You get the war machine trained up for war, along with the private contractors, and then you bring them back to the USA to use their experience in Iraq where they have been de-sensitized to civilian suffering to manage the USA population, backed by massive concentration camps, and a police state structure.
Then you have drills and dry runs------Operation Falcon
and Katrina New Orleans
...............9/11 was the key initiator of events, but we should not forget the build up to it under the Jew controlled Democratic party: WTC 93, WACO, Rubey Ridge, Oklahoma City bombing 1995,...........the creation of the Taliban in 1994 with American guidance; The myth of Al-Qaeda in the 1990's created out of Afghanistan from 1996, the American directed, with Iranian cooperation and finance of thousands of Islamic fundamentalist fighters from the Afghan theater in the Clinton initiated NATO operations in Bosnia and Kosovo; the military strikes in Sudan, Afghanistan and of course Iraq to a belligerent level on a routine basis...................and so on.
It is the Jew run Democratic party, with the Jews
in the Clinton administration which laid the foundation and set the parameters for the current crisis and mess. These Jews defined the debate in the nineties.....
Saddam's Iraq, the mortal enemy of both Israel and the Islamic regime of Iran. But not of the USA.
The attempt to lure America into Iraq took place in various theaters. In the USA by Israeli agents in the Pentagon with linages to Cheney, but not to under estimate the significance, the efforts of Israeli and Iranian intelligence working and meeting in Italy prior and just after the invasion, in a series of meetings of the old Iran Contra gang from the mid-eighties team (including Chalabi the Iranian agent and other Iranian security officers posing as dissenters to the IRI regime or as themselves) with a view to creating false documents and arguments which would then be funneled into the Western intelligence machinery as gospel truth that Iraq was an imminent threat with links to fake 'Western/Israeli intelligence run' al-Qaeda.
The primary role in all this was played by Israel but we should not underestimate the role of Iranian intelligence.

Manucher Ghorbanifar comes out as a key figure in all this. He is described as ex-SAVAK/MOSSAD double agent with close linkages with the Mullahs of Iran, and especially Rafsanjani 'moderate' faction. He played a key role it is alleged in the 'October Surprise' saga of 1980, as he secretly liaised with Khomeini's son Ahmed on behalf of his American contacts to ensure that the diplomatic hostages would only be released after the Presidential elections of 1980. He again became important in such matters during the Iran/Contra affair, where American hostages in Lebanon, drugs, arms, and Contras were all inter-woven into a massive conspiracy that almost brought down the Reagan administration, and sullied the name of many American officials, and institutions.
Finally in December 2001 he became yet again part of a conspiracy, with neo-cons and Iranian security officials to encourage America to attack Iraq, by producing bogus intelligence against the Saddam regime which would then be circulated among Western intelligence circles, as a justification for attacking Iraq as an eminent threat to America. Some bought it, others did not, depending on their ideology and professionalism, and finally experience in dealing with Ghorbanifar.
Once this objective was achieved, these semi-covert meetings came to a halt.

Qualified Cryptographer Ahmed Chalabi , I thnk this article gives him too much credit for the Iraqi invasion, and in addition this article about his rise and fall.
Another key character is Ahmed Chalabi the Iranian/American double agent. As with the above he is also a very shady character. He has operated in this arena for many years. His fealty to Iran is not a secret as the picture suggests and he has never attempted to hide this fact, but what is interesting is that the neo-criminals ear marked this shady character as their point man for Iraq, where there were possibly better candidates both for Iraq and America. Shady business backgrounds in individuals seems to be a prime qualification for the neo-criminals before they can consider any form of serious collaboration as the Sibel Edmonds/Valerie Palme work suggests.
When you've got your mind on making money in greasy ways then your chances of running an empire are that much less. Running an empire is a serious business that requires a level of moral purity and purpose. Thus it would seem the Iraqi adventure by America was not a well thought out state policy with real deep strategic objectives but the result of whims and greed of the few to make a fast buck, and the consequence of this is obvious to see. Plus this 'war' has allowed the Zio-fascists to institute a police state in America....
In addition at the 2001 Rome meeting and the subsequent meetings until 2003, there were several Iranians present from the Revolutionary Guards. How do you explain the presence of Iranian security officials in such sensitive meetings, that included American, Israeli and Italian security officials? Wouldn't and shouldn't the other participants object? A variety of reasons were given for their presence from the fact that they offered valuable inside information about Afghanistan that could save American servicemen lives to the fact that they were unhappy with the mullah regime and could be interested in regime change.
This cover story was bought by the attendees at least, but you would think that such valuable participants presence wouldn't be announced in the first place if indeed they were working against the mullah regime------they would either be dead by now, or living in exile in the West. In reality they are still probably operating and working in the Revolutionary Guard, and the various silly stories about their presence is all false.......This goes with the reason for having these meetings with such an odd collection of characters.
But of course you can't have meetings even semi official ones involving American Zionists, with the blessings of Feith, with the objective of suckering America into Iraq. You have to manufacture a cover story first to justify the meetings of such an interesting assortment of individuals, by producing false stories against Saddam's Iraq in tandem with Chalabi and his Pentagon/Neo-criminal backers, which by passes American intelligence.
There was a tide and flow for war against Iraq sponsored by Israel with their American agents of influence, and these Iranian officials participated in helping the process along with their counterparts in the West.
This latest article, like so may other articles simply refuse to highlight clearly the role of the Israelis in drawing America into the Iraqi quagmire. Its the 1,000 pound gorilla in the room. Gorbanifar and Chalabi are shady businessmen, con artists who were looking out for themselves, number one, but they were peripheral to the over all drumbeat for war, centered in several places such as Israel, the USA, certain dual-nationals near Bush from Cheney's office, the UK................and so on. These two scum artists didn't have the capacity to initiate such a war. They played a role but not a central role. But I would understand why Jews and their fronts might want to blame these two specifically Iraq increasingly goes pear shaped.
With such poor analysis of one of the most fundamental security and lets face it national questions at present vexing America and begging honest answers, how do you begin to have/run rational intelligence and security policy?
What is the unofficial annual $1.2 trillion (according to Chalmers Johnson) spent on security for if you can't make such simple and basic, 'the answer is in front of you' analysis?

MOSSAD agent of influence in USA/Italy Michael Ledeen
Philip Giraldi wrote an excellent article in the American Conservative magazine about the pivotal role that Ledeen played in this saga titled, 'Forging the case for war'. In addition he maintains close relations with many Iranian exile groups, Iranian officials inside Iran, and would like the USA continue to expand its wars against other nations permanently.
"It would have been extremely convenient for the administration, struggling to explain why Iraq was a threat, to be able to produce information from an unimpeachable “foreign intelligence source” to confirm the Iraqi worst-case."

MOSSAD agent Douglas Feith at the defense Department.
Feith was in charge of the ------- OSP at the Pentagon, is the main player in all this. He worked with Paul Wolfowitz in securing a war with Iraq before 9/11, from the mid 1990's at the behest of Bibi Netanyahu, contributing to such policy papers as 'The Clean Break' 1996 written specifically for the Likud Party, that called for an aggressive offensive muscular foreign policy by Israel against its neighbors, instead of talks for peace and settlement, seen as appeasement, and the:
PNAC of 2000.
Which 'develops'/takes their arguments a little further by justifying/covering their policy using American imperialism.
See also the trail of disinformation
This is the biggest joint coup for Iran/Israeli intelligence to date because:
- They got the Americans suckered into doing the fighting for them, without being involved in Iraq.
- Saddam is toppled, and executed, after his personal humiliation .
- Iraq is physically destroyed, into sectarian enclaves---Israel especially is happy about this, and the Iranians aren't complaining.
- Iran through Dawa and SCRI, manages to exercise considerable influence in the country.
- From the Iranian perspective the Americans as potential enemies, are pre-occupied in the quagmire 'quicksand' of Iraq. The American military is irrevocably disintegrated/degraded.......the nation is bankrupt. For America Iraq is not so much another Vietnam, but more like Stalingrad.
- From the Israeli perspective, the Iraq war enables them to further their geo-strategic goals, surrounding Syria, and yes enabling them to exercise greater control over the USA, through the long term promotion of Bush like future American leaders. Gungho American Presidents talking through their ass becomes the norm, with 100 years war in the region.
The relationship of the mullahs with Israel is closer than most of us like to imagine, but like any rival Mafia organizations beyond their frequent joint meetings, turf war , or any type of war between the two cannot be ruled out, as senseless criminals have their own set of logic and priorities.
To bring control of their country back to Americans, where Israel is not dictating everything, along with their stooges, Americans have to:
- Initiate a new 9/11 investigation, which debunks the current lies and cover ups about GWOT.
- Bring all the troops back to America from Iraq and Afghanistan, and not only some. Half measures over a prolonged period of time will not work. Close a good deal of the 800 American military bases around the world, and reject the PNAC document as a fraud, written by fraudsters who never served in the American armed forces, but wrapped themselves around the flag in order to make serious money with their friends in the private sector.
- Dismantle the security state instituted by Bill Clinton and especially Bush in the USA.
- De-bunk al-Qaeda as a fictional organization front for Western/Israeli intelligence operations.
A little bit of tweaking of foreign policy here and there, won't solve the fundamental problems created by this inverse relationship of a tiny satellite state surviving on American generosity, then turning around and telling America how to immolate Israel.
This is good for America and I may add good for Israel too-------in the long term. But this requires honesty and courage, not about being sleek and constantly spinning things to the American public.