Oct 30, 2022

The Global de-dollarisation MOVEMENT have begun led by the young charismatic leader of Saudi Arabia





In 1945 the USA real PPP GDP represented the undisputed leader of the world at 50% of the global economy.

The American economy was built on a REAL FOUNDATION OF Industry, Infrastructure and technological innovation and engineering. And it was willing to share all this with the world as a wholesome fully confident power and as a beacon of hope to the rest of the world, through lend-lease during the 6-year war, The Marshal Plan and finally massive amounts of aid and loans to all friendly nations around the world ( first time in human history, which also stated that all rich nations in the world should give economic aid to developing countries).

OBVIOUSLY AND NATURALLY with such abundance of REAL goodwill unto all, there was tremendous global reciprocation politically, diplomatically and militarily from the world, including the acceptance of the American way.

The USA embraced the world, and the world embraced the USA voluntarily, mostly. 

WW2 which killed almost 80 million people was not an accident, but one that was organised by the Rothschilds of London and the Jewish bankers of Europe and NY, through the Nazi party of Germany (created by the Abwehr in 1919, and one Adolf Hitler the Hobo of Munich who had failed his Deutchposte job application).

The USA played a pivotal role in enabling this London Rothschilds' wet dream.

As an arsenal of DEMOCRACY, AND FINANCIER OF WAR with the dollar.

The Jew Emile Maurice, Hitlers friend from the beginning of the Party in Munich. The Nazi ideologue WHO co-founded the NOTORIOUS Schutzstaffel (SS) ......aka CIA, CHEKA, NKVDU, KGB.....representing off-the-books Jewish Deep State GLOBALIST power, in a country and around the world (a coalition of the willing). 

The Nazi Party operated as a "Gay Inc.'' CELEBRATING it openly with all the parades and other Butch Gay things, but at the same time denying it viciously by imprisoning 100,000 innocent German harmless CAMPY GAYS (beautiful gays).....JEW Schizophrenia

"a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behaviour that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling."

Putin may be interpreted as CAMPY GAY, as he doesn't do 'MILITARISM' too well like a true Butch Gay.

The USA funded Nazi Germany along with the European Jewish banks to the tune of 100 billion RM FOR REARMAMENT (1933-1945)......Panzer tanks, Focker-Wulf fighter planes and 88 mmm KRUPP artillery. Supplies and raw materials through neutral Sweden and Switzerland.

However, it is now 2022 and the USA has become an odious burdensome Empire, which kills and persecutes poor brown people as its high point, just for the hell of it and for Israel (The idea that the USA exists for Israel only and not even for itself). Such a narrow state is lost to itself and the world.

Globalist Elon Musk and his daily stunts can't save it.

So when it prints money, and more for its PAPER FAKE ECONOMY WITH the guidance of the Federal Reserve, the world no longer celebrates and follows. 

South America rebels first but is beaten into line by the CIA and State Department. Then Iraq, Libya, Iran, and North Korea.

Finally, Russia, which is why there is a WAR by NATO and the American Empire against the country via Failed State puppet Ukraine, even when it didn't complete the task.

20% of Russian FCR was in Dollars

7%  In pound sterling.

The USA Empire has illegally confiscated $300 billion or half of Russia's foreign currency reserves. Rather than chasing the much bigger loot of the 120 Mafia Oligarchs, and Putin $1-2 trillion.

Children in grade 5 put your hand up if you think this action against Russia increases goodwill and trust towards the new American Empire????!!!!!!!! 

The hard-earned savings of ordinary non-Taliban Afghans who put their good faith and trust in the banks of NY.

Around the world, They are silently murmuring, 'But there for the grace of GOD go I'.

And so, right now courtesy of the Ukraine war, there is a stampede against the dollar.

Will the Yuan replace the dollar as a global reserve currency? Let's hope so.

It certainly is possible.