Nov 2, 2018


The Globalist Grandees like Mattis will oppose it, the Deep State Democrat leaning General who planned the invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1990's, a few good years before 9/11.

But Afghanistan is one big fat gravy train for the Pentagon/Deep State.....where you have the obvious Absurdistan statistic of $70 billion + black budgets to sustain a few thousand USA 'warriors' guarding the Opium poppy fields.

The country is a failed narco state run by the CIA and Pentagon, where Opium is refined into heroin and shipped around the world, including the USA. The proceeds from this illegal trade are laundered in Wall Street banks.

The Taliban was created in 1994 by the CIA, like so many Islamofascist organisations in the 1980's and 1990's...taking its globalist Que from the British Empire.

Afghanistan (Ariana) also creates huge number of refugees that go towards Europe, Australia and other places.

The hostile USA occupation of Afghanistan (with very little good will----) represents the very ugly side of America...ugly.