Feb 2, 2008

Ron Paul for President as a Republican or as an independent.

This is a light hearted look at the GOP candidates, and which candidate is the most suitable. Its way too short and I wish they had really done one by American Idol. It would have been more incisive and equally entertaining if they did it for an hour, and looked at the issues, took them apart, and dealt with them. God knows that such a program could have been more relevant than those meaningless monotone MSM 'Presidential debates' choreographed for the umpteenth time.


We do hope he continues his campaign up to November, as this will be his last run realistically.

When sections of your own GOP do the dirty on you, then that absolves you of binding yourself to the party for ever, and go on to accept the final result as a 'true gentleman'. We know the system within the GOP and without is crooked--The Louisiana Caucus, but the main point is not merely participating in this charade, but mobilising the true Americans into a cohesive force for the future, and getting enough momentum up to November. There will be extreme disappointment if he stops around late April or so because he didn't get enough delegates votes.

He is raising far more funds from ordinary Americans than any other candidate, and that should be one of the prime reasons why he should continue up to November; the American people have given him this mandate.

Also how can we truly measure what the true impact of the Ron Paul Revolution has been, given the MSM blackout of him? To what extent has he shaped the policies of the other candidates?

I think subliminally, and in reality in all America he is the main candidate, but for the orchestrated media blackout. But this was expected.

The concept of a grassroots Ron Paul Revolution is romantic, but in reality he requires hard cash to win this election, and over come the blackout of the MSM. There is no other way. I think on the averages, you need something in the region of $200 million to finance a successful election campaign. Obviously as his campaign builds momentum, he will gather more funds and support, but the campaign needs to set their sights at that ultimate figure early, and seriously think how they can raise that amount.

There are 15 million millionaires in America, and I assume a considerable number must be attracted to his policies, which proposes to stabilise America, both domestically and internationally. Beyond the romanticism of the grass roots support I think the campaign unofficially should reach out to some of the big money men who may be favorably inclined to his unique message.

To those who query his statement about 9/11 and other issues:

  • To have any chance of winning he has to shift into the middle ground, and not be a platform for certain one issue agenda's---he is trying to be the President of 300 million Americans. He can never win if he openly or even tacitly implies that elements of his own party with the cooperation of a foreign power (Israel) carried out 9/11, can he? Not in a million years.

  • The prevalence of Jews around him------I see he has just recruited a few policy advisors from a crypto-Jew site; his obsession with the gold standard (an object of remorseless fascination for Jewish financiers); his mentors being a Jewess, Ayn Rand whom he loving quotes but we are yet to find in history or in reality any practical application of the ideas of this Russian Jewess; His ideological bed rock ...two Jews...Ludwig Von Mises, and Murray F Rothbard......He co authored a book with a PNAC signatory.

Again he may well be a tool of the Zionists, i.e controlled opposition etc, but it is always better to have something, rather than nothing. This is not delusion, but rather the reality. He offers on the face of it, some real alternatives. Time will tell, if elected, whether he actually carries out these policies. The fact that he offers real alternative policy solutions is in itself enough. The fact that he keeps his words gives us further encouragement.

For all we know he could be a Cyrpto-Jew who upon becoming President suddenly discovers his Jewish lineage to the Rothschild's family in Europe. But for the moment his voting record and his forth right passionate statements on key issues at very public occasions give us some hope over the grim Corporate/fundamentalist reapers of Clinton, Obama, Huckabey, Romney, McCain.

So for now we back Ron Paul, and we hope he successfully fills up the coffers for the long haul up to November, and gathers round him an extremely savvy PR team that overcomes the MSM blackout. That he is not too dirty in a misguided Clintonesq style, of what he is and what he is not, beyond the rumors, in the process of quickly defining himself against all the other candidates.