George Soros (György Schwartz..George Black) is of Hungarian Jewish descent, and it is alleged whilst Hungary was under Nazi occupation, he collaborated with the Nazis in tracking down other prominent Jews for the Nazis.
From aangirfan:
George Soros, as a teenager, collaborated with the Nazis.
'First he worked for the Judenrat which rounded up Jews.
'First he worked for the Judenrat which rounded up Jews.
'He helped to confiscate property from Jews for the Nazis.'
For this fine noble work against his lesser bretheren (Protocols 9.2) he was invited to London to be indoctrinated by the Rothschilds of London, the defacto monarchy of the Jews. In 1947 Soros immigrated to England and became a student at the London School of Economics.[25] While a student of the philosopher Karl Popper, Soros worked as a railway porter and as a waiter.....Wikipedia, LSE is the recruiting ground for many British Spies.
After being indoctrinated by the Rothschilds of London, he was sent to the USA and NY to act as their agent in the richest and most powerful nation on earth.
In 1954 Soros began his financial career at the merchant bank Singer & Friedlander of London. He worked as a clerk and later moved to the arbitrage department. A fellow employee, Robert Mayer, suggested he apply at his father's brokerage house, F.M. Mayer of New York.[30]...Rothschilds linked Jewish companies.
Since in the USA, George Soros has single highhandedly assumed the power to TOPPLE GOVERNMENTS around the world, working with Jews in the CIA and State Department along with Christian Zionist supporters of Israel. In most countries if a private citizen undertook such subversive work they'd be locked up and the keys thrown away. But Jew globalist Soros isn't locked up or punished, but feted by the USA media as a hero of the country.....even though some of the regimes which he installs with the help of the CIA are extremely vicious, or the fact that his color coded banner/T-shirt/symbolized revolutions cause the suffering of millions around the world.
Jew Billionaire Soros who collaborated with the Nazis is a hero of the USA.
But the Simon Wiesenthal Center won't track this war criminal down.
He is a hero when he openly declares that he will destroy the currency/economy of country X, Y and Z through his nefarious financial dealings in tandem with the Rothschilds of London, his original master.
Jew Soros, the Nazi collaborator against his lesser Brethren (Protocols 9.2) assumes to know who is a good man and who is a bad man. Who is a good leader and who is a bad leader of another nation.
Jew Soros thinks that Jew Hillary (Of Polish Jewish descent on her fathers side...thus also Eastern European like Soros) is a GREAT candidate for President of the USA.
But Hilary is a criminal at a level equal to that of Soros.
Globalist Slimeball Soros Funds New Website Smearing Trump and Putin
Billionaire wannabe master of the universe George Soros is so desperate to elect Hillary Clinton he has launched a new site specifically targeting Donald Trump and the man he hates most of all: Vladimir Putin
Originally appeared at PoliZette
A website peddling conspiracy theories about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin was launched Wednesday by individuals with ties to left-wing billionaire George Soros.
The site, www.putintrump.org, claims that “Donald Trump’s lavish praise of Russian president Vladimir Putin, his criticism of our strategic NATO alliance, and his campaign staff’s close financial ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine put our national security interests at risk.”
According to GotNews, Soros-tied PR firm Ripple Strategies sent out an internal memo from co-founder Glenn Turner Tuesday evening announcing the site’s launch. It described it as a site “that rigorously details and analyzes the disturbing, unprecedented ties between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.”
Far more disturbing for others, however, should be the unprecedented lengths to which the Western globalists and their allies on the Left will go to sink Donald Trump’s campaign.
Ripple Strategies lists Soros’ Open Society Foundations as a client, but a deeper dig reveals that the putintrump.org’s ties to George Soros go far further than just its PR firm.
According to the site, it was launched by entrepreneur Rob Glaser. As the Capital Research Center noted in 2014, Glaser “is an ally of George Soros” and “also a leading member of Soros’s Democracy Alliance, an invitation-only donors’ collaborative for rich left-wingers.”

Glaser co-founded RealNetworks (originally ProgressiveNetworks) with David Halperin, who now works for the Soros-backed Center for American Progress, running its “Generation Progress” campus outreach group.
The site’s editorial director is Bill Buzenberg, the former head of Center for Public Integrity, an investigative journalism nonprofit funded in part by Soros’ Open Society Foundations (not to mention the Ford and Rockefeller foundations).
The site says it is paid for by Progress for America PAC, which according to OpenSecrets.org was founded this summer — and appears to have been created with the sole purpose of funding putintrump.org.
The website is astonishingly alarmist, and even features the hammer and sickle prominently — an ironic touch considering only four years ago Democrats were attacking Republicans for failing to realize the Cold War is over.
Soros and his globalist cronies would have visitors believe that Trump's realistic approach to Russia and desire for cooperation in the fight against the Western intelligence created militant Islam is somehow suppose to be more of a threat to national security...... than the Western globalist elite's continued anti-Russian aggression and saber-rattling in Eastern Europe.
(If 'al-CIA-duh' and ISIS are Western Intelligence created fronts and the Western elite know this to be the fact....that further such 'controlled opposition' does not pose a real threat to their power but is a 'cash-cow' for their misadventures and as a tool for their misadventures of/in de-stabilization of other nations......then YES Russia is more of a threat to their power.
Russia is a modern industrialized nation of 145 million filled with educated capable people, with a very powerful defense /security apparatus that in some cases is better than theirs. If Russia no longer follows their orders blindly as it did under Yeltsin, then such a state is indeed a threat to their power.
If RUSSIA IS STRONG AND PROSPEROUS AND CONFIDENT....then Russia is a greater threat....then ISIS.
If Russia defends Syria.....then it is a greater threat.
If Russia objects to the annexation of the Ukraine by NATO, and the Nazi Putsch of 2014 in Maidan Kiev ....then it is a greater threat.
If Russia attempts to build an alternative universe and world away from London and NY, and through high finance, trade, infrastructure and SECURITY....THEN IT IS A GREATER THREAT TO THEM than a small mercenary army of hired criminals like ISIS run by the CIA/Israel via Turkey.)
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