May 27, 2018
May 26, 2018
May 25, 2018
Both Hitler and Eva Braun apparently had Jewish ancestry, according to DNA tests.
Maria Schicklgruber
August Kubizek
Emil Maurice

Reinhard Heydrich, the mastermind of the Holocaust, is believed to have been Jewish.
Walter Schellenberg in his Memoirs (p. 207) writes: "Canaris told me after Heydrich's death that he possessed proof of Heydrich's Jewish ancestry."
"When Heydrich was a child in Halle, neighborhood children made fun of him, calling him "Isi" (Izzy), short for Isidor, a name with a Jewish connotation.
"When he served in the navy, many of his comrades believed he was Jewish. Some called him the "blond Moses."
"Others who lived in Halle have claimed that everybody believed that his father, the musician Bruno Heydrich, was a Jew.
"Half-Jew Alice Schaper nee Rohr, who took piano lessons from Bruno, claimed, "We all knew he was Jewish. ...He looked just like a typical Jew."
"In town, Bruno was called Isidor Suess behind his back. With such rumors going around, it was not surprising that Heydrich felt continually burdened by these allegations, especially when he served as an SS general."
- Bryan Mark Rigg, the author of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

Harald, Magda, Joseph.
Joseph Goebbels' first girlfriend was Jewish.
Goebbels' family came from Holland; he was nicknamed "rabbi" in school.
"Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star."
Magda Goebbels was born Johanna Maria Magdalena Behrend.
Magda's mother Auguste Behrend divorced Oskar Ritschel and married a JEWISH businessman named Richard Friedländer.
Magda Goebbels once dated Haim Arlosoroff.
He became a prominent ZIONIST.
Goebbel's descendents include -
Katarina Geller-Herr, who is Jewish.
Colleen-Bettina Rosenblat-Mo, who is Jewish. Her first marriage was to Michael Rosenblat, a German-Jewish businessman.
Anette-Angelika May-Thies, whose first marriage was to Axel May, a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) international adviser for private banking, who managed the family's investments for about 25 years.
John Amery, was a Jewish Nazi [4] who made propaganda broadcasts for Hitler.

Above, we see Herman Goering (left) and his body-double (right) who was put on trial.
Matthias Göring, from the family of Herman Goering, loves all things Jewish.
"Matthias Göring, with his bright blue eyes and Star of David necklace, feels drawn to Israel."
Nazi Descendents: Matthias Göring Goes Kosher

On the left, we see Himmler, and on the right we see his body double.
Reportedly, Himmler had Jewish roots.
Himmler's grandparents were Johan Himmler and Agathe Kien.
Himmler's SS cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in British-run Palestine.
Himmler neice, Catharine Himmler, married an Israeli
Katrin Himmler, the great-niece of Heinrich Himmler, married an Israeli.

Amon Goeth
Monika Goeth, daughter of Amon Goeth - the Plaszow Concentration camp commandant says: "I am completely drawn to Judaism."
Hans Eppinger, an SS doctor, had Jewish origins. [3]
Walter Hollaender, a Nazi colonel who performed experiments upon concentration camp prisoners, was Jewish[3]
Erhard Milch, a German Nazi Field Marshal, had Jewish roots[12]
Bernhard Rogge, a Nazi admiral, had Jewish ancestry[3]
According to author Paul Bogdanor, in his book Kasztner's Crime:
A Jew called Rudolph Kasztner helped Hitler's Third Reich murder almost half-a-million Jewish men, women and children.
Kasztner helped Eichmann to deport almost 8000,000 'ordinary' Jews to Auschwitz.

Adolf Eichmann
"Eichmann had Jewish friends, was employed by Jews as an oil and kerosene salesman, had Jewish relatives by marriage."
(A portrait of Eichmann as an ordinary man - The New York Times)
In 1939, Adolf Eichmann desribed himself as a Zionist.
(Adolf Eichmann Was a Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi)
Adolph Eichmann went to Palestine in 1937 to negotiate a homeland for the Jews.
Jewish historian David Cesarani, in Eichmann: His Life and Crimes, states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish.
Eichmann's stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichman associated with Jews.
Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration. (eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional)

Israel was alerted to Eichmann's presence in Argentina in 1957, by Fritz Bauer, a Jewish prosecutor in Germany.
Bauer had been tipped off by Lothar Hermann, a Jew in Argentina, whose daughter, Sylvia, had become friends with Eichmann's son.
Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad
Bauer alerted the Israeli authorities.
But Mossad closed the case!
(Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad)
"Only when Bauer insisted did Isser Harel, director of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, dispatch an agent to Argentina to verify the claim.
"Even then there was a delay of four months - in the 1950s the Israeli security... devoted not a single officer exclusively to the business of Nazi hunting."
The Mossad agent met Hermann and insisted on being given fingerprint and identity card evidence; this was not possible.
Mossad closed the case for a second time.
Martin Bormann

Hjalmar Schacht
Hitler did not end interest payments to the banks.
Under Hitler, the Bank of International Settlements continued dealings with Germany.
Hitler's policies helped to further enrich the Thyssen family, Krupp, the Goebbels family, certain US corporations, and the German banks.
In 1934, Hitler got Hjalmar Schacht to manage the Nazi economy. (Demand-side planned economics....massive state borrowing, massive state debt. Government expenditure 60% of GDP by 1940)
Schacht was a 'Rothschild agent', a Freemason and he spoke Hebrew.

Rolf Mengele and Josef Mengele.
There is a belief that Josef Mengele, the Nazi, was Jewish.
According to Marc Berkowitz, a survivor of Auschwitz, Josef Mengele had a certain love for the Jewish people, was very knowledgeable about Judaism and even spoke Yiddish.
"Documents and interviews reveal that contrary to popular belief, for most of the time that Mengele was in hiding, the Mossad wasn't looking for him at all."

Both Hitler and Eva Braun apparently had Jewish ancestry, according to DNA tests.
The Jews of Europe and North Africa and are mainly people who converted to the Jewish religion.
These are not the Jews of the Bible, who are believed to have originated in Saudi Arabia.
There are as many different types of Jew as there are different types of Christian.

Hitler's father's mother Maria Schicklgruber 'slept with a wealthy Jew in Vienna'.
Reportedly, as a teenager, Hitler took a fancy to a pretty girl called Stefanie Isak, whose surname has Jewish origins.

Adolf was friends with August Kubizek and they developed a "romantic" and "intimate" relationship.
They both moved to Vienna.
They slept together.
Adolf sometimes spoke to Kubizek of his admiration for the Jewish people.

Adolf met Reinhold Hanisch and they went together to live in a hotel, the Mannerheim, which catered exclusively to gay men and their gay lovers.
In Vienna, Hitler had numerous Jewish friends.
His Jewish friends included, Josef Neumann who sold his paintings, the Galician Jew Jakob Altenberg, the Hungarian Jew Samuel Morgenstern, and the Jahodas, the cultivated upper-middle-class Jewish couple whose company Hitler enjoyed on occasions.
Josef Neumann was a wealthy Jewish homosexual who used to come to the Mannerheim to find young men for sex.
After Neumann, Adolf went to live with Josef Greiner, who was a fan of the Mannerheim.

Hitler's 'lover' Emil Maurice, a German Nazi, had Jewish ancestors.
Emil Maurice was an early member of the Nazi Party and a founding member of the SS.
He was Hitler's chauffeur and one-time personal secretary.
The key Nazis had many 'Jewish' connections.
I have found that most Jews, most Black people, and most Moslems are lovely, friendly decent people.
My friend Peter is Jewish and, according to his wife, he is very anti-semitic.
Peter explains that he dislikes that small section of Jews who will happily mistreat their fellow Jews.
According to Mordechai Zalkin, a senior history lecturer in Israel, it was mainly Jewish mafias who, in the period before World War II, controlled the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and certain other large cities in Europe. (World of our (god)fathers,/ the brains behind the sexslave trade)
Lulek Lau, 8 year old child orphan, one of the youngest survivors of Buchenwald concentration camp - 1945
In his novel, In the Vale of Tears, Mendele Mocher Sforim describes how Jewish mobsters use underhand methods to kidnap Jewish girls from poor, remote towns and then force them to work as prostitutes.
According to Israel Shahak, in the Middle Ages, "Jewish physicians, tax collectors and bailiffs could be relied upon by a king, nobleman, pope or bishop...
"Jewish rabbis and rich Jews were part of the governing class.
"Together they oppressed the masses, Jew and non-Jewish."

Who are the Jewish Nazis?

Reinhard Heydrich, the mastermind of the Holocaust, is believed to have been Jewish.
Walter Schellenberg in his Memoirs (p. 207) writes: "Canaris told me after Heydrich's death that he possessed proof of Heydrich's Jewish ancestry."
"When Heydrich was a child in Halle, neighborhood children made fun of him, calling him "Isi" (Izzy), short for Isidor, a name with a Jewish connotation.
"When he served in the navy, many of his comrades believed he was Jewish. Some called him the "blond Moses."
"Others who lived in Halle have claimed that everybody believed that his father, the musician Bruno Heydrich, was a Jew.
"Half-Jew Alice Schaper nee Rohr, who took piano lessons from Bruno, claimed, "We all knew he was Jewish. ...He looked just like a typical Jew."
"In town, Bruno was called Isidor Suess behind his back. With such rumors going around, it was not surprising that Heydrich felt continually burdened by these allegations, especially when he served as an SS general."
- Bryan Mark Rigg, the author of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

Erik Hanussen
Erik Hanussen, born Hermann Steinschneider, was a Jewish occultist.

Erik Hanussen, born Hermann Steinschneider, was a Jewish occultist.
'He instructed Adolf Hitler in performance and the achievement of dramatic effect.'
He enjoyed the company of Germany's elite, becoming close with members of Ernst Rohm's Brownshirts (SA).
He enjoyed the company of Germany's elite, becoming close with members of Ernst Rohm's Brownshirts (SA).
'He was a supporter of the Nazis despite his Jewish ancestry, which was an open secret.'
Hanussen was close to certain important Nazi officials, to whom he had lent money.
It is claimed that Hanussen hypnotized Marinus van der Lubbe, who was blamed for causing the Reichstag fire.[12]
Hanussen disappeared in mysterious circumstances in 1933.
Hanussen was close to certain important Nazi officials, to whom he had lent money.
It is claimed that Hanussen hypnotized Marinus van der Lubbe, who was blamed for causing the Reichstag fire.[12]
Hanussen disappeared in mysterious circumstances in 1933.

Werner Goldberg was a German of Jewish ancestry, who served as a soldier for Hitler during World War II.
His image appeared in the Berliner Tageblatt as "The Ideal German Soldier", and was later used in recruitment posters for the Nazi military.

Aharon Shear-Yashuv, the son of a Nazi.
Wolfgang Schmidt, son of SS officer Edmund Schmidt, became a rabbi.
Today he is known as Aharon Shear-Yashuv and teaches at Tel Aviv University.
Aharon has been a senior rabbi in the Israeli armed forces.

Harald, Magda, Joseph.
Joseph Goebbels' first girlfriend was Jewish.
"Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star."
Magda Goebbels once dated Haim Arlosoroff.
He became a prominent ZIONIST.
Goebbel's descendents include -
Katarina Geller-Herr, who is Jewish.
Colleen-Bettina Rosenblat-Mo, who is Jewish. Her first marriage was to Michael Rosenblat, a German-Jewish businessman.
Anette-Angelika May-Thies, whose first marriage was to Axel May, a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) international adviser for private banking, who managed the family's investments for about 25 years.

John Amery.
John Amery, was a Jewish Nazi [4] who made propaganda broadcasts for Hitler.

Above, we see Herman Goering (left) and his body-double (right) who was put on trial.
Matthias Göring, from the family of Herman Goering, loves all things Jewish.
"Matthias Göring, with his bright blue eyes and Star of David necklace, feels drawn to Israel."
Nazi Descendents: Matthias Göring Goes Kosher

On the left, we see Himmler, and on the right we see his body double.
Reportedly, Himmler had Jewish roots.
Himmler's grandparents were Johan Himmler and Agathe Kien.
Himmler's SS cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in British-run Palestine.
Himmler neice, Catharine Himmler, married an Israeli
Katrin Himmler, the great-niece of Heinrich Himmler, married an Israeli.

Amon Goeth
Monika Goeth, daughter of Amon Goeth - the Plaszow Concentration camp commandant says: "I am completely drawn to Judaism."
Hans Eppinger, an SS doctor, had Jewish origins. [3]
Walter Hollaender, a Nazi colonel who performed experiments upon concentration camp prisoners, was Jewish[3]
Erhard Milch, a German Nazi Field Marshal, had Jewish roots[12]
Bernhard Rogge, a Nazi admiral, had Jewish ancestry[3]

According to author Paul Bogdanor, in his book Kasztner's Crime:
A Jew called Rudolph Kasztner helped Hitler's Third Reich murder almost half-a-million Jewish men, women and children.
Kasztner helped Eichmann to deport almost 8000,000 'ordinary' Jews to Auschwitz.

Adolf Eichmann
"Eichmann had Jewish friends, was employed by Jews as an oil and kerosene salesman, had Jewish relatives by marriage."
(A portrait of Eichmann as an ordinary man - The New York Times)
In 1939, Adolf Eichmann desribed himself as a Zionist.
Adolph Eichmann went to Palestine in 1937 to negotiate a homeland for the Jews.
Jewish historian David Cesarani, in Eichmann: His Life and Crimes, states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish.
Eichmann's stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichman associated with Jews.
Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration. (eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional)

Israel was alerted to Eichmann's presence in Argentina in 1957, by Fritz Bauer, a Jewish prosecutor in Germany.
Bauer had been tipped off by Lothar Hermann, a Jew in Argentina, whose daughter, Sylvia, had become friends with Eichmann's son.
Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad
Bauer alerted the Israeli authorities.
But Mossad closed the case!
(Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad)
"Only when Bauer insisted did Isser Harel, director of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, dispatch an agent to Argentina to verify the claim.
"Even then there was a delay of four months - in the 1950s the Israeli security... devoted not a single officer exclusively to the business of Nazi hunting."
The Mossad agent met Hermann and insisted on being given fingerprint and identity card evidence; this was not possible.
Mossad closed the case for a second time.
Martin Bormann
May 19, 2018
South PARS gas field---the biggest in the world---Would you like to do business?
For President Trump this is not worth his 'art of the deal'
For President Trump it is more important what his Hassidic Orthadox Jewish daughter says regarding Iran, Syria and the Middle East.
For President Trump it is more important what Netanyahu DEMANDS of him, rather than the strategic interests of the USA---Economic and military.
For President Trump the skekels he recieves from Orthadox Jewish supporters into his personal coffer is MORE IMPORTANT, than the strategic interests of the USA.....which determine his strategic policies.
President Trump indeed plays 3D chess but it is of the greasy Diego variety that relates to his personal enrichment and political survival, rather than honestly batting for the USA.
President Trump sends IMPERIAL EDICTS to powerful nations demanding that they comply with American sanctions against Iran, against Russia, against Venezuela......but don't these important nations have economic interests related to lawful International trade worth $ trillions...and the jobs of millions?
From the pulpit of the TROTSKYITE-LIKUD POLITICAL PLATFORM .......President Trump and his cabinet of War Hawkes and torturers wish to shape the world in their fashion.....good luck!
For President Trump this is not worth his 'art of the deal'
For President Trump it is more important what his Hassidic Orthadox Jewish daughter says regarding Iran, Syria and the Middle East.
For President Trump it is more important what Netanyahu DEMANDS of him, rather than the strategic interests of the USA---Economic and military.
For President Trump the skekels he recieves from Orthadox Jewish supporters into his personal coffer is MORE IMPORTANT, than the strategic interests of the USA.....which determine his strategic policies.
President Trump indeed plays 3D chess but it is of the greasy Diego variety that relates to his personal enrichment and political survival, rather than honestly batting for the USA.
President Trump sends IMPERIAL EDICTS to powerful nations demanding that they comply with American sanctions against Iran, against Russia, against Venezuela......but don't these important nations have economic interests related to lawful International trade worth $ trillions...and the jobs of millions?
From the pulpit of the TROTSKYITE-LIKUD POLITICAL PLATFORM .......President Trump and his cabinet of War Hawkes and torturers wish to shape the world in their fashion.....good luck!
May 3, 2018
A Dog and Pony Show





Netanyahoo's "Iran Files" are Well Known, Old and Purloined from Vienna
By Moon of Alabama
The dog and pony show the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahoo provided yesterday (video, slideshow) was not based on material Israeli secret services acquired in Iran, but most likely from data Iran provided to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) during the implementation period of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, pdf).
Ali Vaez @AliVaez - 18:06 UTC - 30 Apr 2018
5/ It appears to me that what Israel has done is that it has probably hacked the @iaeaorg and gathered some new details from what Iran responded to the agency to close the outstanding issues in 2015: IAEA Board Adopts Landmark Resolution on Iran PMD Case
Several nuclear proliferation experts point out that there was nothing new in Netanyahoo's presentation:
Jeffrey Lewis @ArmsControlWonk - 00:14 UTC- 1 May 2018
Let's go through Netanyahu's dog-and-pony show. As you will see, everything he said was already known to the IAEA and published in IAEA GOV/2015/68 (2015). There is literally nothing new here and nothing that changes the wisdom of the JCPOA. 1/10
All the graphics, pictures and technical details Netanyahoo quoted were known to the IAEA and the negotiators of the agreement with Iran.
The tale the Israelis provide to explain how they got access to the files does not fit to the content of the "highly theatrical" presentation:
The senior Israeli official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a secret mission, said that Israel’s Mossad intelligence service discovered the warehouse in February 2016, and had the building under surveillance since then.
Mossad operatives broke into the building one night last January, removed the original documents and smuggled them back to Israel the same night, the official said.
Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, a political scientist at Columbia University, points to this slide and satellite picture in Netanyahoo's presentation:

The pictured slide claims that Iran moved files to that location in 2017. But the Israeli sources tell the NYT that the Mossad detected the warehouse in early 2016. Why, if no nuclear files were there at that time, did the Mossad put a random warehouse in Tehran under observation?
Most likely both claims are false.
The slide above shows a screenshot of a satellite picture of Shurabad, a warehousing district in south Tehran. The coordinates are 35.494257. N, 51.356535 E.
By comparing changes in the pictured buildings and a Google Earth historic timeline of satellite pictures Batmanghelidj finds that the picture Netanyahoo showed in his slide must have been taken between September 2014 and November 2015.

Other researchers confirm this analysis. Batmanghelidj notes that this time frame corresponds to the 'implementation period' of the JCPOA which began in January 2014 and ended in July 2015. During the period Iran provided, as agreed in the JCPOA, information about its nuclear research and gave IAEA inspectors access to all relevant locations and source material.
Israel claims it detected the archive site in early 2016. How does that fit with a satellite picture in the presentation that was then already replaced by newer ones and only available in a historic timeline view?
Presumably the satellite picture was part of the stash the Israelis acquired. But:
- Iran had no reason to give the IAEA such a picture. It gave the IAEA inspectors physical access to its sites and did not hide anything.
- The IAEA uses (pdf) Wikimapia, Google Earth and other open source tools to pursue and to document its work.
- It is thus very likely that the IAEA made that screenshot of a satellite picture at the time it inspected the site during the 2014 and 2015 period to document its work.
There are more inconsistencies in Netanyahoo's stunt. One of his slides shows the potential position of a nuclear device in a missile as drawn in a well known 2003 sketch by Iranian scientists. He later claims that current Iranian missiles with a longer range could hold such a device.
That is wrong. The new Iranian missiles use a "baby bottle" nose cone that is too small to hold a device like the one researched by Iranian scientist 15 years ago. No current Iranian missile is capable of carrying such a nuclear device.

Following Netanyahoo's scaremongering show the IAEA provided this statement:
In December 2015, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano presented the Final Assessment on past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear programme to the IAEA Board of Governors.
The Agency’s overall assessment was that a range of activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device were conducted in Iran prior to the end of 2003 as a coordinated effort, and some activities took place after 2003. The Agency also assessed that these activities did not advance beyond feasibility and scientific studies, and the acquisition of certain relevant technical competences and capabilities.
Based on the Director General’s report, the Board of Governors declared that its consideration of this issue was closed.
Iran did feasibility studies to assess what was needed to start a nuclear weapon development program. It never started such a program. The feasibility studies were related to a potential Iraqi nuclear weapon program which would have threatened Iran. When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 the potential danger of a hostile Iraq dissolved and Iran shut down its studies. The shutdown in 2003 was confirmed in a U.S. National Intelligence Estimate in 2007 and by the IAEA.
Netanyahoo presented old material of Iran's old feasibility studies. Everything he presented was already well known and the technical details had long been discussed at length.
The claims of how and when the Israelis intelligence acquired the files do not make sense. The Mossad fairytale is that its agents broke into a warehouse building in Tehran, opened two dozen combination lock safes (slide 8 in the show), hauled out half a ton of materials and put those onto a plane to Israel in the very same night. Even Hollywood would reject such an implausible script.
The folders Netanyahoo presented were all empty.

The 2014/15 satellite picture used by Netanyahoo in his slides is a further indication that the material was not obtained in Iran but from a (digital) archive at the IAEA in Vienna. The "half a ton" material of "55,000 printed pages" and "183 CDs" that Netanyahoo implausibly claims was smuggled out of a "warehouse" in Tehran are most likely just a bunch of old data-files from the 2014/2015 IAEA investigation copied from a digital IAEA archive in Vienna.
They likely fit on a SSD drive or a handful of USB sticks.
Netanyahoo presented nonsense and lied just as he always does.

Cuomo--interviews another CORRUPT POLITICIAN facing criminal charges
The Mullahs in Iran were brought into power by the Carter administration using the State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and European allies (1977--1979). France and the UK playing a very active auxiliary role. Some things don't change that much. Paris became the base where Ayatollah Khomeini grandstanded from with the aid of the BBC world Farsi service, and STRATEGIC guidance and communication from the CIA....and their operatives in Iran to make the 'Islamic Revolution' possible. Most Iranians did not want an Islamic Revolution (Syria).....why would they????
The MOSSAD station chief in Iran joined the crowd in cheering and welcoming Khomenei at the airport.....on 1st February 1979.
Why did the Globalist Carter administration do this? Remove a trusted ally of 26 years who was designated by Nixon as the 'Policeman of the Persian Gulf'......who purchased like Saudi Arabia 100 of billions $ worth of arms from the MIC...usually overpriced...and $500 million worth of annual arms purchase from Israel; cheap subsidised oil for Israel.....and an obedient dog of the USA, which parked $10 of billions of its petro-$ in American banks.
Iran part of the SEATO military block against the Soviet Union, and set up by the Eisenhower administration in 1954. Iran containing many important military spy stations of the USA.
What could be sweeter for the USA? Great strategic historical Persia, a vassal state of the USA.
However, the USA itself is not an independent country.
At the Grand strategic level, it is run by the Jew Rothschilds family of London via their lieutenants in the USA.
The Jew Rothschilds of London had a new great idea.
The new idea was to sponsor through the spooks, Islamic fundamentalist groups in the Greater Middle East in order to destabilise and further control the Greater Middle East, and set up the bear trap and give the Soviet Union its own Vietnam.
All this destabilisation would also help create Eretz Israel.

'The Arc of Crisis' 'Clash of civilisation' 'Operation Cyclone' all penned in Rothschilds London from the 1970's.
and sounded out in the Bilderberg group, CFR and various think tanks of America in the 1970's with the key critical role being played by Bernard Lewis a Jew super spy from the FO sent to the USA to spread the idea. ....perched at Princeton University. One of his disciples being Samuel Huntington a witless American professor....a front for this new idea.
The Republican Party would not accept such a plan of backstabbing allies and creating indeterminate chaos which would harm strategic American interests. However, the Democratic Party, always more 'GLOBALIST'.....the party which got 80% of the Jewish vote was open to this idea..... with directions from the Rockefellers....and after crying all day in the Whitehouse when Carter realised he had no real power, he brought in GLOBALISTS into his administration, namely Zbig Brezenski as NSA.
The mullahs are bad, but bad mostly to their own people, that does not constitute a real threat to Israel which I will explain briefly later.
The Mullahs in Iran were brought into power by the Carter administration using the State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and European allies (1977--1979). France and the UK playing a very active auxiliary role. Some things don't change that much. Paris became the base where Ayatollah Khomeini grandstanded from with the aid of the BBC world Farsi service, and STRATEGIC guidance and communication from the CIA....and their operatives in Iran to make the 'Islamic Revolution' possible. Most Iranians did not want an Islamic Revolution (Syria).....why would they????
US had extensive contact with Ayatollah Khomeini before Iran ...
The MOSSAD station chief in Iran joined the crowd in cheering and welcoming Khomenei at the airport.....on 1st February 1979.
Why did the Globalist Carter administration do this? Remove a trusted ally of 26 years who was designated by Nixon as the 'Policeman of the Persian Gulf'......who purchased like Saudi Arabia 100 of billions $ worth of arms from the MIC...usually overpriced...and $500 million worth of annual arms purchase from Israel; cheap subsidised oil for Israel.....and an obedient dog of the USA, which parked $10 of billions of its petro-$ in American banks.
Iran part of the SEATO military block against the Soviet Union, and set up by the Eisenhower administration in 1954. Iran containing many important military spy stations of the USA.
What could be sweeter for the USA? Great strategic historical Persia, a vassal state of the USA.
However, the USA itself is not an independent country.
At the Grand strategic level, it is run by the Jew Rothschilds family of London via their lieutenants in the USA.
The Jew Rothschilds of London had a new great idea.
The new idea was to sponsor through the spooks, Islamic fundamentalist groups in the Greater Middle East in order to destabilise and further control the Greater Middle East, and set up the bear trap and give the Soviet Union its own Vietnam.
All this destabilisation would also help create Eretz Israel.

'The Arc of Crisis' 'Clash of civilisation' 'Operation Cyclone' all penned in Rothschilds London from the 1970's.
and sounded out in the Bilderberg group, CFR and various think tanks of America in the 1970's with the key critical role being played by Bernard Lewis a Jew super spy from the FO sent to the USA to spread the idea. ....perched at Princeton University. One of his disciples being Samuel Huntington a witless American professor....a front for this new idea.
The Republican Party would not accept such a plan of backstabbing allies and creating indeterminate chaos which would harm strategic American interests. However, the Democratic Party, always more 'GLOBALIST'.....the party which got 80% of the Jewish vote was open to this idea..... with directions from the Rockefellers....and after crying all day in the Whitehouse when Carter realised he had no real power, he brought in GLOBALISTS into his administration, namely Zbig Brezenski as NSA.
The mullahs are bad, but bad mostly to their own people, that does not constitute a real threat to Israel which I will explain briefly later.
- They have killed 10,000's thousands of Iranian political opponents inside Iran and abroad (excelling the CIA puppet Shah by a factor of 10 or 20)
- 5,000,000 million mostly educated Iranians have left the country due to mullah rule; unprecedented since the exodus after the Arab invasion in 638 AD.
- $1.5 trillion capital flight followed these educated Iranians emigrating.
- 750,000 Iranian men and boys died in the Iran/Iraq war.
- The Iranian economy is run as a corrupt mullah lottery, which is not stable. The protests recently were about economic issues above all else, and the regime in Tehran new this fact.
- The inherent absurdity of primitive illiterate mullahs running a modern state.
What Bibi has to understand is that the Rothschilds of London want such a 'wonderful Kafkaesque state' to be unmolested fundamentally by anyone and everyone....as has been the case since 1979---for 39 years.
The mullahs are wary of the conventional armed forces, lest there is a coup. As such they are kept underfunded and small by global standards:
350,000 Artesh
52,000 Airforce.....with 100--200 jets that can fly???
22,000 Navy
About 3% of GDP spent on defence, even during the height of threats from the Bush II era which were pretty real, and came very close to real attacks. Israel 9% of GDP real defence expenditure; USA 5% of GDP real GDP defence expenditure; North Korea is around 25% of GDP defence expenditure.
Iran has no credible offensive capability...and more critically the mullahs don't want to give them any offensive capability.
The only armed Iranian groups abroad are the Revolutionary Guard militia, devoid of any heavy equipment, but suited for lightly armed guerrilla warfare. 2,000 in Syria engaging ISIS (requested by the Syrian government to come in officially),
and 1000 in Iraq from the Quds Brigade...invited officially in by the USA and Paul Bremer in 2004 (Shia vs Sunni meme).
AND what great feat have the 2000 Pasdaran achieved in Syria that has Netanyahu shitting in his pants?
4 of their generals have died in Syria due to Israeli/ISIS cooperation and coordination.
1000 IRGC members have died fighting ISIS and Israeli air attacks...in defence of ISIS.
May 1, 2018
John Bolton
Its not that John Bolton has been calling for attacks against Iran for the last 16 years......he wouldn't be the first Neocon to do so, for his Israeli masters.
The Israelis have been alleging the very same since the 1980's. (Iran is 6 months away from the nuke bomb)......
American intelligence confirmed in their annual intelligence assessment report of 2007 that Iran did not have a covert nuke bomb program.
Iran since 2003 has been under intense IAEA inspections and they have not found any covert nuke programs.
Unlike North Korea Iran has not thrown out IAEA inspectors.
Unlike North Korea Iran has not threatened anybody with nuke bombs.
Unlike North Korea Iran has not exploded any nuclear bombs.
Unlike the North Korean leader, the Iranian Supreme Leader has again, again, again disavowed nuke bombs as unIslamic.
When Saddam from 1984 started using German manufactured Chemical weapons against Iranian troops, the Iranians responded by sending the affected soldiers to Western hospitals and attempted to purchase gas masks (Blocked by the USA)...but DID NOT USE CHEMICAL WEAPONS against the Iraqis.
Turkey, Egypt, GCC countries, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Malaysia will soon have nuclear reactors that use Uranium, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF RUSSIA MOSTLY......will Israel attack them too?
An attack on Iran's nuclear sites of whatever magnitude, will discredit the Supreme Leader and accelerate into a surge Iran's nuclear bomb program and will result in the expulsion of the IAEA from the country.
An attack on Iran's military facilities in Iran will facilitate nuclear bomb surge programs in several countries, including Turkey and Egypt.
An attack on Iran's military facilities in Iran will discredit the International agreement between Iran and the 5+1 powers........the illusion that the USA is a reliable superpower.
For what it is worth the MOSSAD and the CIA do not think Iran has a nuke bomb program, despite years killing Iranian nuke scientists and carrying out terrorism inside the country using MEK and Jundallah.(If these kinda guys say Iran does not have nuke bomb program then it means something !!!!!)
Iran is in Iraq because of Israel----not due to a MASTERFUL plan by the genius mullahs, AND with the aid of the USA (Shia vs Sunni meme)
Iran is in Syria because of Israel----not due to a MASTERFUL plan by the genius mullahs, AND with the aid of the USA (Shia vs Sunni meme)
Iran is in Lebanon because of Israel----not due to a MASTERFUL plan by the genius mullahs, AND with the aid of the USA (Shia vs Sunni meme)
You need missiles....all types and range to defend against ILLEGAL Israeli ATTACKS, and Israeli support of ISIS.
Only rapture fucks and corrupt politicians running from the law would be baying for war, and surgical strikes with no consequences.
Iran is not Syria in 2007
Iran is not Iraq in 1981, where the country was BUSY fighting Iran at the behest of the CIA in Jordan.
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