. The Israelis started a pre-emptive Waaaah in 1967 based on some speeches by Nasser, the CIA trained agent. BUT the USA is not Israel, is it? The USA especially should not start another Waah in the Middle East based on mis-translations by GLOBALIST FAKE MEDIA to bait Trump. Not even Rehab retard Bush II CONTEMPLATED A Waahhh IN Afghanistan and Iraq based on what the CIA Taliban leadership stated, or CIA Saddam stated publicly to Bush. Imagine a GLOBALIST world defined by Trump where powerful nations start wars based on what Third World leaders say, or are REPORTED TO HAVE SAID. NO ONE UNDER 21 SHOULD WATCH THIS VIDEO.
Tucker: "We are moving toward confrontation with Iran. That should worry everybody, but it should especially concern the president’s supporters. If President Trump decides to go to war with Iran, it will destroy his presidency, just as the Iraq War destroyed the presidency of his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush." #Tucker
. This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA.....When false allegations are made against it, and it becomes beyond impossible to disapprove the allegation. This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA......When an actual nuclear power like North Korea is invited to negotiations by the USA and then is humiliated. This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA......When one of the greatest terrorist nations on earth, Israel HAS nuclear weapons, but the USA chooses to ignore their existence. This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA......When the USA junta sends nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, another great terrorist nation based on Salafi Wahabi Islam, with the hope and prayer that one day Saudi Arabia will have the bomb, and Jared KUSHNER WILL finally become a billionaire with Saudi help. https://www.mintpressnews.com/israel-saudi-arabia-nuclear-weapons-2/256761/ This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA......When the USA imposes illegal sanctions against Iran which is defacto an act of war. This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA.......When the CIA/Israel conduct terrorist operations inside Iran using PJAK/MEK/ISIS and Jundallah. This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA......When the CIA/Israel assassinate Iranian scientists inside Iran based on the false premise that Iran is building nuke bombs using their expertise. This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA.......When the USA builds a hostile international coalition against Iran......even as it talks about peace. This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA......when the USA withdraws from a 2015 International Nuclear agreement painfully and thoroughly agreed upon by several great nations around the world. WHAT then is the point of meeting with such an agreement incapable nation? This is why Iran can't negotiate with the USA......When the USA demands that Iran must stop a ghost non-existent nuclear program that does not exist, but also weapons programs which do exist such as its missiles program. Thus the USA wants Iran to be totally neutered on Israeli demands. To defend itself is a crime according the the USA. According to the USA Iran should be like its 1916-1919 predecessor when the British army starved half the population to death. This is WHY Iran MUST NOT NEGOTIATE with the USA......When direct threats are made MAFIA LIKE TO 'OBLITERATE" THE COUNTRY by the USA leadership. Its quite one thing for banana republics to hyperventilate such nonsense, even though they don't have the power to do so, but its quite another for a superpower nation that does have the power to do so. You don't negotiate with an enemy under overt threats. IRAN IS ALREADY AT WAR WITH THE USA--------ITS CALLED A 'COLD ASYMMETRIC WAR" PART OF THIS WAR IS ECONOMIC, but part of it includes using SUNNI SALAFI TERRORISTS to threaten SHIA REGIMES AND POPULATIONS WITH ANNIHILATION.......THE VERY SHIA which theocratic mullah Iran is obligated to protect......Lebanon, Syria and Iraq mainly. Trump claims to be an 'EXPERT' with nuclear technology. And I thought he was a Casino king; a real estate billionaire and a reality TV star. presumably HE HAS THE AUTHORITY to say such nonsense based on his Ph.D from Stanford and MIT? or does his 'EXPERTISE' ON nuclear technology GET CHANNELED VIA Benjamin Netanyahu? or does his 'EXPERTISE' ON nuclear technology GET CHANNELED VIA HIS INNER Jew, HIS Hasidim ORTHODOX Jew SON-IN-LAW AND DAUGHTER? or does his 'EXPERTISE' ON Iranian nuclear technology GET CHANNELED VIA HIS JEW CASINO BUDDY SHELDON ADELSON who has gifted him $200 million? Does Donald Trump wish to start ANOTHER WAAAH FOR LIKUD ISRAEL on a mere donation of $200 million? IS DONALD TRUMP THAT CHEAP? What great secrets does Trump know about Iran's "COVERT NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM" the rest of us don't know about................lets get it it out to the public. YOU KEEP SAYING IRAN'S NOT GOING TO HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS.....IMPLYING THAT IRAN IS ON THE PATH TO THAT...WEASEL WORDS.....SO LETS PUT THE EVIDENCE ON THE TABLE FOR INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SCRUTINY--------Cuban missile crisis like. TRUMP PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND SHOW THE EVIDENCE TO EVERYBODY HOW IRAN IS BUILDING A NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM SECRETLY..."Iran is not gonna have nuclear weapons" 1. ON the other hand it is OFFICIAL FACT that the COMBINED OPINION OF THE 17 intelligence services report (NIE) of the USA HAVE STATED THAT Iran has stopped its covert nuclear program from early 2003. This opinion has not changed since the 2007 report. (I happen to think that Iran didn't have a nuclear bomb program from the beginning---The Shah may have had such a program {surge program}, EGGED ON BY Kissinger FROM 1974.....and one of the reasons he was removed in 1979 by the USA) This position of the NIE has not changed for the last 12 years.
The 2007 NIE on Iran's Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities ... - CIA
2. Non-political opinions of former Israeli Intelligence, who obviously have more reasons to be objective once they leave the Netanyahu Likud shadow.
3. IAEA inspections on Iran have been on-going since 2003. They are the most stringent inspections in IAEA history, and the longest.......look anywhere, go anywhere short notice inspections. It is a organisation set up by President Eisenhower in the 1950's to regulate the global nuclear industry, and it has an excellent reputation. Many of its staff are intelligence officials from the CIA/Mossad working under cover.
Verification and Monitoring in Iran | IAEA
4. anecdotal evidence: (i) One the first things the CIA mullahs did in 1979, besides close ALL universities and research facilities for their ultimate masters was also to close the Shah's ambitious $25 billion nuclear program, directed originally from Washington and Kissinger, and built with German technology.
Iran's Nuclear Program: Made in the USA (Historical Analysis ...
How America Jump-Started Iran's Nuclear Program - HISTORY
(ii) The Iran/Iraq war and the use of chemicals by CIA Saddam against Iranian troops, and where Iran did not respond in kind. (iii) The Supreme Leader has stated time and TIME again publicly that nuclear weapons are against the principles of the Islamic Republic. (iv) Operation Merlin by the CIA in the 1990's. The GLOBALIST CIA, had another bright idea. Why not give the CIA mullahs faulty nuclear bomb blue prints via Russian scientists.......and the LOGIC is the CIA mullahs expend enormous treasure on a false fake quest to make the bomb, and thus go nowhere (Similar to the CIA sending faulty retro-chemical oil industry technology to the Soviet Union in the 1980's from Germany which had a spectacular habit of failing). So far so good. However our conscientious CIA Russian spy discovers the faults on the blue print and irons them out before passing them on to the Iranians.....To date there is no credible report that the CIA mullahs have seized upon this opportunity to make one single nuke bomb, using the CIA supplied blue print. https://consortiumnews.com/2018/03/03/how-operation-merlin-has-poisoned-u-s-intelligence-on-iran/ (v) CIA Saddam spent 25% of his GDP on defense in 1990, with a very extensive WMD program (GDP $57.8 billion and defense spending $14 billion). North Korea spends about 26% of GDP on defense with a very lavish state funded WMD program. Iran has spent about 3% of GDP on defense SINCE 1990, with NO WMD PROGRAM.
Trump Rejected Attacking Iran: ‘We Don’t Need Any More Wars’
Gen. Dunford one of few officials said to back Trump's positionJason DitzPosted onat antiwar.com
The Wall Street Journal is reporting in increasing detail on President Trump’s Thursday decision to not attack Iran, providing reports from aides that described Trump as very reluctant to be dragged into another war. Trump reportedly told one of his confidants of his inner circle that “these people want to push us into war… it’s so disgusting.” He added that in his view “we don’t need any more wars.” Signs are that much of the cabinet was pushing for a US attack, but Gen. Joe Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, offered a more wary assessment of the outcome of such an attack. This is a surprising revelation since the Pentagon’s brass had been suggested to be hawkish as well. Trump praised Dunford for calling for caution, calling him a “terrific man and a terrific general.” Trump added that he was happy to see division within his team on the matter, though some within his administration, notably those who didn’t get the war they wanted, are made about the internal schism. On Thursday morning, when the attack was planned, John Bolton and Mike Pompeo summoned national security officials for a breakfast, and to talk about the US drone being shot down. Officials claimed that the group was “unanimous” in favor of attacking Iran, though others denied that Dunford, who was present, had supported the attack. Trump is increasingly favoring Gen. Dunford on matters of foreign policy, and that likely put him in a better position to express opposition to the strike. Trump appears to have already been inclined against such a strike, especially if it killed anyone, which would’ve given Dunford the benefit of telling Trump what he wanted to hear. Dunford’s opposition is also fueling allegations of military lawyers being the backchannel through which President Trump got the formal estimate of 150 killed in the attack, which he says is what made him decide against it. Some reports claim the military’s lawyers sent the estimate to White House lawyers, who passed it along to Trump. Others are denying this, and accusing White House lawyers of inventing the whole estimate themselves. Trump confirmed being unhappy with the vague estimates he was initially offered on the attack plan, saying we “wanted an accurate count.” This has fueled a lot of disputes within the administration that the estimate was too high, though Trump dismissed this as largely irrelevant to his decision, saying “anything is a lot when you shoot down an unmanned drone.” _____________________________________
The Trump base
Poll Shows Strong Majority of Americans Oppose Attacking Iran
58% of voters want a non-military approach to IranJason Ditz at antiwar.comPosted on
While officials have denied that there was any political component to the US not attacking Iran on Thursday, a newly released poll from Hill-HarrisX, taken over the weekend, shows that a strong majority of American voters oppose such an attack. The poll showed 58 percent favored a non-military approach, with 48 percent calling for diplomacy and nine percent saying the US should take no action at all. By contrast, only 5 percent supported a war, and another 19 percent wanted “limited” attacks. A majority remained against an attack in all parties, and all age groups, with 67% of Democrats calling for non-military options, 54 percent of independents, and a slight majority of Republicans. With overwhelmingly more people in every category imaginable opposed to the idea of a war with Iran, the perennial hawks who have been trying to foment an Iran war for generations clearly still have an uphill battle, and a public that still isn’t buying their push.
Does the Rothschilds of London, ordering the Rockefellas to send their messenger boys like Kissinger decide who President chooses in his GLOBALIST cabinet? According to Colonel Robert David Steele, Jimmy Carter cried the whole day after being elected in November 1976, when Kissinger came to see him........to tell him which Globalists he had to choose for his cabinet. Pompeo is not a Trump fan.....he comes from the Koch brothers, and his a hard right Christian evangelist Rapture fan. Bolton is a Jewish Neocon, Israeli firster....Waaah Waaaah cheer leader who makes money from the arms industry. Bolton appears willing to sabotage Trumps sensitive re-election strategy for the sake of his commitments to Israel, and the Neocon ideology.........often contradicting the President publicly, and burning his ears with unwarranted demands in the international arena which puts undue pressure and wrong footing the President. These are the Deep State Robert Mueller's inside the administration, who spend more time in Israel than the USA.....improvising official government strategy pronouncements from Israel. Why not have Rand Paul as Secretary of State or defense or other Trumpsters like him?
First thing first, drones are a rich mans weapon system filled with high tech meant to surveil or harass the enemy from a great distance.....with no risk of the loss of life to the user. 1. It would be a sad IRONY if the incidence of a drone being shot down leads to the actual loss of life on the users side due to an escalating conflict. 2. Drones being shot down ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS by belligerent forces have NOT lead to a greater escalation of conflict, but that drones are an accepted part of the modern battle field which either side in a conflict can attempt to shoot down if there is justifiable cause. 3. Given the greater use of drones in conflict zones, it would be a negative PRECEDENCE, where the shooting down of one drone in highly contentious circumstances and 'hot contested areas' were to automatically lead to greater conflagration or casus belli for/toward greater conflict. Further that this is not another exceptional situation applied ONLY by America to American drones. NATO Doenme Turkey sends weaponized drones via MIT to ISIS/'al-CIA-duh' in the Idlib region NW of Syria, and they are fired in swarms at Russian bases by the terrorists...........Russia knows who fired them and who supplied them (Israel/USA). What DO THE Russians DO, THEY OFFER THE S-400 air-defense system to NATO Turkey. India sends drones into Pakistan, some of which are shot down and Pakistan sends drones into India, some of which are shot down. Israel sends drones into Syria and Lebanon, some of which are shot down, and Syria and Hezbollah sends drones into Northern Israel, some which are shot down. The EXCEPTIONAL USA DOES one better. Drones firing hellfire rockets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya and Somalia kill MOSTLY innocent civilians......in weak third world nations where the ruling elite have been brought by Washington or the nation is a backward failed state with no recourse to defending itself against indiscriminate drone use......popularized by Obummer as an expression of American technological prowess and invincibility (psychological). CIA Medieval Mullah Iran is not Somalia....as a 1000 Pentagon war games since 2003 have discovered. The Israelis/CIA assassinate Iranian scientists inside Iran, but no revenge action is taken by the Iranians to kill Israeli scientists. The Israelis/CIA carry out terrorism using MEK/PJAK/JUNDALLAH and ISIS inside Iran, but Iran does not punish the CIA or Israel beyond capturing local Iranian culprits. The CIA/Israelis kill four Pasdaran generals in Syria, but again Iran does not retaliate against the Israelis and CIA. There is no direct evidence the CIA/Israel did it. BUT, when a high profile attack takes place inside/near Iran the CIA Medieval banana republic Mullahs are obligated to take action against the specific target who did it publicly. Example: In 1998 The Sunni Wahabi CIA Taliban slaughtered Iranian diplomats and family members in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif (Iran backed the Northern Alliance)....Iran immediately massed 250,000 troops on the Afghan border against the 'fossilized dinosaurs' foe....the Taliban apologized, and the Iranians reminded the CIA Taliban that there were 2 million Afghans in Iran earning much needed remittance money....end of saga. Iran is not Syria. Iran will respond and the situation can be open ended for many years like the 8 year GULF WAR between Iran and Iraq, where 1,000,000 Iranians died at the front lines. If attacked by the USA, the mullahs to save their legitimacy will have to respond, or lose credibility and face.......and thus eventually power.
The real winner of an American attack on Iran will be Russia. When oil stops flowing from/through the Persian Gulf the price of oil will sky-rocket causing major disruptions to the oil market, and demand and supply in the USA. Russia is the only major oil producer which can (management/technology/resources) fill in the gap for supply of the oil following after Persian Gulf conflagration.
Donald Trump will lose the 2020 election based on high oil prices, and the much promised slogan of no more wars to the base...America first.
The fragile oil based economies of the GCC member countries with their 80% immigrant workforces, EX-PAT Iranians and Shia's, will COLLAPSE.
The GLOBAL DERIVATIVES MARKET BASED IN THE USA MOSTLY, and worth over $1 quadrillion will collapse, bringing down with it the entire AMERICAN PAPER BASED SPECULATIVE ECONOMY.
Hello China, real economic superpower of the world and Russia, fossil fuel based superpower of the world with its oil and gas much in demand in Europe and around the world....as it is a safe reliable source. Maybe President Biden sends Hunter to sign oil deals with Russia's Rosneft in 2021....just as Hilary with Robert Mueller signed Uranium deals with Putin.
PRESIDENT TRUMP watches a lot of trash fake television, and it would be a pity if he were to be goaded by the likes of them knee-jerked into war. The Fake Globalist media have surely calculated that a war against Iran would seal the fate of the Trump PRESIDENCY. Perhaps a safety valve should develop between what the president watches on the fake media, and the strategic decisions he makes.
The drone that was shot down by Iran looks spookily like the drone that fired the big cruise missile into the Pentagon on 9/11. Maybe its another insider Deep State joke. But Deep State insiders responsible for 9/11, and the most corrupt enterprise in America....THE PENTAGON, don't make good CEO's of the USA generally.
Conclusion: Great Imperial powers should not always swat the proverbial fly. It is given that the USA with its $1.5 trillion security budget (Chalmers Johnson) is the premier superpower in the world, and can do serious damage to Iran........but strategic inaction sometimes is not such a bad thing. Lets have serious policy on Iran, that wasn't developed in Rothschild London.....and effected through the CIA/State Department.
Robert Mueller's troublesome, unethical, and corrupt FBI career prior to his appointment as the special counsel on the Trump-Russia Collusion investigation deserves a serious vetting. I provide here two points of reference: a monograph by sitting congressman and former Texas State Court judge Louie Gohmert titled "Robert Mueller: Unmasked" and a book by Louisiana attorney and sitting Louisiana state senator John Milkovich titled Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order.
Congressman Gohmert's 48-page monograph is a discussion of a "long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone." Gohmert focuses on 18 examples, including:
Collusion with Boston mobster Whitey Bulger in criminality and framing innocent men for murder that resulted eventually in the release of innocent parties and 100 million dollars in compensation for for DOJ Boston Office misconduct.
The FBI with Mueller as director harassed and hounded Congressman Curt Weldon in revenge for criticizing FBI failures related to 9-11.
Dishonest prosecutions of Senator Ted Stevens.
Prosecutorial abuses in the anthrax murder investigations post 9-11, producing one suicide and one award of 6.8 million dollars to the other innocent target.
Mueller's unethical acceptance of the special prosecutor position when he was conflicted by his longtime personal and professional relationship with James Comey.
Mueller hired extremely partisan, biased, and conflicted attorneys for his special counsel team.
Mueller's investigation ignored that FISA applications evidence presented to justify warrants to surveil Trump associates were not verified and thus a fraud on the court and illegal.
Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich
Milkovich's book, Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order (2018), recounts Robert Mueller's history of prosecutorial misconduct before his appointment as special counsel in the Trump matter.
Mr. Milkovich: "Mueller has left his imprint on some of the most notorious episodes of government wrongdoing of the last thirty years." Mr. Milkovich is and was assiduous in his research and provides almost 400 endnotes and more than 125 items of bibliography as reference sources for his 165-page self-published book. When I asked him about the tough calls, he pointed to the sources and compelling evidence.
Mueller misconduct and his position in the DOJ/FBI:
9-11-2001 — FBI Director Failure of the FBI to investigate suspicious characters reported to the FBI in the fall of 2000 by Dr. David Graham, former Air Force officer and dentist friend of Mr. Milkovich, who suspected that the men were planning a terrorist attack on Barksdale Air Force Base, home for a Nuclear B52H Air Wing. Dr. Graham reported his concerns to the local FBI office and was "stunned and outraged" in September 2001 when he saw after 9-11 that two of the men were in the group of 9-11 terrorist hijackers. Dr. Graham protested to the FBI, was rebuffed, raised a political ruckus, threatened to write a book, and shortly thereafter was poisoned but survived with severe injuries and disability. During his treatment at two medical facilities, FBI agents appeared and encouraged physicians to let Dr. Graham die because they said he was mentally ill and suicidal
Boston Mob1984 — Asst. U.S. Attorney and Acting U.S. Attorney Boston Providing cover for the Whitey Bulger Winter Hill Boston gang that committed murders and, of course, other crimes. The FBI framed four men, who were convicted and incarcerated for murder. The FBI was found culpable, and more than $100 million was awarded in compensation to the injured parties.
Pan Am 1031988–2001 — Chief of the Criminal Justice Division of the DOJ Was in charge of the investigation of the 1988 Pan Am 103 Lockerbie plane bombing killed 258 passengers and 11 on the ground. Army major Charles McKee, who headed a Middle East hostage rescue team, was returning to the U.S. on Pan Am 103 with evidence to expose CIA-sponsored criminal activity. After the plane was destroyed, Mr. Mueller supervised an army of FBI agents on the investigation, and finally, 12 years later, the case went to trial by a panel of Scottish judges. Two Libyans were tried for murder; Al Amin Fhima was found not guilty, and Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was found guilty, sentenced to 20 years. Many references by Mr. Milkovich provide a case that asserts that the FBI's incompetent investigation failed to bring to justice Ahmed Jibril, the terrorist who arranged to plant the bomb, and others, including CIA agents, who were complicit in the bombing order to eliminate Major McKee.
BCCI 1991,92 — Chief of the FBI Criminal Justice Division Mr. Mueller was actively and energetically involved in providing cover for the criminal malfeasance and perfidy by officials of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), cover-ups for black ops, money-laundering, and financing of international criminal activities. Mr. Mueller and the FBI interfered with the investigation by Manhattan district attorney Robert Morgenthau.
Ruby Ridge1992 — Chief of the FBI Criminal Division The FBI tried to get Randy Weaver to be an undercover informant on separatist groups in Idaho, but he was not cooperative. Then federal agents (Marshals and what the FBI claimed to be a hostage rescue team) surrounded his isolated cabin in the mountains, and there was a 11-day siege, punctuated by a killing of Weaver's wife from cover while she stood on a porch holding a baby. In addition, the son was shot in the back with a machine gun, running from the gunfire. Mueller objected publicly to anyone who would criticize the FBI conduct.
9-11-2001 — FBI Director Mueller was named FBI director one week before 9-11-2001, and his conduct and actions related to the catastrophe are another indication of his corrupt nature. Milkovich makes the case that not only did Mueller arrange to evacuate Saudis after 9-11, but he obstructed, covered up, and obfuscated what the FBI knew about the terrorist plot and Saudi involvement before the attacks.
Anthrax TerrorPost 9-11-2001 — FBI Director when the post-9-11 anthrax mailings killed five and injured 14 others in the D.C. area shortly after 9-11, Mr. Mueller as FBI director was heavily involved in the investigations and accusations of two scientists who ended up innocent. Dr. Bruce Ivins committed suicide, and Steve Hatfill won an award of $5.8 million dollars when he sued the FBI for prosecutorial misconduct. Mr. Milkovich focuses on Ivins and does not discuss the Hatfill matter in his book.
Mueller said he had no regrets about the anthrax investigations even though the perps were never found and two men's lives were turned upside-down by FBI malfeasance and incompetent, abusive investigations. Mr. Milkovich details the incompetence and abuse in the Ivins investigations and indictment.
The last two chapters of Mr. Milkovich's book lay out the case for the danger of the expanded power and reach of the administrative and surveillance state and the effort led by Mueller and his prosecution gang to accomplish a coup d'état.
. These submarines were brought by Israel or gifted free from Germany from 1999 into 2009. After the scud missile incidents where 57 were fired at Israel, by CIA Saddam from Iraq, in 1991.....the ever paranoid Israelis thought they needed another dimension to their defense, before they could be pushed into the Mediterranean sea by the Arabs. To put Israeli paranoia into context, they have been busy sponsoring extremists in Myanmar to ignite a religious war against the Muslim Rohingya.....through certain Buddhist monks and extremists in the military----not a difficult thing to do in the most corrupt nation on earth. But you ask yourself what has Myanmar got to do with Israel's security interests? REAL threats instead of the existential ones. What possible threats can the fisherman-SUBSISTENCE FARMER, 4th world, illiterate Rohingya be to Israel, that they require expulsion from their historical homeland? Since the 1990's Israel has been busy promoting the BJP/RSS a fringe right-wing party in India that only had 2 seats in the Indian Parliament. The party was initially banned from contesting elections after its members assassinated Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. After the Israeli trained and armed Tamil Tigers (of Elam) killed Rajiv Gandhi in 1991, the last important political figure from the Nehru Dynasty, the field was open for the Israeli backed RSS/BJP politically ...... who then carried out their first big one pony trick political stunt....the destruction of the Ayodhya Mosque in 1992. Lets be serious. You don't solve the problems and challenges of a country through the prism of religious symbolism. BUT I guess if are an Israeli you do. The RSS/BJP is a one trick pony which promotes communalism, false flag terrorism (especially during elections) and flag waving.....under the direction of ISRAELI SECURITY PERSONNEL POSTED IN THE COUNTRY. SO much for Indian sovereignty. Why does Israel spend billions promoting an extremist party in India??? __________________________________
Japanese Ship Owner Contradicts US Officials on Tanker Attack
Trump Reiterates Pompeo's Claims, Britain Agrees With US Assessment
The owner of the Japanese tanker that was attacked on Thursday in the Gulf of Oman, the Kokuka Outrageous, contradicted the US military’s claims about the attack. Central Command reported that the two tankers were hit with limpet mines, a type of mine that is attached to the hull of a ship below the waterline using magnets. But Yutaka Katada, the owner of the Kokuka Outrageous, said he received reports a projectile hit the ship.
"We received reports that something flew towards the ship," Katada said at a press conference, "The place where the projectile landed was significantly higher than the water level, so we are absolutely sure that this wasn’t a torpedo. I do not think there was a time bomb or an object attached to the side of the ship."
US Central Command released a grainy black and white video of a boat alongside a ship, claiming it was an Iranian patrol boat removing a limpet mine from the Kokuka Outrageous, the claim being they were getting rid of the evidence. The video does not conclusively prove anything, as it is hard to tell what the boat is doing. Iranian state media said Iran rescued the crew of both tankers, so the video could have just been a recording of the rescue efforts.
In an interview with Fox and Friends Friday morning, President Trump blamed Iran for the attacks on the tankers. Trump cited the video as proof, "Well Iran did do it, and you know they did it because you saw the boat. I guess one of the mines didn’t explode and it’s probably got essentially Iran written all over it."
Trump, who has been known to sometimes contradict his more hawkish cabinet members, fell in line with his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who on Thursday, accused Iran of attacking the tankers with no evidence to back up his claim.
Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt made a statement on Friday, "We are going to make our own independent assessment, we have our processes to do that, (but) we have no reason not to believe the American assessment and our instinct is to believe it because they are our closest ally."
No US officials have responded to the Japanese ship owner’s claims.
Dave DeCamp is a freelance journalist based in Brooklyn NY, focusing on US Foreign policy and wars. He is on Twitter at @decampdave.
German FM: US Video Not Sufficient to Prove Iran’s Guilt in Tanker Attacks
Warns video is 'not enough to make a final assessment'
Speaking to reporters during a visit to Norway, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has dismissed the US military’s video, saying it is not sufficient to prove Iran was behind attacks on tankers in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday. “The video is not enough. We can understand what is being shown, sure, but to make a final assessment, this is not enough for me,” Maas said. President Trump insisted earlier in his own comments to reporters that the video was enough and clearly proved Iran was behind the attack. The video itself was release late Thursday night by US Central Command, and is quite problematic. It is grainy black and white footage of a boat, putatively Iranian, alongside a ship, putatively one of the tankers. The first few seconds show movement that might suggest an interaction of some sort, then the next minute and a half show nothing, but zoom in and zoom out in jarring ways. All of this is meant to prove Iranian sailors removed an unexploded mine from the boat, though there would be multiple problems with that, as the holes in the ships were far above the water line, where a mine explosion would take place, and the boat in question in the video also seemed to be focused on a part of the ship too high out of the water to possibly be a floating mine. With the Japanese ship’s crew describing the attack as caused by something flying at the ship in the air, not the water, the entire mine story is on shaky ground, and to the extent the US believes this video is demonstrative of the mine narrative, it too is very weak.
Iran’s foreign minister has labeled the reported attack on two “Japan-related” oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman as “suspicious,” occurring just as Japanese Prime Minister Abe came to Tehran for major talks. Javad Zarif noted that the incidents on the two vessels, on 13 June 2019, had occurred as Abe sat down for “extensive and friendly” discussions with Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.
The Trump government says that the oil tanker Kokuka Courageous was attacked by Iran, using limpet mines. The president of the shipping company that owns the Kokuka Courageous has said that "a flying object" caused the damage the ship suffered in the attack in the Gulf of Oman on 13 June 2019. Yutaka Katada, president of shipping firm Kokuka Sangyo, citing accounts from the ship's crew, noted that the damage was well above the waterline.
"I really cannot begin to fathom how stupid you would have to be to believe that Iran would attack a Japanese oil tanker at the very moment that the Japanese Prime Minister was sitting down to friendly, US-disapproved talks in Tehran on economic cooperation that can help Iran survive the effects of US economic sanctions. The Gulf of Credibility - Craig Murray "The Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous was holed above the water line. That rules out a torpedo attack, which is the explanation being touted by the neo-cons. "The second vessel, the Front Altair, is Norwegian owned and 50% Russian crewed (the others being Filipinos).
"It is owned by Frontline, a massive tanker leasing company that also has a specific recordof being helpful to Iran in continuing to ship oil despite sanctions. "It was Iran that rescued the crews and helped bring the damaged vessels under control.