Unfortunately it is still a post colonial state, merrily celebrating the British Empire and the British Empire STILL has influence over it ......as I sadly can personally attest (Via the local 'acha saab gunga din military ', Police and Intelligence organisation and the state bureacracy).....but its slowly developing with help from China (Strategic projects), Japan (Infrastructure projects) and the EU (sympathetic trade deals). The British Empire obviously since 'independence' has contributed NOTHING to the country worth photographing or talking about. My main personal challenge in life is the British Empire, centered around London and the Rothschilds. It is the center of the 'echo chamber' gossip machine that motivates and animates other nations to a greater and lessor degree. (Do you not upon sober reflection think it a little odd...with ALL the fuss? Against a LONE THIRD WORLD BROWN ASIAN GUY ) This peculiar behaviour in turn relates to the British colonial pschy exercised over Subah Bengal where some of the worst genocides of the Evil British Empire were carried out. 1768-1769 One third of Subah Bengals population of 34 million died due to the British insistence of growing Indigo and Opium cash crops for export, rather than rice. The wealthiest part of Mughal India became under British rule the poorest. Rapists and murderers hate their victims.
. Is it possible that in the Anglo-Saxon world, cock sucking Israel does NOT get you a second term Presidency? That gratitude does not exist in the JEW.
Israeli Newspaper: Push to Impeach Trump Led by Rabbidly Russophobic Jews
By Israel Shamir at the Unz report.(conservative Jewish site that dares to report on GLOBALIST Jewish crimes)
The impeachment farce is basically a Jewish affair, noted the Israeli daily Haaretz. The soul and engine of the impeachment is Adam Schiff, ‘Shifty Schiff’ in Trump’s colourful expression. His name brings to mind the Jewish banking house of Schiff, top Jewish aristocracy of money and media.
The second man is Greedy Goldman, or Daniel Sachs Goldman, the chief interrogator in the impeachment hearings. Sachs Goldman or Goldman Sachs, another top Jewish name and bank. The third Jew in the heart of the impeachment is infamous George Soros.
Greedy Goldman and Shifty Schiff
Nazi COLLABORATOR Georgi Schwarz who gifted $18 billion to destabilise the USA (Hello CIA and FBI??-----oh thats right some of you work for him) AFTER sponsoring Trump via his son in law Jared KUSHNER, the corrupt real estate Mogul.
Haaretz could add that the top witnesses for prosecution are also Jewish, the bizarre Gordon “Zelensky loves your ass” Sondland, or Vindman the Spy. Trump would never dare to notice this remarkable coincidence, concludes Haaretz. Only antisemites would. Jew Ukrainian defense minister in Washington--a Jew.
Instead of pointing this open conspiracy out and calling the Americans to save the Republic, President Trump appealed to the Jewish sense of gratitude. He bestowed now his third fabulous gift to the Jewish state, namely recognition of the settlements for-Jews-only on the stolen Palestinian land, after he recognised Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.
Or perhaps the fourth, if you’d count his withdrawal out of Iran agreement. He legalised the settlements by the unilateral decision of the superpower, something the Israeli governments never could or dared. If the US were be as omnipotent as it was twenty years ago, that would be the end of Oslo and Geneva agreements, and practically the end of attempts to create a State of Palestine alongside with Israel, something Israeli nationalists wanted all along.
With the US engulfed in the cold civil war, it could lead to self-de-legitimisation of the US, or to collapse of Two States paradigm. It is apparently a huge gift to the Jewish state.
Trump thought that his generosity would melt Jewish hearts, and they would let him govern in peace. But no, the Jews accept every gift as their due; it is absence of a gift that is surprising and troublesome, probably to be explained by anti-Semitism. They said that his recognition will annoy the Democrats, and they will take it away when they regain the White House.
Probably this reaction is exactly what Trump counted on, for he does not care about Palestine or Israel. His target audience is the US Jewry. Trump hopes that the Jews who care about Israel more than they care about the US would switch allegiance and support him, so the Democrats wouldn’t win the next elections and roll back the recognition. Judging by past experience, the Jews will gain by this competition for their favours, while the US will lose, and so will Trump.
It is worth our while to see who are the Jewish persons in the impeachment proceedings. Adam Schiff, whether a remote relation to the banker Jacob Schiff or just a namesake, could be a reincarnation of the old man; for he inherited his love for mass immigration and hatred to Russia. Before Jacob Schiff’s time, the US Jewry was a small community.
Jacob Schiff
Wealthy, yes, but very small. Jacob Schiff who arrived to the American shore in the mid-19th century, understood that he needed numbers, masses, demography on his side if he wanted Jews to become an important player. He organised mass immigration of Russian and Polish Jews into the US. “He lobbied Congress and President Grover Cleveland to prevent the passage of legislation which would have prevented the massive wave of Russian Jewish immigrants from whom most current New York Jews descend”, says the Jewish source.
Millions of Jews arrived and eventually changed the US in their own image. Now Adam Schiff wants to import millions of Third Worlders to cement the change started by Jacob.
Jacob Schiff’s hatred of Russia had been quite extraordinary, even by the standards of that time. A prominent banker, he issued a war loan to Japan to build its fleet to fight Russia. Accidentally, the fleet built with Schiff’s money had attacked Pearl Harbour some years later, so every victim of the Pacific War and his descendants may sue Schiffs for their contribution.
Long before Soros and NED, Jacob Schiff played the regime change game in Russia, bankrolling the revolutionaries.
Adam Schiff is rabidly anti-Russian just like Jacob was. He dreams of a regime change in Moscow like Jacob did. He claimed Russian conspiracy had brought Trump to the White House; he refused to accept Mueller’s enquiry results and still insists that the Russians interfered in the US elections. His words of “damning evidence” of collusion with Russia, “more than circumstantial,” a scandal of a size “beyond Watergate” had poisoned Russo-American relations, and made Trump presidency a lame duck from the first moment.
Adam Schiff is so dishonest and unfair that even the WSJ noted his innovation in law. “Is it an impeachable offense for a president to resist impeachment? House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff told CNN last week that White House officials’ refusal to testify in his committee’s impeachment probe could lead to “obstruction of Congress” charges against President Trump.”
Perhaps, after all, Adam Schiff is a relative to another swindler, Irwin Schiff, who died in federal prison in 2015 while he was serving a 13 years sentence for tax evasion. (Probably it is anti-Semitic to mention the old canard that some Jews could be swindlers, but we’d dare anyway).
The chief interrogator Daniel Sachs Goldman has an excellent pedigree for a Jewish macher (wheeler dealer). He went to the school “President Barack Obama’s daughters, Sasha and Malia attended, as well as Chelsea Clinton, former Vice President Joe Biden’s grandchildren, Richard Nixon’s daughter Tricia and Theodore Roosevelt’s son Archibald”.
His wife is a Vice President of Goldman Sachs Bank, the “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity”, in the famous words of Matt Taibbi. His family had established a special program called The Birthright-Taglit. The name implies that every Jew has a birthright for the land of Palestine, as opposed to its natives.
The program allows American Jewish youths to make a free (courtesy of US taxpayer) trip to Israel, to meet other Jewish young men and girls and to fight intermarriage by marrying within the tribe. That’s right, you are forbidden to approve of such racist measures, but Jews are allowed to run it as a tax-exempt charity.
Daniel Sachs Goldman’s family is also a founder of New Israel Fund, another tax-exempt, that directs money saved from the US tax authorities (where it could reach goyim) towards Jews-only purposes.
George Soros is another prominent Jewish participant in the impeachment proceedings. The old reptilian is so ugly that our soul (being naturally Wildean) feels he is immoral, too. The facts on the ground confirm this premonition. If the Ukraine had been turned from a jolly rotund East European country into pale grim disaster area, he is partly responsible.
While the impeachment deals with Trump’s alleged interference in the Ukraine, the case of Trump enemies’ interference in the Ukraine is open and shut. They interfered so rudely in the dealings of the ostensibly sovereign state, that they had a joke among themselves: “The Vienna Convention is optional for our Kiev staff”. The Vienna Convention is the international agreement forbidding the diplomats to meddle in the internal affairs of the state they are posted at.
Some of this meddling had been done by and for Joe Biden, who robbed the Ukrainian state of ample funds; George Soros had been another beneficiary of the State Department activity.
He has a few NGOs there, and the US Embassy under the Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch (another accuser of Trump) actively shilled for them. John Solomon discovered that one of the witnesses for the prosecution in the impeachment hearings, then-embassy Charge d’ Affaires George Kent (now he has risen to the lofty position of the Assistant Secretary of State) demanded from the Ukrainian authorities to drop investigation of Soros’ own NGO, the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC).
Moreover, on March 5, 2019, Ambassador Yovanovitch had delivered a speech asking for “Ukraine’s special anticorruption prosecutor to be removed.” And this woman dares to speak of Trump’s interference!
George Soros had a regular access to the Ukrainian desk of the State Department, to Assistant Secretary of State Victoria (“F*ck EU”) Nuland. It is difficult to separate between the twain, for the AntAC had been jointly funded by the State Department and George Soros. But George Soros is untouchable, for the ADL President Jonathan Greenblatt already determined that “Invoking Soros … is trafficking in some of the worst anti-Semitic tropes.”
A former Federal Attorney for the District of Columbia Joe DiGenova committed this grievous crime, when he said on the Fox News that George Soros had a daily opportunity to tell the State Department through Victoria Nuland what to do in Ukraine. “Soros ran it. He corrupted FBI officials, he corrupted foreign service officers.
George Soros wants to run Ukraine and he’s doing everything he can to use every lever of the United States government to make that happen.” DiGenova didn’t mention Jewishness of Soros or of his friend Nuland; it was not necessary. An attack on George Soros is an attack on Jews the world over, concluded a knowledgeable observer.
Joe DiGenova indeed is guilty, but of understatement. George Soros wants to run Ukraine, he said. The Ukraine is a small though profitable part of the world Soros and his companions-in-arms want to run. The US is the more important part, and by running it, they can get the Ukraine for a side dish.
The impeachment indeed became an important affair, not as a threat to President Trump, but because it revealed the modus operandi of the liberal Jews. It would be better if instead of Donald Trump their opponent would be a shining knight on a white charger. But we’ve got what we’ve got. These guys should be stopped, and if Trump will do it, bless him.
His tactics of bribing Jews with rich gifts of Palestinian patrimony are immoral, and I doubt they will be effective. Probably if he were to call for justice and equality for Palestine he would not have a chance of snowball in hell. By dividing his enemies between Zionists and Liberals, he improves his chances, or so he thinks.
For people who cherish and treasure Palestine like I do this is a hard choice. Liberal Jews sound nicer; they speak against Jewish settlements in the occupied territories; they condemn Israeli shelling of Gaza and Syria.
But we had a long experience of their ascendancy: they do preciously nothing for Palestine and they allow Israel to commit all possible crimes. A condemnation is not good enough if the flow of weapons and finances is not affected.
The Jews are used to play for both teams, and win twice. By going into absolutely forbidden, no-go area of seeing the impeachment team as a Jewish team, this game may be changed. If and when Capitol Hill will be free from occupation, the time for freedom of Jerusalem will also come.
. 80% of Jews vote Democrat as it, in its modern post-1960's manifestion, is the party of the 'other' the outsider. Jews to this day collectively are the other, through their own mindset and actions...throughout the world. The Clintons through to Obama, the 'other' Presidents allowed a huge army of Israelis to manage the election process of the USA for the DNC. Quite how President Trumpstein won is a mystery, perhaps Hassidic Orthadox corrupt Jared and Ivanka had a hand in this along with mafia Casino King Sheldom Adelson. Onwards march the blue color (GLOBALIST JEW POWER COLOR CODE) Black color code (CIA: example HK protestors) Shalom, Shalom.(Peace Peace)
Alexander Mercouris discuss a disastrous first day ( for the Democrats) of open door testimony in the Ukrainegate hoax, ruled over by Ukraine oligarch controlled Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff, owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff's anti-RUSSIAN narrative is thus run by Ukrainian mafiaesq arms dealers who supply arms to Africa and the Middle East illegally.
The monumental, waste of time testimony from deep state diplomats spiraled into absolute stupidity when Democrat congressman Mike Quigley (D-Ill), claimed that hearsay evidence is better than direct evidence.
. Cynical duplicity and deviousness against the CIA mullahs Remove the Shah using Communist Tudeh members, who are released from prison under the guise of upholding universal Human Rights from the Globalist Carter administration.
Don’t forget Ayatoilet Kashani’s Alliance with CIA to Topple Mossadegh.....DRY RUN FOR 1977-1979.
https://www.baharmedia.net/2018/08/dont-forget-ayat-kashanis-alliance-with-cia-to-topple-mossadegh/ Use said RELEASED Communist Tudeh members using their political skills and experience inside Iran to destabilise the Shah guided by the CIA. Instal and manouver the mullahs into power overcoming all other groups in the 'popular Islamic revolution'.......The Communist Tudeh, Republican constitutionalists, Kurd nationalist, Bazaari........AND a 100 other groups who are not Islamic. CIA and friends Coordinate the American embassy takeover to popularise the Islamic fraction (grandstand event--political stunt beloved by Fascists..Reichstag fire etc 9/11)....and extend it for 444 days with the 52 hostages, with secret meetings in Paris from 1979 and 1980....meetings with Khomeini's son, Ahmad Khomeini and the CIA. His dad Ayatollah Khomeini was also stationed in Paris before his accension could be fixed by the CIA. Like father like son.....working with the CIA clandestinely/covertly whilst chanting 'Death to America' and executing senior Shah government officers for being pro-USA in Kangaroo courts set up in schools. Refah 'execution on the rooftops' school Arm and supply the mullahs (Iran Contra ) to neutralise the Iraqi invasion( consolidate the mullahs power under war conditions----including the massacre of 30,000 Tudeh members and their families back in prison again). Attack CIA mullah Iran, and kill millions through vicious illegal sanctions and WAAAH. Use the Tudeh to carry out terrorism and assasination inside Iran, to soften them up. Put the Tudeh Communists (now renamed MEK) back into power in Iran to carry out an ideological blood bath. Yes duplitious so called right-wing Neocons and Christian evangelists attend the rallies of the Communists MEK in NY. Gotta love the American Empire.
. So he moves out of New York.....but Florida is also heavily Jewish, though not so politically Jewish as Liberal New York. A percentage of Christian evangelicals are also pro-Jewish first (before America), due to their RAPTURE fantasy.(Pompeo, DeVos et al).....so unlike Ceasar he must keep Mark Anthony close and be aware of Brutus.
Ukrainian Jew Dressed as US Army Colonel Slanders His Commander-in-Chief
Alexander Vindman, a 'top Ukraine expert' and political opportunist, will whine about Trump before Congress because he has no conflict of interest whatsoever
By Lee Rogers at the Daily Stormer
The hoax impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump is almost entirely Jewish in nature. This is just a fact. It is being led by the subversive Jew Adam Schiff and further amplified by Jewish media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and others.
That’s why it was not shocking to see that this military man they found to testify against Trump in these stupid closed door hearings is a Jew. And not only is he a Jew, but he’s a Jew who is said to be a former refugee from the Ukraine.
The optics of this are so ridiculous that there are numerous people in the mainstream who are openly questioning the political loyalties of this Jew. And as expected, the Jewish media is kvetching about it.
After reports emerged that National Security Council member Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was set to testify to Congress about his discomfort with President Trump’s Ukraine policy and actions, conservative commentators began implying that Vindman, a Jewish former refugee from Ukraine, was disloyal to the United States.
“Here we have a U.S. national security official, who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interests, and usually they spoke in English,” Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham said on Monday, referring to Vindman’s interactions with Ukrainian officials who asked him for advice on how to handle Trump. “Isn’t that kind of an interesting angle on the story?”
“I find that astounding,” replied former George W. Bush administration official John Yoo. “And some people might call that espionage.”
Vindman was born in what was then the Soviet Union and came with his family to the United States in 1979, when he was four. “Fox and Friends” host Brian Kilmeade cited his immigration history to say claim that Vindman “tends to feel simpatico with the Ukraine.”
“We all have an affinity to our homeland where we came from,” former Republican Rep. Sean Duffy told CNN, adding, “He has an affinity, I think, for the Ukraine. He speaks Ukrainian. He came from the country and he wants to make sure they’re safe and free.” When asked by CNN host John Berman if he thought Vindman was looking out for America first, Duffy refused to say yes.
The fact that people like John Yoo, Brian Kilmeade and other establishment types are raising questions about the loyalty of this Jew to the United States really says it all. They might not be directly questioning his loyalty because he’s Jewish, but just them questioning his loyalty is resulting in an insane amount of whining from Jews.
The noise that these Jews are creating about this spectacle is only going to result in more people connecting the dots. Because it is now becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that most if not all the key players involved in this impeachment coup chicanery are Jewish.
Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff are the two most prominent members of Congress pushing to impeach Trump and they are both Jewish.
This is something that we absolutely have to make the average Trump supporter aware of. They’re obviously very unhappy with this impeachment circus .
Make no mistake about it, Jews are loyal to their race first and foremost. They are not loyal to whatever country they happen to reside in and that includes the United States. This has been a trait [of theirs] for thousands of years. They subvert and destroy nations from within. Nothing has changed with them [....]
. Poor Iranian Ukraine......poor, poor, Ukraine. Why did it deserve ALL this misery? What harm had they ever done to their neighbors historically---NONE.(History professors over to you) It is the JEW, specifically the International JEW descending like vultures to scam and expliot the 'schmucks' ''The Suckers' 'The losers" ......."The Goy' Typical JEW Darwinian language. In their world there is no pure Hetero-sexual LOVE, no compassion, no humanity, no justice. __________________________________________________
The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats
By Israel Shamir
October 31, 2019 At Information Clearing House and Unz report. Top Dems are involved in the plundering of the Ukraine: new names, mind-boggling accounts. The mysterious ‘whistleblower’ whose report had unleashed the impeachment is named in the exclusive interview given to the Unz Review by a prominent Ukrainian politician, an ex-Member of Parliament of four terms, a candidate for Ukraine’s presidency, Oleg Tsarev.
Mr Tsarev, a tall, agile and graceful man, a good speaker and a prolific writer, had been a leading and popular Ukrainian politician before the 2014 putsch; he stayed in the Ukraine after President Yanukovych’s flight; ran for the Presidency against Mr Poroshenko, and eventually had to go to exile due to multiple threats to his life. During the failed attempt to secede, he was elected the speaker of the Parliament of Novorossia (South-Eastern Ukraine). I spoke to him in Crimea, where he lives in the pleasant seaside town of Yalta. Tsarev still has many supporters in the Ukraine, and is a leader of the opposition to the Kiev regime.
QUESTION- Oleg, you followed Biden story from its very inception. Biden is not the only Dem politician involved in the Ukrainian corruption schemes, is he?
Indeed, John Kerry, the Secretary of State in Obama’s administration, was his partner-in-crime. But Joe Biden was number one. During the Obama presidency, Biden was the US proconsul for Ukraine, and he was involved in many corruption schemes. He authorised transfer of three billion dollars of the US taxpayers’ money to the post-coup government of the Ukraine; the money was stolen, and Biden took a big share of the spoils.
It is a story of ripping the US taxpayer and the Ukrainian customer off for the benefit of a few corruptioners, American and Ukrainian. And it is a story of Kiev regime and its dependence on the US and IMF. The Ukraine has a few midsize deposits of natural gas, sufficient for domestic household consumption. The cost of its production was quite low; and the Ukrainians got used to pay pennies for their gas. Actually, it was so cheap to produce that the Ukraine could provide all its households with free gas for heating and cooking, just like Libya did. Despite low consumer price, the gas companies (like Burisma) had very high profits and very little expenditure.
After the 2014 coup, IMF demanded to raise the price of gas for the domestic consumer to European levels, and the new president Petro Poroshenko obliged them. The prices went sky-high. The Ukrainians were forced to pay many times more for their cooking and heating; and huge profits went to coffers of the gas companies. Instead of raising taxes or lowering prices, President Poroshenko demanded the gas companies to pay him or subsidise his projects. He said that he arranged the price hike; it means he should be considered a partner.
'Porky' Poroshenko the JEW oligarch who became king with Obummers backing and Jew Nulands direct action.......divvying up the loot with the Obummer people as Quid Pro Quo. Meanwhile the Ukrainian economy went South shrinking by 15%.....and mass emigration of good Ukrainians into Russia and Europe.
Burisma Gas company had to pay extortion money to the president Poroshenko. Eventually its founder and owner Mr Nicolai Zlochevsky decided to invite some important Westerners into the company’s board of directors hoping it would moderate Poroshenko’s appetites. He had brought in Biden’s son Hunter ($80,000 a month salary with twice a year attendance and no knowledge of the industry.....clear case of nepotism and corruption by Biden senior pulling the strings), John Kerry, Polish ex-President Kwasniewski; but it didn’t help him.
Poroshenko became furious that the fattened calf could escape him, and asked the Attorney General Shokin to investigate Burisma trusting some irregularities would emerge. AG Shokin immediately discovered that Burisma had paid these ‘stars’ between 50 and 150 thousand dollar per month each just for being on the list of directors. This is illegal by the Ukrainian tax code; it can’t be recognised as legitimate expenditure.
At that time Biden the father entered the fray. He called Poroshenko and gave him six hours to close the case against his son. Otherwise, one billion dollars of the US taxpayers’ funds won’t pass to the Ukrainian corruptioners. Zlochevsky, the Burisma owner, paid Biden well for this conversation: he received between three and ten million dollars, according to different sources.(needs to be investigated Quid Pro Quo)
AG Shokin said he can’t close the case within six hours; Poroshenko sacked him and installed Mr Lutsenko in his stead. Lutsenko was willing to dismiss the case of Burisma, but he also could not do it in a day, or even in a week. Biden, as we know, could not keep his trap shut: by talking about the pressure he put on Poroshenko, he incriminated himself. Meanwhile Mr Shokin gave evidence that Biden put pressure on Poroshenko to fire him, and now it was confirmed. The evidence was given to the US lawyers in connection with another case, Firtash case.
What is Firtash Case?
The Democrats wanted to get another Ukrainian oligarch, Mr Firtash, to the US and make him to confess that he illegally supported Trump’s campaign for the sake of Russia. Firtash had been arrested in Vienna, Austria; there he fought extradition to the US. His lawyers claimed it is purely political case, and they used Mr Shokin’s deposition to substantiate their claim. For this reason, the evidence supplied by Shokin is not easily reversible, even if Shokin were willing, and he is not. He also stated under oath that the Democrats pressurised him to help and extradite Firtash to the US, though he had no standing in this purely American issue. It seems that Mrs Clinton believes that Firtash’s funds helped Trump to win elections, an extremely unlikely thing [says Mr Tsarev].
QUESTION-Talking about Burisma and Biden; what is this billion dollars of aid that Biden could give or withhold?
It is USAID money, the main channel of the US aid for “support of democracy”. First billion dollars of USAID came to the Ukraine in 2014. This was authorised by Joe Biden, while for Ukraine, the papers were signed by Mr Turchinov, the “acting President”. The Ukrainian constitution does not know of such a position, and Turchinov, “the acting President” had no right to sign neither a legal nor financial document. Thus, all the documents that were signed by him, in fact, had no legal force. However, Biden countersigned the papers signed by Turchynov and allocated money for Ukraine. And the money was stolen – by the Democrats and their Ukrainian counterparts.
Two years ago, (that is already under President Trump) the United States began to investigate the allocation of 3 billion dollars; it was allocated in 2014, in 2015, in 2016; one billion dollars per year. The investigation showed that the documents were falsified, the money was transferred to Ukraine, and stolen. The investigators tracked each payment, discovered where the money went, where it was spent and how it was stolen.
As a result, in October 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice opened a criminal case for “Abuse of power and embezzlement of American taxpayers’ money”. Among the accused there are two consecutive Finance Ministers of the Ukraine, Mrs Natalie Ann Jaresko who served 2014-2016 and Mr Alexander Daniluk who served 2016-2018, and three US banks. The investigation caused the USAID to cease issuing grants since August 2019. As Trump said, now the US does not give away money and does not impose democracy.
The money was allocated with the flagrant violation of American law. There was no risk assessment, no audit reports. Normally the USAID, when allocating cash, always prepares a substantial package of documents. But the billions were given to Ukraine completely without documents. The criminal case on the embezzlement of USAID funds had been signed personally by the US Attorney General, so these issues are very much alive.
Sam Kislin was involved in this investigation. He is a good friend and associate of Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer and an ex-mayor of New York. Kislin is well known in Kiev, and I have many friends who are Sam’s friends [said Tsarev]. I learned of his progress, because some of my friends were detained in the United States, or interrogated in Ukraine. They briefed me about this. It appears that Burisma is just the tip of the scandal, the tip of the iceberg. If Trump will carry on, and use what was already initiated and investigated, the whole headquarters of the Democratic party will come down. They will not be able to hold elections. I have no right to name names, but believe me, leading functionaries of the Democratic party are involved.
Poroshenko was aware of that; he gave orders to declare Sam Kislin persona non grata. Once the old man (he is over 80) flew into Kiev airport and he was not allowed to come in; he spent the night in detention and was flown back to the US next day. Poroshenko had been totally allied with Clinton camp.
QUESTION-And President Zelensky? Is he free from Clintonite Democrats’ influence?
If he were, there would not be the scandal of Trump phone call. How the Democrats learned of this call and its alleged content? The official version says there was a CIA man, a whistle-blower, who reported to the Democrats. What the version does not clarify, where this whistle-blower was located during the call. I tell you, he was located in Kiev, and he was present at the conversation, at the Ukrainian President Zelensky’s side. This man was (perhaps) a CIA asset, but he also was a close associate of George Soros, and a Ukrainian high-ranking official. His name is Mr Alexander Daniluk. He is also the man the investigation of Sam Kislin and of the DoJ had led to, the Finance Minister of Ukraine at the time, the man who was responsible for the embezzlement of three billion US taxpayer’s best dollars. The DoJ issued an order for his arrest. Naturally he is devoted to Biden personally, and to the Dems in general. I would not trust his version of the phone call at all.
Daniluk was supposed to accompany President Zelensky on his visit to Washington; but he was informed that there is an order for his arrest. He remained in Kiev. And soon afterwards, the hell of the alleged leaked phone call broke out. Zelensky administration investigated and concluded that the leak was done by Mr Alexander Daniluk, who is known for his close relations with George Soros and with Mr Biden. Alexander Daniluk had been fired. (However, he did not admit his guilt and said the leak was done by his sworn enemy, the head of president’s administration office, Mr Andrey Bogdan, who allegedly framed Daniluk.)
This is not the only case of US-connected corruption in Ukraine. There is Amos J. Hochstein, a protege of former VP Joe Biden, who has served in the Barack Obama administration as the Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources. He still hangs on the Ukraine. Together with an American citizen Andrew Favorov, the Deputy Director of Naftogas he organised very expensive “reverse gas import” into Ukraine. In this scheme, the Russian gas is bought by Europeans and afterwards sold to Ukraine with a wonderful margin. In reality, gas comes from Russia directly, but payments go via Hochstein. It is much more costly than to buy directly from Russia; Ukrainian people pay, while the margin is collected by Hochstein and Favorov. Now they plan to import liquefied gas from the United States, at even higher price. Again, the price will be paid by the Ukrainians, while profits will go to Hochstein and Favorov.
In all these scams, there are people of Clinton and spooks who are fully integrated in the Democratic Party. A former head of CIA, Robert James Woolsey, now sits on the Board of Directors of Velta, producing Ukrainian titanium. Woolsey is a neocon, a member of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), pro-Israel think-tank, and a man who relentlessly pushed for Iraq war. A typical Democrat spook, now he gets profits from Ukrainian ore deposits.
One of the best Ukrainian corruption stories is connected with Audrius Butkevicius, the former Minister of Defence (1996 to 2000) and a Member of the Seimas (Parliament) of post-Soviet Lithuania. In 1991 he commanded snipers that shoot Lithuanian protesters. The kills were ascribed to the Soviet armed forces, and the last Soviet President Mr Gorbachev ordered speedy withdrawal of his troops from Lithuania. Mr AB became the Minister of Defence of his independent nation. In 1997 the Honourable Minister of Defence “had requested 300,000 USD from a senior executive of a troubled oil company for his assistance in obtaining the discontinuance of criminal proceedings concerning the company’s vast debts”, in the language of the court judgement. He was arrested on receipt of the bribe, had been sentenced to five years of jail, but a man with such qualifications was not left to rot in a prison.
In 2005 he commanded the snipers who killed protesters in Kyrgyzstan, in Georgia he repeated the feat in 2003 during the Rose Revolution. In 2014 he did it again in Kiev, where his snipers killed around a hundred men, protesters and police. He was brought to Kiev by Mr Turchinov, who called himself the “acting President” and who countersigned Joe Biden’s billion dollars’ grant.
In October 2018 the name of Mr AB came up again. Military warehouses of Chernigov had caught fire; allegedly thousands of shells stored for fighting the separatists had been destroyed by fire. And it was not the first fire of this kind: the previous one, equally huge, torched Ukrainian army warehouses in Vinnitsa in 2017. Altogether, there were 12 huge army arsenal fires for the last few years. Just for 2018, the damage was over $2 billion.
Ukraine sells weapons to ISIS in Syria, Iraq. When Chief Military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios investigated the fires, he discovered that 80% of weapons and shells in the warehouses were missing. They weren’t destroyed by fire, they weren’t there in the first place. Instead of being used to kill the Russian-speaking Ukrainians of Donetsk, the hardware had been shipped from the port of Nikolaev to Syria, to the Islamic rebels and to ISIS. the Minister of Defence Poltorak and Mr Turchinov, the friend of Mr Biden. (They say Mr Matios was given $10 million for his silence).
The Obummer administration used Ukraine to funnel arms to ISIS, via near neighbor Turkey through the Black sea.
The loss was of Ukrainian people, and of US taxpayers, while the beneficiaries were the Deep State, which is probably just another name for the deadly mix of spooks, media and politicians.