Oct 30, 2022

The Global de-dollarisation MOVEMENT have begun led by the young charismatic leader of Saudi Arabia





In 1945 the USA real PPP GDP represented the undisputed leader of the world at 50% of the global economy.

The American economy was built on a REAL FOUNDATION OF Industry, Infrastructure and technological innovation and engineering. And it was willing to share all this with the world as a wholesome fully confident power and as a beacon of hope to the rest of the world, through lend-lease during the 6-year war, The Marshal Plan and finally massive amounts of aid and loans to all friendly nations around the world ( first time in human history, which also stated that all rich nations in the world should give economic aid to developing countries).

OBVIOUSLY AND NATURALLY with such abundance of REAL goodwill unto all, there was tremendous global reciprocation politically, diplomatically and militarily from the world, including the acceptance of the American way.

The USA embraced the world, and the world embraced the USA voluntarily, mostly. 

WW2 which killed almost 80 million people was not an accident, but one that was organised by the Rothschilds of London and the Jewish bankers of Europe and NY, through the Nazi party of Germany (created by the Abwehr in 1919, and one Adolf Hitler the Hobo of Munich who had failed his Deutchposte job application).

The USA played a pivotal role in enabling this London Rothschilds' wet dream.

As an arsenal of DEMOCRACY, AND FINANCIER OF WAR with the dollar.

The Jew Emile Maurice, Hitlers friend from the beginning of the Party in Munich. The Nazi ideologue WHO co-founded the NOTORIOUS Schutzstaffel (SS) ......aka CIA, CHEKA, NKVDU, KGB.....representing off-the-books Jewish Deep State GLOBALIST power, in a country and around the world (a coalition of the willing). 

The Nazi Party operated as a "Gay Inc.'' CELEBRATING it openly with all the parades and other Butch Gay things, but at the same time denying it viciously by imprisoning 100,000 innocent German harmless CAMPY GAYS (beautiful gays).....JEW Schizophrenia

"a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behaviour that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling."

Putin may be interpreted as CAMPY GAY, as he doesn't do 'MILITARISM' too well like a true Butch Gay.

The USA funded Nazi Germany along with the European Jewish banks to the tune of 100 billion RM FOR REARMAMENT (1933-1945)......Panzer tanks, Focker-Wulf fighter planes and 88 mmm KRUPP artillery. Supplies and raw materials through neutral Sweden and Switzerland.

However, it is now 2022 and the USA has become an odious burdensome Empire, which kills and persecutes poor brown people as its high point, just for the hell of it and for Israel (The idea that the USA exists for Israel only and not even for itself). Such a narrow state is lost to itself and the world.

Globalist Elon Musk and his daily stunts can't save it.

So when it prints money, and more for its PAPER FAKE ECONOMY WITH the guidance of the Federal Reserve, the world no longer celebrates and follows. 

South America rebels first but is beaten into line by the CIA and State Department. Then Iraq, Libya, Iran, and North Korea.

Finally, Russia, which is why there is a WAR by NATO and the American Empire against the country via Failed State puppet Ukraine, even when it didn't complete the task.

20% of Russian FCR was in Dollars

7%  In pound sterling.

The USA Empire has illegally confiscated $300 billion or half of Russia's foreign currency reserves. Rather than chasing the much bigger loot of the 120 Mafia Oligarchs, and Putin $1-2 trillion.

Children in grade 5 put your hand up if you think this action against Russia increases goodwill and trust towards the new American Empire????!!!!!!!! 

The hard-earned savings of ordinary non-Taliban Afghans who put their good faith and trust in the banks of NY.

Around the world, They are silently murmuring, 'But there for the grace of GOD go I'.

And so, right now courtesy of the Ukraine war, there is a stampede against the dollar.

Will the Yuan replace the dollar as a global reserve currency? Let's hope so.

It certainly is possible. 

Oct 24, 2022

President Putin WILL defend the 4 new Russian re-claimed enclaves





These Russian enclaves were part of Russia filled with ethnic Russians until 1922, when the Jewish Bolsheviks and the man in charge of minorities (Non-Russians) in the Politburo, Josef Jugishvili gave them to Ukraine (attached them to Ukraine.) ...........by force, as the local Russians weren't happy about it. Georgian military units are fighting with the Ukie Nazis now.

Then the Jewish Bolsheviks rounded up the Clergy and intellectual class of these enclaves to permanently subjugate them.

The sheer ugliness with which this was done from 1922--1932 by Stalin and the Cheka cannot be imagined. 

By the way, the concept of what it is to be Russian originates in Ukraine and the Swedish branch of the Viking Nordic family. Russian Royalty for that reason often married North Europeans in the Baltic, Norse and Central Europe areas.

The Iranic race of Russia predates this modern identity by 5500 years and the Yamnaya culture. Where they spread into East Asia, Central Asia and of course Europe. The Iranic race obviously is far more consequential than a mere new Russian identity courtesy of Kyiv and the Vikings, and 1000 years. But this ancient sacred identity is not recognised in modern Russian history. In the rare Russian movie where Iranic people are portrayed, they are super war-like, face-painted people who further are often drunk on opiate-based spirits (Soma)....they usually find the error of their primitive steppe ways however and eventually convert to Christianity by the end of the movie.

19th-century European nationalism, which sprung to life after the Napoleanic wars has problems defining the Iranic races....Are they Asian or European? are they white? Are they Christian with Grecko-Roman Judeo-Christian values?

No, no and no.

So what happened to OUR Russian military Mr. Putin?

Nicholas II and his wife, Empress Aleksandra (centre standing), with their four beautiful unmarried daughters and son. The tsar was forced to abdicate in 1917 and he and his family were shot and stabbed ritualistically to death by Bolshevik troops, with possible sexual attacks in a basement in Yekaterinburg, in 1918, before their bodies were doused in acid and dumped into a mine shaft. The Jewish Bolsheviks were brought into power by the Rothschilds of London, with the aid of Jewish NY banks.

Everything was 'fine' in Ukraine as it became bigger under Stalin with land stolen from Hungary, Poland and Romania as a victorious power in 1945, and the Yalta and Potsdam agreements. Then Khruschev the native Ukrainian gave Crimea, again filled with Russians and Tartars to Ukraine illogically in 1954, a year after coming to power and denouncing Stalin. Bit, like adding Mexico to Texas. Under Ukraine's sovereignty, Crimea remained 90% Russian, with the remainder being Tartar.

This is ALL in the context of Jewish power play in former Imperial Russia. Attack and delegitimate the dominant group (White Americans in the USA AS ONE EXAMPLE).

Of the 60 million who died in the Soviet Union under Jewish Bolshevik rule (according to Alexander Solzynetsin) most were ethnic Russians. So very naturally Russian occupied parts would ALSO be given to Ukraine, or Khazakstan even.

TARTARS (Muslim)                       50%

BORATS KAZAKS (Muslims)      30%

The 3 primary groups faced genocide under the Jewish Bolsheviks (1917-1991) % of population loss.

The Soviet UNION COLLAPSES, and Ukraine after 300 years is 'independent' under a string of very corrupt Jewish leaders. One Corrupt Jew after another. Zelensky is the last.

The American Empire stirs the pot and wants Russia dismembered completely, with its $100 trillion worth of minerals. No, live and let live.

The USA, AND INCREDIBLY Jewish people in the State Department with the aid of the CIA (Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee--'Arab Spring Fame') sponsored a violent Nazi coup with Ukrainian cadres trained in Poland, Germany and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. The end justifies the means of Judaism.

Putin is not interested in the Ukraine bait, as he is more focused on looting Russia ($300-$500 BILLION from state coffers divving up another $1 trillion for the 120 criminal Oligarchs in Russia) A Kleptocracy that is not interested in the plight of Russians in Ukraine or 40% of the population. 

But 2 things happen that forces Putin's hand:

1. The Russian Duma after 9 years of low-level genocide of Russians in Ukraine from late 2013, and blood-curdling threats against ALL RUSSIANS FINALLY DECIDE TO ACT. They vote and force Putin to declare the Eastern 2 enclaves of Ukraine as part of Russia.....which generates a Nazi reaction, and the mobilisation of 200,000 forces in the East by Ukraine (The Russians weren't the only ones that mobilised before 24th February )

2. Zelensky goes to the Munich Security Conference in late February and states clearly that he intends to build Nuke weapons from the Soviet Era civilian nuclear infrastructure and expertise (considerable). Nary a word from the IAEA, or ISRAEL, or the USA Empire or anybody else who mattered. However, if you are RUSSIAN IT MATTERS FOR HISTORICAL REASONS, AND THE PLATFORM AND GEOGRAPHY FROM WHERE IT WAS STATED.

The invasion begins a few hours after Zelensky's Munich speech.

1,000,000 NATO and American Empire-sponsored Nazis and civilian militia versus under 150,000 Russian forces. 

Failed state Ukraine is better at mobilisation than Russia, under Putin.

Failed State Ukraine has better military tactics than Russia, under 23 years of Putin's leadership.

OBVIOUSLY, Putin is not going to nuke Russian land or land that is adjacent to Russia. He is not that stupid. Contaminating the most productive fertile soil on earth. Even as a Globalist government.

More likely he will use these weapons with THERMO-BARBARIC SHELLS.


Oct 17, 2022

People Will Be Insane When Food Prices Double Or Triple In The Dark Winter Ahead in the USA





After the mid-terms thank God, but the Biden administration still needs to prepare for the coming Winter, especially for the 50 million Americans who are already food insecure and are at the bottom of American society.

Oct 4, 2022

What happens when you give tax cuts to the rich?




The big Yid, Professor Milton Friedman, the father of DISASTER CAPITALISM, PREDATORY CAPITALISM.

1. Capital flight takes place as the rich send their tax windfall money to the 70 off-shore tax havens run by the Rothschilds of London. The money is taken out of circulation in the economy. There are between $50-70 trillion worth of assets in these tax havens, most of which is from America, where Neo-liberal economics and trickle-down theory originated in the 1960s and Professor Milton Friedman Noble Laureate and the Chicago School of Economics. It was a quasi-ideological capitalist Jewish response to the popularity of Socialism, and state intervention in economic development.

Reaganomics, Monetarism, and Trickle-down economics were loudly promoted by the USA and especially in Diego countries in the American backyard, and also in Ex-Communist block countries and most famously RUSSIA, which for the last 30 years has been a role model of Neo-liberal Capitalism.

Since it is an ideological POLITICAL weapon of the American Empire enforced through subjugated countries by the CIA/State Department, it has been a political and economic disaster, especially in Russia, and the South American countries from Chile to Bolivia.

2. The rich who already have too much capital and money put the new tax windfall extra money in banks, government bonds and fixed assets, ALSO. Again this reduces the circulation of money in the economy.

3. Alternatively, the rich spend the new tax windfall money on egocentric luxury items, which does not do wonders for the economy.....such as bigger yachts, bigger mansions, bigger villas, bigger and better private jets, more expensive recreational drugs, bigger parties, more expensive cars, more expensive jewellery.....expenditure on such items isn't going to do great things for the country, and the rest of the 99%.

A $ billion dollar wedding in Moscow, whilst the majority live in relative poverty. Conspicuous hedonistic consumption.

Such EGO CENTRIC expenditure and hedonistic indulgence will not do wonders for the country, after TAX CUTS for the rich. This is what has happened in America.

People Will Go Completely Insane When Energy Prices Triple From Current Levels



