RUSSIA stays loyal to Syria, and uses the country as a proxy war against the USA, and against USA/NATO encirclement of Russia itself (Mongolia, Georgia to Lithuania).
RUSSIA uses Syria to test Russian military hardware......Do they work, against the worlds only super-power, or has $100 of billions of R&D BEEN WASTED?......vis a vi NATO/USA equipment.
Iran maintains its support for Assad, and sends in the Revolutionary Guard, as they did in Lebanon to help Hezbollah, but in Syria, DUE TO THE URGENT NATURE much larger number's must be sent.....100,000.
Iraq (60% SHIA) cannot allow Sunni 'al-Qaeda' to come to power IN Damascus, so they must coordinate greater security against the SUNNI Jihadis with the Syrian government. Top level meetings of security officials.......and Iraqi troops in Syria. In the 1973 war 50,000 Iraqi troops were sent to Syria to fight Israel with the Syrians in Syria. This is the same situation.
Egypt is fighting the Muslim Brotherhood.......al-Sissi has common cause with Syria, and the two countries must work closer together. Egyptian commando's must be sent to Syria.
CHINA busy with arguing about a few uninhabitable Islands in the Pacific, and some mountain glaciers will not provide REAL support in this very CRITICAL crisis, even though the USA is also encircling CHINA, and is developing mass war-plans against the country.
The Chinese focused on economic development does not understated the dangerous situation in Syria and what it will mean for China in the future.
The Silly Chinese....have great economic policies, but POOR strategic policies..........partly aided by the Anglicized Chinese noveau riche (Bo Xilai).....some of these same people initiated initiated the revolutionary security situation in 1989 in Tiananman Square, backed by Western intelligence.........as with the Arab Spring in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.
The Chinese elite copy the West, surgically widening their eyes, reduce their cheek bones, color their hair brown......and adopt Western lifestyles, EVEN though CHINESE civilization is so rich and full of depth that it has stood the test of time.
This is the modern corruption of China.
But now the Chinese princelings and princesses of the elite flood the USA, bringing back misconceptions of OF THE USA and its desire for 'Full Spectrum Domination' of the whole world Bwaahaaaaa! Like a James Bond Movie in life.

Mission Creep in Syria: From Vietnam to Iraq, Promises of ‘Limited’ War Are Suspect
John Glaser, at antiwar.com
President Obama has said explicitly that his attack on Syria would be limited.
It would not be aimed at regime change, wouldn’t include boots on the ground, and wouldn’t even aim to prevent the Assad regime from being able to continue to use violence to fight the rebellion.
Despite the administration’s reluctance over the course of two years to get involved in Syria, there is very little reason to believe that this war, should he launch it, would in fact be limited.
As Micah Zenko, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, has recently written, “it is highly unlikely that such an intervention can be so narrow that it will not force a deeper U.S. military engagement in Syria’s civil war.”
We have at least one experience to draw from on Obama’s understanding of “limited” airstrikes.
Libya was supposed to be simply a no-fly zone to prevent the Gadhafi from using air power to kill Libyans. That was thrown out the window as soon as the bombing started, eventually turning into regime change that Libyans are still paying for and that had negative consequences throughout the region that the world is still dealing with.
Rhetoric about limited wars abound in presidential administrations.
During the Bush administration’s sales campaign for invading Iraq, we were promised the war would last “weeks, not months.”
Eight years, trillions of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of lives later, those promises would be laughed at as naive at best and deceitful at worst.
When Lyndon Johnson went to Congress for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution that would start America’s most costly quagmire in Vietnam, he promised a “limited and fitting” response to North Vietnamese naval attacks (which didn’t happen the way he said it did). He repeatedly assured Americans that “we seek no wider war” in Vietnam.
Many observers didn’t see vital interests at stake in Vietnam, just as many (even in Congress) doubt today that America has an interest in Syria. And Johnson was pulling for greater and greater escalation in Vietnam for reasons similar to what Obama is claiming in Syria.
About ten years, billions of dollars, 58,220 American deaths, and millions of dead Vietnamese later, the “limited” war for the sake of America’s credibility was lost and went down in history as the U.S.’s greatest folly.
Whether Obama is sincere or not, a U.S. bombing campaign is unlikely to be limited.
.Any U.S. war in Syria, especially if you judge by the administration’s incredibly broad draft legislation for force authorization, will expand beyond what even the most hawkish can imagine. Mission creep is a very powerful force, and Syria is ripe for such a snowball effect.