May 3, 2022

Russia did not install Trump in 2016





Its more garbage GLOBALIST bargain-basement thinking in the DNC. Sit down and listen carefully kids:

Elements in the Deep State who have greater power over the USA than Russia EVER COULD (Logically), installed Trump (Eisenhower's MIC)....the number of military people in Trump's administration.

The possibility of a military coup in January 2021, by overturning the election result.

Globalist Zionist forces and Israel preferred Trump, over Hilary, who on record whilst in office verbally trashed Israel (to the hyper-sensitive illegal entity in the Levant up to no good globally from Myanmar to Sierra Leone?--this MATTERS) Despite her being Jewish, she had a mouth and an attitude.

George Soros and his $18 billion destabilisation of USA slush fund, goes to ALL SIDES not just lefties, and this includes Trump via Jared Kushner, the bagman for Trump. Sheldon Adelson and his $200 million to Trump.

A significant percentage of Americans don't like her, and her personality. Her personal Chemistry. With the help of the Jewish Globalist MSM she starts off as the MOST FAVOURED CANDIDATE OF CHOICE IN 2008 AND 2016, but when she opens her cakehole it all goes south.

There were ISSUES related to her pay to play corruption and the Clinton foundation.  The perception that she would and could sell the country to the highest bidder.

FINALLY, her mental and physical health. Despite the best packaging, and Maybelline make-up transforming her from a sagging frumpy foggy GRANDMA figure, she appeared unconvincing as the strong leader of the free world, and unilateral hyperpower, endowed with the manifest destiny to rule the earth with love and compassion.

If DNC apparatchiks commissars cannot see NUANCED COMPLEX REASONS but blame all their woes on RUSYIA, then they are Dumb Chimps who really ought NOT to BE RUNNING THE MOST COMPLICATED COSMOPOLITAN PLURAL NATION ON EARTH.

Chances are that their ideas are a little BASIC, AND A DANGEROUS POSITION to be in when you run any country, but especially the USA.

When the JEW BOLSHEVIKS came to power in 1918 RUSYIA, one of THEIR first edicts and law WAS THAT CRITICISM OF JEWS AS A COLLECTIVE CLASS was banned. If you did say that the Bolshevik revolution smelled Jewey, then off to the Gulags, or immediate execution during the Emergency rule 1918-1924.

The USA, with their 200 million private arms, and love of freedom??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot operate like Imperial Russia, destroyed and exhausted by 4 years of global war....and BOLSHEVIK EDICTS BACKED BY STATE ORGANISED VIOLENCE. There is gonna be push back.

Now, if we are of the opinion that I am the center of the universe propaganda from JACOB ROTHSCHILDS OF LONDON, and what I say and do matters. Therefore we have to have special colour codes, and sacred numbers to accommodate this. THEN I HAVE TO ACCEPT THE JACOB PREMISE THAT I PREVENTED HITLERY FROM WINNING THE 2016 ELECTION, AND it was not RUSYIA'S FAULT.

My opinions about Hitlery are similar to those of most Americans if you accept that I have not appeared from the dark side of the moon, wishing harm to the USA.

All the above points, and some more personalised ones that MOVED ME EMOTIONALLY AGAINST HITLERY, RATHER than any passion and familiarity for/with Trump:

1. She was secretary of state from 2009-2013. During her tenure using the services of the CIA/State Department, she instituted the Arab Spring which basically meant destabilising moderate Arab dictatorships and enabling 'al-CIA-duh' and later ISIS affiliates. The USA  Jihad against Muslim countries for the False Flag of 9/11 has killed 10 million Muslims, and created 65 million refugees globally. Hitlery is a party to that whole process since 2001.

2. She threatened nuclear annihilation against Persia, several times. CIA Mullah Iran does not have a nuke bomb program as 18 years of extremely rigorous IAEA inspections have found. But using uncharacteristic Jewey undiplomatic language she never the less based on Likud existential threats launched tirades against CIA Mullah Iran. As an individual who has also been subjected TO threats from state entities in Europe and the CIA, I was upset with Hitlery.

3. She called Vladimir Vladimivoch Putin Hitler, as a representative of the USA government. Despite Hollywood propaganda, 80% of the fighting against Nazi Germany was done by Rusyia.....smashing 506 divisions, and liberating most of the concentration camps ...sacrificing 27 million dead, and maybe more. This was callous and insensitive in the extreme....from my point of view. How can a Michael Landon type wholesome good Jewish person say such things about Russia? The Sheer cynicism and duplicity of on the one hand profiting from Russia, and Putin through Uranium deals, and Bills speech circuits in Rusyia, but at the same time trashing Russia.

4. As a victim of child abuse I was concerned about Pizzagate, and allegations that HITLERY was into Satanic paedophile child sacrifice with her girlfriend Huma Huma Huma Abedin. I was even more disappointed to learn that she and her husband exploited the suffering of Haiti, a poor failed state down on its luck, and had established a ratline to funnel Haiti orphans for export to the USA for the purpose of Satanic child sacrifice and TORTURE...........UUUUUUHHHHH!

There you go, irrefutable proof that I prevented Her Imperial Highness Yenta from attending her own coronation and Globalist Jew entitlement.

Can the Ruskies tamper with USA elections? No. Who has the real capability?

(i) Israel/Israeli lobby

(ii) The USA Deep State (especially since 1963 and JFK)

(iii) Jacob Rothschilds of London.

The propaganda that the Russians are spunky badass, a natural inclination to conflate the enemy with supernatural powers to create the boogeyman, but the reality of the Russian's performance in Ukraine tells us something else.

Sleepwalking into nuclear armageddon is not smart.