Sep 13, 2020
Sep 12, 2020
Biden the Globalist love child
It's not astrophysics rocket science.
It's not astrophysics rocket science.
Sep 9, 2020
Sep 8, 2020
Sep 6, 2020
Kitchen Sink ISSUES that most American think about, not WOKE POLITICS, and Culture Wars---with Republicans you get next to NOTHING.

One of the most corrupt GLOBALIST politicians in the USA amassing $40 million as a politicians when $2/3 million is the norm. He hates ordinary Americans...

One of the most corrupt GLOBALIST politicians in the USA amassing $40 million as a politicians when $2/3 million is the norm. He hates ordinary Americans...
Gay Beta male gossiping of 'he said she said', behind peoples back......typical of faggotty spooks echo chambers
We ALL say things informally in private, that which we REALLY DON'T MEAN.
Democrat LBJ in private referred to blacks as them niggers as one of the most foul-mouthed Presidents in American history with expletives and meaningless Texan hyperbole being the normal part of his lexicon, and yet he is the one President who helped promote African-American the most in terms of federal entitlements.
President Nixon referred to Jews and Kissinger disparagingly, and yet he had many Jews in his administration and came to the rescue of Israel in the 1973 war.(One source of his downfall by the Jewish Deep state)
Hilary Clinton who has a Jewish father has openly referred to Jews disparagingly.....in private, and in fits of rage.
We ALL are humans and not programmed machines.
Also in private, in informal language, we can refer to our nearest and dearest in intimacy using the foulest language as an expression of endearment and familiarity..' Hey you fucking wanker get me a pint' working-class speak.
"we're here, we're queer and we're gonna have a beer"
Now, private gossipping can land and cause pain only if it is true.
American servicemen are the most pampered people in uniform on earth.
They are lionised by society, the media and Hollywood as noble heroes.
The average American employee in the army, for example, will be paid $60,000 ......along with huge pensions if they retire in their 30's and 40's and go into the civilian job market. In addition, they have opportunities for college and higher education paid for by the military ......whereas in normal situations given their working-class background they could never think about higher education, given how expensive it is for higher income brackets.......Middle class up (the average student debt is $32,000 and above).....higher education access and higher further skills paid for by the government.
Free 24/7 great chow.

Fort Sill
Free accommodation.
mermaid of tax exemptions.
Get on a plane and get a first-class seat...and a kiss from the stewardess.
For working-class boys and gals with minimal education, many obese, many belonging to criminal gangs, some with criminal records......joining the American military is a WINNER.
For the higher-ups its one long GRAVY TRAIN, AND crime syndicate....where being gay and sucking up to the system are the only things that counts in senior office staff promotion (since the 1960's under LBJ)
We ALL say things informally in private, that which we REALLY DON'T MEAN.
Democrat LBJ in private referred to blacks as them niggers as one of the most foul-mouthed Presidents in American history with expletives and meaningless Texan hyperbole being the normal part of his lexicon, and yet he is the one President who helped promote African-American the most in terms of federal entitlements.
President Nixon referred to Jews and Kissinger disparagingly, and yet he had many Jews in his administration and came to the rescue of Israel in the 1973 war.(One source of his downfall by the Jewish Deep state)
Hilary Clinton who has a Jewish father has openly referred to Jews disparagingly.....in private, and in fits of rage.
We ALL are humans and not programmed machines.
Also in private, in informal language, we can refer to our nearest and dearest in intimacy using the foulest language as an expression of endearment and familiarity..' Hey you fucking wanker get me a pint' working-class speak.
"we're here, we're queer and we're gonna have a beer"
Now, private gossipping can land and cause pain only if it is true.
American servicemen are the most pampered people in uniform on earth.
They are lionised by society, the media and Hollywood as noble heroes.
The average American employee in the army, for example, will be paid $60,000 ......along with huge pensions if they retire in their 30's and 40's and go into the civilian job market. In addition, they have opportunities for college and higher education paid for by the military ......whereas in normal situations given their working-class background they could never think about higher education, given how expensive it is for higher income brackets.......Middle class up (the average student debt is $32,000 and above).....higher education access and higher further skills paid for by the government.
Free 24/7 great chow.

Fort Sill
Free accommodation.
mermaid of tax exemptions.
Get on a plane and get a first-class seat...and a kiss from the stewardess.
For working-class boys and gals with minimal education, many obese, many belonging to criminal gangs, some with criminal records......joining the American military is a WINNER.
For the higher-ups its one long GRAVY TRAIN, AND crime syndicate....where being gay and sucking up to the system are the only things that counts in senior office staff promotion (since the 1960's under LBJ)
Sep 5, 2020
The USA is FINALLY getting out of the Afghan GLOBALIST FAKE war....lets tell the American electorate.
The glorious Trump administration is finally taking steps to really remove ALL USA troops out of Afghanistan.
So far its been.....a mini-surge 14,000 and then back to just above Obama levels of 7,000 (8500).
The FAKE GLOBALIST Afghan war corrupts and destroys the American security military machine, in the manner of the 'Great Northern Wars' endless and corrupting....with Swedish soldiers looting their own provisions and getting drunk whilst campaigning in Ukraine in 1706-1709......so that they were ill-prepared for the final battle at Poltava.
The glorious Trump administration is finally taking steps to really remove ALL USA troops out of Afghanistan.
So far its been.....a mini-surge 14,000 and then back to just above Obama levels of 7,000 (8500).
The FAKE GLOBALIST Afghan war corrupts and destroys the American security military machine, in the manner of the 'Great Northern Wars' endless and corrupting....with Swedish soldiers looting their own provisions and getting drunk whilst campaigning in Ukraine in 1706-1709......so that they were ill-prepared for the final battle at Poltava.
It was the beginning of the Swedish Empire's decline as a European great power'
The age old whisper circulates and echo's in Third World circles as to why there are no military coups in America..... because there are no American embassy there.
An American ambassador with strategic vision can give the President the true advice he needs regarding the real facts on the ground...in a manner the CRIMINAL MAFIAESQ GLOBALIST CIA and PENTAGON cannot.
The President has been so far been relying on these two to give him advice on Afghanistan.
When these to advise the President about Afghanistan they omit to tell him about their Opium narcotics business empire which accounts for 90% of all heroin business in the world.....and the USA..2020 thats what they have been doing so far.
And that the Taliban is a CIA CREATION FROM 1994 via the largesse of the DNC Clintons and Sandy Berger.
They omit to tell the President of the massive corruption in Afghanistan, including payments to the Taliban as to when and where not to attack USA forces going back at least a decade. Afghan ghost soldiers.....Afghan 'reconstruction'
Peddling fake baloney stories about Russia and Iran paying the CIA Taliban to kill American servicemen.
War crimes of the worst sort including sodomising detainees ...probably innocent....using dogs, and killing innocent villagers and dropping AK-47s by their side to prove their culpability......after extensive torture.....'oh the noble warriors''......and the 4th world failed STATE used as a dustbin to wipe the pissy puerile prejudices of the working class grunts of the USA Empire.
Trump’s Pick for Afghanistan Ambassador Wants to Withdraw US Troops Immediately
Will Ruger has been trying to end the war for years.
In a move the could have major implications for the longest running war in US history, the Trump administration is planning to nominate Will Ruger to be the next ambassador to Afghanistan, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. Ruger, an anti-interventionist conservative, has long championed an immediate withdrawal of American troops from that country.
“A peace deal between Afghans shouldn’t be a prerequisite for doing the right thing for the US.”......Or an agreement NEGOTIATIONS DIRECT TALKS with the CIA Taliban.
Ruger’s planned nomination, which a source familiar with the matter confirmed to Mother Jones, speaks to President Trump’s desire to remove troops from Afghanistan as quickly as possible. Though the United States signed a much-criticized peace deal with the Taliban in February, the administration has been hazy about when to expect a full withdrawal of troops. Trump reportedly wants troops home before Election Day, but the Pentagon has advocated for a much “slower withdrawal schedule,” the New York Times reported in May.
Ruger, like Trump, supports a more expeditious departure. In his role as vice president for research and policy at the Charles Koch Institute, Ruger has long pushed for an immediate end to the two-decade-old war. “We should not equate Afghanistan with Iraq,” he wrote in response to a Washington Post editorial criticizing Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban last year. “Staying longer will not magically achieve the broad and unnecessary goals that have eluded us to date.”
The age old whisper circulates and echo's in Third World circles as to why there are no military coups in America..... because there are no American embassy there.
An American ambassador with strategic vision can give the President the true advice he needs regarding the real facts on the ground...in a manner the CRIMINAL MAFIAESQ GLOBALIST CIA and PENTAGON cannot.
The President has been so far been relying on these two to give him advice on Afghanistan.
When these to advise the President about Afghanistan they omit to tell him about their Opium narcotics business empire which accounts for 90% of all heroin business in the world.....and the USA..2020 thats what they have been doing so far.
And that the Taliban is a CIA CREATION FROM 1994 via the largesse of the DNC Clintons and Sandy Berger.
They omit to tell the President of the massive corruption in Afghanistan, including payments to the Taliban as to when and where not to attack USA forces going back at least a decade. Afghan ghost soldiers.....Afghan 'reconstruction'
Peddling fake baloney stories about Russia and Iran paying the CIA Taliban to kill American servicemen.
War crimes of the worst sort including sodomising detainees ...probably innocent....using dogs, and killing innocent villagers and dropping AK-47s by their side to prove their culpability......after extensive torture.....'oh the noble warriors''......and the 4th world failed STATE used as a dustbin to wipe the pissy puerile prejudices of the working class grunts of the USA Empire.
Trump’s Pick for Afghanistan Ambassador Wants to Withdraw US Troops Immediately

Will Ruger has been trying to end the war for years.
In a move the could have major implications for the longest running war in US history, the Trump administration is planning to nominate Will Ruger to be the next ambassador to Afghanistan, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. Ruger, an anti-interventionist conservative, has long championed an immediate withdrawal of American troops from that country.
“A peace deal between Afghans shouldn’t be a prerequisite for doing the right thing for the US.”......Or an agreement NEGOTIATIONS DIRECT TALKS with the CIA Taliban.
Ruger’s planned nomination, which a source familiar with the matter confirmed to Mother Jones, speaks to President Trump’s desire to remove troops from Afghanistan as quickly as possible. Though the United States signed a much-criticized peace deal with the Taliban in February, the administration has been hazy about when to expect a full withdrawal of troops. Trump reportedly wants troops home before Election Day, but the Pentagon has advocated for a much “slower withdrawal schedule,” the New York Times reported in May.
Ruger, like Trump, supports a more expeditious departure. In his role as vice president for research and policy at the Charles Koch Institute, Ruger has long pushed for an immediate end to the two-decade-old war. “We should not equate Afghanistan with Iraq,” he wrote in response to a Washington Post editorial criticizing Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban last year. “Staying longer will not magically achieve the broad and unnecessary goals that have eluded us to date.”
Sep 3, 2020
Another election winner policy implemented--approval rating moving PAST Biden--FAKE MSM silent
They said President Trump was a one-dimensional bitter paranoid ranter.....but he IS delivering for the 99%.
He WILL deliver finely calibrated policies for females that represent 50% of the voters....and the category that surged him into the Whitehouse in 2016.
He WILL deliver finely calibrated policies for the over 60's that represent 25% of the voters....and the category that surged him into the Whitehouse in 2016. Their voter turnout is 72%, and they overwhelmingly vote Republican, set as they are in their traditional conservative ways.
The 'Erics' of the party represent the front line vociferous MINORITY (5% of Trump voters?). The stormtroopers that are visible, but are not the critical 'silent majority' who will deliver the legitimacy and mandate of numbers for President Trump and his second term. They can be pampered, and speeches can be calibrated to appeal to their particular Woke politics and culture........BUT, as important are the silent majority who must be taken care of.
The CIA/State Department colour Revolution will come to roost in America after November the 3rd when President Trump wins, when the Deep State violence increases and calls are made for a military coup to calm the 'situation' along with the BLM, and Hilary waits in the wings perched near Washington along with Obama. (Failed State Ukraine 2014 playbook---a very good reason NOT to give money and weapons to Ukraine post-2014, and fully investigate how the Obama administration spent $5 billion in that country. You can't do that whilst you pour more money into that country as the new normal ).
Then at that time 'Eric' will be needed, along with State troopers, Homeland contractors and safe reliable local police. Not the Kushners of the world, who belong emotionally and culturally to the other team......BUT I suppose this administration has a long fine record of harbouring individuals and entities that are a deep threat to its very existence.....charming blissful ignorance or sheer stupidity?
They said President Trump was a one-dimensional bitter paranoid ranter.....but he IS delivering for the 99%.
He WILL deliver finely calibrated policies for females that represent 50% of the voters....and the category that surged him into the Whitehouse in 2016.
He WILL deliver finely calibrated policies for the over 60's that represent 25% of the voters....and the category that surged him into the Whitehouse in 2016. Their voter turnout is 72%, and they overwhelmingly vote Republican, set as they are in their traditional conservative ways.
The 'Erics' of the party represent the front line vociferous MINORITY (5% of Trump voters?). The stormtroopers that are visible, but are not the critical 'silent majority' who will deliver the legitimacy and mandate of numbers for President Trump and his second term. They can be pampered, and speeches can be calibrated to appeal to their particular Woke politics and culture........BUT, as important are the silent majority who must be taken care of.
The CIA/State Department colour Revolution will come to roost in America after November the 3rd when President Trump wins, when the Deep State violence increases and calls are made for a military coup to calm the 'situation' along with the BLM, and Hilary waits in the wings perched near Washington along with Obama. (Failed State Ukraine 2014 playbook---a very good reason NOT to give money and weapons to Ukraine post-2014, and fully investigate how the Obama administration spent $5 billion in that country. You can't do that whilst you pour more money into that country as the new normal ).
Then at that time 'Eric' will be needed, along with State troopers, Homeland contractors and safe reliable local police. Not the Kushners of the world, who belong emotionally and culturally to the other team......BUT I suppose this administration has a long fine record of harbouring individuals and entities that are a deep threat to its very existence.....charming blissful ignorance or sheer stupidity?
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