Dec 31, 2009

Richard Reed redux

It's Christmas, and it wouldn't be Christmas without one such incident to remind the world, and especially Americans on whose airline and country the incident took place, about the fake narrative of "al-Qaeda", a non-existence front organisation which explains Israeli mischief and propaganda around the world.

The "al-Qaeda" narrative is wearing thin, and waning as more people become critical of who exactly and what exactly the organisations origins are, especially after 8 years of that event. The recent incident on Delta airlines is a reminder to Americans, WHO ARE FIGHTING ISRAEL'S WARS, around the world of the omnipotence and potency, and strike reach of "al-Qaeda"..........."They can get you any where, at any time, so keep fighting the good fight in Iraq, Afghanistan...and be ready to make sacrifices in Yemen".

Though the whole operation seemed shoddy, with a guy stiching some fireworks to his undies which if remotely successful would have harmed himself and not much else, getting on a AMERICAN AIRLINE, in an Israeli security run airport of a Western country, with no passport, ushered into the plane by mysterious crispy suited exotic men in the background.

Getting and setting up retard patsies who think they are fighting for a non-existent cause, and creating an elaborate history around that person, (verified repeatedly by the Jewish media as authentic) is bread and butter for intelligence agencies...............there are a billion of Richard Reeds marginal, barely sane, criminal types who are wound up and guided into such incidents.

In that sense the remotely possible end criminal result was not important for the Israelis, but the overall message, TIMING, and coverage by the likes of Fuck The News, and the Jewish dominated MSM.

So what were the Israelis trying to say, beyond the above general point?

We can focus on the retard patsy African, from a elite family from Nigeria, living the high life in London, and else where..........supposedly appropriated by "al-Qaeda" in Yemen. Lets speculate, thats what gossipy informal blogs are for..................President Barack Hussein Obama is black, with a Muslim father.......and Attorney General Eric Holder of the Justice department is also black. They have decided to close down Guantanamo. This was the election promise from 2008.


Obama the former constitutional law professor and Eric Holder the lawyer realises that what goes on at Guantanamo goes againt the American constitution, international law, the USA 's international standing, and the American soul if you will.........the land of the free and brave, for ever fighting tyranny and representing liberty...."O! say can you see by the dawn's early light.................hmm, hmmm....hmmmmm"...........keeping coloured men ad infinitem as specimens to showcase a phony organisation, which acts as a cover and justification of Israel's proxy wars, might seem reprehensible for some, with a minutae of conscience.

An anally retentive Israeli intelligence officer might not see it that way.

"Don't close Guantanamo"..........."Don't transfer 100 of the last remaining Guantanamo inmates to the American mainland"........"Don't release 100 of the 200 remaining at Guantanamo to the rest of the world, and especially to Yemen"...........(100 of the 200 Guantanamo inmates are Yemeni)...............We can produce through our European network as many NEW "al-Qaeda"members for the Guantanamo gulag, especially of young promising African background, faster than you can release these men............and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Mr. President.

What the President might want to do.

Close Guantanamo asap...............speed up the release of the 100 to the rest of the world, and transfer to the American mainland the rest of the 100, and put ALL for them on trial soon there after. If you do not give POW status to such men, then they should be tried in civilian courts ..........they should not be treated as criminals and then tried in military courts........sets a very bad precedence for the American legal system, and one which Obama will not live down historically. It will merely become case/cause celebre' to be discussed endlessly by law professors and students of jurisprudence, and constitutional law especially in America.

OR President Obama can say, "Yes Buwana, I hears you loud and clear; and I can assure you Guantanamo won't be closed, or any trials set any time soon for these evil guilty men,..... fantastic evil men from the darkness and yonder...........not even elaborate show trials in Noo Yawk.........happy new year".


On a lighter side........