The IAEA ( The International Atomic Energy Agency) was set up by President Eisenhower in 29th July 1957.
President Eisenhower basically said, in the new American century, the 20th century of Pax America..'You can enjoy the benefits of modern nuclear technology (for medicine, for clean cheap electricity away from fossil fuel--France, Japan), there is no technology colonialism under America, BUT it must be regulated by a neutral international body to ensure nobody outside of the 4 permanent powers (USA, USSR, France and the UK) ever develop nuke weapons, as this would endanger mankind.
One of the GREATEST PRESIDENTS of America, a couple of notches below Lincoln and FDR.
American spooks and European spooks SWARM the IAEA agency since it is a perfect cover to spy on other nations, besides being a diplomat, journalist, UN worker, NGO consultant and businessman.
As an IAEA Spy Expert, you can tag, study, photograph, sample, tag, spy on monitor with CCTV, tag top-secret strategic sites of 173 PARTICIPATING NATIONS IN THE IAEA. This is a SPOOK GOLD mine, better than HUMMIT, and satellites. If a member of the 173 participating IAEA nations say no to a specific site, you bring in other technology to home in on it, later.
The IAEA is extremely effective at monitoring the 173 participating nations.
The IAEA is extremely effective if a nation is targeted for attack by NATO/USA in the future. They know ALL the critical strategic sites. 3,000 in Iran's case. NUKE BUNKER BUSTERS FOR IRANIAN UNDERGROUND SITES. The Shah era Iranian AIRFORCE is zero worth, and air-defence is negligible, beating their brows about a blue water navy that can beat Somali Pirates in the Indian Ocean, and sail to the Atlantic, whilst unable to defend the vital homeland. But, this is what you would expect of an American installed puppet regime that is there to delegitimate PERSIA and bring in the Wrath of the world, with their medieval behaviour.
42 years in power with covert USA support--October Surprise, Iran Contra and much much much more that is not evident.
Since JACOB instituted ordered the 'ARC OF CRISIS-CLASH OF CIVILSATION' in the late 1970's (Bernard Lewis, Princeton University) ISLAMO FASCISTS have been the go-to people as CRISIS ACTORS FIFTH COLUMN for the American Empire in the Greater MIDDLE EAST.
If the American puppet mullah donkey dogs try to block the straights of Hormuz, the Americans WILL apply INTERNATIONAL LAW, to their White Christian European brethren...and CRY FOUL, 'How dare the mullahs break INTERNATIONAL LAW yet again! Gadzooks Virginia!
1. An International Western alliance Armada force to unblock the straights of Hormuz, to uphold INTERNATIONAL LAW.
2. Subject Persia and its people to devastating nuke bomb attacks, since the country has no air force and air defence.
THE AMERICAN PUPPET MULLAH DONKEY DOGS should have real instructional EDUCATION about HOW THE USA destroys nations in the GREATER MIDDLE EAST--in Libya Syria Afghanistan Iraq.
MEANWHILE, JACOBS UK IS ALL A FLUTTER, to play the mini-me Empire side kick to the American empire.
AND, drum roll, the first foreign nation to receive the F-35.(?)
JACOB says fuck the UK economy, fuck the jobs and of course fuck the country and its people.
GLOBALIST GAMES are more important.
INTERNATIONAL LAW, of course, does not apply to ISRAEL, the promised land of milk and honey. Our beautiful Chosen people get a free pass, and they can steal and cheat nuke materials from the USA and EUROPE with absolutely not a single beat of the treble clef of INTERNATIONAL LAW being raised against them.
We know from ISRAELI scientists working in Dimona that they have a covert underground nuke bomb program, with 200-400 nuke bombs. AND if the Israelis feel threatened, they will institute the SAMSON OPTION--ending everything on earth, including obviously themselves.
The Israelis have gone one better on this INTERNATIONAL LAW.
Why not use this free ride free pass from the West, to sell nuke technology in the black market where nations not approved by the IAEA get nuke technology, including nuke bomb technology?
"Hustling for Justice" Mostaque Ali blogspot.com
Why this sounds as crazy as the Americans funnelling top Nazis, including Hitler to South America with the full knowledge, cooperation? of Israel and MOSSAD.
I simply don't understand what Jew Israel has against Aryan Iran, particularly.
Why has Aryan Iran been subjected to such violent undiplomatic tirades from Jew Israel, and the USA since civilisation began?
Nazi Germany wasn't subjected to such violent tirades for so long,
or Tojo Japan
So what's going on? Check the Quija board or the Oracle at Delphi for the answer?
The IAEA know that Israel has an illegal nuke bomb program. BUT never questioned Israel. Is Israel above International law? Is this wise?
Israel is not the only one. There are other nations with illegal nuke bomb programs, but since they are American allies these nations get a free pass under INTERNATIONAL LAW. Double standard, hypocrisy.
South Africa ( since dismantled)
NATO Turkey
South Korea
Myanmar (not USA ally)
The illegal entity of Formosa (which is, of course, part of the PRC)
Saudi Arabia
Algeria (Not USA ally)
DPRK (Not USA ally)
All these nations which break INTERNATIONAL LAW, with the full knowledge of the USA and IAEA also have 'SURGE PROGRAMS' or actual nuke bomb programs, or just buy them from Israel( gained technology and cooperation with South Africa, mostly....and the goffer power for the Apartheid regime in the massive continent of Africa.)
North Korea (DPRK) was given billions of $ to go for a civilian nuke program by the USA in the 1990's.
'The Agreed Framework between the United States of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was signed on October 21, 1994, between North Korea (DPRK) and the United States. The objective of the agreement was the freezing and replacement of North Korea's indigenous nuclear power plant program with more nuclear proliferation resistant light water reactor power plants, and the step-by-step normalization of relations between the U.S. and the DPRK. Implementation of the agreement was troubled from the start, but its key elements were being implemented until it effectively broke down in 2003.' Wikipedia.
North Korea for whatever reason decided to break the agreement with the USA, maybe the rocket attacks by the USA on the Sudanese baby milk factory in Khartoum 1998 ? The missiles attack up a camels ass in Afghanistan 1998? The invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 or the invasion of fellow Socialists strongman Saddam and Iraq 2003?
North Korea broke the agreement in 2003.
Expelled the IAEA
Built a nuke bomb
Exploded a nuke bomb
Announced and televised the achievement for the world to see
Then proceeded to fire rockets over Japan
Then threatened the USA with nuclear annihilation and EMP attacks.
No Pentagon preparations were made overtly or covertly to meet this threat on CNN, seriously.
Maybe the North Korean leader and the Korean people are seen as jokes by racist Americans? Cuddly Ewoks?
Jewish Trump comes along, there is a false nuclear attack by North Korea 2018.
So, Trump decides to meet Kim Joon Un in Singapore, Vietnam and North Korea.
In one meeting, the North Korean leader winks at Ms. Huckabee, Whitehouse Press Secretary indicating that he liked Fat White Western women. I also prefer full-bodied big titty Buxom women in ASIA. We Asian brothers have some things in common.
President Trump our Crypto-Jew timeshare used car salesman with fake tan and make-up masquerading as a 'President' was sharp and observant. He saw a deal here! A great car sales deal! Ms. Huckabee for Kim Joon-Un, and peace in the world! What could go wrong? The President would play the pimp to the Great North Korean leader.
Smackin DaHoe Da Pu$$y-Slanger Da Daughter shagger PIMP MAN DADDY OH , GIVE it up for Donny tiny.
Somberly and solemnly he approached Ms. Huckabee for the deal. His cakehole opened and he said, 'Take one for Merrikkkkkkka'
Ms. Huckabee replied, 'how much?'
The President said, 'let me first check with Jeffrey and Ghislaine of the MOSSAD.'
Iran has been subjected to the most intrusive inspections in IAEA history, and the longest-running in IAEA history.
What has Jew Israel got against Aryan Iran?
That leads to repeated daily threats from Israel and the USA, for so long, since 2003 or maybe longer? No nation has been subjected to such bile.
Why does the USA attack so many Muslim countries for ISRAEL? Does this make the world safe for Israel? Really?
Why would the mullahs enter new negotiations over the JCPA if trump comes back to power in a mere 3 years?
If the USA can't uphold its International obligations, entered into with 5 other great nations, then what does it say about the state of International law?
Now for plan B. Let's remove the mullahs in a soft coup, and put in their place a plaint ally of the USA. That would logically be the Shah's son.
A soft coup, is far less risky and less dangerous to all sides than an Israeli led attack on Iran.
A soft coup is far more likely when the common Iranian people aren't being strangulated by illegal American sanctions.
As countless Pentagon war games have suggested the consequences of an attack on Iran, are incalculable, to America, and American allies near Iran.
It would not make sense. no matter the beautiful creative semantics of the Israelis.
In ISRAELI POLITICS, playing and sounding hardball is political survival.
But that is just Israel.
This has been a big question, led by Israel at least since 2003.
Pro-Israeli politicians in Washington have chimed in aided by direct Israeli instructions (Wag the dog), AIPAC, Jewish Neocons and the Jewish dominated MSM--fronted by 'Cool PC people' and Deep State Experts. Attacking Iran on a fake charge appears to be a Jew thing.
However, the cannon fodder and grunt work for Israel's existential wars are WASPs. Blood, treasure, taxpayer money, friends and potential loyal allies turned into fake enemies and the overall harm to the American fighting machine...and...we can go on.
One assumes not ALL Americans take their queue from Israel (see post about Jacob and gays---the 2nd coming of Cyrus) and quasi-religious Bible studies of End Times/Rapture, and the 2nd coming of Jesus. That would be a very dangerous slippery slope for the most CONSEQUENTIAL nation on earth, which otherwise ought to be giving clear rational reassuring LEADERSHIP to the whole world, rather than playing with religious OBSCURANTISM, which has no definable boundaries policies and limits.(bells, whistles, smoke and mirrors)
How did we get here?
The Cold War ended officially in 1991. The Soviet Union collapsed. The Warsaw Pact disintegrated. American Capitalism is triumphant over Communism.
There was an air of jubilation (fireworks), triumphalism in the USA, rather than the cold sober reflection that is required for the vital 'the what next question.' The what next is more critical sometimes than just the initial 'slam dunk' victory (especially with Iran) or Nazi Germany in the Soviet Union after June-December 1941.
Worse still the what next was hijacked by the Israeli right linked to the Likud Party.
To get the ball rolling they, 'their people' killed Yitzhak Rabin in his apartment in 1995, 'A time for war, a time for peace' by Yigal Aamir.

We do not know what role our Jacob played in all this, but my wild quija board guess is that it was quite extensive. Given Sir Jimmy Savilles OBE KCSG role in Israeli politics in the 1970's and Lord Chalfonts link to Netanyahu from the 1970s, also.
So, in 1996 we have the 'Clean break' document written by the Jew Neocons for Netanyahu, arguing for permanent war, but using the USA as cannon fodder to destroy 7 neighbors near neighbour countries of Israel.....and what seemed like permanent war.....for the USA.
3 observations (one of them very personal--skin in the game):
(i) The 'collapse' of Communism' by the 'West' was more the work of Western RATIONALISM at a deeper level which is secular, rather than bible thumpers from the Mid West, and right-wing messianic zealot Israelis (bit players-arming and training the Mujaheddin).
liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.[3][4]
Thomas Payne from 300 years back, and classical neo-liberalism won the Cold War so to speak, not the Bible belt working with Israeli messianic Zealots.
(ii) It can also be argued that the Soviet Union destroyed itself, because the Soviet Jewish inner circle wanted it that way--on the orders of JACOB or 2nd, the Soviet Union was a mismanaged Corrupt lumbering tooo big empire, which collapsed under its obese dead weight. 3rd, the KGB took over the Soviet Union, and decided to run the country directly in the 1980's with Yuri JACOB Andropov---when spooks take over a country, you know what happens, ditto Stazi East Germany, and Markus Wulf who retired to Israel.
(iii) Permanent war. When you get a crazy leader on a 'messianic religious mission' it spells the end of the country. Emperor Aurangazeb of the Mughal Empire inherited from his father the richest country in the world, with cutting edge technology for its time, efficient administration and a rather powerful army/navy. Which actually defeated the British and Dutch with childish ease. However, if you spent ALL your time in power of 50 years in the wrong area, fighting futile never ending wars, and not taking care of the country from Delhi....then what you get is a Persian invasion which all but ends the Mughal Empire from 1739, and a further invasion by the Afghans in 1761, after the repeatedly plundering the country circa 1750-1761. The Afghans destroy the one force that might have united India.(Historical conjecture/speculation) Since the Maratha repeatedly invaded, and destroyed Bengal (1741-1751)..neutering the Bengal military, making it vulnerable to British invasion.
The British use the wealth of Bengal to create the Bengal Presidency army of 150,000 and the springboard to invade the whole of India over the next century.
Permanent war is not good for America, probably Israel too and 'We are Sparta'.
Permanent war is an anti-civilisational anti-human abnormal state to be in, including Israel and Sparta.
My ancestors from Russia (Southern Urals), the Sintashta Indo-Iranians circa 2300-1800 BC disappeared, WITHOUT LEAVING ANY RESIDUE OF SETTLEMENTS.....due to their permanent war 'culture' with each other during the bronze age focused on huge unsustainable parties (a bit like some Indian weddings) and overconsumption of land and materials (can we make our parties bigger than theirs?) and constant raiding.
After the 1996 'A Clean Break ' document for Netanyahu by the Jew Neocons, they wormed their way and Americanised the same document as, 'Project for a Neo American Century, by murdering a few Americans false flag' document in 2000, and the Bush II administration of Jew Neocons subsisting with greedy MIC war profiteers, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Full Spectrum dominance (sounds so butch faggot manly),
Full Spectrum Dominatrix (USA strategic paper written by Jew Neocons). Netanyahu is GAY, and frequents the gay BDSM scene in Noo Ywak, where he is spanked for being a naughty boy. Has changed beards many times as a closet gay, with kids. the Hellfire Club, the Vault, the Anvil, Mother and the Mineshaft....Nutcracker Suite and Pandora’s Box. Do your own research....cus most of them closed by Rudi. Who by the way enjoys cross-dressing and meeting Marxist MEK terrorists from Iran and managing 9/11 from building 7. .....as with John Bolton. These are crazy fucked up Narcissistic psychopaths who love being on TV (CNN, MSNBC, Fox)....sounding ultra tough Patriotic macho guys, talking dirty on TV...'Patriotism is the last refuge of the Scoundrel'.

America on steroids free and unfettered by the demise of the Soviet Union. I don't know Jacobs role in this, but it did appear that RELIGION born again Christianity would play a bigly role under Bush II, and anyway, PNAC smelt a lot of Bagels, Chicken soup and Matsoz.
The 9/11 FALSE FLAG by Israeli moral leadership started it all, if not actual participation....from Noo Ywak and the Pentagon.
Afghanistan cakewalk against 40,000 Taliban militia 2001.
Iraq cakewalk, as most of the top brass of the Iraqi military, were purchased by the Pentagon.
With Iran on the blitzkrieg to-do list, of 7 in 5, something happened.
It must have dawned on the top brass of the Pentagon military AT SOME POINT that besides the British token force along with the armies of the WILLING, that the USA was doing the 90% of the grunt work.
The Pentagon for round 3 did their homework, rather than produce more FAKE EVIDENCE, of Iranian culpability--aligning with Sunni 'al-Qaeda'. They war-gamed the attack on Iran several times--and though the predicted initial attack was a cakewalk (against an old Shah era American supplied airforce), the problem was the day after the attack, with the later CONSEQUENCES, which they couldn't determine.
Iran is not a country YOU attack and its game over, after day 1, week 1, 1st month.
Russia is not a country YOU attack and its game over.
Admiral Mullen Chairman of the Joint Chief of staff knew this, and he went public on the Jewish dominated MSM.
Admiral Fallon of Central Command new this, and he went public on the Jewish dominated MSM.
They both made it clear that an attack on Iran wouldn't happen on THEIR WATCH, very clear......because they calculated the losses to America especially in the MIDDLE East, and the cost to the USA important allies, especially the GCC countries.
As the years progressed from 2001, 2003 and 2007 this fact became more obvious.
The GCC were during their time in easy reach of Iranian missiles, and now weaponised drones.
There are lots of American material and service personal in that area, within the reach of the Iranians.
Then you factor in oil prices in the event of a new Gulf war by the USA----$200 a barrel or $400 a barrel?----how would that work for American society fixated on oil dependency? How would that work for Russia or Venezuela?
Will the world derivative and bond markets CRASH in the event of a new Gulf war?
This isn't the mullahs being sophisticated and doing hybrid asymmetrical Wah, but this is the reality of the intertwined intricate, complicated GLOBALISED WORLD where you are likely to make greater progress through DIPLOMACY and negotiation with soft power, in real negotiations offering real concessions, then waving your big penis at everybody.
AND, yes, you can have easy CAKE-WALKS with brown failed states run by AMERICAN trained witless goons. (Libya -Gaddafi, Iraq- Saddam and Afghanistan-Taliban).
AND YES Aryan Iran is a brown failed state where the American puppet Shah was replaced by the Mullahs, and there have been many clownish antics by the Medival Mullahs, as was the prayer---BUT, in spite of the Medival mullahs its a great nation of 90 million, geographically big and connected to near neighbours Russia and China. For Russia and China, attacking Iran would be a redline because they realise they will be next on the American TO DO LIST. This was the realisation in Russia from 2006, and China more recently.
AND, most significantly wouldn't this finally push China and Russia together into a military alliance if the USA was doing an Israel in their backyard? Isn't Iran in the SCO, angling for a $400 billion strategic economic deal with China?
USA finally cements a China-Russia military alliance--well slow clap! After my meagre push in that direction (offer of legal consultation of international bilateral agreement-I'm a barrister who has studied international law Masters at Warwick University). Why not?
...and ofcourse the skies will darken.
CIA Chief: No Evidence Iran Has Decided to Develop a Nuclear Weapon
The admission comes after the US and Iran resumed indirect negotiations to revive the nuclear deal
On Monday, CIA Director William Burns said the US does not have evidence that Iran has decided to weaponize its nuclear program.
The CIA “doesn’t see any evidence that Iran’s Supreme Leader [Ali Khamenei] has made a decision to move to weaponize,” Burns told The Wall Street Journal’s annual CEO Council, The Times of Israel reported.
Burns’ admission comes a week after the US and Iran resumed indirect negotiations in Vienna to revive the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA. The latest round of talks concluded Friday and are expected to resume this Thursday.
Israeli officials have been claiming that Iran is only trying to buy time with the negotiations as it secretly develops a nuclear bomb. For decades now, Israel has been making similar warnings, but Iran has always insisted it does not want nuclear weapons and Israel is currently the only nuclear-armed state in the region.
Burns’ comments counter the Israeli claims and could be a sign that the US might be breaking from Israel on the issue. Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett demanded to Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the US must “immediately” halt negotiations with Iran.