Sep 24, 2009

Desert Fairy Tales.

What is in the bible, and believed at different degrees by Muslims and Jews as people of the book, are purely desert fairy tales ..........but it is amazing the extent to which the greater part of the worlds population believe in such nonsense. This is the testament to the power of a good story sold to the masses, and the level of indoctrination with propaganda which mesmerizes so many people.........the modern fairy tale stories that Saddam's Iraq was a mere 45 minute's away threat to America, or that the ancient, reclusive, isolated, 4th world, and medievel state of Afghanistan was ever a threat to the USA or the world, which America with NATO had to be occupied for 8 years or more as a failed narco state in order to protect the world.

All desert fairy tales.

From Mike Rivero at What Really Happened.

Egypt is literally littered with the ruins of the ancient temples and palaces of her rulers. As much as has been found, it is estimated that only 1/3 of Egypt's archeological wonders have been uncovered to date. A newly discovered temple was uncovered while digging a sewer line, and a cache of finely preserved mummies was literally stumbled over by a cow in a pasture.

Iraq's ancient heritage was enshrined in its ancient sites and museum. As a result of the war, many of those sites have been damaged or destroyed. Part of the ancient city or Ur now lies underneath a US air base runway. The treasures of the museum have only partly been recovered. The treasures from the looted archaeological sites have been scattered to the world.

Likewise, Iran has a rich archaeological heritage marking its place in history.

All of this wealth of archaeological treasures must of course annoy Israel. We are raised from birth with Old Testament tales of the greatness of the ancient Israelites, of the powerful kingdoms of Solomon and David and the first temple. Yet Israel, while rich in antiquities, is almost totally devoid of artifacts from this supposedly glorious time in her history. The existence of the fabled First Temple was supported with just two artifacts, a carved staff ornament in the shape of a pomegranate and the Jehoash tablet. Both of these artifacts have been exposed as frauds. We are told that once there was a magnificent temple on that hill, but it "all went away." The wonders emerging from the soil of Egypt, Iraq, and Iran serve as a constant reminder that ancient buildings of such a scale as we are told the First Temple was simply do not vanish without a trace.

There is considerable reason to suspect that the tales told in the Old Testament are just that; tales. The Bible is not science, it is the collected stories of a primitive tribal people reminding each other how important they are. And like fishermen talking about the one that got away, or Ramses with his temple carvings of the did-not-really-happen victory over the Hittites at Kadesh, the writers of the ancient testaments assumed that the people they were telling stories to had no way to verify the claims for themselves. So "embellishment" was a low-risk activity.

We do know from the available archaeological evidence that the Exodus probably actually happened to the Hyksos, not the Israelites. We know that the story of Moses is suspect because no Egyptian princess would hide a Hebrew child inside Pharaoh's household, then give the kid a Hebrew name ("Moses" is actually an Egyptian title meaning "Prince" and is included in the names of many Pharaoh's names such as Tut-Moses, Ah-Moses, Ra-Moses (Ramses) etc.)

Likewise, the story of Masada may be less than accurate. The remains found on the mountain were buried with pig bones, something no proper Jewish funeral would tolerate, which suggests that the bodies found and venerated as heroes of ancient Judea were actually those of dead Roman Soldiers.

But a good story is a good story and the writers of the ancient texts were probably not thinking much further into the future than the guys who pen the "Celebrity dates space alien" stories you see at supermarket checkout lines. The fact that the celebrity is a real person does not prove the space alien exists. It's just a story.

Given enough time, even a simple story written in jest can take on a life of its own. Scientology began as a bet between two science fiction writers; look how wide spread that has become in just a short time.

But, over time, entire religions with attendant wealth and power structures have been built on the premise that these old testament stories really happened exactly as written. And today, here in the 21st century world, science has started to catch up with these ancient legends and call many of them into doubt.

So, for a nation that justifies its existence on the writings of the Torah, the plethora of sites and artifacts confirming the ancient histories of Egypt, Iraq, Iran, etc. etc. etc. must seem a dire political threat for a nation whose own ancient history seems to have left little if any traces at all.

........Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!........Your in danger of encouraging Israel in the wrong direction.

But presumably the Romans did interact with a type of Jewish peoples whose identity had evolved into a form of Judaism which might not be recognized by modern Jewish standards and practices, 2000 years ago (see "The Last Temptation of Christ" to get a glimpse)........and presumably they were freed from slavery and captivity in ancient Babylon when the Persians invaded the area in 538 BC, unless these are also desert fairy tales to Esther saving the lives of countless Jews, celebrated around the Jewish holiday of Purim.......again no historical basis, or evidence around that.

So in sum total the Jewish race that came out of what is now Israel is real enough, and according to professor Shlomo Sands many dispersed around the world after the Romans sacked Jerusalem, but as many were also converts from other races in Western, and Arab countries.........a good deal of the modern Palestinians are of Jewish origin, but for the fact that they converted to Islam from Judaism.....not a big jump in religious faith and practices (see the modern Samaritans at prayer......which represents the old form of Judaism).

The colorful amazing stuff such as 40 years in the desert of Sinai, a non-existent Moses parting waves, Salomon...David...Sampson........blah, blah blah that's the fairy tale propaganda.......and why blame them? Don't all races and nations mythologize to a greater or lessor degree about themselves?

As long as it does not lead to any harm hey; around misconstrued ideas, EGOs and false ambitions?