Today’s Ridiculous Pro-Regime Change Propaganda – What’s Old is New Again
By Scott Creighton at American everyman.
As the real economy continues to shrink with jobs becoming even more scarce, it would appear there is one sector of the economy that is literally “booming” and that would be the “Ridiculous Pro-Regime Change Propaganda” industry.
With varying degrees of intensity, the regime change machine is up and running in some “unfriendly” nations which are all targets of our “freedom and democracy” agenda:
Russia, North Korea, Syria, Thailand, the Ukraine and Venezuela........mostly through local traitors working through the State Department embassy/CIA for the Wall Street Globalist agenda.
In some cases it’s simply a matter of setting the ground work for future calls for another “humanitarian intervention”. In others, bombs are exploding and bullets are flying with the body-count climbing fast and furious.
When sycophants get wind of a sea change, of a shift in the global tide of economic opportunism, they are rarely talented enough to generate the kinds of fresh ideas needed to set them apart from the gaggle of preening wannabees who surround them.
Everyone at this point understands that they can get ahead by jumping on the globalization bandwagon with some eye-catching propaganda that might make headlines for a minute or two and help our Peace Prize “winning” president justify another humanitarian bombing. The trouble is, these EGOTISTICAL GREEDY MEN by their own nature, aren’t the best and the brightest. They succeeded (if you wish to call it that) by COCK sucking up to whomever they could, positioning themselves as the perennial Yesmen to whatever power structure they encountered.
Today, the lack of real creativity in this overstuffed field is evidenced by some rather stupid propaganda and stunt retreads being peddled out there as attempts to force regime change on several nations with the audacity to refuse to take part in our neoliberal for-profit central banking pyramid scheme known as “globalization”
Here’s a brief rundown:
Pussy Riot’s Silly Street Theater Performance
Russia is still the biggest threat out there to our glorious leaders’ plan for complete world dominance. Not only are they getting in the way of their plans for Syria and the Ukraine, but their BRICS structure threatens to offer smaller nations other options when it comes to crippling IMF and World Bank “loans”
So anything you can come up with that will help demonize the Russian government in the eyes of liberal Americans is worth your weight in gold to these propaganda producers, even if it is just plain stupid.
To that end, today there is a story out about how Pussy Riot planned to stage a little video in front of a sign in Russia that promoted the Olympics and when they were getting set-up, along came the evil Russian police to spray them in the face with mace and beat them with whips.
What’s obvious about the video is that the entire production was staged by regime change propagandists so it could be shown on CNN or other “news” sites. The Pussy Riot members didn’t even have a song prepared. One of them quickly tosses her stuff to the ground and grabs a mic with no amplification equipment anywhere in the area, and she says one word into it when along comes two cops to mace her ala the Occupy protesters sprayed in the face in Cali.
Clearly the actors playing the roles of the cops were part of their group to start with. Also clear is the fact that this little performance was done quickly enough to let the group stage their little production and get back in their vans and get out of the area before real cops showed up. This is a critical part of performances like this one.
There’s a lot of hair-pulling and some little love-taps with horse whips. The costume department deserves props for the police outfits but that’s pretty much the only aspect of this ridiculous production that deserves any credit at all. At one point the “cops” get a hold of a guitar and again, you see no amplification equipment anywhere even when the cameraman turns around and focuses on the area they apparently entered the chained off playground. No amps and an electric guitar and a microphone. How’s that supposed to work I wonder.
For giggles, here’s the video.
Stick Figure Drawings as UN “Evidence” Against North Korea
This one made me laugh out loud when I saw it yesterday on CNN.
Apparently a commission of globalists was formed back in May of 2013 ( Marzuki Darusman, Sonja Biserko and Michael Kirby) to find some evidence on North Korea that they could use to push the regime change agenda in the very near future. They concluded the current socialist regime in North Korea committed crimes against humanity with no equal in the modern world. An earlier CNN article made mention of the fact that the commission’s chair, Michael Kirby, made reference to Hitler, but that seems to have been removed.
This tactic was used before by the ICC when their globalist prosecutor to bring charges against Gaddafi not that long ago. Anyone remember “Screwball” in Iraq? How about the Kuwait nurse and her “incubator babies” story? Ring any bells?
But this story has legs apparently because it comes complete with stick figure drawings of various types of torture in North Korea. Unfortunately I’m not kidding.

That, according to their “witness”, is the dead being eaten by rats.
This, according to South Park, is Kenny being eaten by rats. It’s about as news worthy as the UN commission’s evidence. Unfortunately, CNN can’t tell the difference.
I can only hope that most Americans can still tell the difference but honestly I’m starting to wonder.
Beauty Queen’s Bloodless Head-shot in Venezuela
Pick your precursor to this little propaganda effort. That chick in Iran during the Green Revolution or Malala…. either works.
.(Mullahs should not rule any country...they should stick to the mosque, so there is one revolution that I DO SUPPORT...EVEN IF ITS BACKED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT)
Like Syria, Egypt, Thailand and the Ukraine before it, lots of folks are getting killed in our color revolution in Venezuela. Don’t make any mistake. Regime change thugs are perched on rooftops firing into crowds of pro and anti -government protesters with equal zeal.
But apparently our regime change publicists needed a PR win to serve as the poster child for the victims (since most have been pro-government citizens shot by regime change thugs) so they decided he had to be young, beautiful and female in order to appeal to the target market. And ‘poof’ we have the story of Genesis Carmona.
Genesis was a beauty queen and up and coming Venezuelan Yuppie. Most of the protesters in that country just happen to be yuppies since they want to take advantage of the savage capitalist system they are trying to impose on the country. Genesis was supposedly at an anti-government rally when she was “shot in the head”
But apparently beauty queens in Venezuela don’t bleed at all when shot in the head as is evidenced by this photo of her being carted off to the hospital (very dramatic photo, huh?) and others taken at said hospital when she arrived, bloodless, on a gurney.
You can enlarge the photo if you like. You won’t find any blood in her hair, pants, shirt, arms, shoes or pocketbook. All the news report her as being carted off “limp” to the hospital but as you can plainly see, her neck is stiff, she’s holding her head up as they ride along.
I like how the guy who picked her up to rush the head-shot victim to the hospital made sure to bring her pocket book along for the ride.
Well, there you have it. Some of the sillier propaganda making it’s way across the blog-o-sphere this morning. It would be funny if it wasn’t so goddamned sad.———
UPDATE: I am a Ukrainian
Stop Corny 2012
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