The Jewish Neocon Greater Kurdistan project....is the source of the problem, and unless the USA drops this covert illegal little project, NATO Turkey will be seeking her old Steppe Eurasian roots via Russia and China.
After all modern secular Turkish republic was founded on critical Soviet arms in the early part of the 1920's, without which there would be no modern Turkey. The Deonme Jews of Mustapha Kemal Ataturk connected with the Bolshevik Jews of the New Soviet Union.
U.S. - Turkey Spat Intensifies
By Moon of Alabama
The two tweets below are an update to the recent piece about Turkey's problems and how they will change the dynamics in the Jihadi infested Idleb governorate in Syria.
The U.S. threatens to hold back the F-35 fighter planes Turkey ordered, because Turkey also aquired the Russian made S-400 air defense system. We said that the consequence of that would be a further win for Russia:
Russia will be happy to supply Turkey with Su-35 fighter planes. They are arguable better than the F-35 and will likely be cheaper. But they will come with a political price.
The chances for that to happen grew after yesterday's short exchange between the vice presidents of the United States and Turkey. Vice President Pence spoke at the Atlantic Council about 70 years of NATO and said that Turkey risks its membership in NATO over the S-400 buy.
Pence also tweeted:

The response did not take long:

The Kurdish PKK/YPG forces the U.S. uses as proxy force to occupy northeast Syria are indeed legally terrorists as soon as they cross the border with Turkey. What is the value of NATO when it protects Turkey's enemies?
Pence threat is also stupid as there is mechanism to expulse any member from NATO. NATO members can only leave voluntarily.
Around the Kremlin one could hear the champagne corks plop.
The unprofessional and threatening behavior of Pence and other U.S. administration officials will cost the U.S.
As Andrei Martyanov recently wrote:
I can totally understand the irritation Washington feels about this whole situation, after all Turkey is a key NATO member with an actual army, and seeing NATO member going for such a weapon systems from Washington's prime time arch enemy--this is a no-no. But then comes this question: so, the United States will stop (will it?) F-35 and associated technology deliveries to Turkey, then what? Do we really want to open this can of worms? Turks are not idiots, by far--they can calculate and while Erdo might still do rapid 180 degrees maneuver, he also can not fail to consider the fact that instead of F-35 Turkey may get her hands on, say, some decent version of SU-35. Possible? Possible! How probable? I don't know. But Obama should have thought twice when unleashing, or pretending that he didn't know, a coup against Erdogan in 2016. Or, for that matter, a bloody overthrow of government in Ukraine in 2014. But current American elites have no concept of own actions having consequences.
h/t Syricide