The VP with Hidin Bidin will also be their total female puppet. Someone the duo have worked with as their obedient lapdog.
So this time around the 2016 election SCENARIO WILL NOT BE REPEATED for President Trump since he is no longer the new fresh kid in town.
The GLOBALISTS headed by the Rothschilds of London have used him as the foil to DESTABILISE AMERICA.........NOW ASCENDING IN SWITZERLAND FOR STRATEGY MEETINGS.
President Trump must SUMMON SPECIAL powers of imagination and strategy to save America from the wrath and schemes of the Globalists.
Perhaps on an emergency basis, he can bring in Carl Rove to head his re-election strategy in a mature experienced strategic manner.
Jun 27, 2020
Jun 25, 2020
Hidin Bidin WILL become President by hiding, in the greatest democracy of the free world, and the land of the 'free and brave.'
The DEMOCRATS have no strategy for power and government save
Senile Octogenarian wap Pelosi WITH BOTOX and Jew Chuckie Schumer of the Mossad have NOTHING FOR AMERICA.
The GOP COULD HAVE/can have a field day by simply listing eNUNCIATING in a SINCERE manner what their policies for the 99% majority...working and middle class...are and how they intend to fulfil THEIR PROMISES ........in a serious way.
A program for by of the people having to endure Rothschild London GLOBALIST GAMES.
Pissy little cutesy anecdotes and sound bites delivered with snide SMIRKS will not cut the mustard with the SERIOUSLY CHALLENGED AMERICAN PEOPLE.
No FUCKING one wants to know why the President walks slowly down the stairs, except the Democrats because they have no message of hope for America.
No FUCKING one wants to know why the President uses two hands to drink water, except the Democrats because they have no real message of hope for the American people.
Nobody FUCKING wants to know if the President has small hands, except the Democrats because they have no real message of hope for the American people.
'never repeat a big lie/weakness in the process of denying it' Nixon. Because this reinforces the big lie/weakness--it has been given additional oxygen and attention.
Lets get the message of hope out there to the 99%. Lets get the specific big ideas rolled out (Carl Rove).
Lets attack Hidin Bidin more aggressively..
AFTER giving the banksters and corrupt corporations who were buddy buddy with admin officials bags of stolen peoples cash trillions......LETS GIVE:
1. Old PEOPLE some bread crumbs
2. Working-class and middle-class families some bread crumbs
3. Unemployed some bread crumbs
4. Small businesses bread crumbs.
5. University students some bread crumbs.
President Trumps happy smiling picture can be on the cheques.

Otherwise known as RE-ELECTION FLIERS.
Sooner rather than later NOT cynically near the elections...September October (its then called too little too late.)
When a married couple fall out over I don't know....the kids, the bills, hubbies late nights when they EVENTUALLY make up it is highly SEXUALLY CHARGED.
Its time for the GOP to make up with the 99% cus when the sluce gates open under President hiding bidin and the world descends into America.....you ain't EVER gonna get elected again.
Then YOU will be in the wilderness for 2/3 terms until a new radical generation of centre-left 'ethnic' Merikkans take over the GOP.
and Don Juan Hose Garcia Jesus Colonia emerges as the new leader of the GOP reflecting the DEMOGRAPHICS.

Indo-European maiden from the steppes of Russia


I'm going to Crystal Ball on the Quija board and say that the vast majority of the new Hidin Bidin sluce gate immigrants won't get free-market libertarian capitalism (its a WASP thing) and they will opt for some sort of SOCIALISM.
Expediency SHORT TERM (FDR New Deal ) Socialism is OK to fight and counter the FAKE destabilisation...flexibility.
Is this complicated to understand????
The DEMOCRATS have no strategy for power and government save
Senile Octogenarian wap Pelosi WITH BOTOX and Jew Chuckie Schumer of the Mossad have NOTHING FOR AMERICA.
The GOP COULD HAVE/can have a field day by simply listing eNUNCIATING in a SINCERE manner what their policies for the 99% majority...working and middle class...are and how they intend to fulfil THEIR PROMISES ........in a serious way.
A program for by of the people having to endure Rothschild London GLOBALIST GAMES.
Pissy little cutesy anecdotes and sound bites delivered with snide SMIRKS will not cut the mustard with the SERIOUSLY CHALLENGED AMERICAN PEOPLE.
No FUCKING one wants to know why the President walks slowly down the stairs, except the Democrats because they have no message of hope for America.
No FUCKING one wants to know why the President uses two hands to drink water, except the Democrats because they have no real message of hope for the American people.
Nobody FUCKING wants to know if the President has small hands, except the Democrats because they have no real message of hope for the American people.
'never repeat a big lie/weakness in the process of denying it' Nixon. Because this reinforces the big lie/weakness--it has been given additional oxygen and attention.
Lets get the message of hope out there to the 99%. Lets get the specific big ideas rolled out (Carl Rove).
Lets attack Hidin Bidin more aggressively..
AFTER giving the banksters and corrupt corporations who were buddy buddy with admin officials bags of stolen peoples cash trillions......LETS GIVE:
1. Old PEOPLE some bread crumbs
2. Working-class and middle-class families some bread crumbs
3. Unemployed some bread crumbs
4. Small businesses bread crumbs.
5. University students some bread crumbs.
President Trumps happy smiling picture can be on the cheques.
Otherwise known as RE-ELECTION FLIERS.
Sooner rather than later NOT cynically near the elections...September October (its then called too little too late.)
When a married couple fall out over I don't know....the kids, the bills, hubbies late nights when they EVENTUALLY make up it is highly SEXUALLY CHARGED.
Its time for the GOP to make up with the 99% cus when the sluce gates open under President hiding bidin and the world descends into America.....you ain't EVER gonna get elected again.
Then YOU will be in the wilderness for 2/3 terms until a new radical generation of centre-left 'ethnic' Merikkans take over the GOP.
and Don Juan Hose Garcia Jesus Colonia emerges as the new leader of the GOP reflecting the DEMOGRAPHICS.
Indo-European maiden from the steppes of Russia


I'm going to Crystal Ball on the Quija board and say that the vast majority of the new Hidin Bidin sluce gate immigrants won't get free-market libertarian capitalism (its a WASP thing) and they will opt for some sort of SOCIALISM.
Expediency SHORT TERM (FDR New Deal ) Socialism is OK to fight and counter the FAKE destabilisation...flexibility.
Is this complicated to understand????
Jun 22, 2020
Hidin Bidin his time, CORRUPTION in office
Yeah, CORRUPT Hidin Bidin's popularity was sagging until the FAKE pandemic started just in time ....which in turn allowed the GLOBALIST to shut down the economy and create 45 million unemployed.
For good measure, the GLOBALISTS then ignited a race war USING THE USA POLICE to carry out RACIST BAITING STUNTS to fuel destabilization, and portray President Trump as an out of touch RACIST.
Yeah, CORRUPT Hidin Bidin's popularity was sagging until the FAKE pandemic started just in time ....which in turn allowed the GLOBALIST to shut down the economy and create 45 million unemployed.
For good measure, the GLOBALISTS then ignited a race war USING THE USA POLICE to carry out RACIST BAITING STUNTS to fuel destabilization, and portray President Trump as an out of touch RACIST.
Jun 19, 2020
Jun 2, 2020
The riots in America appear to be fake false flags targetted against President Trump
The Hegelian Dialect is a standard template used by the Globalists often covering decades where 2 of their own created and managed opposing groups are backed to fight each other to the bitter end.
Confederates vs The Union
Judah P. Benjamin
Nazism vs Stalinist Communism
Naked predatory Capitalism vs Communism
CIA Globalist Rothschilds Islam vs American militarism
In this Globalist Hegelian dialect, all parties ideologies and positions are extremes of one form or another IN THE PROCESS OF MANAGING AND SHEPERDING SOCIETIES, in addition to slipping in and promoting Globalists interests and power.
There is no room here in the Globalist Hegelian Dialect for COMPROMISE OR RATIONALITY.
The smart thing to do is not participate as a dumb pawn sucker in the Globalist Hegelian Dialect.
The modern reasonable man aspires to be educated achieving Nirvana and enlightenment through age, maturity and experience.
The smart thing to do is identify the Globalist Players of the Hegelian Dialect, and neutralise their evil schemes which must inevitably destroy nations and bring untold suffering to billions on earth ...whilst they pull the strings and levers from their shadowy lairs.
In the USA I can share the secret of the Hegelian Dialect with you as an expert insider of this Globalist Hegelian dialect......dates, names, agenda's objectives without the use of fuzzy generalities.
I myself am a one-man Globalist Hegelian Dialect (Something which I did not choose or WANT) 'Cyrus' resurrected.
Fascist neo-liberal predatory police state Capitalism vs Revolutionary emergency Socialism
Both ideologies will bring untold suffering to millions of Americans, as it is already doing and both ideologies must be opposed as they represent an extreme society far removed from what the FOUNDING FATHERS and subsequent struggle against the British Empire envisaged.

Schwartz György ( Black George). His merry life kick-started when the Germans towards the end of the losing war occupied Hungary, and he and his self-hating Jewish papa collaborated with the Nazis to identify Jews, especially rich Jews for internment and concentration camps, whilst Little Georgi and papa would LOOT the interned Jews wealth. Such enterprise and business acumen caught the attention of the Rothschilds of London through their Nazis network, and little Georgi went to London for top-up Rothschild training at the LSE which is well known for training Globalists future leaders along with further start-up Capital for his 'business' as a Rothschilds front to the USA, as an American to carry on the good work.

In Hong Kong, the rich CIA kids were paid $5000 a day to fight their own country, China.

ALT-RIGHT BIMBO GLOBALIST (aka black lives matter)

'Nice guys' Youngish Socialist Soros mouthpieces

The ultimate objective using either of the 2 Hegelian Dialects, with 2.3 million already in prisons working for MacDonalds and the rest for free, like slave labour in the Deep South plantation.
'As of February 2018, he had a net worth of $8 billion,[12] having donated more than $32 billion to his philanthropic agency, the Open Society Foundations.[13]'
We do not know the true figure of how much Black George has contributed to creating REVOLUTION AND DESTABILISATION in the world. After all, he is a financial 'wizard' and tax evader, so the true figure may be much much higher.
We are not sure that ALL this great wealth given to REVOLUTIONARY DESTABILISATION causes is his money, but more likely will have come from other GLOBALISTS, and he was the funnel....front man bag carrier.
It is interesting that Black George has given the entire wealth he has (almost) to REVOLUTIONARY DESTABILISATION causes. Celtic/WASPs Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie gave the bulk of their money into building schools, hospitals and public works for the people of America. Real tangible capital goods that benefitted millions for decades and century. (A racist observation)
Thus the first focus of the GLOBALIST infested Justice Department and GLOBALIST infested FBI would be to investigate the 'Open Society Foundation' in conjunction with investigations of the Clinton Foundations and any allied Charity Foundations linked the Brack Hussein Obama.....with a view to shutting them down and prosecuting key individuals involved for money laundering, corruption and high treason.
Going after Antifa focuses on the wrong group, and only group since Globalist destabilization also involves right-wing fascists. Going after Antifa APPEARS RACIST.....is racist and one-sided. Black George's Antifa is highly decentralised like the Hong Kong protestors, and the Arab Spring in Egypt in 2011. They don't have any real leadership to prosecute. ...they are defused and decentralised as is the intention to give the image of popular SPONTANEOUS peoples will (not). They also tend to be very YOUNG....including lots of females...so from the states point of view, bringing down the iron fist against them, ESPECIALLY THE FULLY EQUIPPED BATTLEFIELD WARRIORS WOULD BE A PROPAGANDA DISASTER.
But of course these young people will bait and taunt for Black George and the Globalists. One must understand children.
Bringing the warriors home, resting them, retooling them, training them for urban warfare is another matter.
We are not there yet.
What percentage of the American military are made up of African-Americans?
What percentage of the American military are made up of Latino's and other non-white groups?
How will these groups especially fare in urban combat against civilians in the USA?
Have these groups been psychologically tested?
What about the military commanders will they be loyal to President Trump....all of them...if they are ordered into the streets of America?
These young poor uneducated working-class agitators and looters misguided as they are are not the REAL ENEMY of the Trump administration. These teenagers and young adults are 'useful idiots' pawns of the Globalists.
Lets take out and destroy the Foundations and Charities of the GLOBALISTS which enable these fake revolutions. This is smarter and more civilised, AND A LESS RISKY path......then take the bait and get really 'tough".
Then YOU become a pawn and participant yourself a 'Useful idiot' in the GLOBALIST HEGELIAN DIALECT.
Using fully equipped combat troops gives Black George's young 'foot soldiers' too much respect. It suggests a lack of imagination and intellect to deal with such a problem. Let the civil authorities deal with the problem, even without state troopers.
Its a PR fail if you surround yourself with the military due to a few protests. It gives the impression of being under siege in a banana republic.
Its not very American, despite the best efforts since 9/11, and you appear desperate, defensive and failing.
Useful idiots

In 1961, American journalist Frank Gibney wrote that Lenin had coined the phrase "useful idiot". Gibney wrote that the phrase was a good description of "Communist follower[s]" from Jean-Paul Sartre to left-wing socialists in Japan to members of the Chilean Popular Front.[18]
Flying monkey

Flying monkeys[1] is a term used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse.[2] They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a third party, usually for an abusive purpose (e.g., smear campaign).[3][4] The phrase has also been used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath, for a similar purpose.[5][6] The term is not formally used in medical practice or teaching.
The flying monkeys may make it seem like the narcissist is not really involved, and they likely have no idea that they are being used.[3][8][11] Multiple flying monkeys act as a mobbing force against a victim.[3][12]
Arch Globalist George Soros pledged $18 billion to introduce radical Socialist REVOLUTION to America via Antifa and other radical groups.....before he disappeared into Central Europe.
Lets name the Globalists who create CRISIS MANAGEMENT Hegelian Dialects.
......at least since the 30 years war in the 17th century, which was essentially a bankers war that destroyed Central Europe
The Hegelian Dialect is not from yesterday.
Profits from pain Profits from suffering War profits profits from crime profits from FINANCIAL SPECULATION RIG AND PREDICT THE MARKET VIA ARTIFICIAL MANUFACTURED CRISIS.
At the Apex of power are the Rothschilds of London

We do not know why the London Rothschilds have the greatest power within the Deep State and the ability to enforce Hegelian Dialects around the world but we may speculate:
1. The smartest of the 5 Rothchilds brothers sent out to Europe from Frankfurt Germany by papa, went to London at the end of the 18th century.
2. There is something special about the English climate.
3. There is something special in the English soil.
4. The energy and drive of the English race, and especially the English aristocracy and their desire to serve the Rothschilds as obedient minions has allowed the Rothschilds to use the British state (FO, Intelligence and MEDIA) to extend their ideology and hegemony around the world.
Black George (Hungarian Jew)
Soccer ball Kissinger (German Jew)
Rupert Murdoch (Australian Crypto-Jew)
Not all high emissaries are JEWS, BUT IT HELPS.....Zbig Brzezinski was a Catholic Polish Aristocrat.
In the case of the USA its the Rockefellers (Crypto-Jews of French/ Spanish origin), They have been there for more than 100 years and owe their success to the Rothchilds of London.
Then you have the seasonal politicians.
Pure Globalist policies started under the Carter administration, especially in the international arena through ex-naval intelligence officer Jimmy Carter a Christian evangelist. (1977--1981)
Pure Globalist policies continued under Reagan, and Bush I. (1981-93)
Pure Globalist policies took a LEAP under Bill Clinton the rapist philanderer both in international and especially domestic policies. The first major terrorist False flags start under the Clintons using the SERVICES OF THE FBI, AND the march towards a Police state as well as extensive foreign intervention, and the creation of the Taliban 1994, and 'al-CIA-duh' from 1998??? CIA Osama Bin Laden (AKA Tim Osman) moves to Afghanistan from Sudan and a loose confederation of Islamists NOMINALLY under his CIA control fan out to the Balkans war using Iranian planes and the Middle East of course to begin the fake narrative of 9/11. Globalists General Mattis writes the invasion plans of Afghanistan a few years before 9/11...and the rest is history.
Hilary appears to be the more evil of the two Bonnie and Clydes, wearing her Lesbian trousers to a tee and her Jewish father with MAFIA links in Chicago. Bill is just another rapist opportunist.
Then Bush II war crimes and genocide of millions using the fake false flag of 9/11 which the administration facilitated. The Bushes according to Tex Marrs are Crypto-Jews from Southern Germany. Friends of the Clintons.......Busch with ties to the CIA obviously and Nazi Germany, and Nazi Gold. I will not go further as I was rooting tooting for him in 2004, but we live and learn. It was a GLOBALIST government run by Dick Cheney.
Then we have Barack Hussein Obama, the son of two CIA field operatives, mama in Indonesia and papa in Africa. A product of Soros and the fake Globalist LEFT (they don't give a figs leaf for the working class, and or for African Americans).......African Americans are seen as tools to be used to enforce Globalist policies, and a battering RAM against the WASP community. Under Obama's 2 terms and glib smiles, the superstructure of the hard left Socialist state was set. ......as was the Soros funding. Live training took place in America for the BLM, and also under the 'Arab Spring'...in 2011--2019.
The Hegelian dialect was solidified with the Fascist police state under Bush II, and the revolutionary Socialists under Obummer. At many other levels, they were the same Globalist government working for the Rothschilds of London.
Since that time the American Globalist Hegelian dialect has solidified and has yet to be rolled back.
1250 24th Street NW in the West End of Washington, D.C.
President Obama's bunker from where the counter-revolution is organised, against President Trump. Unlike Hilary he believes that he should STILL be President, and has since retirement, especially abroad walked and talked as a President, undercutting ungraciously the current duly elected President in the Whitehouse. He is the ONLY ex-President who has not left Washington DC after leaving office. Valery Jarret is believed to be the office manager of this bunker organising the counter-revolution against Trump if not in the whole country than certainly in DC.
Obama and Michael, Hilary et al think that Trump’s victory is a fluke, an illegal coup that was achieved by Julian Assange or me and the Russians, and that 63 million Americans didn’t vote for Trump (just a statistic) or the scary remote idea that the alternative party the GOP might win power in a democracy.
Obama wants to continue power from the back seat via Hilary, Biden, Michael, and Hilary was denied her coronation. The massive slush funds for revolution have been amassed, and Obama and the radical wing of the Democratic Party is ready for the ‘American color coded Spring’ (Black) with additional aid from the Globalists (Soros).
The fake false flag GLOBALIST STUNT/PROVOCATION/REACTION in Minneapolis Charlottesville 2.0 ....using Soros linked agent provocateurs.
The fake false flag GLOBALIST STUNT/PROVOCATION/REACTION in Charlottesville
using CIA linked actors and groups
The militarization of the American police since Bill Clinton, and creating the American people as COMBAT ENEMIES to be defeated.
The Israeli expertise and training of the American police.....American citizens as 'Goy Palestinians'....and the new security prism of 9/11.
Whilst the rich loot and STEAL from the American people, the plebs, serfs and unwashed masses are distracted by circus, stunts and infighting..after all...
Finally, the attack on the Presidency and legitimacy of the Trump Presidency. Classic CIA rent a mob destabilization in the Capital city and its hinterland. The mere possibility President will be reelected for the second term even after the tremendous efforts of Russiagate, Ukrainegate etc.
They can do it in Hong Kong, they can do it in Washington.
What he must do as President
President Trump will prevail again.
The Hegelian Dialect is a standard template used by the Globalists often covering decades where 2 of their own created and managed opposing groups are backed to fight each other to the bitter end.
Confederates vs The Union
Judah P. Benjamin
Nazism vs Stalinist Communism
Naked predatory Capitalism vs Communism
CIA Globalist Rothschilds Islam vs American militarism
In this Globalist Hegelian dialect, all parties ideologies and positions are extremes of one form or another IN THE PROCESS OF MANAGING AND SHEPERDING SOCIETIES, in addition to slipping in and promoting Globalists interests and power.
There is no room here in the Globalist Hegelian Dialect for COMPROMISE OR RATIONALITY.
The smart thing to do is not participate as a dumb pawn sucker in the Globalist Hegelian Dialect.
The modern reasonable man aspires to be educated achieving Nirvana and enlightenment through age, maturity and experience.
The smart thing to do is identify the Globalist Players of the Hegelian Dialect, and neutralise their evil schemes which must inevitably destroy nations and bring untold suffering to billions on earth ...whilst they pull the strings and levers from their shadowy lairs.
In the USA I can share the secret of the Hegelian Dialect with you as an expert insider of this Globalist Hegelian dialect......dates, names, agenda's objectives without the use of fuzzy generalities.
I myself am a one-man Globalist Hegelian Dialect (Something which I did not choose or WANT) 'Cyrus' resurrected.
Fascist neo-liberal predatory police state Capitalism vs Revolutionary emergency Socialism
Both ideologies will bring untold suffering to millions of Americans, as it is already doing and both ideologies must be opposed as they represent an extreme society far removed from what the FOUNDING FATHERS and subsequent struggle against the British Empire envisaged.
Schwartz György ( Black George). His merry life kick-started when the Germans towards the end of the losing war occupied Hungary, and he and his self-hating Jewish papa collaborated with the Nazis to identify Jews, especially rich Jews for internment and concentration camps, whilst Little Georgi and papa would LOOT the interned Jews wealth. Such enterprise and business acumen caught the attention of the Rothschilds of London through their Nazis network, and little Georgi went to London for top-up Rothschild training at the LSE which is well known for training Globalists future leaders along with further start-up Capital for his 'business' as a Rothschilds front to the USA, as an American to carry on the good work.

In Hong Kong, the rich CIA kids were paid $5000 a day to fight their own country, China.

ALT-RIGHT BIMBO GLOBALIST (aka black lives matter)

'Nice guys' Youngish Socialist Soros mouthpieces

The ultimate objective using either of the 2 Hegelian Dialects, with 2.3 million already in prisons working for MacDonalds and the rest for free, like slave labour in the Deep South plantation.
'As of February 2018, he had a net worth of $8 billion,[12] having donated more than $32 billion to his philanthropic agency, the Open Society Foundations.[13]'
We do not know the true figure of how much Black George has contributed to creating REVOLUTION AND DESTABILISATION in the world. After all, he is a financial 'wizard' and tax evader, so the true figure may be much much higher.
We are not sure that ALL this great wealth given to REVOLUTIONARY DESTABILISATION causes is his money, but more likely will have come from other GLOBALISTS, and he was the funnel....front man bag carrier.
It is interesting that Black George has given the entire wealth he has (almost) to REVOLUTIONARY DESTABILISATION causes. Celtic/WASPs Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie gave the bulk of their money into building schools, hospitals and public works for the people of America. Real tangible capital goods that benefitted millions for decades and century. (A racist observation)
Thus the first focus of the GLOBALIST infested Justice Department and GLOBALIST infested FBI would be to investigate the 'Open Society Foundation' in conjunction with investigations of the Clinton Foundations and any allied Charity Foundations linked the Brack Hussein Obama.....with a view to shutting them down and prosecuting key individuals involved for money laundering, corruption and high treason.
Going after Antifa focuses on the wrong group, and only group since Globalist destabilization also involves right-wing fascists. Going after Antifa APPEARS RACIST.....is racist and one-sided. Black George's Antifa is highly decentralised like the Hong Kong protestors, and the Arab Spring in Egypt in 2011. They don't have any real leadership to prosecute. ...they are defused and decentralised as is the intention to give the image of popular SPONTANEOUS peoples will (not). They also tend to be very YOUNG....including lots of females...so from the states point of view, bringing down the iron fist against them, ESPECIALLY THE FULLY EQUIPPED BATTLEFIELD WARRIORS WOULD BE A PROPAGANDA DISASTER.
But of course these young people will bait and taunt for Black George and the Globalists. One must understand children.
Bringing the warriors home, resting them, retooling them, training them for urban warfare is another matter.
We are not there yet.
What percentage of the American military are made up of African-Americans?
What percentage of the American military are made up of Latino's and other non-white groups?
How will these groups especially fare in urban combat against civilians in the USA?
Have these groups been psychologically tested?
What about the military commanders will they be loyal to President Trump....all of them...if they are ordered into the streets of America?
These young poor uneducated working-class agitators and looters misguided as they are are not the REAL ENEMY of the Trump administration. These teenagers and young adults are 'useful idiots' pawns of the Globalists.
Lets take out and destroy the Foundations and Charities of the GLOBALISTS which enable these fake revolutions. This is smarter and more civilised, AND A LESS RISKY path......then take the bait and get really 'tough".
Then YOU become a pawn and participant yourself a 'Useful idiot' in the GLOBALIST HEGELIAN DIALECT.
Using fully equipped combat troops gives Black George's young 'foot soldiers' too much respect. It suggests a lack of imagination and intellect to deal with such a problem. Let the civil authorities deal with the problem, even without state troopers.
Its a PR fail if you surround yourself with the military due to a few protests. It gives the impression of being under siege in a banana republic.
Its not very American, despite the best efforts since 9/11, and you appear desperate, defensive and failing.
Useful idiots

In 1961, American journalist Frank Gibney wrote that Lenin had coined the phrase "useful idiot". Gibney wrote that the phrase was a good description of "Communist follower[s]" from Jean-Paul Sartre to left-wing socialists in Japan to members of the Chilean Popular Front.[18]
Flying monkey

Flying monkeys[1] is a term used in popular psychology mainly in the context of narcissistic abuse.[2] They are people who act on behalf of a narcissist to a third party, usually for an abusive purpose (e.g., smear campaign).[3][4] The phrase has also been used to refer to people who act on behalf of a psychopath, for a similar purpose.[5][6] The term is not formally used in medical practice or teaching.
The flying monkey does the narcissist's bidding to inflict additional torment on the target.[3][8][10] It may consist of spying, spreading gossip, threatening, painting the narcissist as the victim (victim playing) and the target as the perpetrator (victim blaming).[3][8]
Despite this, the narcissist does not hesitate to make flying monkeys his or her scapegoats when and if needed.[9][11]
Despite this, the narcissist does not hesitate to make flying monkeys his or her scapegoats when and if needed.[9][11]
The flying monkeys may make it seem like the narcissist is not really involved, and they likely have no idea that they are being used.[3][8][11] Multiple flying monkeys act as a mobbing force against a victim.[3][12]
Arch Globalist George Soros pledged $18 billion to introduce radical Socialist REVOLUTION to America via Antifa and other radical groups.....before he disappeared into Central Europe.
Lets name the Globalists who create CRISIS MANAGEMENT Hegelian Dialects.
......at least since the 30 years war in the 17th century, which was essentially a bankers war that destroyed Central Europe
The Hegelian Dialect is not from yesterday.
Profits from pain Profits from suffering War profits profits from crime profits from FINANCIAL SPECULATION RIG AND PREDICT THE MARKET VIA ARTIFICIAL MANUFACTURED CRISIS.
At the Apex of power are the Rothschilds of London

We do not know why the London Rothschilds have the greatest power within the Deep State and the ability to enforce Hegelian Dialects around the world but we may speculate:
1. The smartest of the 5 Rothchilds brothers sent out to Europe from Frankfurt Germany by papa, went to London at the end of the 18th century.
2. There is something special about the English climate.
3. There is something special in the English soil.
4. The energy and drive of the English race, and especially the English aristocracy and their desire to serve the Rothschilds as obedient minions has allowed the Rothschilds to use the British state (FO, Intelligence and MEDIA) to extend their ideology and hegemony around the world.
Black George (Hungarian Jew)
Soccer ball Kissinger (German Jew)
Rupert Murdoch (Australian Crypto-Jew)
Not all high emissaries are JEWS, BUT IT HELPS.....Zbig Brzezinski was a Catholic Polish Aristocrat.
In the case of the USA its the Rockefellers (Crypto-Jews of French/ Spanish origin), They have been there for more than 100 years and owe their success to the Rothchilds of London.
Then you have the seasonal politicians.
Pure Globalist policies started under the Carter administration, especially in the international arena through ex-naval intelligence officer Jimmy Carter a Christian evangelist. (1977--1981)
Pure Globalist policies continued under Reagan, and Bush I. (1981-93)
Pure Globalist policies took a LEAP under Bill Clinton the rapist philanderer both in international and especially domestic policies. The first major terrorist False flags start under the Clintons using the SERVICES OF THE FBI, AND the march towards a Police state as well as extensive foreign intervention, and the creation of the Taliban 1994, and 'al-CIA-duh' from 1998??? CIA Osama Bin Laden (AKA Tim Osman) moves to Afghanistan from Sudan and a loose confederation of Islamists NOMINALLY under his CIA control fan out to the Balkans war using Iranian planes and the Middle East of course to begin the fake narrative of 9/11. Globalists General Mattis writes the invasion plans of Afghanistan a few years before 9/11...and the rest is history.
Hilary appears to be the more evil of the two Bonnie and Clydes, wearing her Lesbian trousers to a tee and her Jewish father with MAFIA links in Chicago. Bill is just another rapist opportunist.
Then Bush II war crimes and genocide of millions using the fake false flag of 9/11 which the administration facilitated. The Bushes according to Tex Marrs are Crypto-Jews from Southern Germany. Friends of the Clintons.......Busch with ties to the CIA obviously and Nazi Germany, and Nazi Gold. I will not go further as I was rooting tooting for him in 2004, but we live and learn. It was a GLOBALIST government run by Dick Cheney.
Then we have Barack Hussein Obama, the son of two CIA field operatives, mama in Indonesia and papa in Africa. A product of Soros and the fake Globalist LEFT (they don't give a figs leaf for the working class, and or for African Americans).......African Americans are seen as tools to be used to enforce Globalist policies, and a battering RAM against the WASP community. Under Obama's 2 terms and glib smiles, the superstructure of the hard left Socialist state was set. ......as was the Soros funding. Live training took place in America for the BLM, and also under the 'Arab Spring'...in 2011--2019.
The Hegelian dialect was solidified with the Fascist police state under Bush II, and the revolutionary Socialists under Obummer. At many other levels, they were the same Globalist government working for the Rothschilds of London.
Since that time the American Globalist Hegelian dialect has solidified and has yet to be rolled back.
It is the corrupt politicians who make the pronouncements and pass
the Globalist laws, but it is the Operational services who enforce and convert the Globalist actions into reality, against the wishes AND INTERESTS of the plebs.
of any depending on the country. In Thailand, it is the police otherwise known as 'tomato police' by the locals. In the early 2000's the Thai police were carrying out random extra-judicial killings of upward of 3000 innocent people on behalf of their GLOBALIST POPULIST LEADER.......Working in conjunction with the American created and trained NSI, and American trained and armed Thai military. By their close relationship with the USA, they are Globalist Transnational entities singing the same Globalist songs. The Americans in turn come to Bangkok to make big important GLOBALIST POLICY PRONOUNCEMENTS. The USA has converted Thailand into a giant Shopping Mall, and playground of Western tourists at number 10 and 35.4 million visitors in 2019.
“The Cheka is the defence of the revolution as the Red Army is; as in the civil war the Red Army cannot stop to ask whether it may harm particular individuals but must take into account only one thing, the victory of the revolution over the bourgeoisie, so the Cheka must defend the revolution and conquer the enemy even if its sword falls occasionally on the heads of the innocent.”
Felix Dzerzhinsky
“The Cheka is the defence of the revolution as the Red Army is; as in the civil war the Red Army cannot stop to ask whether it may harm particular individuals but must take into account only one thing, the victory of the revolution over the bourgeoisie, so the Cheka must defend the revolution and conquer the enemy even if its sword falls occasionally on the heads of the innocent.”
Felix Dzerzhinsky

In the USA the primary SS/GESTAPO/CHEKA/NKVD operational service for Globalist policies are the CIA and the FBI. Vast state propaganda has been expended to promote these two Globalist illegal entities. For a reason with earthy heroes like Clint Eastwood (FBI), Tommy Lee Jones (FBI), Tom Cruise (CIA), Matt Damon (CIA), Leonardo Di Caprio (FBI) and Brad Pitt (CIA). What could be more perfect and beautiful?
The Clintons liked the FBI
Obummer due to his CIA parents liked using the CIA.
Bush II like a good bi-sexual liked both.
With President Trump we the people are blessed that the American Cheka tried to kill him 25 times, and used dirty tricks emanating from Rothschilds London to undertake a coup for good measure. We are blessed that President Trump tells us that he does not like or trust the American Gestapo OR TAKE ANY OF THEIR ADVISE. We are blessed that President Donald Trump has defunded to a large measure the SS activity in the Middle East pertaining to ISIS and 'al-CIA-duh'....
America is blessed with Donald Trump, for he is CLEARLY not a Globalist, merely surrounded by them and their bad GLOBALIST advice. President Donald Trump needs our support in America and outside America.

Yevgeny Primakov (GLOBALIST JEW) ...........and senior general from the Soviet KGB came several times to the USA under Bush II's tenure (Fascist Neo-liberal Police state--Building up one part of the Hegelian dialect) TO ADVISE Michael Chertov's (GLOBALIST JEW) Homeland security and the CIA AND FBI how to do SECURITY..... post 9/11 and the new Police State that was being set up in the USA........Because the old KGB SINCE disbanded at that time was superior at Police state tactics, and the American's could learn from him?

Let me repeat the mind-bender.
The USA government invited a big KGB guy to direct Americans on topic secret sensitive national security. ....and it was the Cheka from the gulags of the Soviet Union. What good wholesome Christian things can you learn from the ole KGB?
Nary a whisper.

The Americans learned a lot from the ole Cheka, and copied their tactics to a tee

This is what GLOBALISM is about.
The American 'warrior' having done his noble deed is then retired with a huge pension from the Pentagon with bonus, and joins the USA POLICE as most favoured candidate to spread his love and service to fellow Americans in the MILITARY POLICE assisted by Israeli Cheka's.

On the left the Revolutionary emergency Socialism leader and on the right The fascist Neo-liberal CRISIS predatory police state. The 2 parts of the Hegelian dialect..... Continuity of government, and continuity of GLOBALISM agendas. Camaraderie and friendship
The Clintons liked the FBI
Obummer due to his CIA parents liked using the CIA.
Bush II like a good bi-sexual liked both.
With President Trump we the people are blessed that the American Cheka tried to kill him 25 times, and used dirty tricks emanating from Rothschilds London to undertake a coup for good measure. We are blessed that President Trump tells us that he does not like or trust the American Gestapo OR TAKE ANY OF THEIR ADVISE. We are blessed that President Donald Trump has defunded to a large measure the SS activity in the Middle East pertaining to ISIS and 'al-CIA-duh'....
America is blessed with Donald Trump, for he is CLEARLY not a Globalist, merely surrounded by them and their bad GLOBALIST advice. President Donald Trump needs our support in America and outside America.

Yevgeny Primakov (GLOBALIST JEW) ...........and senior general from the Soviet KGB came several times to the USA under Bush II's tenure (Fascist Neo-liberal Police state--Building up one part of the Hegelian dialect) TO ADVISE Michael Chertov's (GLOBALIST JEW) Homeland security and the CIA AND FBI how to do SECURITY..... post 9/11 and the new Police State that was being set up in the USA........Because the old KGB SINCE disbanded at that time was superior at Police state tactics, and the American's could learn from him?
Let me repeat the mind-bender.
The USA government invited a big KGB guy to direct Americans on topic secret sensitive national security. ....and it was the Cheka from the gulags of the Soviet Union. What good wholesome Christian things can you learn from the ole KGB?
Nary a whisper.

The Americans learned a lot from the ole Cheka, and copied their tactics to a tee

This is what GLOBALISM is about.
The American 'warrior' having done his noble deed is then retired with a huge pension from the Pentagon with bonus, and joins the USA POLICE as most favoured candidate to spread his love and service to fellow Americans in the MILITARY POLICE assisted by Israeli Cheka's.

On the left the Revolutionary emergency Socialism leader and on the right The fascist Neo-liberal CRISIS predatory police state. The 2 parts of the Hegelian dialect..... Continuity of government, and continuity of GLOBALISM agendas. Camaraderie and friendship

EX-PRESIDENT Obama of the Revolutionary war Socialism wing of the Hegelian dialect gives speeches for $1.2 million to Wall Street, to tell them what a great House Nigger he is to the BANKERS. Paul Volcker Globalist Jew and former Federal Reserve head in the background, with a firm hand on the shoulder of THEIR puppet front.

1250 24th Street NW in the West End of Washington, D.C.
President Obama's bunker from where the counter-revolution is organised, against President Trump. Unlike Hilary he believes that he should STILL be President, and has since retirement, especially abroad walked and talked as a President, undercutting ungraciously the current duly elected President in the Whitehouse. He is the ONLY ex-President who has not left Washington DC after leaving office. Valery Jarret is believed to be the office manager of this bunker organising the counter-revolution against Trump if not in the whole country than certainly in DC.

Obama and Michael, Hilary et al think that Trump’s victory is a fluke, an illegal coup that was achieved by Julian Assange or me and the Russians, and that 63 million Americans didn’t vote for Trump (just a statistic) or the scary remote idea that the alternative party the GOP might win power in a democracy.
Obama wants to continue power from the back seat via Hilary, Biden, Michael, and Hilary was denied her coronation. The massive slush funds for revolution have been amassed, and Obama and the radical wing of the Democratic Party is ready for the ‘American color coded Spring’ (Black) with additional aid from the Globalists (Soros).
On the other Hegelian hand, The
Deep State Globalists will provide the False Flags to enforce and cheer for a
Fascists state…..
Of course you need two hands to clap a Hegelian Dialect, so all the talking points and
pressure will be on Trump to create a fully-fledged Fascist state….carrying on
where Bush has left off from 2008. Obummer did not reverse the Bushes Hegelian
fascist state but added to it at home and abroad. Trump has not reversed the
Bush/Obummer dialects but nor has he added to both of them …which is
significant and requires our sympathy and support.
is ENORMOUS PRESSURE from the Deep State Globalist actors within his party and
advisors to go ALL tin pot piss pot Il Presidente. It is the duty of ALL
righteous Americans to dissuade him from doing so by VOTING for him this
November, and before than write letters, phone calls and whatever else to keep him onto the righteous path. He is not GOD he is a mere mortal.
on easier given his political BASE…BUT NOT HAM FISTED….once the Revolutionary
War Socialism is dealt with organizationally, then there is no reason for the
Fascist Neoliberal police state meme to up their role and game.
Speeches of reconciliation that appears sincere…that’s his job.
speech Nelson Mandela template…2 wrongs don’t make it a right. I don’t WANT to
be president on a background of violence against ordinary law abiding citizens,
violent looting, the destruction of property, the destruction of small
businesses who are already suffering under the Pandemic and Economic downturn…announcement
of measures……..to help the people. Police reform, full proper investigation of
the murder of Floyd, financial aid for African Americans……take the wind out of
the sail of the Democrats….asap. Grim, Somber, sincere and solemn.---into the
Globalist Deep State is desperate and in a panic. In a year that Trump was supposed
to win again in a land slide they have introduced.
The proposed Tulsa rally in Oklahoma on the 19th of June by President Trump is ill-advised, and would clearly be read as racist PROVOCATION BY the SILENT MAJORITY IN THE USA. Instead of speaking to carefully vetted 'his people' the President needs to 'speak to the American people' in this time of trouble, as the President to ALL Americans via Television address as suggested above. This is what the majority want.
Let us use the OPPORTUNITY OF NATIONAL CRISIS, AND THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT TO WIN UNDECIDED VOTERS AND DISGRUNTLED democrats (plenty of them and not only Bernie supporters ) .......to appear more Presidential than normal and appeal to the whole country as the great unifier, rather than waste time with the firm solid reliable Trump base of 40% of the country. Lets forget Trump rallies and instead have rallies from the Oval office Whitehouse, and all the other paraphernalia of being President...talking to the people Presidentially beyond twitter.
Tulsa Race riots of 1921 May 31st -1st June.. aka the Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre where upwards of 300 may have died, after an incident on an elevator involving a black man and white girl-the local police found the African American not to be guilty, and protected him from lynch mobs and released him eventually when it was safe to escape to another state--I taught the incident in my history class.
When the Great War was over thousands of Black soldiers came back to America, after being treated as Hero's in France where racism against blacks was much less. These de-mobbed Black soldiers proudly wore their uniforms in the USA, together with their service medals. This created a problem in the Deep South where Jim Crowe laws had taught the black man to bow, curtsy and give right of way to any and all white persons out in the streets.
Compounding this regressive social hierarchy and the newfound self-confidence of the black man was the economic boom of the roaring 1920s, where the national economy rapidly increased and many enterprising Americans took advantage of this wonderful opportunity to live the American dream..' work hard, apply yourself and use your skills to make it' in American. This is precisely what many blacks did in Tulsa and soon there were over 200 businesses in the Black Wall Street. This created enormous envy among not so successful WHITES....and a spark was waiting to create a mass purging and lynching of ALL black successes in the city.
Given Tulsa's history and this specific riot (June 1921), NOW is not the right time to hold a Trump Rally with a background of race riots that was based on envy, and the death and destruction of black businesses and people using the lynch mobs and state authorities, including possibly American army planes to bomb the Black part of Tulsa. President Trump must be vigilant against being labelled and sucked into the Hegelian dialect as a fascist racist ......and that for most of his life he was an easy-going liberal socialite from New York, who did not breathe fire and damnation against 13% of Americans.
Let us use the OPPORTUNITY OF NATIONAL CRISIS, AND THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT TO WIN UNDECIDED VOTERS AND DISGRUNTLED democrats (plenty of them and not only Bernie supporters ) .......to appear more Presidential than normal and appeal to the whole country as the great unifier, rather than waste time with the firm solid reliable Trump base of 40% of the country. Lets forget Trump rallies and instead have rallies from the Oval office Whitehouse, and all the other paraphernalia of being President...talking to the people Presidentially beyond twitter.
Tulsa Race riots of 1921 May 31st -1st June.. aka the Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre where upwards of 300 may have died, after an incident on an elevator involving a black man and white girl-the local police found the African American not to be guilty, and protected him from lynch mobs and released him eventually when it was safe to escape to another state--I taught the incident in my history class.
When the Great War was over thousands of Black soldiers came back to America, after being treated as Hero's in France where racism against blacks was much less. These de-mobbed Black soldiers proudly wore their uniforms in the USA, together with their service medals. This created a problem in the Deep South where Jim Crowe laws had taught the black man to bow, curtsy and give right of way to any and all white persons out in the streets.
Compounding this regressive social hierarchy and the newfound self-confidence of the black man was the economic boom of the roaring 1920s, where the national economy rapidly increased and many enterprising Americans took advantage of this wonderful opportunity to live the American dream..' work hard, apply yourself and use your skills to make it' in American. This is precisely what many blacks did in Tulsa and soon there were over 200 businesses in the Black Wall Street. This created enormous envy among not so successful WHITES....and a spark was waiting to create a mass purging and lynching of ALL black successes in the city.
Given Tulsa's history and this specific riot (June 1921), NOW is not the right time to hold a Trump Rally with a background of race riots that was based on envy, and the death and destruction of black businesses and people using the lynch mobs and state authorities, including possibly American army planes to bomb the Black part of Tulsa. President Trump must be vigilant against being labelled and sucked into the Hegelian dialect as a fascist racist ......and that for most of his life he was an easy-going liberal socialite from New York, who did not breathe fire and damnation against 13% of Americans.

The fake false flag GLOBALIST STUNT/PROVOCATION/REACTION in Minneapolis Charlottesville 2.0 ....using Soros linked agent provocateurs.
The fake false flag GLOBALIST STUNT/PROVOCATION/REACTION in Charlottesville
using CIA linked actors and groups
The militarization of the American police since Bill Clinton, and creating the American people as COMBAT ENEMIES to be defeated.
The Israeli expertise and training of the American police.....American citizens as 'Goy Palestinians'....and the new security prism of 9/11.
Whilst the rich loot and STEAL from the American people, the plebs, serfs and unwashed masses are distracted by circus, stunts and infighting..after all...
Finally, the attack on the Presidency and legitimacy of the Trump Presidency. Classic CIA rent a mob destabilization in the Capital city and its hinterland. The mere possibility President will be reelected for the second term even after the tremendous efforts of Russiagate, Ukrainegate etc.
They can do it in Hong Kong, they can do it in Washington.
What he must do as President
President Trump will prevail again.
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