Massive PROPAGANDA from the 1930's HAS BRAINWASHED Americans into thinking that FBI figures are clean public figures who work for the public good. This couldn't be further from the truth, but when you have Hollywood movie idols like Tommy Lee JONES, Leonardo DiCaprio and Clint Eastwood fronting FBI hero's then the brainwashing is complete.

This is further reinforced by FBI false flags (hero's to the rescue), and the MOCKINGBIRD FAKE GLOBALIST MEDIA who further deify the FBI.
Imagine that here you have a man who working under GLOBALIST Hilary was the bagman taking Uranium samples to show to Russian government operatives at secret locations, prior to their illegal sale to Russia.....and no doubt profiting from such clandestine work, whilst still the head of the FBI?
From WND.COM the-8-dirtiest-scandals-of-robert-mueller-no-one-is-talking-about
It was attorney Jeffrey Marty, who at American Lookout.com, compiled a long list of scandals casting shadows over Mueller. The following are a few of the better-known:
- Some $12 billion in $100 bills was dispatched to the Iraq war theater, and vanished.
- The IRS deliberately targeted Christian and conservative organizations to cause them trouble.
- Fast and Furious saw the government traffic guns into the hands of Mexican cartel criminals.
- The Department of Justice spied on AP reporters.
- Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation got millions for speeches while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.
- Hillary Clinton dealt to Russia control of 20 percent of the uranium capacity inside the U.S.
- Of course, there was Hillary Clinton’s private email server, and all the government records, including classified, that ended up there.
- The HSBC money-laundering scandal.
Marty pointed out that, despite his history, Mueller was sold, when handed the job, as “ramrod straight” and “utterly incorruptible.”
“It’s always suspicious when anyone’s credibility is oversold like this, but that goes double when the same person was FBI director for 12 years – spanning across both the Bush and Obama administrations from 2001 to 2013 – yet most people can’t remember anything about him,” Marty writes. “We should remember actions he took to impartially uphold the law. Sadly, that is not the case.