President Trump intends on winning the 2020 Presidential elections.
Trump Fires Yosemite Sam
By Moon of Alabama
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump - 17:58 UTC · 10 Sep 2019I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore....
...I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning. I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week.
Oh happy day!

Bolton disagrees with Trump's tweet and he is now texting reporters to say that he wasn't fired but resigned:
Robert Costa @costareports - 18:16 UTC · 10 Sep 2019Ambassador Bolton sends me a text message just now: “Let’s be clear, I resigned, having offered to do so last night.”
John Bolton was the worst person I could think of to become National Security Advisor.
Bolton will not take his firing without some revenge. There will soon be tons of 'leaks' in which a "former senior administration official" will claim that Trump did this or that very, very bad thing.
Gabby Orr @GabbyOrr_ - 18:43 UTC · 10 Sep 2019A consistent complaint among Trump loyalists & fellow WH officials is that Bolton and his camp were extremely leaky. Doesn’t help that he’s texting every reporter in his rolodex now to clarify that he wasn’t canned
While he did not work long as Trump's NSA Bolton managed to create a lot of damage.
Michael Tracey @mtracey - 18:39 UTC · Sep 10, 2019Bolton blew up the Hanoi summit with Kim, pushed for airstrikes on Iran, completely botched the attempted Venezuela coup, undermined the Syria troop withdrawal, demanded endless war in Afghanistan. And that's just in the past 9 months. The guy is a total lunatic

We published quite a bit about John Bolton. Here is a short selection:
Feb 12 2006 - Bolton

Bolton will have nothing left to control but his anger.

May the fishes avoid him.