China-led AIIB – Denmark Signs on the Dotted Line – A New Threat to the Old World Order?
by Scott Creighton at American Everyman..
“Russia, India and China are determined to build a more just, fair and stable international political and economic order.” 13th Meeting of Russia, India and China’s foreign ministers on China-led AIIB
Years ago, George W. Bush, when trying to pass his 785 billion dollar
banker bailout bill TARP, pleaded with the American people saying we
can’t let “the system” die. That we had to give a trillion bucks to the
very people who decimated our economy on purpose (turned out to be a lot
more) in order to save the Washington Consensus..

He was practically weeping when he said it. You could hear the emotion in his voice. Not the fake emotion he tried to muster when he literally stood on the remains of the victims of 9/11 and uttered those ridiculously embarrassing words “they’ll hear us all soon”. No, this was real emotion, the kind you hear when some actress playing Marie Antoinette proclaims “Then let them eat brioche.” and the French Revolution begins.

The system, the Washington Consensus (neoliberal economic ideology) goes by another name, a name his father, George H. W. Bush, used so lovingly a long time ago and others like Kissinger have used since: the New World Order.

It shouldn’t really be called that since it is, in fact, an Old World Order which used to go by the name of feudalism. You have lords and vassals and royal families passing the reigns of power back and forth for forever and a day. Slavery, private armies in service to various royal families (Bushs, Clintons, Poroshenko, Sauds, Rockefellers, Rothschild, Walton, Soros… you get the picture)

Think of the Gilded Age, slavery, child labor and the National Guard being nothing more than tools of the oligarchs to beat the workers into submission. Think of poor houses, work camps, debtor’s prison, the company towns. Basically, the world prior to Magna Carta and the U.S. constitution, worker’s rights, human rights and the New Deal… things of that nature.

The New World Order is the Old World Order dreamed about by the old money families when they tuck their fucked up children into bed at night with hopes that one day the only measure of a man will be his pedigree, not his character since the inbreeding and leisure lifestyles of the rich and famous tend to inhibit the growth of such things.

In pursuit of installing the Old World Order across the globe, one defenseless 3rd World Country at a time, institutions were formed to that end.

The IMF, World Bank and the Asian Development Bank were cobbled together, with your tax money of course, in an effort to take advantage of extreme poverty and economic crises (usually created by the imposition of unfair sanctions on nations who refuse to “play ball”) in order to lock one nation after the other into a vicious cycle of debt and poverty of which there would never be an escape.

Through “structural reforms” demanded in exchange for trapping the people of the nation into endless debt servitude to the masters of the universe, these institutions impose what amounts to modern day feudalism on the people (who become externalities in these deals) of the country who did not vote for such a deal nor want it.

Thus the IMF and World Bank have become hated symbols of a brutal economic ideology. Their reputation proceeds them. Their influence is waning. These days our Peace Prize President has to run a color revolution (Ukraine) or a coup with a corrupt general/dictator (Egypt) in order to serve his masters. Or they just stage a “humanitarian bombing” campaign (Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen) in order to make the world safe for the Old World Order.

Along comes an alternative
(The USA is too busy looking through the Jew lens)

Just yesterday as the deadline to sign-up drew near, Denmark, our financial ally in the Global Free Market Wars, agreed to become a founding member of the sole opposition to the stranglehold the IMF and World Bank hold on the development financing market.

Yes, they became a member of the Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Denmark was only the latest defection in a long line of Westernized countries to do so with Britain starting the ball rolling two weeks ago.

Four days after Britain signed, France, Germany and Italy followed suit. Now you can add Austria, Australia, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Spain, New Zealand, Netherlands and Saudi Arabia to the mix.
South Africa, Canada and Mexico are under consideration.
In all, there are 45 nations that have signed up with more to join them very soon.
Russia signed on a couple days ago.
Notably absent? U.S. and Israel.
So why the defections this late in the game?

Some say our partners in neoliberal crime are joining up so they can have a vote in the process and thus corrupt the AIIB making it enforce the same Old World Order “structural reforms” on the countries they will make loans to.

That’s hogwash.

The Chinese have been making development loans on their own to various countries in need for decades and they do not impose conditions on the loans. They don’t tell them how to run their countries. They don’t tell them how to treat their citizens like we do. They simply make the loans and collect the interest and in some cases they work out deals for Chinese companies to help with the work and that’s pretty much it.

That hand’s off approach has made Chinese loans an attractive alternative to the neoliberal Washington Consensus and when given a choice (absent color revolutions, illegal bloody coups or “humanitarian bombing” campaigns) most nations who wish to maintain their sovereignty, take it.
A few more honest players in the decision making process say it’s simply business: that the AIIB is looking like the investment of the future as the Old World Order operation appears to be facing a global French Revolution.
Now that Russia is fully on board, it’s hard to see this effort as anything but what they themselves claim it is (or at least that’s how it will start):
“Russia, India and China are determined to build a more just, fair and stable international political and economic order.” 13th Meeting of Russia, India and China’s foreign ministers on China-led AIIBIn the end, business is business. The masters of the universe may have finally come to the understanding that their machinations of the last 100 years or so to create a New Old World Order may in fact have been only a pipe dream thought up by a bunch of aging, desperate, hate-filled, greedy oligarchs with way too much money and a bit too much in-breeding.
In the end, business is business and if they see a future in one approach and mass revolution and Russian style worker’s revolutions in the other, the smart money goes with the path of least resistance (and fewer beheadings)
Perhaps the AIIB is nothing more than a “kinder gentler” IMF. Perhaps they mean what they say.
Whatever the case may be, U.S. servants of the Washington Consensus are stamping their feet and holding their collective breath until the last of our allies refuse to join the Chinese in this endeavor.
People like Soros are running over to places like Ukraine and Egypt trying to pick clean the rotting corpse of once proud nations like vultures circling the last American buffalo.
It is said that “all wars are banker wars” and this one is moving from “cold” to “hot” status very quickly. As such, we can expect more random acts of motivation-less terrorism and more planes dropping from the skies due to “depressed” pilots I guess. There are always our “national interests” to look after.