The defense cooperation between India and the USA is very minimal, especially in the area pf joint production. It never existed until a few years.....otherwise off the shelf purchases.
India HOWEVER, due to the USA lobbying of corrupt politicians such as MMS and AK-47 Antony went on to purchase a of such unnecessary equipment.....and due to this corruption and manipulation the USA has over the past years become the number 1 seller of arms to India.

Father of the Indian bomb
The USA has destabilized the security sector of India, along with Israel...even though for years the USA was assassinating prominent Indian scientist (aka Israel in Iran---to prevent an Indian nuke bomb, built to counter the security threat from china)
And the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi because he was tall, good looking and an Aryan...which offended the sensibilities and insecurities of fat bald CIA/MOSSAD men....using the ugliest South India girl to kill him. He also wanted to wind down and sort out the problem In Srilanka and all...Spooks on the other hand,,,due to their pay cheques like dragging out conflicts, as it gives them meaning to their faggoty twisted lives.

Then there is 26/11....another CIA/MOSSAD operation using the ISI, elements of RAW and RSS orientated security in Mumbai. The attacks were organized by David Headley a part Jewish CIA agent.....who is now incognito and out of jail. The Indian security were not allowed to interview him, BUT FBI Americans can interview Indian terrorist suspects any time....But India security cannot.
1. The main objective was killing Hehmant Kakare, the instigator who FINALLY fingered out RSS terror. in Shiv Sena terror.
2. Initiate a war with India Pakistan, so that the spooks could have a wank.

One does not understand such coolie mentality, but the Americans seem to.
GREAT POWERS SUCH AS CHINA, RUSSIA keep their security compact. In fact Russia is far more effective in counter insurgency than the USA.............because the USA state deliberately wants to expand terrorism as a cloak for global domination.- destabilization balkanization subversion and eventual invasion.
The USA still gives huge amounts of arms and aid to Pakistan, even THOUGH the Soviet Union has collapsed, pulled their troops out of Afghanistan, and is playing a supporting role in that country and the country is occupied for opium harvesting by the Americans....so why this continued support for Pakistan?.....for the most important non-NATO ally?....Why not India that time to India if they are so chummy with love?
The trade between the USA and Europe is $635 billion
The Trade between China and the USA is $600 billion
The trade between the USA and Canada is $600 billion.
The trade between the USA and Japan is $183
The trade between the USA and South Korea is $100
The trade between the USA and Brazil is $68 billion
The trade between Saudi Arabia and the USA is $61 billion
The trade between Indian and the USA is $61 billion
The trade between the USA and Hong Kong $43 billion
The trade between the USA and Singapore $43 billion
The trade between the USA and Malaysia $38 billion
The trade between the USA and Australia $34 billion
Figures from: U.S. Department of Commerce (year ending 2014)
So there you have the actual figures:
1. No great cooperation of defense, just more of the token peripheral equipment which will definitely NOT be punching military weight.
2. On the other hand the USA's true puppet allies are getting F-35 productions, SAMs, MBT'S, helicopters, warships, submarines.....with collaborative projects in all spheres.
If the Americans keep insisting about closer partnership with India then lets have:
1. An MFN status for Indian good.
2. Lower preferential tariffs for India goods.
3. Greater trade between the two countries.
4. Massive and significant technology transfers to India.
Photo shop opportunities are not what this should be about but that Modi and Obama in closed doors should be able to sort out what India REALLY needs and how India can help.
Renewing their expansive defence framework for another 10 years, India and the US on Sunday decided to kick off joint manufacturing of four relatively modest military products and explore the development of two more high-end technologies. .
The two nations agreed to step up joint combat exercises, maritime security endeavours, intelligence-sharing mechanisms, military exchanges and the like through the framework, which has the key new element of Defence Trade and Technology Initiative (DTTI) to bolster India's fledgling defence-industrial base, as reported by TOI on January 11.
The DTTI will be launched with four aptly-called "pathfinder projects" since India wants to first ascertain how these "not-so-complex technologies" actually materialize on the ground. The Indian defence establishment, after all, is yet to fully shed its long-standing inhibitions about the US being a reliable long-term supplier of top-notch technologies.
The four products to be co-produced are the next-generation Raven unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), "roll-on, roll-off" intelligence-gathering and reconnaissance modules for C-130J Super Hercules aircraft, mobile electric hybrid power sources and "uniform integrated protection ensemble increment-2 (chemical, biological warfare protection gear for soldiers)".
The Raven, for instance, is not an advanced spy or combat drone. A hand-launched mini drone, it is used by soldiers in the battlefield to keep tabs on enemy formations within a range of 10km.
Raven drone.
The two sides, however, plan to extend its range to 18km and flying endurance to six hours from the existing four hours. Similarly, the 12 C-130Js acquired by India from the US for over $2 billion since 2007 did not have the requisite surveillance modules that they will now get.
Both Obama and Modi promised the DTTI would take the bilateral defence cooperation to a new level altogether with "additional joint projects in the near future". Towards this end, the decision to set up working groups to explore development of aircraft carrier technologies and jet engines is crucial.
Tejas light combat aircraft..
India has miserably flopped to develop the Kaveri engine for its indigenous Tejas light combat aircraft, which is going to be powered by American GE engines for the foreseeable future.

Indian ambassador to US S Jaishshankar said the purpose of the DTTI was to identify technologies which are unique and also viable to produce. "Two of the (pathfinder) projects are with American companies, two with the US government. DTTI was announced a few years ago but it has really become operational now," he said.

But India has chosen simpler technologies to get the process going. Rejecting the American offer, it has already chosen an initial off-the-shelf purchase of Israeli Spike ATGMs, with 321 launchers and 8,356 missiles, for Rs 3,200 crore.