Feb 27, 2019

The neocon problem.

Its ALL FAKE NEWS until a Jew Neocon appears on the FAKE news.

Then it becomes sage wisdom which must be converted into state policy.

Incidentally we recently read his book, Ship of Fools, in which he argues that American elites are grievously harming the American people, worse than at any time in US history. It is excellent, and gets the coveted RI seal of approval!

He wrote a piece in the American Conservative recently “Why Are These Professional War Peddlers Still Around?” where he attacked war-lovin’ neocons like Bill Kristol and Max Boot.

Carlson has been great on Syria for a couple years now.

One of the Tuck’s favorite themes - Chicago’s middle class has disappeared(!) over the last 10 years, because of destructive economic policies of US elites, particularly open immigration.

Image result for sassanid feudal society

A place of the very rich and the very poor- neo-liberal Turkey, India and Russia.

Human national development into the post industrial modern society has been underpinned by a very large Middle-Class 40-60% of the population.