Homosexuality afflicts about 10% of males and is a genetic defect.
In some societies, the incidence is greater such as Afghanistan (Ariana) and Thailand, due to Socioeconomic cultural reasons.
My take based on my liberal upbringing courtesy of my mentor, my scientist dad Dr. MM Ali Ph.D and the truly great UK education system is that gays should be respected just like any other human being.
In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:
'Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets
The Golden Rule' (Jacob is it OK to quote the bible?)
Then there are those more earthly needy necessity reasons for seeing the gay point of view.
1. Growing up in the UK as a Bangladeshi/Paki was no camping holiday in the 1970s, 80's and 1990s. An acutely sensitive minority under siege. The gay teacher thus is not seen as an oddity or the subject of ridicule but an ally, a friend with a masters in theology from Oxford University, with beautiful eloquent flowery prose. Music to the keen young eager mind.
2. Under aggressive surveillance, harassment and torture from the criminal UK state puts you in a special minority as with gays...you begin to understand and empathise.
3. I have grown up with relatives who are openly gay, or closet gay....nothing to see here. No big deal to me.
So it is with quizzical bewilderment that Jacob using his Flying Monkey Dogs in the Public School Oxbridge ranks of the Foreign Office-Spookdom to inform/ reveal to me about the subject of Homosexuality:
(i) Once is enough Jacob, not again, again, again and again, through skits, stunts, performance and psyops.
(ii) Why Jacob would you want to hire spunky badass Crisis Actors to do the skits, stunts, performances and psy-ops of and about Homosexuality promotion to me rather than REASONABLE WELL BALANCED SOPHISTICATED gays who I could grow a relationship with at my level? I'm in the 1% educated bracket of the UK in case you didn't know.
(iv) Why have you chosen a complete non-entity nothing-burger Somali-nigga nigga Bangladeshi like me for your gay secret? Why don't you pour out your little secret with Dr. Sunil Rahejah (cancel that, he's a Paki) How about Dr. Liam Parsonage (looks and sounds Celtic)......spend a penny and talk to them, instead of lurking around me during my toilet breaks. Sorry Jacob I'm not gay, I'm heterosexual. The reason I don't have a girlfriend or wife is that you have made it impossible for me to have normal intimate relationships...with women.
My type Jacob.
This is not me, I don't go to the gym anyway.....or wear tight snappy clothes. But I respect their way of life.
(v) Or why don't we just follow basic common sense.....if you insist on PROJECTING ONto ME ABOUT BEING QUEER....and about coming out, sigh sigh tired sigh...call me, just call me 13968538729...call me at night/evening over here, and I'll listen to you sympathetically and respectfully. About your first GAY experience at Eton Public school, in the showers with Rupert your senior high school butt buddy, and how you just couldn't get enough of Rupert....but also felt shame, awkward insecure and frightened and guilt-ridden, especially when talking to PAPA, your precious mentor and super stud, who truly loved women.
Jacob, you can MASTURBATE whilst you speak to me on the phone, and I can alter my voice range to suit your sexual fetish peccadilloes---compliant or domineering. As long as you don't move your phone near the action, and I hear the squishy sound. This would be more agreeable to me rather than the torture tapes which you masturbate to currently.(Thank you) I understand what BDSM is about but I prefer not to participate involuntarily.
Jacob, I'm not your nameless HELOT CHILD ready for sacrifice.....there are CONSEQUENCES for you. Investing in Billion $ bunkers will not save you.
Did you know that the mood of the weather changes, based on my mood....I'M CONNECTED SO TO SPEAK. Check this fact with your Flying Monkies, the more objective trustworthy ones, and not the lackey Sycophants.
(vi) What do you expect me to do with your gay skits, stunts, performances and psyops? What reaction are you looking for? You know I want to please you Jacob, but you must indicate what you want from me. Then we can move forward. Progress, evolve, develop...WITHOUT MISUNDERSTANDING.
There is method and purpose from Jacob in the madness, which supports his special Globalist, satanic agenda's... it's not just teenage puerile retard behaviour linked to his cherished Public School days, and the constipated desire to COME OUT.
In the best traditions of British colonialism, I'm being exploited USED as an all-purpose boogeyman FOIL BUGABOO, PHANTASMIA, WRAITH, MONSTER, to persuade and mobilise others to Jacobs Globalist agenda. An all-purpose all season evil apocalyptic doer, an Eastern potentate written by Erskine Childers genre, drawn from a manga cartoon, out to get the little frightened kids.
It's all fuzzy and devoid of actual earthly facts, relying heavily on human emotions, national emotional buttons, and the power of the British STATE under Jacobs control.
1. Cyrus the Great.(Biblical 2nd coming!)
A modern version, who is going to create yet another Persian Empire (covering Israel, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq).
There are Jews who think ole Cyrus was a good chap, freeing the Israelites in/from Babylonian bondage, facilitating their return to the promised land, funding the rebuilding of the Jewish temples destroyed by the Assyrians and making Jews 'special affirmative action minority' to be entrusted as middlemen with administrative positions in the Achmedian Empire. But gratitude is not a big feature for some Jews of the right-wing paranoid variety, especially when Jacob presses their button and tells them a New Cyrus is going to Conquer Israel.
Jacob in London declares this as absolute truth, and his Flying Monkies whisper it as so in their echo chamber from the 1970's....
and is the reason why American soldiers are/ were in those countries?
Keep Israel safe by killing Americans? Thats it?
Camp David agreement (1978), forget Sinai. Look East...man the barricades. Declares Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, KCSG---the Parthian horse archers and Cataphracts are massing and coming!
Why would rational Israelis be listening to Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, KSCG advice, even in the 1970's? A SPECIAL Friend of Jacob, and special friend of Thatcher, a friend of ..........
Why would Jacob use Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, KCSG to articulate, enunciate and disseminate highly delicate UK STATE policy communication with Israel? Is it not that the job of the FO?
Why would Jacob use a man like Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, KCSG who was working class (the UK otherwise is a very rigid class-based society) a person devoid of education, devoid of any talent, with a neolithic stone age appearance, deviod of any real charm and communication skills.....ugly as sin. What special skill did Jimmy have that made Jacob elevate him to the top of British society? Royalty, political elite.
The UK is a highly stratified class conscious society, even in the 21st century. You have to go to an elite public school (hypocritically misnamed private school for the super-rich) to be a British Prime Minister, head the armed forces, bureaucracy and judiciary as well as captains of industry (TPTB). Doing charity work and raising a few million quid, with a Celtic face, and boasting links to the REAL IRA as a regular threat to people who upset him (YES, JACOB Beta male is all about threats) would not break the glass ceiling for the lovable rogue Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, KCSG normally. I imagine there are many Celtic loveable rogues doing charity work for their local community and country in the UK. Millions.
So what was specifically SPECIAL about Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, KCSG that tickled the fancy and attention of Lordie Lord Jacob Rothschild, which elevated him from being a fringe bouncer in Northern night clubs to working in the BBC as a mega star, mixing and mentoring Royalty (Prince Charles) in intimate situations and locations in Scotland, mixing with top political figures including spending several Christmas bashes privately with PM Thatcher with or without Dennis, AND delivering on Jacobs behalf the UK's state foreign policy on the Middle East, in Israel in the 1970s.
Is Sir Jimmy Saville OBE, KCSG JACOBS alter ego, or PROJECTION?
A fringe illiterate club bouncer from up North runs the UK?
Does Jacob run a parallel FO which is outside the purview and control of the official FO (I strongly believe so)....given the skits, performance, stunts and psy-ops of Jacob, especially related to the subject of gays and, Jacobs rather basic take on race. Somehow I don't think OXBRIDGE finest double cream would be fixated with the subject of gays to the passionate level of Jacob Rothschilds OBSESSIVE NARCISSISM.
9/11? Was I not disillusioned with the UK, at that time, entering Europe ...and then to the USA to make a new start? (California, Texas---have relatives there to support me)
The reason why the CIA puppet Shah, totally obedient was destabilised from 1977, and replaced by CIA puppet Mullahs?
Ally Iran is converted into an enemy state.
The totally fake allegation that CIA puppet mullah Iran is 6 months away from having a nuke bomb from 1983......its 2021, and still 6 months away?
The humble prayer and undeclared desire of Jacob Rothschild for the USA to pulverize Iran with mini-nukes into a Mars-like existence, killing millions of innocent Aryans, based on his lie.....rather than do the logical decent thing......carry out a CIA soft coup, and install the Shah's dopey pliant son in the place of the mullahs.
Doesn't look Aryan, threatening to the fragile male ego, dopey plaint--third world sand nigger towel head ready to serve the Merrikan Empire. Lives in the USA...never says a bad thing about Merrikkka. Only problem is that he is a He-man...in a world where the Globalists prefer females (less challenging, soft, pliant obedient to them)....but in the real world how many women run the 57 Muslim countries? Answers on a postcard and send to CIA, Langley 1155 Twenty-first Street NW., Washington, DC 20581 Phone, 202–418–5000. don't email them!
No, no, no buddy we prefer the Marxists MEK.
The USA invasion of Ariana........after sponsoring 'al-CIA-duh' CIA goffer Tim Osman and the Taliban.
OK, so what kind of Spastic would believe Jacob Rothschild's fantasy?
What kind of special retard would WANT to believe Jacob's Cyrus fantasy? Without passing it through the smell test, cold detached logic, Western rationalism, Western Critical thinking (Which I'm supposed to teach to a limited extent)...and so on comparing the fantasy with actual evidence, and factual reality?
The standards by which modern civilisation is conducted, rather than by Medival tea leaves, crystal balls, Greek Oracles and Quija boards.
Who would want to listen to a drooling, stooping, spastic inbred, 100-year-old senile bastard Jew? Cus he's the richest guy in the world?
Thats it? The bedrock of Western civilisation, and by implication global civilisation moving gloriously forward, with Jacob leading the charge.
I regard myself as being part of the wider Iranian family but am not specifically from Iran. You would need to be specifically from Iran, to be the new Cyrus.
The new Cyrus would have to be a Shia Muslim to touch base with ordinary modern-day Iranians--get them motivated into obeying and work for him. I'm not Shia. Purely on a religious basis I would be unacceptable.
The new Cyrus would have to speak pretty good modern Farsi---if he spoke in the olde Persian vernacular nobody would understand him, in Iran save a few experts at Tehran university. I do not speak Farsi period and have made NO EFFORT to learn the beautiful language (cus I'm lazy and can't be bothered to) all I know is that chess means fart (my first word that I learnt in the 1980s)....more recently in the last decade I've learnt Dokhtar means daughter, Baradar means brother, Maadar means mother and Pedar means father...... and that's it.
I speak and think ENGLISH, due to my upbringing and British education. No space for any other language. I pray in English. I fantasize about things in English. I watch videos in English--but I don't watch cricket.
The reason I live abroad is that Jacob has run me out of the UK. Its no good to him if I squat tight down in my hometown in the UK....for me to work for Jacob as a scary everything Boogaboo he needs me near Israel, near Iran, near India, near Russia.
I don't know a single Iranian, Afghan, Ukraine or Russian personally. Primary Iranic countries in the world.
I don't belong to any organisation and networks with links to the four above countries.
Except for Ukraine, I have never expressed any desire to go into the 3 other countries.
No books, articles in serious journals, great speeches in a public forum, or on TV or radio indicating my Cyrus ambitions, and looking for sponsors and foot soldiers.
1 2 3
Thinking thinking Thinking thinking Thinking thinking Thinking thinking.......just a lickle bit.
Ah em........isn't the second coming of something very JEWEY? Something that exists in the dark recesses of Christian evangelists?
You know, Jesus will reappear in the 2nd coming, there will be WWIII, billions will die in great destruction, the Jews will convert to Christianity and finally, heavenly drum roll, the clouds part and a beam of white light beams down a very satisfied approving happy Jesus, saying thank you for the warm welcome with death and destruction IN MY NAME. I'm so pleased.
Who is into this kind of batshit crazy messianic obscurantists dangerous fantasy?
Cyrus the Great, 2nd coming for the purpose of the blog is also very significant (those who believe in it, believe in the End Times Rapture fantasy.) Cyrus is mentioned 25 times in Christian bibles and also in Jewish scriptures as a great leader. Freeing the Jews from slavery in Babylon. So far so good that the Judeo-Christians think a special Persian king is a hero-demigod. What is the harm?
The harm is when this tightly knit religious fascists firing crowd BELIEVE THE 2nd coming of Cyrus is yet another indication of the end times/Rapture. His good name USED to further a kooky, batshit religious agenda, which is never discussed openly in public platforms for public scrutiny, but in the bell and whistle smoke and mirrors, ouija boards of an alternative secretive parallel universe.
Cus..Professor Ronald Dworkin, Richard Dawkins, and my fav. Carl Sagan. They would tear these ideas to shreds in a matter of a few seconds.
That is why 2nd coming religious fantasies have to stay in the shadows....out of view and public scrutiny.
There is no proof that the 2nd coming has ever or will ever happen with Jesus, Cyrus, Hitler....or any other important historical myth (was Jesus a Roman psy-ops?) or actual figure from history. Clearly, there may be crazy fringe extremists, well funded, motivated and organised who THINK, believe and plan for the 2nd coming.
The symbol of Cyrus is arriving soon in 6 months skit, performance, stunt and psy-ops is the humble fire engine.
Jacob is so inbred spastic clever. Fire engine extinguishing the fire! Zoroastrians are amongst many other aspects fire-worshippers.
Pioneered stunt in the UK, it would blast its horns and flash its light speeding past at high emergency speed. Sometimes so dangerously near that you could see their faces laughing.
In Asia, the same fire engine does the walk of shame. Slow speed, far away, no horns blasting through traffic, and no sirens. The fire engine turns its face and says, 'Sorry my Asian bro, we have to follow Jacobs orders'.
In my marginal abnormal existence through oracles and Quija boards, hand gestures, and PRIVATE UTTERANCES.....the supreme truth is gleaned about the world stage. A walking talking alien phenomenon unto humanity.
2. Genghis ....perched ready with 200,000 Mongol horsemen to invade Russia.
3. Hitler
4. Jesus
5. Somali
6. Mexican maid
7. Japanese Tojo Nigata.....200,000 Samurai will attack Nanjing.
8. Space Alien from outer space
9. Engineering genius who will rejuvenate the British car industry, ALL BY HIMSELF by magic.
10. Will take 200,000 horsemen into Nepal and then to Delhi, and then head to South India to carry out a massacre with the steel Damascus Talwar aka Muhamad Tuglag.
11. I hate kids, and I want to eat them for breakfast.
12. An all-purpose evil monster ALPHA MALE, aka Borat, with big moustache who will destroy and subvert the aspirations of ALL gays, Lesbians tranvestites and feminist women (Its Jacobs fear and projection)---All ye LBGT of the world, unite against this threat!
The Jewish performer, formerly Ali-G. Exploiting Gypsies in Romania, and hapless dupes in the UK and USA in fake interviews/interactions. He also has a habit of slipping in anti-Semitic tropes by his fake Kazak, which is of course baseless. Incidentally Sasha (My Iranian Jew friend) the Kazaks were the worst victims of the Jewish Rothschilds funded Bolshevik experiment. They lost 30% of their population to Jew Genocide from 1921-53, and were the centre of Soviet nuclear industry activity. The Muslim Tartars lost 25% and the ethnic Russians 15%, in Alexander Solzynetzins 60 million genocide estimates (1918-1991). It is pretty sick Sasha for you to infer anti-Semitism from victims of the Jew Genocide.
As it happens Indo-Iranians can trace their ancestry to the Sintashta settlements of North Kazakstan (Circa 2400-1700 BC, moving South to establish the Andronovo culture). Is that why Sasha chose Borat to come from Kazakistan, even though Borat does not look Kazak, but more Iranian?
No fact or evidence of this is provided....How did it all start? What is the source of my alleged hatred against so many people? What is the process of Mostaque transforming into a bigotted hater of 'different' people? What great public speeches did he give? What Pultizer books did I publish? What great articles did I write for the Guardian and Washington Post? What great International Conference did I attend? Which bigotted hater group did I join to launch the great crusade?
His Imperial Highness Jacob Mc-Shekel the V opens his mouth and decides one day that I'm a homophobic bigoted with a on a Mission Impossible. From nowhere...and his Flying Monkey Dogs then sell it as given reality with skits, performances, stunts, psy-ops.
This guy is a has-been dinosaur, with nothing good to say.
Got to give it up to Jacob as an extremely effective way to mobilise the believers, within his in-crowd.
13. Anti-Christ Monster with red eyes, the evil eye and of course horns (Satanic Jacob PROJECTING)
Doesn't leave much to the imagination, I'll you leave with that, and let you guess whose button Jacob is pressing.
On the other hand....
14. An all-purpose new age Guru, who is going to solve ALL the problems of the world...by himself, by waving his Harry Potter Wand? (Jacob reverse PROJECTION) An honorary PhD from Cambridge that I can live with if it doesn't do any harm.
(i) From the blessings of America, and the Beatles flower Power various New Age Guru's were promoted from the 1960's from India, mostly. In yet another fake narrative I am somehow linked to this process, but in a new improved kind of way...like a New Age Guru ON STEROIDS.
(ii) No fact or evidence of this is provided....How did it all start? What is the process of Mostaque transforming into a new age wonder Guru? What great public speeches did he give? What Pultizer books did I publish? What great articles did I write for the Guardian and Washington Post? What great International Conference did I attend?........ I'm sure I would do a lot Beta than the ever angry teenager Greta Thornbird...I have a Masters in International Law from Warwick University (1996-1997) which dealt a lot with Global issues, under the Tutelage of Professor Upendra Bakshi, the famous professor from Delhi University who pioneered Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court of India in the late 1970's, on behalf of underclass underprivileged groups in Post Colonial Neo-liberal Feudal India, and big bad businesses and Economic Mafia's. My 15,000 dissertation was about the Environmental Laws of Bangladesh, the difference between the wonderful environment laws written by UN experts, and the reality of the actual implementation, with corruption.
Greta Thornbird with serious spunky ATTITUDE as an impressionable teenager ISN'T GOING TO address the fundamental global issues of the world and Climate Change specifically, in detail and in practicality. This would be the job of grey technocratic experts, with serious level headed thinking from around the world, who are not into POPULIST POSTURING THEATRICS........but logical discourse debate outside of the teenage playground. People who do not play to the gallery, but have the best interests of the whole of the earth. People who do not wish to colonise Mars as plan B. Before the tipping point, where the problems are so great that even Harry Potter with a magic wand can't save the earth.
A Wholly Mammoth frozen in ice in Siberia. 11,500 YEARS AGO the climate of Siberia was pretty mild, but a Global Apocalyptic event occurred which suddenly changed the climate of the world into a new ice age. In a matter of a few hours this animal went from enjoying eating lush green vegetation in a forest to being frozen (carbon dating, and stomach contents). This happened more often than not in the past, NATURALLY. Add to this NATURAL PHENOMENON, Human activity especially in the last 100 years, and Global Warming. I have never owned a car. I'm sorry German car industry.
(iii) What has all this got to do with Jacob? Jacob as head of the 'Globalists' and believes that since he is a Jew with lots of money and Title, he should 'rule' the world with his peculiar ideas formulated by him and his Eaton Butt buddies.
Therefore naturally Jacob hates 'ALTERNATIVE NARRATIVES' which appear to run counter to his agendas. He hates them when they come out of Englishmen like David Icke, whilst others are rubbed out or disappeared or imprisoned on false charges. These honest do-gooders don't know that you are not supposed to have an alternative point of view to Jacob (No official WARNING letter from HM gov.com stating Dear Sir/Madam if you persist in your point of view and make your views public you might have a rather nasty accident.....on a car or plane. We suggest Sky diving classes, if you can get the parachute passed airport security)
My assassination attempt by the state took place in Bristol in May 1986 with fellow university students in a Brown Vauxhall Austin Allegro, with the son of the Labour MP Dennis Howe dying in the accident. I'm going to take a wild stab and guess that this was about me being an engineering genius who was going to rejuvenate Phoenix like the UK automobile industry. I was an existential threat to the Rothschilds. The Midlands is where Dennis Howe was from and a sports minister MP, was once the great hub of the British car-manufacturing industry--BRITISH LEYLAND, ..
How so, in this specific case?
The UK in the 1970s and 1980s was run by Victor Rothschilds, Jacobs father. Lord Louis Mountbatten, a strong force and personality in the UK power structure was rubbed out as was Airey Neave, using a Celtic dominated force such as the CIA/IRA. The field was open for Victor Rothschilds, and he bought in a strong Celtic woman named Margaret Roberts of Welsh descent, with a gaggle of Jews and Sir Keith Joseph as the OFFICIAL POLICY GURU---with a very heavy serious head. For the Rothschilds, who are heavily into FINANCE and SERVICE it would make sense for the sake of PURE SELF INTEREST to convert the economy into a service/finance-based economy. 90% SERVICE (JOBS FOR WOMEN), AND 9% INDUSTRY (JOBS FOR MEN). A service-based economy makes the UK economy DANGEROUSLY UNSTABLE/VULNERABLE.
During the fake COVID-19 crisis the UK economy collapsed by 12% officially, and unofficially probably nearer 22%. One of the worst-performing Western economies and a clear indication of the failed Rothschilds economic policies for the UK. The Rothschilds and the super-rich benefit from economic crises in their country. They are nicely perched like vultures to pick up the pieces, especially if it's deliberate and pre-planned. Again, the Rothschilds don't have most of their money invested in the UK. An economy should be diversified, and not look like a banana republic economy. Margaret Roberts swung her handbag and destroyed BRITISH INDUSTRY, under the direction of Sir Keith Joseph and Victor Rothschilds. There was no Thatcher economic miracle, thus the ranting wishful thinking of Rothschild's publications propaganda. When Victor Rothschilds died in 1990, and so the cardboard cut out Thatcher's government collapsed.
The Rothschilds are parasites--leeches. The British people toil, sweat and apply their great genius, and the Rothschilds extracts money from the UK GDP and dump it into the 70 offshore tax havens, out of the natural healthy circulation of the UK economy ---into sterile bank vaults in mysterious Johnny foreigner destinations, and paying no tax.
Maybe only 0.0005% of the Rothschilds actual wealth is physically invested in the UK. The Flying Monkey dogs who surround Jacob, from the UK, probably think that since Jacob is the richest guy in the world, he is a jolly good fellow. These same SPASTIC IDIOTS probably think that when Johnny foreigner with shady backgrounds and money status come into the UK, buy a historical mansion in London in the West End, and a football club, it's good for the UK. What they never understand is that money is liquid, and it is International. The physical presence of a rich guy in your country means NOTHING.
Jacob loves shady foreigners, Jews and Arabs, Wogs, and niggers...as long as they have bags of shady money to launder through London, and into Jacob linked front banks. Jacob therefore must hate the British people, and see them as useful idiot doormats.
Most of these cars don't appear to be British, but foreigner--Its not Narcissistic envy speaking here. I'm not into these things, period. But the supreme irony of Jacobs crowds abusing noise pollution in his London.
It's annoying enough when an Englishman has an alternative view to Jacob, it gets worse when a Paki airs his views on Youtube and the new medium. I'm not talking about Tarek Ali, he is a Socialist leader promoted by the UK state since the 1960s, under the watchful wing of Michael Heseltine a conservative right-wing political heavyweight, and still waiting for his knighthood/OBE. Sir Salman Rushdie. the Rothschilds have sponsored Socialists states (USSR)....No I mean like this:WTF, who the fuck is this smelly Paki! (Jacob thinking out loud). Probably smells of Vindaloo, seriously funny clothes and mud-brown inky wog, murdering the English language. It's bad enough Jacobs sister marrying a Paki, but now you have these Pakis with funny viewpoints pouring it out, in total contradiction to what Joseph believes. Obviously, these people aren't spouting nonsense against Jacob--but being a paranoid spastic he probably personalizes them. The Japanese don't do New Age gurus, Nor Singaporeans, or Israelis, or Germans, or Africans...so why do these Pakis do it?
Obviously, Jacob has his own army of New Age Gurus MANAGING THE DISCOURSE--GATE KEEPING-----LIMITED HANGOUT-----Since he is an avowed super racist butch gay of the Jewish satanic variety, most of these people are of North European descent and males.

Super racist butch gay Jacob can't get used to the idea of using BROWN PEOPLE to SELL his carpetbag wares. The USA WILL BE AFRO-LATINO-HISPANIC BROWN MAJORITY by 2030, depending on how hard the GLOBALISTS work to that end, as will large parts of Europe. (I'm not CROWING here, merely informing of what will be. Jacob considers me as a white Aryan from Central Asia---'The Uzbekistan Ox', is the insider term of reference in the UK...the nigga nigga slur is to impress the plebs below him, especially in security. Brown people are considered dumb by Jacob. Brown people make good obedient slaves, according to Jacob, less likely to rebel or question authority. Brown people are a weapon/tool for Jacob )
first of all, you need to know that being Jacobs BITCH cardboard cut out front will not guarantee safety and security. You are a pawn, toilet paper used and discarded. Lee Harvey Oswald was precisely that as he worked for the CIA/MI complex going DEEP UNDERCOVER as a good gay American embracing Communism, denouncing the USA repeatedly, 'marrying' Marina a Soviet citizen and children, going to the Soviet Union, living there for several years, building his contacts and working in a top-secret missile technology factory in the USSR!!!!! Then back to the USA to continue his deep cover narrative of 'I hate Capitalist America' on TV, radio shows and on-location protests in the Southern conservative parts of the USA, and Mexico. Studiously building up his Deep Cover in the USA. What he obviously did not know is that the CIA would use him as a patsy cover story for the CIA linked Cuban mafia that was actually used to assassinate the President......(Cus he is a crazy Commie who hates America, and payback for the Cuban mIssile Crisis) What it means is that the CIA organised President JF Kennedy's murder, as a military coup on behalf of the Deep State.
JFK appeared like a new breath of fresh air for a new younger, more optimistic, positive humanistic America. The public speeches in office, if not the actions indicated precisely that.
This would be a no no for the Deep State and Rothschilds, whose stock in trade was WAR AND CONFRONTATION. JFK merely appeared in his 2 year term to appeal to a more JUST, HARMONIOUS, PEACEFUL, LESS CONFRONTATIONAL WORLD.......that was the type of message Jacob Globalists crowd did not like.
But the Globalists have learnt that using young cool people to sell the message is more effective to the superficial public.
Edward Snowden is a Deep State creature with some psychological problems. He had a $200,000 salaried job within the Deep State/CIA nexus. He has a pole dancer girlfriend. Probably owns a Porsche car to boot, the signature car of cool CIA field officers. His limited hangout is that the big bad anti-libertarian government in the USA is spying on everybody using mobile phones and so on---Well thank you Eddie for that peace of priceless reflection insight. 'the sun rises in the East and is very hot'. Hollywood movies have been done about him by Deep State Oliver Stone....and all manner of state media to build him up. ....as a faux whistleblower. Probably somewhere in North Dakota, Deep undercover. The Deep State of Russia and the USA collaborate aka the Cuban Missile crisis and Snowden.
Julian Assange, the blond bombshell from Aussieland. Male stripper in his earlier days? Belonged to a racist Aussie all fake blond cult also in his younger Aussie days. Probably recruited by the spooks in the 1990's in London. Por Qua? Runs a limited hangout site, which also snares genuine whistleblowers from the USA and funnels them to the State Department snitch call-in center.
In the 2000's after retard George was elected President and the fake 9/11 Deep State event occurred...the USA ran amok in the world, creating 70 million global refugees and killing upward of 10 million brown people in formerly failed CIA puppet states including 30-40,000 American civilians and soldiers (Deep State collateral damage). The USA Empire committed Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity and doing its level best to spread the gospel and teach others to do the same with black rendition sites, and persuading them to send token military units in Afghanistan and Iraq.....Of the 800,000 people with security clearance jobs in the USA, some would grow a conscience and say this isn't MY AMERICA, and I need to exercise my constitutional rights by whistleblowing.....committing suicide is the cowardly option. Wikileaks job would be to honey trap these naive unsuspecting people and turn them over to the State Department for interrogation and eventual disappearance. Julian Assange is a nasty piece of work.
So why does Jacob and his Eton Butt Buddie's employ/ project me as an unpaid fake New Age Guru? It's jolly good fun, after dinner entertainment for them? Maybe, but not quite.
Jacob's family business may have been originally as a financier of war from Germany. However high finance is not the only business Jacob is into. The family also invest their $ trillion in other businesses, but which may not appear as under Rothschilds control. BP and Royal Dutch Shell are alleged to be Rothschilds Front companies....like the smaller mafia investing in restaurants and launderettes.
But LOGICALLY why conflate and advertise a threat in your peer group, and make it seem worse than it is. Rationally shouldn't you try and manage, control and buy the THREAT, and make it work for you in a positive win-win scenario? One can only dream and wonder how the mind of a satanic Jew Globalist trillionaire works--the rationality and motives of an octogenarian.
To scare the bejesus out of your peer group into doomsday bunkers, a mission to Mars and unity in fear might be good leverage for Jacob. It costs nothing but a few well-placed rumours through his Eton butt buddies.
I have absolutely no intentions of launching Crusades against big Tobacco, big oil, big Pharma or any big business.....and there is absolutely no solid EVIDENCE OF THIS FACT.
I don't wear a ponytail or eat Broccoli Quiche Loraine, with Lambussco Rossa.
I am however very happy to explore open-minded collaborative work with the big business if it results in positive outcomes for ALL except Jacobs front businesses.
15. Hates China Too.
Yeah, he hates every country he visits and works in--Laos, Thailand, South Korea, Turkey..and so on.
WHY? It just is, and because Jacob says so. No evidence needed, no speeches at important venues, books, articles, conferences....no proof needed. Just hearsay.
This fake hearsay also makes it difficult to live and work in any country. To build relationships with local friends.
So I'm going to say about China what I honestly think with a few facts, and leave it with that.
China is an important country in Asia and an important in the world. It deserves understanding and respect. According to the IMF and WB, it is the richest country in the world. Why wouldn't any rational person try and understand such a country, and understand learn about its success?
Its greater success yet to come?
Why reduce this great phenomenon into puerile petty misunderstanding and conflict, instead of accomodating it and trying to work with this phenomenon.
China is doing what the USA was doing after WWII, giving to the world in WIN-WIN scenarios.
At a more personal level, if its OK to do that, China is DONATING CREDIT to Bangladesh a country a mere 30 miles from China--$30 billion for strategic Industry and Infrastructure. No other country in the world has ever done that for the poor country, where I was born.
Power stations, machine tools factories, chemical factories, bridges and ports.
Bangladesh lacked electric power for development after independence in the 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's, 2010's...but finally, it might get solved with Chinese assistance.
China is developing mega project ports in Mongla and Chittagong, with SILK road routes running through Myanmar from Yunan province and Indian Assam.
Bangladesh was a trade hub under the Mughals, accounting 50-60% of the Mughal economy. Once a global trade hub called 'Sabha Bengal'.....before the ravages of colonialism. China's is helping Bangladesh realise that dream. This is bread and butter essential stuff for a nation of 160 million.
BUT, Jacob insists I hate China.
16. Mr. India.
I'm not from India, I'm actually British.....the persistent whispering from the UK.
I have never visited India, and probably never will.
I don't know a single Indian.
Visiting Indian websites, movies, songs and food does not constitute actually being Indian.
I'm not linked to any Indian networks or organisations.
I don't have any Indian friends....etc.
I do not consider India to be a safe country for me, given the negative experiences with Indians in Laos in the first place, with the rise of the fascist BJP courtesy of Israel, the CIA and Jacob...whose one pony trick is to target Muslims in India, as an election platform--and as a divisive affirmation to their masters.
Just because a Crisis actor says, 'Are you Indian?' does not necessarily make me an Indian, for Jacob fantasy world.
Just because a Crisis actor from India says 'hello sir', does not mean I'm Indian.
But Jacob opens his shrivelled arse and makes an Imperial edict that I'm going to invade India with 200,000 warriors from Kabul, and it thus becomes International Law/fact courtesy of his flying Monkies. No fact, or detail...it is just is in a vague kind of way.
This presses national paranoia fears in North India, especially and is very similar to the fake colonial propaganda that the British had arrived in India to liberate the Hindus from Muslim rule. When the British went on the road to conquest, India was not under Muslim rule. The most powerful state entity in the Subcontinent was the Hindu Maratha Confederacy. Otherwise, the Indian subcontinent had been subjected to 100 years of Apochraphal Civil War courtesy of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and his fanatical rule. .....the British picked up the pieces of exhausted India both Hindu dominated (3 Anglo-Maratha wars) and of course Muslim dominated portions...and proceeded to rule it with 500 princely states, in the alliance.
The first real incursion by a Muslim ruler was by Mahmud of Ghazni.
Mahmud of Ghazni (Persian: محمود غزنوی; 2 November 971 – 30 April 1030) or Mahmud Ghaznavi[1] was the founder of the Turkic[2][3] Ghaznavid dynasty, ruling from 998 to 1030. At the time of his death, his kingdom had been transformed into an extensive military empire, which extended from northwestern Iran proper to the Punjab in the Indian subcontinent, Khwarazm in Transoxiana, and Makran.
Thereafter in 1206 AD the North Indian Delhi Sultanate was established, with Alauddin Khilji being its greatest military genius, defeating the Mongols several times with smaller military forces...a colourful larger than life character who also LOVED WOMEN (other peoples women) and men, and food.
Battle of Chittor (1303)
This is great propaganda if you want to elect the BJP for a second term, but has no connection to reality. Instead of seeing Alauddin Khilji as a unique special son of India, who alone defeated the Mongols several times
1. Indus 2. Lahore 3. Multan 4. Beas river 5. Punjab (1292)
9. Delhi (1303) 10. Amroha (1305) 11. Ravi (1306)
(---whilst Europe, Khorasan, Russia, China, and Abbassid Caliphate succumbed to their destruction.) He is portrayed as a caricature Muslim stranger from 'Pakistan '/Afghanistan...an evil foreign abomination. To facilitate Jacobs narrative via Israel/CIA and American geostrategy in the region. This must-have become more real for frightened North Indians, when the CIA smoothly facilitated the ascendency of the Taliban in Kabul recently, and as they brushed aside the Narco-state that they had created since 2001.
I'm not ALAUDDIN KHILJI, I was NOT brought up in Medival North India with its specific thought patterns. I wouldn't dream of killing my uncle to get ahead in life--I'm not a driven go-getter on a mission, I'm actually quite SLOW PLODDING slothful lazy--reflecting my physique and mentality. Feel free to observe me go up and down any stairs I have zero military background. I don't live by and exist by the values of the Medival era, maybe Jacob with his HISTORY major from Cambridge and Eton public school does, PROJECTING, in his elite isolated glasshouse.
And dear North Indians where is the reality of marching 200,000 horsemen from Kabul to India for conquest with Talwar and bows. The Pakistanis will join in and say 'acha bacha' let's go. The Indian military machine will be frozen with fear at the sight of 200,000 horsemen? Where is the reality? Where is the truth?
The Indian military is pretty good, and professional. It WILL destroy with ease in a matter of a few hours a foreign invasion force that is on horseback armed with bows and arrows. I hasten to add that this is not due to the British Raj legacy......no, no, no.....the military of Pakistan and Bangladesh are pretty crap. The reason is that the politicians in Delhi have treated the military with healthy suspicion, and treated it badly (military convoys move at night from one base to another near Delhi, and ALL political hell paranoia is let loose)....what has resulted from this civilian mistreatment is a force focused on its job of defending India, with very meagre resources which cannot be wasted. India spends officially 1.6% of GDP on defence, but if you take into account the unaudited black economy of--20-30% of GDP, then India's real defence expenditure is closer to 1.2-1.3% of GDP...$130-140 billion in real PPP GDP terms. VERY LOW FOR THE 4th most nuclear/CONVENTIONAL power in the world, which Hilary Clinton has promised to convert into a great global power IN THE WORLD, AS YET.(Prepping India for yet another GLOBALIST Hegalian Dialect against Pakistan/China)
I will not attempt to persuade the North Indians to think differently about the Muslim invasions and rule, there are long historical scars that have not been tended to, and yet others who for political reasons wish to open these wounds for geostrategic reasons of foreigners (Israel/USA/Jacob).
Battle of Panipat (1761)
or Hindi Cinema interpretations of it for the BJP 2nd re-election, but no Sunny Leone item number. Big bad Afghans, who are at least 2 dimensional and more interesting, than the cardboard wooden Indian hero of the movie.
But you are not going to see this 55-year-old lead any army of any sort anywhere. It is not me. This is not who I am...I have no military experience or capability anyway, or the desire.
Though I may wear a fur LEATHER coat to tease the Indians, mildly.
17. Is a 5-year-old baby, in Jacob's control and care.
I'm actually 55 years old. But Josephs crowd will insist on projecting me as a helpless 5-year-old toddler.
I think it reflects the detached UNREAL FANTASY world of Jacob, which is favoured by the Germans only.
It has satanic undertones.
The Germans are a big enthusiastic feature of the Flying Monkey businesses since the ROTHSCHILDS (Red Shield in German) originate from Frankfurt, Germany.
It's a skit, performance, stunt psyops for the benefit of the in-crowd.
The other internet jargon for this is PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING. or PSYOP CONDITIONING.
You are under our control, resistance Mein heren is useless, boots click.
It started in Munich downtown near Marienplatz in the Autumn of 2003. It involves a toddler crying very loud (deliberately made to cry), and a group of adults surrounding that crying toddler, with a mixture of trying to console it or even scold it to stop crying. One of the adults would look my way to ensure I was looking.
Satanic child sacrifice of Jacobs variety involves sacrificing a child on a granite stone altar, surrounded by Jacobs in-crowd in special hooded robes. The child would be tortured slowly to extract the screams of pain--the highlight of the ceremony---special prayers would be offered to the Babylonian Gods such as Mollock....and this process would give Jacobs crowd POWER from the pain and sacrifice of the nameless child. Its blood would be extracted and drunk, and its flesh cooked and eaten. AKA CIA black rendition sites, and the targeting and torture of children in Syria, Iraq and especially Afghanistan by CIA led special forces.
In FACT/REALITY, little children are angels. That is why most humans break out in a smile when they see a toddler. Its is natural across cultures humanistic reflex behaviour. They are born with 2 angels on both shoulders of the baby. As time moves on and adults wear a scowl, become cynical, pessimistic un-smiling and old, CORRUPTED, the 2 angels leave the adult. If you are suffering from PSTD from the endless GLOBALIST JACOB wars, don't regress against society but grow and learn from it by not taking up alcohol, or other negative habits, but working FOR/WITH CHILDREN....and helping them into the future. Build a future for them, if not yourself.
FACT/REALITY. I'm 55 years old, not 5 with diapers. I'm in the 1% elite educated bracket of the UK. I'm a barrister. I'm a teacher. I have a Masters in International Law from Warwick University. I also have unique Party skills tricks to entertain people for fun. It is dangerous for Jacob to think that I'm a mere 5 year old, after all these years.
Some of these colourful baseless slurs I can live with. They may be considered badges of honour by me, and by a LOT OF ORDINARY HUMANS. That a whole state expends energy, from the orders of the richest man on earth massage parlours the male ego, in a way it shouldn't since it is not true.
On the other hand if Jacob's deviant, satanic, Globalist, anti-human agenda USING ME as the foil succeeds and people get hurt then I will, of course, oppose it. This is undesirable, eliciting guilt, shame and false culpability (Mia Culpea) on my part as a fully functioning EMPATHIC HUMAN BEING......done in my name as Jacobs foil.
Jacob owes me a couple billion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (loose change for him) using me to advertise his wares for 40+ years. I won't ask Alibaba for money.
So, ahem ah ahem Jacobs Flying Money dogs are retard spastics with criminal intent? Morons? Jacob needs these types of 'special' people to follow his policies.
The SPASTIC RETARDED 'THINKING' that he alone can survive a global end of time apocalypse in a billion $ bunker, whilst 7 billion humans perish.

Luxury doomsday bunkers: How the mega-rich are preparing for the apocalyse - CNN Style
Presumably, Jacob has a special place in his billion $ bunker for his favoured son Nathan, who shares Jacobs gait.....the apple of his eyes.
Presumably, Jacob loves ALL his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren yet to be born, along with the love child the super-rich breed for a variety of reasons. Not just Nathan.
So WHY not bequeath to them Jacob a beautiful, sunny, promising, glorious, hopeful, PEACEFUL, HAPPY WORLD for your generation Jacob? Why does it have to be Globalist Satanic?
The Jew under siege from the Goyim
Jacob's not going to change as an over the hill octogenarian. I just put it out here for the sake of argument and balance.........Jacob cannot get the FRANKFURTER GHETTO JEW MENTALITY out of his system, despite his family living in England for 230 years, and at the apex of power. With Lordie Lord halleluja titles and badges....he still can't get the petit Jew outta his system.
I just put it out there for the sake of argument and balance, that things don't have to be that way.....all doom and gloom, and end of times apocalyptic. Reason, logic and rationality can flourish and prevail. I get it that as an Octegerian things might seem that way, but you are not the universe.
1. Climate Change
2. How to use seawater to make the desert green
3. Eradicating poverty
4. Fairer trade around the world
5. Universal free education up to the age of 18
6. Universal free healthcare
7. The cancellation of ALL student debt, and to see EDUCATION as a HUMAN GOOD and universal right regardless of race, creed and social background. Not to see EDUCATION as a profit and loss business proposition based on the ravages of the free market.
Oh please chase me!
But he has everything?
The difference between Campy gays are fantastic. I had an uncle who was Campy gay.
and Butch gays........repressed, closet angst and non accept of who they are
Skits, performance and Psy-ops over 30 years
My experience with John
I have gay relatives and bought up in liberal UK
Assuming most of his Flying Monkey's are gay, and its all a motivational act for the benefit of his fraternity.
Try to see the funny side of Jacobs antics of 30 years, that's all you can do. The PROMOTION of his gay condition to me is TOUCHING? Though a little bizarre. Jacob darling you only need to tell me once that you are a closet faggot. Anyway, the Rothschilds originate from Frankfurt Germany, originally residing in the Jewish ghetto of that city. Then 230 years ago some of them moved to London, and they have never looked back since.