May 17, 2022

My Problem with Donald Trump





Its not what he does with women in his private life--he started off life as a playboy.

Raping women

Fucking his daughter.

Fucking hookers, and cocaine

Are permitted in the USA if you are a billionaire. You get a free pass (This explains American decline)

In the USA billionaires are megastars, who provide solutions to and leadership to society.(ELON MUSK)

The problem is that in the back of his shop, in the inner circle of his administration he gathered a gaggle of strange Jooooooos and Steven Miller. Fringe JOOOOOS that nobody in America would normally vote for---beta males. Not the wholesome Michael Landon good Jew variety---I want to help fellow Americans, especially those down on their luck (Alcoholism, drugs).

The MAIN PROBLEM is his RACIST based Narcissistic Impulsiveness, against Third World developing nations.

This is not a good trait for the President of the USA.

He holds a racist base bias that is deep ( German descent on his father's side)...and he panders to them in his foreign policy.

He is probably Jewish, again on his father's side given the universe he exists in from NY, and the WAY HE TALKS.

That is not a WASP. An Indo-European WASP.

His Salome 'converted' to Judaism, and is married to a Hassidic Orthodox Jew.

He was the best President for Israel in American history (suggesting the USA exists for Israel--an annexe nation, a byline)

Massive unprecedented tax cuts for the rich creating more billionaires, and the trickle-up of wealth. Best buddies of the Donald.

The 2 Care Acts of March 2020, negotiated behind closed doors and Nancy Pelosi.....worth $7 trillion when eventually processed by the Federal Reserve, with a secret list of who gets how much INSIDE AMERICA, and OUTSIDE AMERICA........called the biggest bank heist in American history. EXCUSE ME, FROM WHERE DID THE CURRENT HIGH AMERICAN INFLATION START PRECISELY?

Then the evil red-headed evil George Soros puppet bastard says to naive hopeful Americans--working class, and middle class, 'Don't you worry this COVID-19 thing is a conspiracy, you don't need vaccines or take any precautions.....and you certainly don't need any money from the American government'.

1,000,000 dead.

Maybe some loose change breadcrumbs....

2,000 mile border Wall, and maybe 200 miles actually constructed during 2016-202020, BLAMING LACK OF FUNDS (The 2 Cares Acts!!!!!????? $7 trillion + Nancy Pelosi).....and DNC Nancy Pelosi obstruction. The actual construction is overpriced, probably tendered contracts to construction buddies from his property business days.  

America's wars of choice have killed 10,000,000 PEOPLE in the greater Middle East, and has created 65,000,000 refugees and of course untold suffering and devastation.

The Donald on the orders of Likud Israel wishes to add to that figure.

General Qassem Soleimani.