Cynical duplicity and deviousness against the CIA mullahs
Remove the Shah using Communist Tudeh members, who are released from prison under the guise of upholding universal Human Rights from the Globalist Carter administration.

Don’t forget Ayatoilet Kashani’s Alliance with CIA to Topple Mossadegh.....DRY RUN FOR 1977-1979.
https://www.baharmedia.net/2018/08/dont-forget-ayat-kashanis-alliance-with-cia-to-topple-mossadegh/Use said RELEASED Communist Tudeh members using their political skills and experience inside Iran to destabilise the Shah guided by the CIA.
Instal and manouver the mullahs into power overcoming all other groups in the 'popular Islamic revolution'.......The Communist Tudeh, Republican constitutionalists, Kurd nationalist, Bazaari........AND a 100 other groups who are not Islamic.
CIA and friends Coordinate the American embassy takeover to popularise the Islamic fraction (grandstand event--political stunt beloved by Fascists..Reichstag fire etc 9/11)....and extend it for 444 days with the 52 hostages, with secret meetings in Paris from 1979 and 1980....meetings with Khomeini's son, Ahmad Khomeini and the CIA. His dad Ayatollah Khomeini was also stationed in Paris before his accension could be fixed by the CIA.

Like father like son.....working with the CIA clandestinely/covertly whilst chanting 'Death to America' and executing senior Shah government officers for being pro-USA in Kangaroo courts set up in schools.

Refah 'execution on the rooftops' school

Arm and supply the mullahs (Iran Contra ) to neutralise the Iraqi invasion( consolidate the mullahs power under war conditions----including the massacre of 30,000 Tudeh members and their families back in prison again).
Attack CIA mullah Iran, and kill millions through vicious illegal sanctions and WAAAH.
Use the Tudeh to carry out terrorism and assasination inside Iran, to soften them up. Put the Tudeh Communists (now renamed MEK) back into power in Iran to carry out an ideological blood bath. Yes duplitious so called right-wing Neocons and Christian evangelists attend the rallies of the Communists MEK in NY.
Gotta love the American Empire.