Sep 25, 2018

Brett Michael Kavanaugh to be sure to be sure!

If Kavanaugh is not chosen will it be a FAILURE for President Trump? NO.

President Trump WILL get his man chosen into the Supreme Court even after the mid-terms. Whoever it is.

Then another one after Ruth Bader Ginsberg...before 2020.

Then more in his second term. 2020--2024.

But in a Presidency which is going to be decidedly assertive, and strong backed by military tribunals...I doubt the Supreme Court will be very relevant.

But still the Vaudeville of winning and losing has some relevance.

Brett Kavanough is a GLOBALIST swamp creature, and he and his wife are both SES members which means their ultimate masters are the colonial Brits and the City of London. As an American you become a cult Masonic like SES member (Obummers secret army 10,000) because its a jobs for life bureaucracy where you earn millions from the gravy train of the Washington Federal secret. 

The colours they are wearing in the Murdoch run Fox interview tells us they are Globalists....but thats what they have to wear to show their masters that they are obedient DOGS. (Rothschilds London). Otherwise they don't get elected/progress......... Tom Fitton. Gotta know the game...!!! Gotta play the game Tom! Do you like children's blood???

and Of-course Condaleeza Rice chaperones him in all the hearings for the Globalist Bush crime family.

The man who legalized torture by the USA.

An ardent Catholic linked to the pope, Opus Dei and Ritual child abuse.

1 in 4 females in the USA will be sexually abused in their lifetime according to university studies in the USA...what are the chances Brett is in the 25% of the 2 or more SERIOUS allegations against him.

After South Africa, the USA is the most sexually violent nation on earth.

Bretts alcoholism and major gambling such things affect his work??? as Supreme court judge?

Trump knows he is getting an obedient DOG, and thus against the better judgement and advice he chooses the cliche alcoholic GAMBLING MICK. 

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As to Professor Christine Margaret Blasey Ford it is alleged that she was a recruiting officer for the CIA whilst working at Stanford University. Thus there is a political motivation to her action......based probably on truthful events.

Image result for Christine Margaret Blasey Ford
As a fellow teacher and also as a VICTIM of male WASP aggression and unlimited egoism......I believe her 100%...

More than the scum who enabled Bush era Torture (NATURALLY FOR SUCH A PERSON) and probably has links to Ops Dei and the Satantic kabalistic Pope.