Its a sure fire vote winner....because it is the aam adhmi who use this resource the most, and benefit the most. Populist governments from Hitler, Mussolini, FD Roosevelt and the Chinese government have focused enormous resources on this.
In the case of the first two leaders, road construction was a priority for military purposes, and in the case of the second 2, for economic growth and connectivity.
Macaulay Brown Sahib do nothing Congress, did nothing in this area and forever had the proverbial finger up their fat asses. As a result India's road network is akin to Myanmar and Cambodia, two of the poorest countries in Asia.
Of all the roads in India only 57% are covered, whilst 43% are dirt roads. The 57% of roads that are covered by concrete or Asphalt are also in a poor state.
Roads are more important than railways in most countries for economic activity. If the BJP government intends to spend $180 billion over the next 5 years on railways, then it must spend at least $500 billion on roads, between cities and towns.
India will need to invest US$1.9 trillion on infrastructure projects before 2020 to meet its economic needs, a part of which would be in upgrading India's road network.[10] The Government of India is attempting to promote foreign investment in road projects.[10][11][12] Foreign participation in Indian road network construction has attracted 45 international contractors and 40 design/engineering consultants, with Malaysia, South Korea, United Kingdom and United States being the largest players...WIKIPEDIA.
Road transport is vital to India's economy. It enables the country's transportation sector to contribute 4.7 percent towards India’s gross domestic product, in comparison to railways that contributed 1 percent, in 2009–2010. Road transport has not gained in importance over the years despite significant barriers and inefficiencies in inter-state freight and passenger movement compared to railways and air. The government of India considers road network as critical to the country's development, social integration and security needs of the country.[19]
India's road network carries over 65 percent of its freight and about 85 percent of passenger traffic........... Wikipedia
Investment in road infrastructure is Non-inflationary growth that provides vital jobs from the construction sector.

Govt plans Bharat Mala, a 5,000km road network
By Times of India
government is proposing to build about 5,000 km of road network all
along the borders and coastal areas under a new scheme to be called
"Bharat Mala". If former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's
scheme of building Golden Quadrilateral gave a fillip to the highway
construction in the country, the new plan will connect all untouched
areas in the hinterland to push development and economic activities.
Construction of the huge network would need at least Rs 50,000 crore,
road ministry sources said.
Officials said the project would be part of 'work plan' the road transport ministry will submit to PM Narendra Modi on Thursday when he takes the first meeting on infrastructure sector in the current financial year. The road network will pass through all bordering states - Nepal, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan and Bhutan - besides covering the vast coastline.
"Already we have good road network in these stretches. We will build the missing links and also extend the network where no road exists at present. These will provide connectivity to the huge number of ports, which will be part of the 'Sagar Mala' project. Once completed, these will provide seamless connectivity along the borders, which is crucial for strategic reasons," said a ministry official.
According to sources, Rajasthan is likely to get a maximum of about 1,000 km road network under this programme while Tamil Nadu and Odisha will also get substantial portion. The roads will provide connectivity from Gujarat in the west to Mizoram in the northeast and across all other major states.
"We are identifying the stretches and will soon start preparation of the plan. We have also started consultations with state governments to get their views and to take them on board. The width of roads will differ from state to state and it will depend on the traffic demand," an official said.
He said the project could take off this year and the ministry targets to complete it in the next five years.
Officials said the project would be part of 'work plan' the road transport ministry will submit to PM Narendra Modi on Thursday when he takes the first meeting on infrastructure sector in the current financial year. The road network will pass through all bordering states - Nepal, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan and Bhutan - besides covering the vast coastline.
"Already we have good road network in these stretches. We will build the missing links and also extend the network where no road exists at present. These will provide connectivity to the huge number of ports, which will be part of the 'Sagar Mala' project. Once completed, these will provide seamless connectivity along the borders, which is crucial for strategic reasons," said a ministry official.
According to sources, Rajasthan is likely to get a maximum of about 1,000 km road network under this programme while Tamil Nadu and Odisha will also get substantial portion. The roads will provide connectivity from Gujarat in the west to Mizoram in the northeast and across all other major states.
"We are identifying the stretches and will soon start preparation of the plan. We have also started consultations with state governments to get their views and to take them on board. The width of roads will differ from state to state and it will depend on the traffic demand," an official said.
He said the project could take off this year and the ministry targets to complete it in the next five years.