernie against the DNC for SPONSORING a deeply flawed walking disaster of a candidate who if elected to the Presidency will destroy America for good?
Bernie don't you care for your hard working not so rich supporters from whom you accumulate millions of $ of donations?
Bernie don't you care about America and its future?
Bernie don't you care about the world?

Just Bernie doing his job
Vermont senator and ostensible socialist Bernie Sanders is playing the sheepdog candidate for Hillary Clinton this year. Bernie's job is to warm up the crowd for Hillary, herding activist energies and the disaffected left back into the Democratic fold one more time. Bernie aims to tie up activist energies and resources till the summer of 2016 when the only remaining choice will be the usual lesser of two evils.
“The sheepdog is a card the Democratic party plays every presidential primary season when there's no White House Democrat running for re-election.”
Spoiler alert: we have seen the Bernie Sanders show before, and we know exactly how it ends. Bernie has zero likelihood of winning the Democratic nomination for president over Hillary Clinton. Bernie will lose, Hillary will win. When Bernie folds his tent in the summer of 2016, the money, the hopes and prayers, the year of activist zeal that folks put behind Bernie Sanders' either vanishes into thin air, or directly benefits the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Don't believe us? Then believe Bernie himself interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on ABC News “This Week” May 3.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So if you lose in this nomination fight, will you support the Democratic nominee?SANDERS: Yes. I have in the past.STEPHANOPOULOS: Not going to run as an independent?SANDERS: No, absolutely not. I've been very clear about that.
Bernie Sanders is this election's Democratic sheepdog. The sheepdog is a card the Democratic party plays every presidential primary season when there's no White House Democrat running for re-election. The sheepdog is a presidential candidate running ostensibly to the left of the establishment Democrat to whom the billionaires will award the nomination. Sheepdogs are herders, and the sheepdog candidate is charged with herding activists and voters back into the Democratic fold who might otherwise drift leftward and outside of the Democratic party, either staying home or trying to build something outside the two party box.
1984 and 88 the sheepdog candidate was Jesse Jackson.
In 92 it was California governor Jerry Brown.
In 2000 and 2004 the designated sheepdog was Al Sharpton,
and in 2008 it was Dennis Kucinich.
This year (2016) it's Vermont senator Bernie Sanders.
The function of the sheepdog candidate is to give left activists and voters a reason, however illusory, to believe there's a place of influence for them inside the Democratic party, if and only if the eventual Democratic nominee can win in November.
Despite casting millions of voters for the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other sheepdogs, those leftish Democrat voters are always disregarded when Democrats actually win. Bill Clinton gave us NAFTA, a vicious “welfare reform,” no peace dividend or push for DC statehood, lowered unemployment but mostly in part time and low-wage jobs, and mass incarceration of black and brown people.
President Obama doubled down on bailouts of banksters and GM, and immunized them from prosecution but failed to address the most catastrophic fall in black household wealth in history. We got health care for some instead of Medicare for All, the Patriot Act renewed instead of repealed, a race to privatize public education, drone wars and still more mass incarceration of black and brown people. And if President Obama gets his way, we may soon have a global job-destroying wage-lowering NAFTA on steroids, with the TTP and TTIP.
President Obama doubled down on bailouts of banksters and GM, and immunized them from prosecution but failed to address the most catastrophic fall in black household wealth in history. We got health care for some instead of Medicare for All, the Patriot Act renewed instead of repealed, a race to privatize public education, drone wars and still more mass incarceration of black and brown people. And if President Obama gets his way, we may soon have a global job-destroying wage-lowering NAFTA on steroids, with the TTP and TTIP.
The sheepdog's job is to divert the energy and enthusiasm of activists a year, a year and a half out from a November election away from building an alternative to the Democratic party, and into his doomed effort. When the sheepdog inevitably folds in the late spring or early summer before a November election, there's no time remaining to win ballot access for alternative parties or candidates, no time to raise money or organize any effective challenge to the two capitalist parties.
At that point, with all the alternatives foreclosed, the narrative shifts to the familiar “lesser of two evils.” Every sheepdog candidate surrenders the shreds of his credibility to the Democratic nominee in time for the November election. This is how the Bernie Sanders show ends, as the left-leaning warm-up act for Hillary Clinton.
Intent on avoiding the two-party “lesser evil” trap this year, about two hundred activists gathered in Chicago last weekend to consider the future of electoral organizing outside the Democratic and Republican parties. Many of the participants were Greens, including former presidential and vice presidential candidates Jill Stein and Rosa Clemente, the former Green mayor of Richmond California, and many others. There were also representatives from Seattle, where Socialist Alternative's Kshama Sawant won election to Seattle's city council, as well as Angela Walker, a black socialist who received 67,000 votes for Milwaukee County sheriff in 2014, and many others, including some who took part in the recent Chicago mayoral election.
There was trans-partisan interest in a 50-state ballot access drive to put the Green Party's Jill Stein on the presidential ballot for 2016 presidential race. Currently the law keeps Greens and others off the ballot in more than half the states. Precise details vary according to state law, but if a third party candidate after obtaining one-time ballot access receives about 2% of total votes, a new ballot line is created, granting ballot access to any potential candidate from school board to sheriff to US congress who wants to run as something other than a Republican or Democrat. That, many participants agreed, would be a significant puncture in the legal thicket that now protects Democrats against competition on the ballot from their left. But a nationwide trans-partisan ballot access campaign to create a national alternative to the two capitalist parties is something left activists must begin serious work a good 18 months before a November election, essentially right now.
Whether or not a national ballot access campaign is undertaken by Greens and others, a Bernie Sanders candidacy is an invitation to do again what's been done in 1984, 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004 and 2008. Bernie's candidacy is a blast toward the past, an invitation to herd and be herded like sheep back into the Democratic fold, to fundraise and canvass and recruit and mobilize for Bernie, as he warms up the crowd for Hillary. Bernie is a sheepdog.
The question is, are we sheep?
Bruce A. Dixon is managing editor at Black Agenda Report, and a state committee member of the GA Green Party. He lives and works near Marietta GA and can be reached at bruce.dixon(at)blackagendareport.com.

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