Nov 13, 2021






1. Are there indications that Jacob is one banana short of a full bunch?

2. Is Jacob an inbred spastic product of the Rothschilds family?

3. Has AGE finally pushed Jacob off his rocker, if it hadn't done so earlier?

The big universal question that matters to the WORLD.

(i)  Is the UK run by a spastic Globalist Satanic Jew who is off his rocker?

(ii) Does the UK STATE, under Jacob, operate as an old toothless WHORE that opens its legs as soon as Johnny foreigner flashes a lickle bit of cash?

(iii) Is the City of London, under Jacobs largesse, the most corrupt seedy city on earth?

No, no and no, this cannot be in the land of Shakespeare, CRICKET, cucumber sandwich, Wimbledon with strawberries and cream, high culture, PARLIAMENT (a fRENCH word meaning a place to speak, discuss) polite manners, fair play, Morris dancing, with per capita hour reading of books the highest in the world!

It must the Pakies fault! They are everywhere aren't they these days?

NO, South Asians don't run the UK, Jacob does. The purpose of these Gunga Din mediocre Pakies is to act as FOIL, CARDBOARD CUT OUT FRONTS ......SHOCK ABSORBERS for Jacob as he implements his Satanic policies on the UK, which FAILS the country, and converts it into a fully-fledged Bolshevik security state gulag.

As the situation NATURALLY GETS WORSE due to JACOBS POLICIES.....and so these Pakies will come on television more regularly to explain away the ridiculous policies of Jacob.

Jacob is 1-2-3 because this is what meets his needs, in his dystopian satanic world.