Jul 31, 2013

As a victim myself in Rawalpindi, aged 3..this is a very personal subject for me.

Of the 450 victims so far, another possible 200 may be added. By some accounts it may well be over 1500, as most have not come forward......from the Sir Jimmy Savile OBE saga.

SIR Jimmy Savile OBE is a secret Jew, who following tribal tradition from the early middle ages changed their Babylonian religion to Catholicism to fit into gentile European society.....about a thousand 1000 AD years ago when large numbers of Jews settled in Europe from Kazaria in Southern Russia and also from the Middle East, after the slow passage of the Dark Ages in Europe, and increased prosperity attracted them.

Gypsies by contrast with their love for music and dancing....and Indian mysticism do not seem to have such bad traits when they migrated from Rajasthan/Gujrat in India 700 years ago. They brought with them card games, gunpower, BUT not the organized cliquey conspiratorial subversive mind, which destroyed many western societies by the Jews......PolishLithuanian Commonwealth,French Revolution, American Civil War, WWI, {The French, British, Ottoman, Austrian, Russian empires}.....and of course WWII.....and atom bombs....a Jew creation.




Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.

In the UK, the police have received FOUR complaints that Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused children while visiting the elite Royal Marines Commando Training Centre at Lympstone, near Exeter.

Savile was a regular visitor to the base over 40 years and was awarded an honorary Commando Green Beret.

Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.

.Seven Royal Marines acted as pall bearers at Savile's funeral in November 2011

Masons and Royal Marines at Sir Jimmy Savile's funeral.

The first record linking Savile to a child sexual abuse investigation is dated 1964 - but police officers failed to act.

UK cabinet minister Sir Norman Fowler and Sir Jimmy Savile at a UK government presentation in 1982
Ex-civil service mandarin Sir Kenneth Stowe was an aide to cabinet minister Sir Norman Fowler.

He says that in 1982, "There were mutterings and chuntering about the type of man Savile really was...

"It was known he was an immoral man and not a nice man.

"He travelled all over the country and young girls would flock to him. It was known he would take advantage of them."

Rumours about Savile in 1982'

St Francis Boys Home in Shefford, Bedfordshire.

Sir Jimmy Savile often visited the St Francis Boys Home in Shefford, in Bedfordshire.

Damian Chittock, who won damages from the church concerning child abuse, has complained about missing police files.

SHEFFORD BOYS HOME: Mystery of the missing police files and ...-17 Jul 2013

Former residents of St Francis Boys Home in Shefford, which was run by the Catholic Church, claim they were both physically and sexually assaulted at the home

Boys who ran away from the home were taken back by police officers, and subsequently received even greater punishment and abuse.

Damian Chittock says: "It seems to me incredible that two files concerning very damning allegations can go missing. I worry about how seriously the police are taking these matters, which have blighted people's lives for decades.”

Top barrister (lawyer) Barbara Hewson

On Channel 4 News, on 8 July 2013, lawyer Barbara Hewson laughed as she remarked that TV presenter Sir Jimmy Savile was alleged to have subjected a victim to satanic ritual abuse.

Jimmy Savile satanic abuse claims as unlikely as 'alien abduction ...

When asked if she found it funny, she said: "I do. Satanic ritual abuse doesn’t exist, it’s like alien abduction."

Satanic ritual abuse?

"There were death parties out in Jersey and various other places too.

"I would be in the van as he moved kids about, bodies too 'oh no no no don't you look at that' wrapped body shaped bundles in the back..."


A message scrawled by a child victim.

Children were tortured and murdered at the Haut de la Garenne Children's home on Jersey, which was regularly visited by Savile.

Police discover more bones inside chamber of horrors at Jersey ...



Roll call of victims found on secret wall amid Savile inquiry: Police uncover list 'rating' hundreds of children

  • Police have found a hidden wall covered in names of 'victims'
  • Names, ages and 'ratings of sexual performance' hidden behind plaster
  • Record shop room in Greater Manchester raided after tip-off
  • Find 'result of Operation Yewtree investigation' but police denied Savile link
By Liz Hull at the DAILY MAIL.

A list believed to detail the names of child abuse victims has been found behind a secret wall by police investigating crimes uncovered as a result of the inquiry into disgraced DJ Jimmy Savile.
Officers swooped on a flat above a record shop in Greater Manchester following a tip-off and discovered the appalling roll call scrawled behind layers of wallpaper and plaster, it has emerged.
The list includes the names and ages of hundreds of boys and girls, next to a disgusting ratings system that apparently related to their sexual performance. Some of the names were reportedly boys and girls the paedophiles were planning to target.
Paedophile: Jimmy Savile sexually abused hundreds of young victims from 1955 to 2009
Paedophile: Jimmy Savile sexually abused hundreds of young victims from 1955 to 2009
The discovery, which allegedly dates from the 1980s and 1990s, was made by officers from Greater Manchester Police.
They are currently investigating historic sex abuse allegations that came to light following publicity surrounding Operation Yewtree, the inquiry into sex offences committed by Savile.
In the era before the internet, paedophiles used secret magazines or groups to share their crimes with fellow sex attackers in the same way some use internet forums now. Criminologists believe that the wall could be an example of such behaviour.
‘It is a boasting system,’ said David Wilson, Professor of Criminology at Birmingham City University.

‘Paedophiles are constantly evolving ways of communicating. It is a form of saying, “This is what I’ve done, I’ve done more than you”. It’s about them displaying their own sexual success in being able to abuse these children.’
Police denied claims that the flat was used by Savile or that the names amounted to a list of his victims.
The Leeds-born Top of the Pops host had links with Greater Manchester stretching back to the 1950s, when he managed a ballroom in the city. His first known attack, in 1955, also took place in the city.
Detective Chief Superintendent Mary Doyle said: ‘Last year, Greater Manchester Police received allegations about historic sexual abuse that occurred in the Greater Manchester area. These allegations were made as a result of Operation Yewtree, which was the investigation by the Metropolitan Police into Jimmy Savile.
Investigation: Greater Manchester Police discovered the names after a tip-off they received 'as a result of Operation Yewtree'
Investigation: Greater Manchester Police discovered the names after a tip-off they received 'as a result of Operation Yewtree'
‘It is important to stress these allegations were not about Jimmy Savile himself and GMP is not carrying out any inquiries directly relating to Savile.
‘The recovery of these names came as a result of an ongoing investigation into the allegations made last year’.
‘This is a live, complex investigation for which we have already made arrests therefore I cannot go into great detail about the status of the investigation.’
Savile’s death, aged 84 in October 2011, prompted a wave of allegations against the former BBC presenter.
A joint police and NSPCC report, published in January, revealed that Savile was one of Britain’s most prolific paedophiles, with around 450 victims of offences over more than half a century.
It said Savile had committed 214 known offences, including 34 rapes, across 28 police force areas.


Iran USA detente



Within days of the inauguration of Hassan Rouhani as Iran’s new president, both Tehran and Washington appear to be sending positive signals to each other.
The latest came Monday in a flurry of reports from Iran that its former ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammad Javad Zarif, is Rouhani’s pick as his foreign minister.
“If true, this is a pretty big signal,” according to Alireza Nader, an Iran specialist at the RAND Corporation, a prominent Washington think tank.

“Zarif is more pragmatic than ideological, and if Rouhani intends to improve Iran’s relations with the rest of the world and find a diplomatic solution to the nuclear crisis, then he’s a logical choice,” Nader told IPS.
“He really knows the American scene and American politics,” added Gary Sick, an Iran expert at Columbia University in New York, where he became well-acquainted with Zarif during the latter’s five-year tenure at the U.N. (2002-2007).
“His English is absolutely perfect. He’s extraordinarily smart and highly respected in the United States by the people who dealt with him, both in New York and Washington.”
The reports of Zarif’s impending appointment followed a New York Times report Friday that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has quietly communicated Rouhani’s interest in quickly engaging in direct talks with the U.S. after his inauguration.
They also followed the Barack Obama administration’s announcement late last week that it was easing restrictions on the sale of medical supplies and agricultural products, as well as the provision of humanitarian aid for Iran, in what was taken by many observers here as a goodwill gesture in advance of Rouhani’s formal inauguration Aug. 3-4.
In addition, administration officials have become somewhat more outspoken – albeit on background – over the past two weeks in opposing new anti-Iran sanctions legislation that may reach the floor of the Republican-led House of Representative as early as Wednesday.
The administration and its allies in Congress are worried that new sanctions would only strengthen hardliners in Tehran and undermine prospects for progress in negotiations over Iran’s nuclear programme between Tehran and the so-called P5+1 (the U.S., Britain, France, Russia and China plus Germany) that are thought likely to resume in September.
The pending bill, which has been strongly pushed by the powerful American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the vanguard of the Israel lobby here, seeks to impose a de facto ban on Iran’s oil exports, cut off any trade involving the euro, and target Tehran’s shipping and automobile sectors.
It would also curtail Obama’s ability to waive sanctions on third countries and their companies that continue to do business with Iran.
The push to get the bill through the House before Rouhani’s inauguration and before the August Congressional recess followed an appeal by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a widely viewed U.S. public-affairs television programme two weeks ago to increase pressure, including “credible” threats of military action, on Iran to abandon its nuclear programme. Netanyahu called Rouhani a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”.
While the measure may indeed pass the House this week, it is likely to do so by a less lopsided margin than had been anticipated before Netanyahu’s bellicose appearance, however.
Five days after Netanyahu’s appearance, 131 House members, including 17 Republicans, signed a letter urging Obama to “reinvigorate(e) U.S. efforts to secure a negotiated nuclear agreement” in light of the “potential opportunity” presented by the election of Rouhani, who stressed the importance of easing tensions with Iran’s neighbours and the West during and after the campaign.
The letter also suggested that Washington should be prepared to relax bilateral and multilateral sanctions against Iran in exchange for “significant and verifiable concessions” at the negotiating table and implicitly warned against adding new sanctions at such a sensitive moment.
Some of the signers are now calling on their colleagues to delay the vote or at least amend the bill in order to expand, rather than restrict, Obama’s authority to waive sanctions if it should eventually pass.
While AIPAC took no public position on the letter, it quietly discouraged inquiring House members from signing it, according to knowledgeable sources. Interestingly, Rouhani himself welcomed the letter on his twitter account, tweeting: “131 Congressmen have signed a letter calling on President Obama to give peace a chance with Iran’s new President.”
A similar letter authored by California Democrat and Senate Intelligence Committee chair Dianne Feinstein is reportedly now circulating in the Democrat-led upper chamber, which, in any event, is considered unlikely to act on any new sanctions legislation until autumn at the earliest, if not after the new year, according to Senate aides.

Meanwhile, a number of European diplomats who dealt with Rouhani in the early 2000s when he was in charge of Iran’s nuclear portfolio have stressed that his presidency offers a major opportunity for a breakthrough on that front.
In an op-ed published by the International Herald Tribune late last week, former French Ambassador to Iran, Francois Nicoullaud (2001-2006), wrote that Rouhani played the central role not only in reaching an agreement with the EU-3 (France, Britain and Germany) that resulted in Tehran’s suspending its uranium enrichment programme.
Zarif’s appointment would be considered consistent with the growing conviction here that Rouhani is someone with whom Washington can indeed do business, not just on the nuclear file, but also with respect to key regional issues, including Afghanistan and Iraq.
He made powerful acquaintances, including then-senators Feinstein, Joe Biden, Chuck Hagel, during his U.N. tenure, although his contacts with U.S. diplomats date back all the way to the 1980s when he helped negotiate the release of U.S. hostages in Lebanon.
“Zarif is a tough advocate but he’s also pragmatic, not dogmatic,” now Vice President Biden told the Washington Post when he was recalled to Tehran in 2007. “He can play an important role in helping to resolve our significant differences with Iran peacefully.”
Citing his talks with Zarif, now-Pentagon chief Hagel called for “direct engagement” between Washington and Tehran.
Amb. James Dobbins, who was recently appointed as Obama’s chief aide on Afghanistan and Pakistan, has spoken highly of Zarif’s role in brokering the Bonn accord that followed the Taliban’s ouster from power in Afghanistan.

Zarif also reportedly played a key role in drafting a 2003 proposal for a “grand bargain” between Iran and the U.S. covering all outstanding issues between the two countries that was secretly conveyed to Washington via the Swiss ambassador in Tehran – only to be ignored by a triumphalist George W. Bush administration emboldened by its speedy, albeit ultimately and illusory, conquest of neighbouring Iraq.
“When he came to New York, he was out to build bridges, and he was quite successful at it,” Sick said. “He never deviated from the official position of the Islamic Republic, but he was capable of presenting it in a non-confrontational and imaginative way so that people could understand and sympathise with what Iran was saying and doing.”
If he is indeed nominated, he must still be approved by the Parliament, where he could face strong opposition from hard-liners due to his close association with former President Mohammad Khatami, according to experts here. As with other major foreign-policy decisions, his fate could ultimately be decided by the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei.
“Zarif is closely associated with Khatami, and the ultra-conservatives … hate Khatami. Looking at Rouhani’s reported list of cabinet ministers, Zarif can be considered to be the candidate most closely aligned with the reformists. He is probably one of the best candidates to deal with the West, but perhaps the candidate most susceptible to political intrigue,” Nader said.
Jim Lobe’s blog on U.S. foreign policy can be read at http://www.lobelog.com.
Inter Press Service

Jul 28, 2013

President Barack Obama's Grand Bargain with Iran possible, after Crypto-Jew Israeli baiter Ahmedinejad leaves office on 4th August

Get rid of ALL American sanctions against Iran, incrementally over 3 years based on real hard verification by IAEA inspectors...some of whom are CIA/MOSSAD spies.

The IAEA inspections should not be used to spy on Iran's conventional military capabilities....minimal as they are. 3% of GDP spent on defense, and a weak contradictory two tier defense force of on the one hand the conventional forces, such as the army, airforce, navy...and on the other the much better funded Revolutionary Guards and Baseej.

Pakistan built her atom bomb, despite massive Western propaganda against it, warnings from American officials privately and American Presidents publicly, sanctions and the elimination of the entire top military brass for good measure, in 9 years...1975----1983.

The Shah of Iran in 1974 embarked on a massive 24 nuclear power station program between 1974---2000, with earmarked spending of $90 billion, with the encouragement of Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and of course Gerald Ford, along with the American nuclear lobby. American trained energy experts in Iran told the Shah that due to peak oil , Iran would lose permanently its peak production levels of 6 million barrels per day by 2000, into a steady decline.....so Iran better look for alternative sources of energy...and lo NUCLEAR POWER/HENRY KISSINGER.

The USA for all its wisdom with the UK brought the mullahs into power in 1979. The mullahs shut down and mothballed the civilian nuclear program of the Shah for 10 years. Only when rumors of Saddam's clandestine nuclear program reached the Mullahs of Iran, did Iran then begin a tentative restart of the Shah era civilian nuclear program.

Mullah Iran is NOT making nuclear bombs...which if they were would be detected by American intelligence, in short order.

Iran has a economy twice the size of Pakistan, and is far more technically modern....filled with highly capable people, in the relevant areas.

The onus is on the USA to provide significant offers to Iran in the process of normalizing relations, and elimination of all sanctions against puppet mullah Iran.

bloneIran.jpg image by Sunshineenfred


By Patrick J. Buchanan at antiwar.com

In his second term, Richard Nixon had Watergate, but also the rescue of Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

In his second term, Ronald Reagan had Iran-Contra, but also a treaty eliminating U.S. and Soviet missiles in Europe, his “tear-down-this-wall” moment in Berlin and his lead role in ending the Cold War.
In his second term, Bill Clinton had Monica, but also came close to a peace treaty between Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat. 
Obama’s second-term scandals – IRS, Benghazi, wiretapping The Associated Press and Fox – are in the low-kiloton range compared to the resignation of Nixon or the impeachment of Clinton.
And as Obama is going to get nada from a Republican House on guns, amnesty, cap-and-trade or a second stimulus, he should look for his legacy – as Nixon, Reagan and Clinton did – to foreign policy.
Two opportunities beckon. First, the mirage – a Middle East peace. Essential to any treaty, however, is a withdrawal of Israeli “settlers” from the West Bank, a sharing of Jerusalem, Palestinian acceptance of Israel as a “Jewish state” and Arab repudiation of the “right of return.”
Good luck. Bibi Netanyahu, who calls Jerusalem our “eternal capital” and Judea and Samaria our ancient lands, is not going to divide Jerusalem or uproot Jewish settlers from the West Bank – not when he opposed their removal from Gaza by Ariel Sharon.
Bibi will not do it, cannot, if he wants his Likudnik coalition to survive. And Obama lacks the clout in Congress or this capital city to force Bibi to do anything he does not wish to do.
Hence Obama’s legacy hopes lie not in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington this week, but in what is happening in Iran – the inauguration of the president who replaces Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 
Hasan Rouhani was elected with 51 percent of the vote by the constituency that voted against Ahmadinejad in 2009. His triumph was due to his endorsement by former presidents Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mohammad Khatami. Both had been kept off the ballot by Ayatollah Khamenei.
Rouhani is a founding father of the Islamic Republic and was a close ally of Ayatollah Khomeini. But he was elected on a pledge to revive the economy, get sanctions lifted, and re-engage with the West.
He won on a promise of better times for the Iranian people and an end to Iran’s isolation.
Yet the only way he can achieve these goals is to come to terms with Obama on Iran’s nuclear program. And as he was once Iran’s lead negotiator on that program, Rouhani knows exactly what is required. 
Despite the decades of acrimony between us, the basic elements of a Washington-Tehran deal are there. 
Iran wants its rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) – to peaceful nuclear research and nuclear power – recognized by the United States. And it wants U.S.-UN sanctions lifted.
The United States wants more than verbal assurances that Iran is not building a bomb. We need intrusive inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities to assure us that she is not building an atom bomb.
As Reagan said, trust but verify.
Yet this seems not beyond the realm of possibility.
Despite the hysteria about Iran’s “mad dash” to an atom bomb, Tehran has never tested a bomb and never produced the 90-percent-enriched uranium needed for a bomb, and does not have sufficient 20-percent uranium to further enrich for a bomb test.
Netanyahu’s initial prediction that Iran was “three to five” years away from a bomb came – in 1992. Since then we have been getting monthly updates on the imminence of the Iranian bomb, but no bomb.
Moreover, Khamenei has declared nuclear weapons anti-Islamic, and U.S intelligence agencies have never retracted their declarations of 2007 and 2011 that Iran has made no decision to build a bomb.
Rouhani’s political future, the continued allegiance of his Iranian followers who want to re-engage with the West and the world, hangs on whether he can get a deal on Iran’s nuclear program and a lifting of sanctions. He knows this.
What Rouhani cannot do is surrender Iran’s rights to nuclear power and research. On this his nation is united. But he may be able to give the West what it requires, intrusive inspections, to prove that what Iran claims to be true is true – that it has no nuclear weapons program.
If we can get that, we should be able to get a deal, and America can lift her sanctions, their objective having been achieved.
That would be the crown jewel of Obama’s second term.
Who would be against such a deal? Bibi and the War Party that wants Iran smashed, as we smashed Iraq, even if that means another trillion-dollar unnecessary war.
Obama can, however, defeat the War Party coalition. He should congratulate Rouhani on his inauguration, declare his readiness for direct talks with Tehran, and appoint as negotiators national security hawks who want no war with Iran, but no Iranian atom bomb either.
History beckons. Obama should seize the moment.

Jul 27, 2013

Deonme Erdogan serving the elite international Jews, and against the fundamental interests of Turkey.

Erdogan came to power as a populist 'moderate' Islamist. I personally don't think you can run a moderate Islamist government, AS DEONME ERDOGAN ABE HAS CLEARLY SHOWN, subsequently.

You had either be secular or not.

Erdogan may be a secret Jew...which means he will have to think of Israel first before he thinks of Turkey.


Erdogan is backed by the CIA, which gives him the confidence, or Dutch courage to take on the powerful, BUT SECULAR KEMALIST Turkish military. Under Erdogan many generals have been dismissed and charged with conspiracy...unprecedented in Turkish history.

tumblr_mmiczlkhxv1sqoenzo1_1280 Erdogan is backed by a mysterious shady Turkish billionaire based in the USA, by the name of Fethullah Gulen who is believed to be involved in international drugs running just like the CIA, child trafficking, prostitution rackets, money laundering...and most strangely, opening private International schools all over the world to promote the ideology of the Gulen cult, AND as a cover for spying for his masters. Bit like the USA mafia opening a launderette or restaurant.

Erdogan is not good for Turkey, assisting Israel launch an attack against Syria recently.

You don't have to be an astrophysicist from Cambridge to understand that if 'al-CIA-duh' becomes ascendent in Damascus, its spells trouble for SECULAR Turkey, and in addition this will thoroughly destabilizes the whole region.

Only glazed eyed faggots can get excited by such scenarios.

Erdogan has glazed eyes, but I cannot for sure say whether he is a faggot.

Erdogan Proves Himself To Be Both An Imbecile and Hostile To Democracy, Threatening Lawsuits Over Letter In the Times

A LETTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER OF TURKEY in a full-page letter published in the British broadsheet The Times


A group of internationally renowned artists and scholars condemned the Turkish authorities’ heavy-handed crackdown on the Gezi Park protests in a full-page letter published July 24 in the British broadsheet The Times, addressed to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

sean-penn 2

The signatories, including figures known for their activism such as Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Ben Kingsley and movie director David Lynch, described the Turkish government as “a dictatorial rule” and slammed Erdoğan’s uncompromising stance regarding the protesters’ demands.


The letter reads:

Dear Mr. Erdogan,
We, the undersigned, write this letter to most vigorously condemn the heavy-handed clamp down of your police forces on the peaceful protestors at Taksim Square and Gezi Park in Istanbul, as well as in other major cities of Turkey, which, according to the Turkish Media Association, has left 5 people dead, 11 blinded-due to indiscriminate use of pepper gas, and over 8000 injured.
Yet, only days after clearing Taksim Square and Gezi Park relying on untold brutal force, you held a meeting in Istanbul, reminiscent of the Nuremberg Rally, with total disregard for the five dead whose only crime was to oppose your dictatorial rules. There are more journalist languishing in your prisons than the combined number of China and Iran. Moreover, you described these protestors as tramps, looters and hooligans, even alleging they were foreign-led terrorists. 
Whereas, in reality, they were nothing but youngsters wanting Turkey to Remain a Secular Republic as designed by its founder Kemal Ataturk.

Finally, while you aspire to make your country a member of EU, you refute all criticism leveled at you by its leaders, on grounds of Turkey being a Sovereign State. Notwithstanding, may we respectfully remind you, on grounds of the Convention signed on 9 August 1949, Turkey is a member of Council of Europe, and by virtue of ratifying the Europe Court of Human Rights. Consequently, your orders which led to deaths of five innocent youths, might well constitute a Case to Answer, in Strasbourg.
Man is hit by a jet of water as riot police use a water cannon to disperse demonstrators during a protest against Turkey's PM Erdogan and his ruling AKP in central Ankara
The Gezi Park protests in Turkey began when on May 28 2013 the plans of replacing Taksim Gezi Park with a reconstruction of the historic Taksim Military Barracks (demolished in 1940) with the possibility of housing a shopping mall became known. The protests developed into riots when a group occupying the park was attacked by police. 
The subjects of the protests have since broadened beyond the development of Taksim Gezi Park, developing into wider anti-government demonstrations. The protests have also spread to other cities in Turkey, and protests have been seen in other countries with significant Turkish communities.
On May 31 2013, police suppressed the protesters with tear gas, arrested at least 60 people and injured hundreds. The police action received wide attention online. 
5 men died in the clashes between the police and the protesters, more than 7,500 people were injured and about 5,000 of people were arrested. By the data provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey, about 2,5 million people from 79 regions took part in the anti-government demonstrations held in Turkey.
Source | Compiled from various resources
As thousands and thousands call for the government of Erdogan to resign, the police react with brutality. “You brought this on yourself Erdogan! RESIGN ALREADY!”

Jul 26, 2013

Absolutely correct...no Modi, well perhaps not stated as such, but is implied.......4th wise man speaks.

Perhaps someone should tell the truly awful Zee TV channels about this.....with one of their programs portraying Akbar the Great as a glazed eyed psychopath. Its not just this one program. Many of their dramas evolve around overt show and veneration of Hinduism, which goes beyond that which is required for a TV show.

Ditto Bollywood and their use of Hindu Gods in the Titles, and the overuse of the Hindu religion in a lot of their movies.

Lets get rid of religious obscurantism and superstition, both of which go hand in hand.


Role of media to promote secularism


By Markandey Katju at Times of India blog.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
"Bhedaat ganah vinashyanti bhinnah supajapah parai
Tasmaat sanghaat yogeshu prayateran ganah sada"
"Republics are destroyed only by internal divisions among the people
Therefore a republic should always strive to maintain good relations among the people"

Shantiparva, Mahabharat, Chapter 108.  

The issue of secularism is nowadays being widely discussed, and so it is necessary to understand its real significance in India. For this, it is first necessary to understand our country.

As I have mentioned in detail in my article 'What is India' (see the video on  kgfindia.com), India is broadly a country of immigrants, like North America. Probably 92-93 % people living in India today are descendants of immigrants, who came mainly from the North West, looking for a comfortable region to settle down. 
 (Aryans/Iranians, Persians, Greeks, Kushans, White Huns, Turko-Afghans.......in addition to small scale steady migration into India not related to military invasions....a very GOOD modern EXAMPLE IS THE 3-5 MILLION Afghans who have settled into Pakistani society..from 1950--2013, because living standards are far better there, in relative terms)Sadly this two anna video does not take a realistic view of the true SOUTHERN ARYAN PEOPLE.....dark hair, brown eyes, olive to very light skin.....Central Asia is a very hot dry place. The exception to ALL this are Northern Iranians in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Siberia, Mongolia...the last 3 areas where Iranians tribes once prediminated before mixing with East Asian and creating the hybrid Turkic/Uigur/Mongol/Korean races.     The original inhabitants of India are the pre-Dravidian tribals or adivasis (STs) e.g. Bhils, Gonds, Santhals, Todas, etc. who are hardly 7-8% of our population today.

People came to India because people migrate from uncomfortable areas to comfortable areas. India was a paradise for agricultural societies, because it has level land, fertile soil, plenty of water for irrigation, etc. Why should anyone migrate from India to, say, Afghanistan, which is cold, covered with snow several months in a year, mountainous, and uncomfortable? Hence people poured into India for thousands of years seeking a comfortable life.

(CORRECT---NOT really an invasion in most cases, but a ECONOMIC MIGRATION. Around 1500--2000 BC Central Asia experienced a process of desertification which forced the locals to seek greener pastures....in China, SE Asia via Tibet AND of course India. Iranian traits in the peoples appearance, culture can be found in all these regions to a greater or lessor degree)

These immigrants who came into India brought their own language, religion, customs, etc, and this is the reason for the tremendous diversity in India, so many religions, castes, languages, ethnic groups, etc.

We may compare India with China. Our population is about 120 crores, while China's is about 130 crore, and China's land area is over twice ours. However, there is broad (though not absolute) homogeneity in China, all Chinese have Mongoloid faces, they have one common written script called Mandarin (though spoken dialects are different), 95% Chinese are of one ethnic group called Han, etc. In India on the other hand, there is tremendous diversity.

It follows that to keep the country together and take it on the path of progress the only policy which will work is secularism and giving equal respect to all communities. This was the path shown by the great Emperor Akbar who through his policy of Suleh-e-kul (i.e. Universal toleration of all religions) gave equal respect to all religions, at a time when Catholics and Protestants were massacring each other in Europe. Akbar was the real creator of modern India, and his policy was followed by Jawaharlal Nehru and his colleagues who gave us a modern secular Constitution, and this is what is holding our country together, despite all our problems.

Secularism does not mean that one cannot practice one's religion. Secularism means that religion is one's private affair unconnected with the State, which will have no religion.
(As in any modern state)

India is presently passing through a transitional period in our history, from feudal agricultural society to a modern industrial society. This is a very painful and turbulent period, as a study of European history from the 16th to 19th Centuries (when Europe was passing through its transition) discloses, full of turmoil, wars, revolutions, social churning and chaos, intellectual ferment, etc. (A trouble some teenager goes through puberty...along with the usual teenage tantrums) It was only after going through this fire that modern society emerged in Europe. India is presently going through this fire, we are passing through a very agonizing period, which I guess will last for another 15-20 years.

In this period it is the patriotic duty of all Indians, particularly the intellectuals and the media, to help our country get over this transition faster and with less pain. This they can do by promoting modern rational and scientific ideas and combating backward feudal ideas and superstitions.

(Don't support Demogogic Modi---with his Israeli backers)
In this transitional age the role of ideas becomes extremely important, and hence the role of intellectuals and the media becomes extremely important. We may recall the role played by Voltaire, who attacked religions bigotry in France and Europe, Rousseau who attacked the entire feudal system, Thomas Paine, who proclaimed the Right of Man, etc. Our intellectuals and the media should do the same.

Today the bitter truth is that most of our people are still very backward, steeped in casteism and communalism. This is evident from what happens in our elections. Most people vote on the basis of caste and religion, instead of on the merits of the candidate. What after all are vote banks? Our people are still largely feudal and superstitious, believing in astrology and similar nonsense.

In this situation our intellectual and media have an important responsible, patriotic duty of giving correct guidance to the people by propagating modern, scientific ideas. But are they doing this? Much of what is shown in the media are superficialities like lives of film stars and cricketers.
  Instead of attacking communalism, a section of the media had become kar sewaks during the Ram Janambhumi agitation.  (The English speaking media with links to Israel/USA....'CLASH OF CIVILIZATION)    Whenever a bomb blast occurs with a short time many T.V. channels start saying that an email or SMS has come that some Muslim organization has claimed responsibility, thus demonizing  the entire Muslim community. Is this responsible behaviour? An email or SMS can be sent by any mischievous person. The truth is that 99% people of all communities, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc are good, but often an attempt is made to depict all Muslims as terrorists.

Intellectuals and media people must fight against divisive tendencies in our country. We must remain united because modern industry requires a large market, and if we are divided and fight with each other modern industry cannot grow, and without modern industry we cannot generate the wealth required to abolish poverty, unemployment, etc and provide for healthcare, education, etc for our people. Therefore whatever divides us, whether on the basis of religion, caste, region, language, race, etc is anti-national, and whatever unites us (e.g. secularism) is the path we must adopt for progress. We must not be Hindu nationalists or Muslim nationalists or Sikh or Christian nationalists, we must all be Indian nationalists, and that is what everyone including the media should propagate.



  Akbar was a great Indian leader who earnestly sought communal harmony. This was pragmatic, practical and logical.           ....."History in the pursuit of imperialism" Professor Pandey.."Divide and rule"                                                 Tipu Sultan use to give 156 temples grants, to MAINTAIN SOCIAL HARMONY IN HIS STATE.  HIS PM WAS A HINDU, AS WERE MOST OF his MILITARY COMMANDERS....serving a nominal Hindu queen, in a predominantly Hindi state.                                       COMMUNALISM BEGAN IN INDIA SIGNIFICANTLY IN A SYSTEMATIC/INSTITUTIONALIZED BASIS AFTER THE INDIAN LIBERATION WAR OF 1857---THROUGH THE BRITISH DIVIDE AND RULE.  ____________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                       INDO-ARYAN MIGRATION INTO INDIA.                                                                         http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/Indo-Iranian_origins.png                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Indo-Aryan or Indic peoples are an Indo-European ethno-linguistic group referring to the wide collection of peoples united as native speakers of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-Iranian family of Indo-European languages. Today, there are over one billion native speakers of Indo-Aryan languages, most of them native to South Asia, where they form the majority.  The first people to have settled in India during Paleolithic times appear to have been an Australoid group who may have been closely related to Aboriginal Australians.[4] From a genetic anthropological point of view, the research of Basu et al. (2003) indicates that: "(1) there is an underlying unity of female lineages in India, indicating that the initial number of female settlers may have been small; (2) the tribal and the caste populations are highly differentiated; (3) the Austro-Asiatic tribals are the earliest settlers in India, providing support to one anthropological hypothesis while refuting some others; (4) a major wave of humans entered India through the northeast; (5) the Tibeto-Burman tribals share considerable genetic commonalities with the Austro-Asiatic tribals, supporting the hypothesis that they may have shared a common habitat in southern China, but the two groups of tribals can be differentiated on the basis of Y-chromosomal haplotypes; (6) the Dravidian tribals were possibly widespread throughout India before the arrival of the Indo-European-speaking nomads, but retreated to southern India to avoid dominance; (7) formation of populations by fission that resulted in founder and drift effects have left their imprints on the genetic structures of contemporary populations; (8) the upper castes show closer genetic affinities with Central Asian populations, although those of southern India are more distant than those of northern India; (9) historical gene flow into India has contributed to a considerable obliteration of genetic histories of contemporary populations so that there is at present no clear congruence of genetic and geographical or sociocultural affinities."[5]                                                     Some of the hundreds of Aryan/Iranian tribes  who migrated into India....from about 1500 BC.                              


See also/related topics


  1. ^ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html#People
  2. ^ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/pk.html#People
  3. ^ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bg.html#People
  4. ^ http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2009/07/24/2635149.htm
  5. ^ http://genome.cshlp.org/content/13/10/2277.full
  6. ^ Mallory, J.P. (1989). In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology, and Myth. London: Thames & Hudson. p. 38f.
  7. ^ e.g. Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture, s.v. "Indo-Iranian languages", p. 306.
  8. ^ Brentjes (1981), Klejn (1974), Francfort (1989), Lyonnet (1993), Hiebert (1998) and Sarianidi (1993)
  9. ^ Edwin Bryant. 2001
  10. ^ e.g. Bernard Sergent. Genèse de l'Inde. 1997:161 ff.
  11. ^ Parpola, Asko (1999), "The formation of the Aryan branch of Indo-European", in Blench, Roger & Spriggs, Matthew, Archaeology and Language, vol. III: Artefacts, languages and texts, London and New York: Routledge.
  12. ^ Review of: David Anthony. The horse, the wheel and language. 2007. – Journal of Indo-European Studies, vol. 36, Nos. 3 and 4: 1 – 17.
  13. ^ The Bronze Age of Europe: Reflections on K. Kristiansen and T. Larsson: The Rise of Bronze Age Society (2005). – Norwegian Archaeological Review, 41 (2), 2008: 213 - 228.
  14. ^ Manfred Mayrhofer, Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen, Heidelberg 1986-2000, II 293
  15. ^ Sindoi (or Sindi etc.) were also described by e.g. Herodotus, Strabo, Dionysius, Stephen Byzantine, Polienus. [1]
  16. ^ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2755252/
  17. ^ http://www.abstractsonline.com/Plan/ViewAbstract.aspx?sKey=8d6ec7f1-ee68-4677-8a42-ae3d2c294db4&cKey=6980c0cf-b9d1-4cc8-b638-af5c78d7a09a&mKey={DFC2C4B1-FBCD-433D-86DD-B15521A77070}
  18. ^ Polarity and Temporality of High-Resolution Y-Chromosome Distributions in India Identify Both Indigenous and Exogenous Expansions and Reveal Minor Genetic Influence of Central Asian Pastoralists, by Sanghamitra Sengupta,1 Lev A. Zhivotovsky,2 Roy King,3 S. Q. Mehdi,4 Christopher A. Edmonds,3 Cheryl-Emiliane T. Chow,3 Alice A. Lin,3 Mitashree Mitra,5 Samir K. Sil,6 A. Ramesh,7 M. V. Usha Rani,8 Chitra M. Thakur,9 L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza,3 Partha P. Majumder,1 and Peter A. Underhill3, 1Human Genetics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India; 2N. I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; 3Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford; 4Biomedical and Genetic Engineering Division, Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories, Islamabad; 5School of Studies in Anthropology, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, India; 6University of Tripura, Tripura, India; 7Department of Genetics, University of Madras, Chennai, India; 8Department of Environmental Sciences, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India; and 9B. J. Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai, India [2]
  19. ^ http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/28/10/2905
  20. ^ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2621241/?tool=pubmed
  21. ^ http://genepath.med.harvard.edu/~reich/2009_Nature_Reich_India.pdf
  22. ^ http://www.ichg2011.org/cgi-bin/ichg11s?author=Moorjani%20P&sort=ptimes&sbutton=Detail&absno=20758&sid=15004
  23. ^ a b Havell, Ernest Binfield (1918). "ARYANS AND NON-ARYANS". The history of Aryan rule in India. Harrap. p. 32. "Ethnographic investigations show that the Indo-Aryan type described in the Hindu epics — a tall, fair-complexioned, long-headed race, with narrow, prominent noses, broad shoulders, long arms, slim waists "like a lion," and thin legs like a deer — is now (as it was in the earliest times) mostly confined to Kashmir, the Panjab and Rajputana, and represented by the Khattris, Jats, and Rajputs." Unknown parameter |length= ignored (help)
  24. ^ a b Risley, Herbert; Crooke, William. Crooke, William, ed. The people of India (2, reprint ed.). Asian Educational Services. p. 33. ISBN 81-206-1265-5. "The Indo-Aryan type, occupying the Punjab, Rajputana, and Kashmir, and having as its characteristic members the Rajputs, Khatris, and Jats. This type approaches most closely to that ascribed to the traditional Aryan colonists of India." Unknown parameter |length= ignored (help)
  25. ^ Jindal, Mangal Sen (1992). History of origin of some clans in India, with special reference to Jats (Original from the University of Michigan). Sarup & Sons. pp. 29–36. ISBN 81-85431-08-6. Unknown parameter |length= ignored (help)


  • Bryant, Edwin (2001). The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-513777-9.
  • Mallory, JP. 1998. "A European Perspective on Indo-Europeans in Asia". In The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern and Central Asia. Ed. Mair. Washington DC: Institute for the Study of Man.
  • Trubachov, Oleg N., 1999: Indoarica, Nauka, Moscow.
                                                                                                       It should be noted that NOT ALL Aryan/Iranian tribes came to India in great tribal groups.....SOME CAME INDIVIDUALLY, as soldiers, merchants, families looking to settle, political refugees leaving an war torn area in Central Asia.