. BUT, still no solid military alliance to reinforce and protect the economic cooperation....makes no sense. Economics and business must be protected by a joint security system as I have said before. Clearly in Moscow there appears to be people who know more than me......and that Russia is not a neo-liberal paradise, and the Jewish mafia didn't appoint Putin to secure and consolidate their looting of Russia. Maybe in Moscow they are hoping one fucking day, Washington is going to turn around and become a 'Cherished partner'.(Hint: its never going to happen the Jew hate is deep seated and goes back centuries....and unless the London Rothschild power structure is eliminated, its never going to happen. The Jews who worship the memon of the Rothchilds has America by the balls) That Russia's population is not declining. That the biggest mafia boss in Russia is an Ukrainian JEW. That Russian girls are no longer sold lured into the Jewish run global flesh trade. That the said Jewish mafia aren't importing huge quantities of Afghan herion into Russia, with Putin looking the other way since 2000. That real wages and real income is declining in Russia. Ahhhh...at least Russian's are fighting the right war in Libya! ________________________________________________
China, Russia, and Iran Hold Joint Naval Exercises
Joint exercise comes amid US tensions
In a move seen as a show of support during mounting US tensions, Iran, Russia, and China have begun joint naval drills in the Gulf of Oman, aimed at increasing cooperation, and safeguarding trade in the region. This comes amid the US establishing a joint naval coalition aimed explicitly at Iran in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz. The joint exercises are to be held from Friday through Monday. All three nations identified different priorities in the operation, with Iran saying it was about cooperation, China identifying trade, and Russia saying it was meant to fight terrorists and pirates along the coast. At any rate, establishing the three nations as a unified front in the Gulf of Oman makes it clear that the US fleet cannot unilaterally do anything it wants to in the region, and shows that Russia and China, two of Iran’s few remaining trading partners, are supporting them.
The House Democrats continue to party on their Titanic voyage even as there are clear signs that the impeachment iceberg will sink them:
President Trump’s job approval rating has ticked up 6 percentage points since the Democrats' impeachment inquiry began, according to a new survey.The Gallup poll released early Wednesday found Trump’s approval rating at 45 percent, up from 39 percent when the inquiry was launched in the fall. The new findings mark the third-consecutive increase in Trump's approval rating, Gallup noted. ... Gallup’s new poll found that 51 percent of respondents say they oppose impeachment and removing Trump from office, an increase of 5 percentage points since the Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced the impeachment inquiry into the president's dealings with Ukraine. By contrast, 46 percent of respondents now support impeachment and removal, down 6 points.
Not even the Democrats core supporters are enthusiastic about the step the House Democrats will take later today when they will vote to impeach Donald Trump:
Liberal groups organized more than 600 events from Alaska to Florida, following a familiar model of mass protest that has come to define the left during the Trump administration. ... For all the passion among activists, the gatherings were notably smaller than many of the other recent mass protests .. ... Some activists acknowledge that impeachment doesn't fire up people like life-and-death issues such as health care, guns or climate change.
The Democrats hope that by November 2020 the voters will have forgotten about impeachment and vote for Democratic candidates. But Donald Trump and other Republican candidates will take care that everyone will keep the issue in mind.
It is the reason why Trump's letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reads like an overlong campaign ad. Its content will be at the core of each of his campaign speeches. It is no holds barred but surprisingly factual.
Trump partisans are not the only to think that the impeachment articles the Democrats brought forward are astonishingly weak and not supported by the facts. The Senate will need little time to exculpate Trump.
So how did the Democrats get here? Trump's letter notes that talk about impeachment started as soon as he stepped into office:
Speaker Pelosi, you admitted just last week at a public forum that your party’s impeachment effort has been going on for “two and a half years,” long before you ever heard about a phone call with Ukraine. Nineteen minutes after I took the oath of office, the Washington Post published a story headlined, “The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun.” Less than three months after my inauguration, Representative Maxine Waters stated, “I’m going to fight every day until he’s impeached.” House Democrats introduced the first impeachment resolution against me within months of my inauguration ...
Since Trump stepped into office the Democrats were looking for something that would make him impeachable. The deep state delivered them Russiagate, the claim that Trump 'colluded' with the Russian government, by taking seriously an obvious fake dossier the Clinton campaign had ordered and paid for. FBI agents who hated Trump even faked FISA court certification submissions to be able to spy on the Trump campaign. They found nothing that supported the 'collusion' claims.
"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable," Judge Rosemary Collyer wrote in an order published Tuesday.
For nearly two years the Democrats had hoped that the Mueller investigation would come to their help and deliver them the evidence they needed to impeach Trump. But Mueller did not deliver what the Democrats had hoped for. It turned out that the CIA and FBI driven Russiagate was a nothing-burger.
In 2018 eleven former intelligence and military operatives joined the House as representatives for the Democrats. This was presumably a planned invasion by the security state.
After the Mueller bubble had burst something else was needed to impeach Trump. The deep state delivered again.
A day after the Mueller act had played out Trump had a phone call with the new president of the Ukraine Zelensky.
A lunatic Lieutenant-colonel Vintman in the National Security Administration found that during the phone call Trump was not following the Colonel's preferred foreign policy. He informed a former colleague, .... who then contacted two former colleagues who worked for the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff. They cooked up a scheme in which the CIA analyst would play a 'whistleblower' and accuse Trump of wrongdoing. When the legal review of the complaint within the CIA found that the 'whistleblower' had no case, the Schiff folks leaked the issue to the press to put pressure on the Trump administration to publish the complaint.
On September 23 2019 seven freshman Democrats published an op-ed in the Washington Post that called for impeachment.
CNNnoted approvingly that all seven op-ed writers were (former) members of the security state:
The reason they made their announcement and explained their reasoning as a group, in an op-ed in The Washington Post, is because they had already formed a bond over their national security background -- especially the five women: Elissa Slotkin of Michigan and Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, both ex-CIA officers; Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania who was in the Air Force; Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey and Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia were Naval officers. ... The op-ed the women penned, along with Gil Cisneros and Jason Crow, two freshmen male veterans, opened the floodgates for others who had been resistant, and gave House Speaker Nancy Pelosi critical political cover as she announced a formal impeachment inquiry on Tuesday.
Seven of the 11 security state representatives who had joined the Democrats in 2018 gave the impulse for impeachment. A day after the op-ed was published House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the opening of her 'impeachment inquiry'.
The 'whistleblower' claimed, solely based on hearsay and public sources, that Trump had pressured the President of the Ukraine during the phone call to deliver dirt on Joe Biden. His complaint was published and the deep state then used it to again push for impeachment.
Trump then ambushed Pelosi and the whole impeachment effort by declassifying and publishing the memorandum of the phone call in question.
Reading the memorandum it was immediately clear to us that the impeachment attempt was dead in the water:
The immediate impulse to start an impeachment investigation came from some whistle blower in the intelligence community who claimed that Trump did something nefarious during a phone call with the newly elected President of Ukraine Zelensky.The White House published a memorandum of the phone call. The call was made on July 25 2019, a day after the final Robert Mueller testimony in Congress. There are two passages which the Democrats will claim are damaging: ...[analysis of the transcript]... Trump asks for investigations and Zelensky assures him that those will happen. Trump applied no open pressure. ... How the Democrats want to construct an impeachment out of this is beyond me.
Pelosi has nothing. Six committees have investigated Trump issues but so far found nothing to charge him with. Nor did the Mueller investigation find anything damaging. How will combining all those nothing-burgers make an impeachment meal? ... There is no case for impeachment. Even if the House voted for one the Senate would never act on it. No one wants to see a President Pence.The Democrats are giving Trump the best campaign aid he could have wished for. Trump will again present himself as the victim of a witch hunt. He will again argue that he is the only one on the side of the people. That he alone stands with them against the bad politicians in Washington DC. Millions will believe him and support him on this. It will motivate them to vote for him.
The current polls, quoted above, seem to support that conclusion. A majority of U.S. citizens reject the Democrats' impeachment act while Trump's approval rating is back at its previous top.
The actions of the deep state, and the Democrats falling for them, will cost them the 2020 election.
Russigate was a false story, invented by the CIA with support from British Intelligence. The Steele dossier was recognizable as an obvious fake as soon as it was published. But the FBI still used it. To find evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russiagate the crooks at the top of the FBI went as far as to make false sworn statements to the FISA court. It did not help.
As soon as Mueller busted the Russiagate bubble the deep state cooked up a new issue.
Seven representatives of the security state then pushed Pelosi into launching the impeachment proceedings. Schiff again sprang into action by holding abstruse hearings in which some deep state minions were allowed to vent their antipathy to Trump and to Russia. The hearings exposed the sham for what it was.
It is unlikely that any Republican will vote today in favor of impeachment. No Republican senator will dare to vote against Trump.
Russiagate, Ukrainegate and the impeachment nonsense were all driven by members of the deep or security state. The Democrats have been riding on these issues while neglecting the real life-and-death issue of their voters - health care, guns or climate change. They will be punished for it.
The Democrats would be well advised to distance themselves from those services that invited them to travel on the Titanic. They should remember that historically they have been far more often the victims of CIA, FBI or military overreach than the Republicans.
As the failure of this impeachment affair is imminent the deep state will likely try to cook up a new issue that it can use against Trump.
If the Democrats want to prevent the further sinking of their ship they must avoid becoming associated with it.
. Having killed 500,000 Syrians Deonme Erdogan is at it again. Having unleashed several million Arab Refugees into Europe, to his utter shame, Deonme Erdogan is at it again. Having facilitated the Muslim Brotherhood's toppling of the Mubarak regime in 2011, Deonme Erdogan is at it again. Having faciliatated the Salafi/Wahabi in Tunisia against the Ben Ali government in 2011, Deonme Erdogan is at it again. Having facilitated 'al-CIA-duh' in Libya in 2011, Deonme Erdogan is at it again IN LIBYA. Deonme Erdogan opposes the stability and unity of the Libyan people after they were raped by predatory Western powers. Jews boast that Turkey is Israel's best MILITIA in the Middle East......The Jew is of course right about that.
The Turkish Intervention In Libya Might Lead To A War With Egypt
By Moon of Alabama
The Turkish President Erdogan continues to create enemies for Turkey.
After waging a war on Syria, he has managed to piss off the EU by pushing refugees towards it. He has displeased NATO and the U.S. by installing Russian air defenses. Most Arab countries at the Persian Gulf hate him for his support for Qatar.
Erdogan has allied himself with the Government of National Accord (GNA) that rules in Tripoli, Libya. He will now have to take on several additional countries which support the GNA's opponent.
After the NATO war destroyed Africa's richest country Libya is still split.
Most of the east and the south and most of the oil of the country is ruled by General Khalifa Haftar, a former CIA asset. Haftar has support from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Russia. A U.S. delegation recently visited him. Nine month ago he started a campaign to eliminate the Muslim Brotherhood controlled GNA around Tripoli and Misrata.
The campaign got stuck even as each side continued to put more and better material onto the ground and into the air. Pilots flying for Haftar are allegedly from the UAE and Egypt. The GNA flies Turkish drones which are likely controlled by Turkish pilots. There are also rumors that Russian mercenaries are involved in support of Haftar.
Both sides lack well trained ground troops in sufficient numbers. At the end of November Erdogan offered a rather curious agreement to the GNA. In exchange for troops from Turkey the GNA would have to agree to a common maritime border between Libya and Turkey.
Fayez al-Sarraj, the Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya and prime minister of the GNA, agreed. That resulted in this curious map.
Erdogan then claimed that Turkey has the sole right to economically explore the Mediterranean Sea north of the red and yellow line. He also said that pipelines laid through that area would need Turkish agreement. Egypt, Israel and Cyprus had planned a gas pipeline between their sub sea gas explorations and Greece. (That pipeline is likely a pipe dream as there is too little gas for sale to justify the large investment.)
There have already been intense spats between Cyprus, Israel and Turkey over Turkish drill ships which, accompanied by the Turkish Navy, intruded into Cyprus' exclusive economic zone.
Nautical borders in areas of multiple states can not be drawn unilaterally or by just two parties. The area Erdogan claims is to a large part also claimed by Cyprus and Greece which both have better arguments for legal rights in the area than Turkey.
There is another legal problem. The Sikhirat agreement, which was signed in December 2015 under UN auspices and is the legal basis for the GNA, does not give GNA head Sarraj any right to make such an agreement and concession.
The conflict over exclusive economic rights in certain areas can probably be solved at the UN or through international courts. The military part of Erdogan's deal is the real danger:
The deal offers Turkish support for the establishment of a Quick Reaction Force for police and military in Libya, as well as enhanced cooperation in intelligence and in the defense industry. Following the military cooperation deal, Erdoğan said Ankara might consider sending troops to Libya if the Libyan government requested military assistance.
A week ago Erdogan said that he was ready to deploy troops to Libya on short notice. Today rumors appeared in Arab media, still unconfirmed, that Turkish special operations forces landed in Tripoli.
The Libyan war between two Libyan parties will now become a very different beast. Egypt will not tolerate a Muslim Brotherhood led Libya as its neighbor. Egypt will intervene before the Turkish support allows the GNA government to defeat Haftar. The situation could then develop into an intense war during which Turkish troops fight on Libyan grounds against the Egyptian military.
Both countries have rich Arab sponsors who can finance a long and intense conflict. Both have lots of matériel and many many soldiers they can throw into the fight. The Egyptian side has one advantage. Its long land border allows for easy resupply while Turkey will have to rely on supplies that come by sea and air and can be cut off or at least interrupted.
They don't say it explicitly but they outline the REALITY. 1. Afghanistan is about drugs, production protected by the Pentagon/CIA and shipped to the USA to kill Americans. The money laundered in the Wall Street banks. 2. The Taliban is 'Controlled Opposition' created by the CIA in 1994 under the DNC and Sandy Berger. 3. The are no parameters for winning, because the Taliban is fake opposition created by the CIA in 1994 DNC Sandy Berger et al. The Taliban will perform as long as it has to for the CIA. The USA knows in advance ALL Taliban operations in the country, as the CIA created it and its people are operating within the Taliban.....Turkey shoot. Maybe 50,000 Taliban fighters killed since 2001...not a statistic that often mentioned but the 2400 Americans killed. The timely 'Taliban' attack on Bagram airbase is an example of CIA control. 4. Maybe upwards of 20% of American servicemen and contractors killed by the USA itself to bolster the narrative that the USA is in a noble struggle against a mysterious elusive enemy armed with AK-47 and RPG. Pat Tillman. 5. All Pentagon officials and officers know the REAL reason the USA is in Afghanistan, and it has nothing to do with fighting the perps of 9/11 FALSE FLAG....they knew the real reason in 2001 (especially at the very senior level) .......and CERTAINLY KNOW NOW, after fighting a 'war' against the Taliban for 18 years. BUT in pressed suits and plummy NE English deliver straight faced lies to the country's legislators and tax payers. 6. According to Russian Intelligence sources, the Pentagon/CIA imported from the Syrian/Iraq war theater several 1000 ISIS fighters into Afghanistan...for what? Foment trouble in Central Asia and China. 7. 9/11 WAS A FALSE FLAG carried out by the American Deep state, with Israel playing the leading Pied Piper role.....for the nefarious purpose of initiating (i) fake wars, (ii) creating a security bureaucratic police state in the USA, (iii) greater security cooperation GLOBALLY around the narrative of GWOT and bad angry Muslims under American leadership.....THAT IS WHY INDIA WAS GIVEN THE BIZARRE Privilege of identifying the 19 Arab Hijackers of 9/11.(Lo and behold since 2014 we have in India a rabidly anti-Muslim Fascist party that carries out False Flag terrorism in and around India to help the BJP election vote count{ such as the London Bridge incident just a few days before the UK elections }....and ethnic progroms, and illegal laws that specifically target and victimize Muslim minority, and convert the country into a pro-Israel paradise replete with Israeli security experts) 8. It goes without saying that a fighting machine that is soooo corrupt as to CONTEMPLATE, PLAN and LIE about KILLING FELLOW Americans (2 beautiful Cambridge graduates at London Bridge) FOR THE PURPOSE OF creating opportunities to steal tax payer money in open ended 'WAR'S against fake manufactured enemies has already SURRENDERED to RUSSIA and CHINA. HAS already surrendered its number 1 position without a fight. Waging fake wars against failed states who have no credible military and who pose no credible threat is ADDICTIVE and all too easy.
It is not corruption but a 'conspiracy theory' when the Jewish DNC does it. Sounds like the language of the chosen. Why does the Liberal Jews hate Trump so much? After being the most Kosher President in history? Is it because Trumpstein gives the MERE IMPRESSION through election promises of rolling back American Imperialism which consists of waaaahs, and destabilization of other nations....through which the Globalist Jews benefit from and exercise power. Parasites who use the USA and UK for such an evil purpose. The Rothschild's of London Georgi Schwartz's The Rockeffers Henry Kissinger In the UK you can't make fun of Gays and Lesbians---IT MIGHT HURT THEIR DELICATE FEEEEEEEELINGS (no humor please we are British).....BUT you can wage waaah against several Third World brown people countries killing 100,000 of people, and commiting ICC Waaaah Crimes. AND red baiting Russia for a nuclear confrontation, using the ass wipe rag media of the country. This is Jewish Globalist double speak and double standards. When the Bolshevik Jews came to power in 1918 in Imperial Indo-European run Russia, the very first law they passed was the criticism of Jews as Capital Punishment, and the Pale of Settlement law was abolished so that Jews could run amok all over the massive country:
Stop maximum pressure campaign on Iran: China tells US
China has called on the United States to stop its so-called maximum pressure campaign on Iran and making threats of deploying additional troops to the Middle East, saying Washington should find a diplomatic solution to reduce tensions in the region.
"The United States is not only unilaterally withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [the JCPOA -- the nuclear deal signed between Iran and major world powers in 2015] and exerting maximum pressure on Iran, but is also imposing sanctions or threatening to impose sanctions on other parties within the agreement," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters at a press conference on Friday.
"The US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal and its maximum pressure campaign against Iran is the root cause of the Iranian nuclear crisis," she emphasized.
The Chinese spokesperson expressed hope that all parties to the JCPOA will continue to work for the "full and effective" implementation of the accord and restore the balance of rights and obligations.
However, she called on the parties to exercise restraint, and work to resolve differences by stepping up negotiations and refrain from steps that could further complicate the situation.
She noted that Beijing would continue to work with all sides to "facilitate a political resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue."
The Chinese official added that the US should "correct its erroneous policy" of exerting pressure on Iran, leave room for diplomatic efforts by other parties and create conditions to mitigate the situation in the region.
She warned that Washington's decisions, including its withdrawal from the nuclear agreement, were only serving to complicate the situation in the region.
"We continue to believe that dialogue and negotiations are the only correct way to resolve Iran's nuclear issue," Hua said.
In May 2018, US President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled his country out of the international deal, in defiance of global criticism, and later re-imposed the sanctions that had been lifted against Tehran as part of the agreement.
In response to the move, Tehran has so far rowed back on its nuclear commitments four times in compliance with Articles 26 and 36, but stressed that its retaliatory measures will be reversible as soon as Europe finds practical ways to shield the mutual trade from the sanctions.
Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araqchi said on Sunday that the international community has a responsibility to protect the 2015 nuclear deal which was the outcome of a multilateral endeavor.
"The JCPOA is an achievement of ( between many significant countries, not just the USA) international diplomacy and world countries are responsible for observing, implementing and protecting it," Araqchi said at a joint press conference with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu in Beijing. ________________________________________
. The DNC is run by 'Liberal' Jews and aligned to the USA Deep State and the Globalist tribe. 80% of Jews vote for it as you would expect, and nothing Trump can do to change that or the lobby's biases. Desperately, without dignity prostrating to the Jew isn't going to get him more votes. Jews are highly regimented. It is a North African Bongo Bongo Cult, with limited membership.
The Delusions Of The Impeachment Witnesses Point To A Larger Problem
Moon of Alabama
During yesterday's impeachment hearing at the House House Judiciary Committee one of the Democrats' witnesses made some rather crazy statements. Pamela Karlan, a Stanford law professor, first proved to have bought into neo-con delusions about the U.S. role in the world:
America is not just 'the last best hope,' as Mr. Jefferies said, but it's also the shining city on a hill. We can't be the shining city on a hill and promote democracy around the world if we're not promoting it here at home.(Amen)
As people in Bolivia and elsewhere can attest the United States does not promote democracy. It promotes rightwing regimes and rogue capitalism (military dictatorships, autocratic medieval monarchies and Islamic fascist states Iran 1979, Afghanistan from 1979, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya from 2011 under the guise of the so called 'Arab Spring').
The U.S. is itself not a democracy but a functional oligarchy as a major Harvard study found:
Economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.
But worse than Karlan's pseudo-patriotic propaganda claptrap were her remarks on the Ukraine and Russia:(majority of the USA's 9 million Jews come from Russia and the Ukraine and are unhappy that German Empress Cathrine the Great confined them to the 'Pale of the settlement' due to their nuisance to Slavic Christian society, and Pogroms by the Later Czars because they were the main players in the rebellions/terrorism against the Czarist run state----and Joseph Schiff opened the flood gates for them to come to the USA in the 19th/20th century.....thus the good Jew has a beef against Russia and which has NOTHING to do with USA strategic interests and threats.
Gay Schwartzer Jew owned Obama refused to send arms to Ukraine. But Trump has, and some more with through NATO.
But in the paranoid Schizophrenic world of the Jew, Trump is not owned by them, and so they launch mad futile meaningless self defeating attacks on Trump)
This is not just about our national interests to protect elections or make sure Ukraine stays strong and fights the Russians so we don't have to fight them here, but it's in our national interest to promote democracy worldwide.
That was not an joke. From the video it certainly seems that the woman believes that nonsense.
For one the Ukraine is not fighting "the Russians". The Kiev government is fighting against east-Ukrainians who disagree with the Nazi controlled regime which the U.S. installed after it instigated the unconstitutional Maidan coup. Russia supplies the east-Ukrainians and there were a few Russian volunteers fighting on their side but no Russian military units entered the Ukraine.
But aside from that how can anyone truly believe that the Ukraine "fights the Russians so we don't have to fight them here"?
Is Russia on the verge of invading the United States? Where? How? And most importantly: What for?
How would that be in Russia's interest?
One must be seriously disturbed to believe such nonsense.
How can it be that Karlan is teaching at an academic level when she has such delusions? (She is a Lesbian and a Jewsess---with short hair)
And how is it in U.S. interest to give the Ukraine U.S. taxpayer money to buy U.S. weapons? The sole motive behind that idea was greed and corruption, not national interest:
[U.S. special envoy to Ukraine] Volker started his job at the State Department in 2017 in an unusual part-time arrangement that allowed him to continue consulting at BGR, a powerful lobbying firm that represents Ukraine and the U.S.-based defense firm Raytheon. During his tenure, Volker advocated for the United States to send Raytheon-manufactured antitank Javelin missiles to Ukraine — a decision that made Raytheon millions of dollars.
The missiles are useless in the conflict. They are kept near the western border of Ukraine under U.S. control. The U.S. fears that Russia would hit back elsewhere should the Javelin reach the frontline in the east and get used against the east-Ukrainians. That Trump shortly held back on some of the money that would have allowed the Ukrainians to buy more of those missiles thus surely made no difference.
To claim that it hurt U.S. national interests is nonsense.
It is really no wonder that U.S. foreign policy continuously produces chaos when its practitioners get taught by people like Karlan. In the Middle East as well as elsewhere Russian foreign policy runs circles around U.S. attempts to control the outcome. One reason it can do that is the serious lack of knowledge and realism in U.S. foreign policy thinking. It is itself the outcome of an educational crisis. U.S. 'political science' studies implement a mindset that is unable to objectively recognize the facts and fails to respond to them with realistic concepts. (Duh.....yes)
The Democrats are doing themselves no favor by producing delusional and partisan witnesses who repeat Reaganesque claptrap. They only prove that the whole affair is just an unserious show trial.
In the meantime Trump is eliminating food stamps for some 700,000 recipients and the Democrats are doing nothing about it. Their majority in the House could have used the time it spent on the impeachment circus to prevent that and other obscenities.
Do the Democrats really believe that their voters will not notice this? (The DNC Jews believe)
America is where it is because of many reasons: 1. Protestant work ethic 2. American WASP ingenuity and innovation 3. FDR Socialism 4. Immigrant bringing in New power and energy 5. Isolation by geography--weak neighbors (Mexico and Canada) 6. Stable Democracy--peaceful transfer of the executive 7. Complex stable rule of law 8. Low levels of corruption 9. Abundant resources 10. Business friendly small banks It given the above, probably more factors I have missed....is the reason why the USA is a success, and NOT only because of Capitalism. Obviously those that have become rich billionaires will say that it is ONLY through capitalism. Betty Devos is good for Betty Devos, but never for education. But how is Capitalism working for the health care Industry? (a public good that should be free in any civilized society)...Oh 20% of the GDP and increasing with prices spiralling up with Oligarchical malfeasance.
. QUIETLY......tip toeing they support him in maintaining the Jewish GLOBALIST SURVEILLANCE Police state instituted since the False Flag of 9/11.....against American's. Even as the CIA's 'al-CIA-duh' has disappeared more or less, and the CIA's ISIS has been destroyed by the Russians. Remaining ISIS fighters are being pulled back into Western Europe for R&R with WELFARE, 'RE-EDUCATION' AND FREE housing.